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470 lines
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470 lines
16 KiB
#include "clapack.h" |
/* Table of constant values */ |
static integer c__0 = 0; |
static real c_b11 = 0.f; |
static real c_b12 = 1.f; |
static integer c__1 = 1; |
static integer c__2 = 2; |
/* Subroutine */ int slasda_(integer *icompq, integer *smlsiz, integer *n, |
integer *sqre, real *d__, real *e, real *u, integer *ldu, real *vt, |
integer *k, real *difl, real *difr, real *z__, real *poles, integer * |
givptr, integer *givcol, integer *ldgcol, integer *perm, real *givnum, |
real *c__, real *s, real *work, integer *iwork, integer *info) |
{ |
/* System generated locals */ |
integer givcol_dim1, givcol_offset, perm_dim1, perm_offset, difl_dim1, |
difl_offset, difr_dim1, difr_offset, givnum_dim1, givnum_offset, |
poles_dim1, poles_offset, u_dim1, u_offset, vt_dim1, vt_offset, |
z_dim1, z_offset, i__1, i__2; |
/* Builtin functions */ |
integer pow_ii(integer *, integer *); |
/* Local variables */ |
integer i__, j, m, i1, ic, lf, nd, ll, nl, vf, nr, vl, im1, ncc, nlf, nrf, |
vfi, iwk, vli, lvl, nru, ndb1, nlp1, lvl2, nrp1; |
real beta; |
integer idxq, nlvl; |
real alpha; |
integer inode, ndiml, ndimr, idxqi, itemp, sqrei; |
extern /* Subroutine */ int scopy_(integer *, real *, integer *, real *, |
integer *), slasd6_(integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, |
real *, real *, real *, real *, real *, integer *, integer *, |
integer *, integer *, integer *, real *, integer *, real *, real * |
, real *, real *, integer *, real *, real *, real *, integer *, |
integer *); |
integer nwork1, nwork2; |
extern /* Subroutine */ int xerbla_(char *, integer *), slasdq_( |
char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, |
real *, real *, real *, integer *, real *, integer *, real *, |
integer *, real *, integer *), slasdt_(integer *, integer |
*, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *), |
slaset_(char *, integer *, integer *, real *, real *, real *, |
integer *); |
integer smlszp; |
/* -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.1) -- */ |
/* Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */ |
/* November 2006 */ |
/* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ |
/* .. */ |
/* .. Array Arguments .. */ |
/* .. */ |
/* Purpose */ |
/* ======= */ |
/* Using a divide and conquer approach, SLASDA computes the singular */ |
/* value decomposition (SVD) of a real upper bidiagonal N-by-M matrix */ |
/* B with diagonal D and offdiagonal E, where M = N + SQRE. The */ |
/* algorithm computes the singular values in the SVD B = U * S * VT. */ |
/* The orthogonal matrices U and VT are optionally computed in */ |
/* compact form. */ |
/* A related subroutine, SLASD0, computes the singular values and */ |
/* the singular vectors in explicit form. */ |
/* Arguments */ |
/* ========= */ |
/* ICOMPQ (input) INTEGER */ |
/* Specifies whether singular vectors are to be computed */ |
/* in compact form, as follows */ |
/* = 0: Compute singular values only. */ |
/* = 1: Compute singular vectors of upper bidiagonal */ |
/* matrix in compact form. */ |
/* SMLSIZ (input) INTEGER */ |
/* The maximum size of the subproblems at the bottom of the */ |
/* computation tree. */ |
/* N (input) INTEGER */ |
/* The row dimension of the upper bidiagonal matrix. This is */ |
/* also the dimension of the main diagonal array D. */ |
/* SQRE (input) INTEGER */ |
/* Specifies the column dimension of the bidiagonal matrix. */ |
/* = 0: The bidiagonal matrix has column dimension M = N; */ |
/* = 1: The bidiagonal matrix has column dimension M = N + 1. */ |
/* D (input/output) REAL array, dimension ( N ) */ |
/* On entry D contains the main diagonal of the bidiagonal */ |
/* matrix. On exit D, if INFO = 0, contains its singular values. */ |
/* E (input) REAL array, dimension ( M-1 ) */ |
/* Contains the subdiagonal entries of the bidiagonal matrix. */ |
/* On exit, E has been destroyed. */ |
/* U (output) REAL array, */ |
/* dimension ( LDU, SMLSIZ ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and not referenced */ |
/* if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, U contains the left */ |
/* singular vector matrices of all subproblems at the bottom */ |
/* level. */ |
/* LDU (input) INTEGER, LDU = > N. */ |
/* The leading dimension of arrays U, VT, DIFL, DIFR, POLES, */ |
/* GIVNUM, and Z. */ |
/* VT (output) REAL array, */ |
/* dimension ( LDU, SMLSIZ+1 ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and not referenced */ |
/* if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, VT' contains the right */ |
/* singular vector matrices of all subproblems at the bottom */ |
/* level. */ |
/* K (output) INTEGER array, dimension ( N ) */ |
/* if ICOMPQ = 1 and dimension 1 if ICOMPQ = 0. */ |
/* If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, K(I) is the dimension of the I-th */ |
/* secular equation on the computation tree. */ |
/* DIFL (output) REAL array, dimension ( LDU, NLVL ), */ |
/* where NLVL = floor(log_2 (N/SMLSIZ))). */ |
/* DIFR (output) REAL array, */ |
/* dimension ( LDU, 2 * NLVL ) if ICOMPQ = 1 and */ |
/* dimension ( N ) if ICOMPQ = 0. */ |
/* If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, DIFL(1:N, I) and DIFR(1:N, 2 * I - 1) */ |
/* record distances between singular values on the I-th */ |
/* level and singular values on the (I -1)-th level, and */ |
/* DIFR(1:N, 2 * I ) contains the normalizing factors for */ |
/* the right singular vector matrix. See SLASD8 for details. */ |
/* Z (output) REAL array, */ |
/* dimension ( LDU, NLVL ) if ICOMPQ = 1 and */ |
/* dimension ( N ) if ICOMPQ = 0. */ |
/* The first K elements of Z(1, I) contain the components of */ |
/* the deflation-adjusted updating row vector for subproblems */ |
/* on the I-th level. */ |
/* POLES (output) REAL array, */ |
/* dimension ( LDU, 2 * NLVL ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and not referenced */ |
/* if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, POLES(1, 2*I - 1) and */ |
/* POLES(1, 2*I) contain the new and old singular values */ |
/* involved in the secular equations on the I-th level. */ |
/* GIVPTR (output) INTEGER array, */ |
/* dimension ( N ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and not referenced if */ |
/* ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, GIVPTR( I ) records */ |
/* the number of Givens rotations performed on the I-th */ |
/* problem on the computation tree. */ |
/* GIVCOL (output) INTEGER array, */ |
/* dimension ( LDGCOL, 2 * NLVL ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and not */ |
/* referenced if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, for each I, */ |
/* GIVCOL(1, 2 *I - 1) and GIVCOL(1, 2 *I) record the locations */ |
/* of Givens rotations performed on the I-th level on the */ |
/* computation tree. */ |
/* LDGCOL (input) INTEGER, LDGCOL = > N. */ |
/* The leading dimension of arrays GIVCOL and PERM. */ |
/* PERM (output) INTEGER array, dimension ( LDGCOL, NLVL ) */ |
/* if ICOMPQ = 1, and not referenced */ |
/* if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, PERM(1, I) records */ |
/* permutations done on the I-th level of the computation tree. */ |
/* GIVNUM (output) REAL array, */ |
/* dimension ( LDU, 2 * NLVL ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and not */ |
/* referenced if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1, on exit, for each I, */ |
/* GIVNUM(1, 2 *I - 1) and GIVNUM(1, 2 *I) record the C- and S- */ |
/* values of Givens rotations performed on the I-th level on */ |
/* the computation tree. */ |
/* C (output) REAL array, */ |
/* dimension ( N ) if ICOMPQ = 1, and dimension 1 if ICOMPQ = 0. */ |
/* If ICOMPQ = 1 and the I-th subproblem is not square, on exit, */ |
/* C( I ) contains the C-value of a Givens rotation related to */ |
/* the right null space of the I-th subproblem. */ |
/* S (output) REAL array, dimension ( N ) if */ |
/* ICOMPQ = 1, and dimension 1 if ICOMPQ = 0. If ICOMPQ = 1 */ |
/* and the I-th subproblem is not square, on exit, S( I ) */ |
/* contains the S-value of a Givens rotation related to */ |
/* the right null space of the I-th subproblem. */ |
/* WORK (workspace) REAL array, dimension */ |
/* (6 * N + (SMLSIZ + 1)*(SMLSIZ + 1)). */ |
/* IWORK (workspace) INTEGER array, dimension (7*N). */ |
/* INFO (output) INTEGER */ |
/* = 0: successful exit. */ |
/* < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. */ |
/* > 0: if INFO = 1, an singular value did not converge */ |
/* Further Details */ |
/* =============== */ |
/* Based on contributions by */ |
/* Ming Gu and Huan Ren, Computer Science Division, University of */ |
/* California at Berkeley, USA */ |
/* ===================================================================== */ |
/* .. Parameters .. */ |
/* .. */ |
/* .. Local Scalars .. */ |
/* .. */ |
/* .. External Subroutines .. */ |
/* .. */ |
/* .. Executable Statements .. */ |
/* Test the input parameters. */ |
/* Parameter adjustments */ |
--d__; |
--e; |
givnum_dim1 = *ldu; |
givnum_offset = 1 + givnum_dim1; |
givnum -= givnum_offset; |
poles_dim1 = *ldu; |
poles_offset = 1 + poles_dim1; |
poles -= poles_offset; |
z_dim1 = *ldu; |
z_offset = 1 + z_dim1; |
z__ -= z_offset; |
difr_dim1 = *ldu; |
difr_offset = 1 + difr_dim1; |
difr -= difr_offset; |
difl_dim1 = *ldu; |
difl_offset = 1 + difl_dim1; |
difl -= difl_offset; |
vt_dim1 = *ldu; |
vt_offset = 1 + vt_dim1; |
vt -= vt_offset; |
u_dim1 = *ldu; |
u_offset = 1 + u_dim1; |
u -= u_offset; |
--k; |
--givptr; |
perm_dim1 = *ldgcol; |
perm_offset = 1 + perm_dim1; |
perm -= perm_offset; |
givcol_dim1 = *ldgcol; |
givcol_offset = 1 + givcol_dim1; |
givcol -= givcol_offset; |
--c__; |
--s; |
--work; |
--iwork; |
/* Function Body */ |
*info = 0; |
if (*icompq < 0 || *icompq > 1) { |
*info = -1; |
} else if (*smlsiz < 3) { |
*info = -2; |
} else if (*n < 0) { |
*info = -3; |
} else if (*sqre < 0 || *sqre > 1) { |
*info = -4; |
} else if (*ldu < *n + *sqre) { |
*info = -8; |
} else if (*ldgcol < *n) { |
*info = -17; |
} |
if (*info != 0) { |
i__1 = -(*info); |
xerbla_("SLASDA", &i__1); |
return 0; |
} |
m = *n + *sqre; |
/* If the input matrix is too small, call SLASDQ to find the SVD. */ |
if (*n <= *smlsiz) { |
if (*icompq == 0) { |
slasdq_("U", sqre, n, &c__0, &c__0, &c__0, &d__[1], &e[1], &vt[ |
vt_offset], ldu, &u[u_offset], ldu, &u[u_offset], ldu, & |
work[1], info); |
} else { |
slasdq_("U", sqre, n, &m, n, &c__0, &d__[1], &e[1], &vt[vt_offset] |
, ldu, &u[u_offset], ldu, &u[u_offset], ldu, &work[1], |
info); |
} |
return 0; |
} |
/* Book-keeping and set up the computation tree. */ |
inode = 1; |
ndiml = inode + *n; |
ndimr = ndiml + *n; |
idxq = ndimr + *n; |
iwk = idxq + *n; |
ncc = 0; |
nru = 0; |
smlszp = *smlsiz + 1; |
vf = 1; |
vl = vf + m; |
nwork1 = vl + m; |
nwork2 = nwork1 + smlszp * smlszp; |
slasdt_(n, &nlvl, &nd, &iwork[inode], &iwork[ndiml], &iwork[ndimr], |
smlsiz); |
/* for the nodes on bottom level of the tree, solve */ |
/* their subproblems by SLASDQ. */ |
ndb1 = (nd + 1) / 2; |
i__1 = nd; |
for (i__ = ndb1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { |
/* IC : center row of each node */ |
/* NL : number of rows of left subproblem */ |
/* NR : number of rows of right subproblem */ |
/* NLF: starting row of the left subproblem */ |
/* NRF: starting row of the right subproblem */ |
i1 = i__ - 1; |
ic = iwork[inode + i1]; |
nl = iwork[ndiml + i1]; |
nlp1 = nl + 1; |
nr = iwork[ndimr + i1]; |
nlf = ic - nl; |
nrf = ic + 1; |
idxqi = idxq + nlf - 2; |
vfi = vf + nlf - 1; |
vli = vl + nlf - 1; |
sqrei = 1; |
if (*icompq == 0) { |
slaset_("A", &nlp1, &nlp1, &c_b11, &c_b12, &work[nwork1], &smlszp); |
slasdq_("U", &sqrei, &nl, &nlp1, &nru, &ncc, &d__[nlf], &e[nlf], & |
work[nwork1], &smlszp, &work[nwork2], &nl, &work[nwork2], |
&nl, &work[nwork2], info); |
itemp = nwork1 + nl * smlszp; |
scopy_(&nlp1, &work[nwork1], &c__1, &work[vfi], &c__1); |
scopy_(&nlp1, &work[itemp], &c__1, &work[vli], &c__1); |
} else { |
slaset_("A", &nl, &nl, &c_b11, &c_b12, &u[nlf + u_dim1], ldu); |
slaset_("A", &nlp1, &nlp1, &c_b11, &c_b12, &vt[nlf + vt_dim1], |
ldu); |
slasdq_("U", &sqrei, &nl, &nlp1, &nl, &ncc, &d__[nlf], &e[nlf], & |
vt[nlf + vt_dim1], ldu, &u[nlf + u_dim1], ldu, &u[nlf + |
u_dim1], ldu, &work[nwork1], info); |
scopy_(&nlp1, &vt[nlf + vt_dim1], &c__1, &work[vfi], &c__1); |
scopy_(&nlp1, &vt[nlf + nlp1 * vt_dim1], &c__1, &work[vli], &c__1) |
; |
} |
if (*info != 0) { |
return 0; |
} |
i__2 = nl; |
for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) { |
iwork[idxqi + j] = j; |
/* L10: */ |
} |
if (i__ == nd && *sqre == 0) { |
sqrei = 0; |
} else { |
sqrei = 1; |
} |
idxqi += nlp1; |
vfi += nlp1; |
vli += nlp1; |
nrp1 = nr + sqrei; |
if (*icompq == 0) { |
slaset_("A", &nrp1, &nrp1, &c_b11, &c_b12, &work[nwork1], &smlszp); |
slasdq_("U", &sqrei, &nr, &nrp1, &nru, &ncc, &d__[nrf], &e[nrf], & |
work[nwork1], &smlszp, &work[nwork2], &nr, &work[nwork2], |
&nr, &work[nwork2], info); |
itemp = nwork1 + (nrp1 - 1) * smlszp; |
scopy_(&nrp1, &work[nwork1], &c__1, &work[vfi], &c__1); |
scopy_(&nrp1, &work[itemp], &c__1, &work[vli], &c__1); |
} else { |
slaset_("A", &nr, &nr, &c_b11, &c_b12, &u[nrf + u_dim1], ldu); |
slaset_("A", &nrp1, &nrp1, &c_b11, &c_b12, &vt[nrf + vt_dim1], |
ldu); |
slasdq_("U", &sqrei, &nr, &nrp1, &nr, &ncc, &d__[nrf], &e[nrf], & |
vt[nrf + vt_dim1], ldu, &u[nrf + u_dim1], ldu, &u[nrf + |
u_dim1], ldu, &work[nwork1], info); |
scopy_(&nrp1, &vt[nrf + vt_dim1], &c__1, &work[vfi], &c__1); |
scopy_(&nrp1, &vt[nrf + nrp1 * vt_dim1], &c__1, &work[vli], &c__1) |
; |
} |
if (*info != 0) { |
return 0; |
} |
i__2 = nr; |
for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) { |
iwork[idxqi + j] = j; |
/* L20: */ |
} |
/* L30: */ |
} |
/* Now conquer each subproblem bottom-up. */ |
j = pow_ii(&c__2, &nlvl); |
for (lvl = nlvl; lvl >= 1; --lvl) { |
lvl2 = (lvl << 1) - 1; |
/* Find the first node LF and last node LL on */ |
/* the current level LVL. */ |
if (lvl == 1) { |
lf = 1; |
ll = 1; |
} else { |
i__1 = lvl - 1; |
lf = pow_ii(&c__2, &i__1); |
ll = (lf << 1) - 1; |
} |
i__1 = ll; |
for (i__ = lf; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { |
im1 = i__ - 1; |
ic = iwork[inode + im1]; |
nl = iwork[ndiml + im1]; |
nr = iwork[ndimr + im1]; |
nlf = ic - nl; |
nrf = ic + 1; |
if (i__ == ll) { |
sqrei = *sqre; |
} else { |
sqrei = 1; |
} |
vfi = vf + nlf - 1; |
vli = vl + nlf - 1; |
idxqi = idxq + nlf - 1; |
alpha = d__[ic]; |
beta = e[ic]; |
if (*icompq == 0) { |
slasd6_(icompq, &nl, &nr, &sqrei, &d__[nlf], &work[vfi], & |
work[vli], &alpha, &beta, &iwork[idxqi], &perm[ |
perm_offset], &givptr[1], &givcol[givcol_offset], |
ldgcol, &givnum[givnum_offset], ldu, &poles[ |
poles_offset], &difl[difl_offset], &difr[difr_offset], |
&z__[z_offset], &k[1], &c__[1], &s[1], &work[nwork1], |
&iwork[iwk], info); |
} else { |
--j; |
slasd6_(icompq, &nl, &nr, &sqrei, &d__[nlf], &work[vfi], & |
work[vli], &alpha, &beta, &iwork[idxqi], &perm[nlf + |
lvl * perm_dim1], &givptr[j], &givcol[nlf + lvl2 * |
givcol_dim1], ldgcol, &givnum[nlf + lvl2 * |
givnum_dim1], ldu, &poles[nlf + lvl2 * poles_dim1], & |
difl[nlf + lvl * difl_dim1], &difr[nlf + lvl2 * |
difr_dim1], &z__[nlf + lvl * z_dim1], &k[j], &c__[j], |
&s[j], &work[nwork1], &iwork[iwk], info); |
} |
if (*info != 0) { |
return 0; |
} |
/* L40: */ |
} |
/* L50: */ |
} |
return 0; |
/* End of SLASDA */ |
} /* slasda_ */