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Open Source Computer Vision Library
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3677 lines
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# svgfig.py copyright (C) 2008 Jim Pivarski <jpivarski@gmail.com> |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
# |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# GNU General Public License for more details. |
# |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA |
# |
# Full licence is in the file COPYING and at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html |
import re, codecs, os, platform, copy, itertools, math, cmath, random, sys, copy |
_epsilon = 1e-5 |
if sys.version_info >= (3,0): |
long = int |
basestring = (str,bytes) |
# Fix Python 2.x. |
try: |
UNICODE_EXISTS = bool(type(unicode)) |
except NameError: |
unicode = lambda s: str(s) |
if re.search("windows", platform.system(), re.I): |
try: |
import _winreg |
_default_directory = _winreg.QueryValueEx(_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, |
r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\Shell Folders"), "Desktop")[0] |
# tmpdir = _winreg.QueryValueEx(_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Environment"), "TEMP")[0] |
# if tmpdir[0:13] != "%USERPROFILE%": |
# tmpdir = os.path.expanduser("~") + tmpdir[13:] |
except: |
_default_directory = os.path.expanduser("~") + os.sep + "Desktop" |
_default_fileName = "tmp.svg" |
_hacks = {} |
_hacks["inkscape-text-vertical-shift"] = False |
def rgb(r, g, b, maximum=1.): |
"""Create an SVG color string "#xxyyzz" from r, g, and b. |
r,g,b = 0 is black and r,g,b = maximum is white. |
""" |
return "#%02x%02x%02x" % (max(0, min(r*255./maximum, 255)), |
max(0, min(g*255./maximum, 255)), |
max(0, min(b*255./maximum, 255))) |
def attr_preprocess(attr): |
attrCopy = attr.copy() |
for name in attr.keys(): |
name_colon = re.sub("__", ":", name) |
if name_colon != name: |
attrCopy[name_colon] = attrCopy[name] |
del attrCopy[name] |
name = name_colon |
name_dash = re.sub("_", "-", name) |
if name_dash != name: |
attrCopy[name_dash] = attrCopy[name] |
del attrCopy[name] |
name = name_dash |
return attrCopy |
class SVG: |
"""A tree representation of an SVG image or image fragment. |
SVG(t, sub, sub, sub..., attribute=value) |
t required SVG type name |
sub optional list nested SVG elements or text/Unicode |
attribute=value pairs optional keywords SVG attributes |
In attribute names, "__" becomes ":" and "_" becomes "-". |
SVG in XML |
<g id="mygroup" fill="blue"> |
<rect x="1" y="1" width="2" height="2" /> |
<rect x="3" y="3" width="2" height="2" /> |
</g> |
SVG in Python |
>>> svg = SVG("g", SVG("rect", x=1, y=1, width=2, height=2), \ |
... SVG("rect", x=3, y=3, width=2, height=2), \ |
... id="mygroup", fill="blue") |
Sub-elements and attributes may be accessed through tree-indexing: |
>>> svg = SVG("text", SVG("tspan", "hello there"), stroke="none", fill="black") |
>>> svg[0] |
<tspan (1 sub) /> |
>>> svg[0, 0] |
'hello there' |
>>> svg["fill"] |
'black' |
Iteration is depth-first: |
>>> svg = SVG("g", SVG("g", SVG("line", x1=0, y1=0, x2=1, y2=1)), \ |
... SVG("text", SVG("tspan", "hello again"))) |
... |
>>> for ti, s in svg: |
... print ti, repr(s) |
... |
(0,) <g (1 sub) /> |
(0, 0) <line x2=1 y1=0 x1=0 y2=1 /> |
(0, 0, 'x2') 1 |
(0, 0, 'y1') 0 |
(0, 0, 'x1') 0 |
(0, 0, 'y2') 1 |
(1,) <text (1 sub) /> |
(1, 0) <tspan (1 sub) /> |
(1, 0, 0) 'hello again' |
Use "print" to navigate: |
>>> print svg |
None <g (2 sub) /> |
[0] <g (1 sub) /> |
[0, 0] <line x2=1 y1=0 x1=0 y2=1 /> |
[1] <text (1 sub) /> |
[1, 0] <tspan (1 sub) /> |
""" |
def __init__(self, *t_sub, **attr): |
if len(t_sub) == 0: |
raise TypeError( "SVG element must have a t (SVG type)") |
# first argument is t (SVG type) |
self.t = t_sub[0] |
# the rest are sub-elements |
self.sub = list(t_sub[1:]) |
# keyword arguments are attributes |
# need to preprocess to handle differences between SVG and Python syntax |
self.attr = attr_preprocess(attr) |
def __getitem__(self, ti): |
"""Index is a list that descends tree, returning a sub-element if |
it ends with a number and an attribute if it ends with a string.""" |
obj = self |
if isinstance(ti, (list, tuple)): |
for i in ti[:-1]: |
obj = obj[i] |
ti = ti[-1] |
if isinstance(ti, (int, long, slice)): |
return obj.sub[ti] |
else: |
return obj.attr[ti] |
def __setitem__(self, ti, value): |
"""Index is a list that descends tree, returning a sub-element if |
it ends with a number and an attribute if it ends with a string.""" |
obj = self |
if isinstance(ti, (list, tuple)): |
for i in ti[:-1]: |
obj = obj[i] |
ti = ti[-1] |
if isinstance(ti, (int, long, slice)): |
obj.sub[ti] = value |
else: |
obj.attr[ti] = value |
def __delitem__(self, ti): |
"""Index is a list that descends tree, returning a sub-element if |
it ends with a number and an attribute if it ends with a string.""" |
obj = self |
if isinstance(ti, (list, tuple)): |
for i in ti[:-1]: |
obj = obj[i] |
ti = ti[-1] |
if isinstance(ti, (int, long, slice)): |
del obj.sub[ti] |
else: |
del obj.attr[ti] |
def __contains__(self, value): |
"""x in svg == True iff x is an attribute in svg.""" |
return value in self.attr |
def __eq__(self, other): |
"""x == y iff x represents the same SVG as y.""" |
if id(self) == id(other): |
return True |
return (isinstance(other, SVG) and |
self.t == other.t and self.sub == other.sub and self.attr == other.attr) |
def __ne__(self, other): |
"""x != y iff x does not represent the same SVG as y.""" |
return not (self == other) |
def append(self, x): |
"""Appends x to the list of sub-elements (drawn last, overlaps |
other primitives).""" |
self.sub.append(x) |
def prepend(self, x): |
"""Prepends x to the list of sub-elements (drawn first may be |
overlapped by other primitives).""" |
self.sub[0:0] = [x] |
def extend(self, x): |
"""Extends list of sub-elements by a list x.""" |
self.sub.extend(x) |
def clone(self, shallow=False): |
"""Deep copy of SVG tree. Set shallow=True for a shallow copy.""" |
if shallow: |
return copy.copy(self) |
else: |
return copy.deepcopy(self) |
### nested class |
class SVGDepthIterator: |
"""Manages SVG iteration.""" |
def __init__(self, svg, ti, depth_limit): |
self.svg = svg |
self.ti = ti |
self.shown = False |
self.depth_limit = depth_limit |
def __iter__(self): |
return self |
def next(self): |
if not self.shown: |
self.shown = True |
if self.ti != (): |
return self.ti, self.svg |
if not isinstance(self.svg, SVG): |
raise StopIteration |
if self.depth_limit is not None and len(self.ti) >= self.depth_limit: |
raise StopIteration |
if "iterators" not in self.__dict__: |
self.iterators = [] |
for i, s in enumerate(self.svg.sub): |
self.iterators.append(self.__class__(s, self.ti + (i,), self.depth_limit)) |
for k, s in self.svg.attr.items(): |
self.iterators.append(self.__class__(s, self.ti + (k,), self.depth_limit)) |
self.iterators = itertools.chain(*self.iterators) |
return self.iterators.next() |
### end nested class |
def depth_first(self, depth_limit=None): |
"""Returns a depth-first generator over the SVG. If depth_limit |
is a number, stop recursion at that depth.""" |
return self.SVGDepthIterator(self, (), depth_limit) |
def breadth_first(self, depth_limit=None): |
"""Not implemented yet. Any ideas on how to do it? |
Returns a breadth-first generator over the SVG. If depth_limit |
is a number, stop recursion at that depth.""" |
raise NotImplementedError( "Got an algorithm for breadth-first searching a tree without effectively copying the tree?") |
def __iter__(self): |
return self.depth_first() |
def items(self, sub=True, attr=True, text=True): |
"""Get a recursively-generated list of tree-index, sub-element/attribute pairs. |
If sub == False, do not show sub-elements. |
If attr == False, do not show attributes. |
If text == False, do not show text/Unicode sub-elements. |
""" |
output = [] |
for ti, s in self: |
show = False |
if isinstance(ti[-1], (int, long)): |
if isinstance(s, basestring): |
show = text |
else: |
show = sub |
else: |
show = attr |
if show: |
output.append((ti, s)) |
return output |
def keys(self, sub=True, attr=True, text=True): |
"""Get a recursively-generated list of tree-indexes. |
If sub == False, do not show sub-elements. |
If attr == False, do not show attributes. |
If text == False, do not show text/Unicode sub-elements. |
""" |
return [ti for ti, s in self.items(sub, attr, text)] |
def values(self, sub=True, attr=True, text=True): |
"""Get a recursively-generated list of sub-elements and attributes. |
If sub == False, do not show sub-elements. |
If attr == False, do not show attributes. |
If text == False, do not show text/Unicode sub-elements. |
""" |
return [s for ti, s in self.items(sub, attr, text)] |
def __repr__(self): |
return self.xml(depth_limit=0) |
def __str__(self): |
"""Print (actually, return a string of) the tree in a form useful for browsing.""" |
return self.tree(sub=True, attr=False, text=False) |
def tree(self, depth_limit=None, sub=True, attr=True, text=True, tree_width=20, obj_width=80): |
"""Print (actually, return a string of) the tree in a form useful for browsing. |
If depth_limit == a number, stop recursion at that depth. |
If sub == False, do not show sub-elements. |
If attr == False, do not show attributes. |
If text == False, do not show text/Unicode sub-elements. |
tree_width is the number of characters reserved for printing tree indexes. |
obj_width is the number of characters reserved for printing sub-elements/attributes. |
""" |
output = [] |
line = "%s %s" % (("%%-%ds" % tree_width) % repr(None), |
("%%-%ds" % obj_width) % (repr(self))[0:obj_width]) |
output.append(line) |
for ti, s in self.depth_first(depth_limit): |
show = False |
if isinstance(ti[-1], (int, long)): |
if isinstance(s, basestring): |
show = text |
else: |
show = sub |
else: |
show = attr |
if show: |
line = "%s %s" % (("%%-%ds" % tree_width) % repr(list(ti)), |
("%%-%ds" % obj_width) % (" "*len(ti) + repr(s))[0:obj_width]) |
output.append(line) |
return "\n".join(output) |
def xml(self, indent=u" ", newl=u"\n", depth_limit=None, depth=0): |
"""Get an XML representation of the SVG. |
indent string used for indenting |
newl string used for newlines |
If depth_limit == a number, stop recursion at that depth. |
depth starting depth (not useful for users) |
print svg.xml() |
""" |
attrstr = [] |
for n, v in self.attr.items(): |
if isinstance(v, dict): |
v = u"; ".join([u"%s:%s" % (ni, vi) for ni, vi in v.items()]) |
elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): |
v = u", ".join(v) |
attrstr.append(u" %s=%s" % (n, repr(v))) |
attrstr = u"".join(attrstr) |
if len(self.sub) == 0: |
return u"%s<%s%s />" % (indent * depth, self.t, attrstr) |
if depth_limit is None or depth_limit > depth: |
substr = [] |
for s in self.sub: |
if isinstance(s, SVG): |
substr.append(s.xml(indent, newl, depth_limit, depth + 1) + newl) |
elif isinstance(s, basestring): |
substr.append(u"%s%s%s" % (indent * (depth + 1), s, newl)) |
else: |
substr.append("%s%s%s" % (indent * (depth + 1), repr(s), newl)) |
substr = u"".join(substr) |
return u"%s<%s%s>%s%s%s</%s>" % (indent * depth, self.t, attrstr, newl, substr, indent * depth, self.t) |
else: |
return u"%s<%s (%d sub)%s />" % (indent * depth, self.t, len(self.sub), attrstr) |
def standalone_xml(self, indent=u" ", newl=u"\n", encoding=u"utf-8"): |
"""Get an XML representation of the SVG that can be saved/rendered. |
indent string used for indenting |
newl string used for newlines |
""" |
if self.t == "svg": |
top = self |
else: |
top = canvas(self) |
return u"""\ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s" standalone="no"?> |
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"> |
""" % encoding + (u"".join(top.__standalone_xml(indent, newl))) # end of return statement |
def __standalone_xml(self, indent, newl): |
output = [u"<%s" % self.t] |
for n, v in self.attr.items(): |
if isinstance(v, dict): |
v = u"; ".join([u"%s:%s" % (ni, vi) for ni, vi in v.items()]) |
elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): |
v = u", ".join(v) |
output.append(u' %s="%s"' % (n, v)) |
if len(self.sub) == 0: |
output.append(u" />%s%s" % (newl, newl)) |
return output |
elif self.t == "text" or self.t == "tspan" or self.t == "style": |
output.append(u">") |
else: |
output.append(u">%s%s" % (newl, newl)) |
for s in self.sub: |
if isinstance(s, SVG): |
output.extend(s.__standalone_xml(indent, newl)) |
else: |
output.append(unicode(s)) |
if self.t == "tspan": |
output.append(u"</%s>" % self.t) |
else: |
output.append(u"</%s>%s%s" % (self.t, newl, newl)) |
return output |
def interpret_fileName(self, fileName=None): |
if fileName is None: |
fileName = _default_fileName |
if re.search("windows", platform.system(), re.I) and not os.path.isabs(fileName): |
fileName = _default_directory + os.sep + fileName |
return fileName |
def save(self, fileName=None, encoding="utf-8", compresslevel=None): |
"""Save to a file for viewing. Note that svg.save() overwrites the file named _default_fileName. |
fileName default=None note that _default_fileName will be overwritten if |
no fileName is specified. If the extension |
is ".svgz" or ".gz", the output will be gzipped |
encoding default="utf-8" file encoding |
compresslevel default=None if a number, the output will be gzipped with that |
compression level (1-9, 1 being fastest and 9 most |
thorough) |
""" |
fileName = self.interpret_fileName(fileName) |
if compresslevel is not None or re.search(r"\.svgz$", fileName, re.I) or re.search(r"\.gz$", fileName, re.I): |
import gzip |
if compresslevel is None: |
f = gzip.GzipFile(fileName, "w") |
else: |
f = gzip.GzipFile(fileName, "w", compresslevel) |
f = codecs.EncodedFile(f, "utf-8", encoding) |
f.write(self.standalone_xml(encoding=encoding)) |
f.close() |
else: |
f = codecs.open(fileName, "w", encoding=encoding) |
f.write(self.standalone_xml(encoding=encoding)) |
f.close() |
def inkview(self, fileName=None, encoding="utf-8"): |
"""View in "inkview", assuming that program is available on your system. |
fileName default=None note that any file named _default_fileName will be |
overwritten if no fileName is specified. If the extension |
is ".svgz" or ".gz", the output will be gzipped |
encoding default="utf-8" file encoding |
""" |
fileName = self.interpret_fileName(fileName) |
self.save(fileName, encoding) |
os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, "inkview", ("inkview", fileName)) |
def inkscape(self, fileName=None, encoding="utf-8"): |
"""View in "inkscape", assuming that program is available on your system. |
fileName default=None note that any file named _default_fileName will be |
overwritten if no fileName is specified. If the extension |
is ".svgz" or ".gz", the output will be gzipped |
encoding default="utf-8" file encoding |
""" |
fileName = self.interpret_fileName(fileName) |
self.save(fileName, encoding) |
os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, "inkscape", ("inkscape", fileName)) |
def firefox(self, fileName=None, encoding="utf-8"): |
"""View in "firefox", assuming that program is available on your system. |
fileName default=None note that any file named _default_fileName will be |
overwritten if no fileName is specified. If the extension |
is ".svgz" or ".gz", the output will be gzipped |
encoding default="utf-8" file encoding |
""" |
fileName = self.interpret_fileName(fileName) |
self.save(fileName, encoding) |
os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, "firefox", ("firefox", fileName)) |
###################################################################### |
_canvas_defaults = {"width": "400px", |
"height": "400px", |
"viewBox": "0 0 100 100", |
"xmlns": "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", |
"xmlns:xlink": "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", |
"version": "1.1", |
"style": {"stroke": "black", |
"fill": "none", |
"stroke-width": "0.5pt", |
"stroke-linejoin": "round", |
"text-anchor": "middle", |
}, |
"font-family": ["Helvetica", "Arial", "FreeSans", "Sans", "sans", "sans-serif"], |
} |
def canvas(*sub, **attr): |
"""Creates a top-level SVG object, allowing the user to control the |
image size and aspect ratio. |
canvas(sub, sub, sub..., attribute=value) |
sub optional list nested SVG elements or text/Unicode |
attribute=value pairs optional keywords SVG attributes |
Default attribute values: |
width "400px" |
height "400px" |
viewBox "0 0 100 100" |
xmlns "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" |
xmlns:xlink "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" |
version "1.1" |
style "stroke:black; fill:none; stroke-width:0.5pt; stroke-linejoin:round; text-anchor:middle" |
font-family "Helvetica,Arial,FreeSans?,Sans,sans,sans-serif" |
""" |
attributes = dict(_canvas_defaults) |
attributes.update(attr) |
if sub is None or sub == (): |
return SVG("svg", **attributes) |
else: |
return SVG("svg", *sub, **attributes) |
def canvas_outline(*sub, **attr): |
"""Same as canvas(), but draws an outline around the drawable area, |
so that you know how close your image is to the edges.""" |
svg = canvas(*sub, **attr) |
match = re.match(r"[, \t]*([0-9e.+\-]+)[, \t]+([0-9e.+\-]+)[, \t]+([0-9e.+\-]+)[, \t]+([0-9e.+\-]+)[, \t]*", svg["viewBox"]) |
if match is None: |
raise ValueError( "canvas viewBox is incorrectly formatted") |
x, y, width, height = [float(x) for x in match.groups()] |
svg.prepend(SVG("rect", x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, stroke="none", fill="cornsilk")) |
svg.append(SVG("rect", x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, stroke="black", fill="none")) |
return svg |
def template(fileName, svg, replaceme="REPLACEME"): |
"""Loads an SVG image from a file, replacing instances of |
<REPLACEME /> with a given svg object. |
fileName required name of the template SVG |
svg required SVG object for replacement |
replaceme default="REPLACEME" fake SVG element to be replaced by the given object |
>>> print load("template.svg") |
None <svg (2 sub) style=u'stroke:black; fill:none; stroke-width:0.5pt; stroke-linejoi |
[0] <rect height=u'100' width=u'100' stroke=u'none' y=u'0' x=u'0' fill=u'yellow' |
[1] <REPLACEME /> |
>>> |
>>> print template("template.svg", SVG("circle", cx=50, cy=50, r=30)) |
None <svg (2 sub) style=u'stroke:black; fill:none; stroke-width:0.5pt; stroke-linejoi |
[0] <rect height=u'100' width=u'100' stroke=u'none' y=u'0' x=u'0' fill=u'yellow' |
[1] <circle cy=50 cx=50 r=30 /> |
""" |
output = load(fileName) |
for ti, s in output: |
if isinstance(s, SVG) and s.t == replaceme: |
output[ti] = svg |
return output |
###################################################################### |
def load(fileName): |
"""Loads an SVG image from a file.""" |
return load_stream(file(fileName)) |
def load_stream(stream): |
"""Loads an SVG image from a stream (can be a string or a file object).""" |
from xml.sax import handler, make_parser |
from xml.sax.handler import feature_namespaces, feature_external_ges, feature_external_pes |
class ContentHandler(handler.ContentHandler): |
def __init__(self): |
self.stack = [] |
self.output = None |
self.all_whitespace = re.compile(r"^\s*$") |
def startElement(self, name, attr): |
s = SVG(name) |
s.attr = dict(attr.items()) |
if len(self.stack) > 0: |
last = self.stack[-1] |
last.sub.append(s) |
self.stack.append(s) |
def characters(self, ch): |
if not isinstance(ch, basestring) or self.all_whitespace.match(ch) is None: |
if len(self.stack) > 0: |
last = self.stack[-1] |
if len(last.sub) > 0 and isinstance(last.sub[-1], basestring): |
last.sub[-1] = last.sub[-1] + "\n" + ch |
else: |
last.sub.append(ch) |
def endElement(self, name): |
if len(self.stack) > 0: |
last = self.stack[-1] |
if (isinstance(last, SVG) and last.t == "style" and |
"type" in last.attr and last.attr["type"] == "text/css" and |
len(last.sub) == 1 and isinstance(last.sub[0], basestring)): |
last.sub[0] = "<![CDATA[\n" + last.sub[0] + "]]>" |
self.output = self.stack.pop() |
ch = ContentHandler() |
parser = make_parser() |
parser.setContentHandler(ch) |
parser.setFeature(feature_namespaces, 0) |
parser.setFeature(feature_external_ges, 0) |
parser.parse(stream) |
return ch.output |
###################################################################### |
def set_func_name(f, name): |
"""try to patch the function name string into a function object""" |
try: |
f.func_name = name |
except TypeError: |
# py 2.3 raises: TypeError: readonly attribute |
pass |
def totrans(expr, vars=("x", "y"), globals=None, locals=None): |
"""Converts to a coordinate transformation (a function that accepts |
two arguments and returns two values). |
expr required a string expression or a function |
of two real or one complex value |
vars default=("x", "y") independent variable names; a singleton |
("z",) is interpreted as complex |
globals default=None dict of global variables |
locals default=None dict of local variables |
""" |
if locals is None: |
locals = {} # python 2.3's eval() won't accept None |
if callable(expr): |
if expr.func_code.co_argcount == 2: |
return expr |
elif expr.func_code.co_argcount == 1: |
split = lambda z: (z.real, z.imag) |
output = lambda x, y: split(expr(x + y*1j)) |
set_func_name(output, expr.func_name) |
return output |
else: |
raise TypeError( "must be a function of 2 or 1 variables") |
if len(vars) == 2: |
g = math.__dict__ |
if globals is not None: |
g.update(globals) |
output = eval("lambda %s, %s: (%s)" % (vars[0], vars[1], expr), g, locals) |
set_func_name(output, "%s,%s -> %s" % (vars[0], vars[1], expr)) |
return output |
elif len(vars) == 1: |
g = cmath.__dict__ |
if globals is not None: |
g.update(globals) |
output = eval("lambda %s: (%s)" % (vars[0], expr), g, locals) |
split = lambda z: (z.real, z.imag) |
output2 = lambda x, y: split(output(x + y*1j)) |
set_func_name(output2, "%s -> %s" % (vars[0], expr)) |
return output2 |
else: |
raise TypeError( "vars must have 2 or 1 elements") |
def window(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, x=0, y=0, width=100, height=100, |
xlogbase=None, ylogbase=None, minusInfinity=-1000, flipx=False, flipy=True): |
"""Creates and returns a coordinate transformation (a function that |
accepts two arguments and returns two values) that transforms from |
(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax) |
to |
(x, y), (x + width, y + height). |
xlogbase, ylogbase default=None, None if a number, transform |
logarithmically with given base |
minusInfinity default=-1000 what to return if |
log(0 or negative) is attempted |
flipx default=False if true, reverse the direction of x |
flipy default=True if true, reverse the direction of y |
(When composing windows, be sure to set flipy=False.) |
""" |
if flipx: |
ox1 = x + width |
ox2 = x |
else: |
ox1 = x |
ox2 = x + width |
if flipy: |
oy1 = y + height |
oy2 = y |
else: |
oy1 = y |
oy2 = y + height |
ix1 = xmin |
iy1 = ymin |
ix2 = xmax |
iy2 = ymax |
if xlogbase is not None and (ix1 <= 0. or ix2 <= 0.): |
raise ValueError ("x range incompatible with log scaling: (%g, %g)" % (ix1, ix2)) |
if ylogbase is not None and (iy1 <= 0. or iy2 <= 0.): |
raise ValueError ("y range incompatible with log scaling: (%g, %g)" % (iy1, iy2)) |
def maybelog(t, it1, it2, ot1, ot2, logbase): |
if t <= 0.: |
return minusInfinity |
else: |
return ot1 + 1.*(math.log(t, logbase) - math.log(it1, logbase))/(math.log(it2, logbase) - math.log(it1, logbase)) * (ot2 - ot1) |
xlogstr, ylogstr = "", "" |
if xlogbase is None: |
xfunc = lambda x: ox1 + 1.*(x - ix1)/(ix2 - ix1) * (ox2 - ox1) |
else: |
xfunc = lambda x: maybelog(x, ix1, ix2, ox1, ox2, xlogbase) |
xlogstr = " xlog=%g" % xlogbase |
if ylogbase is None: |
yfunc = lambda y: oy1 + 1.*(y - iy1)/(iy2 - iy1) * (oy2 - oy1) |
else: |
yfunc = lambda y: maybelog(y, iy1, iy2, oy1, oy2, ylogbase) |
ylogstr = " ylog=%g" % ylogbase |
output = lambda x, y: (xfunc(x), yfunc(y)) |
set_func_name(output, "(%g, %g), (%g, %g) -> (%g, %g), (%g, %g)%s%s" % ( |
ix1, ix2, iy1, iy2, ox1, ox2, oy1, oy2, xlogstr, ylogstr)) |
return output |
def rotate(angle, cx=0, cy=0): |
"""Creates and returns a coordinate transformation which rotates |
around (cx,cy) by "angle" degrees.""" |
angle *= math.pi/180. |
return lambda x, y: (cx + math.cos(angle)*(x - cx) - math.sin(angle)*(y - cy), cy + math.sin(angle)*(x - cx) + math.cos(angle)*(y - cy)) |
class Fig: |
"""Stores graphics primitive objects and applies a single coordinate |
transformation to them. To compose coordinate systems, nest Fig |
objects. |
Fig(obj, obj, obj..., trans=function) |
obj optional list a list of drawing primitives |
trans default=None a coordinate transformation function |
>>> fig = Fig(Line(0,0,1,1), Rect(0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8), trans="2*x, 2*y") |
>>> print fig.SVG().xml() |
<g> |
<path d='M0 0L2 2' /> |
<path d='M0.4 0.4L1.6 0.4ZL1.6 1.6ZL0.4 1.6ZL0.4 0.4ZZ' /> |
</g> |
>>> print Fig(fig, trans="x/2., y/2.").SVG().xml() |
<g> |
<path d='M0 0L1 1' /> |
<path d='M0.2 0.2L0.8 0.2ZL0.8 0.8ZL0.2 0.8ZL0.2 0.2ZZ' /> |
</g> |
""" |
def __repr__(self): |
if self.trans is None: |
return "<Fig (%d items)>" % len(self.d) |
elif isinstance(self.trans, basestring): |
return "<Fig (%d items) x,y -> %s>" % (len(self.d), self.trans) |
else: |
return "<Fig (%d items) %s>" % (len(self.d), self.trans.func_name) |
def __init__(self, *d, **kwds): |
self.d = list(d) |
defaults = {"trans": None, } |
defaults.update(kwds) |
kwds = defaults |
self.trans = kwds["trans"]; del kwds["trans"] |
if len(kwds) != 0: |
raise TypeError ("Fig() got unexpected keyword arguments %s" % kwds.keys()) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object. |
Coordinate transformations in nested Figs will be composed. |
""" |
if trans is None: |
trans = self.trans |
if isinstance(trans, basestring): |
trans = totrans(trans) |
output = SVG("g") |
for s in self.d: |
if isinstance(s, SVG): |
output.append(s) |
elif isinstance(s, Fig): |
strans = s.trans |
if isinstance(strans, basestring): |
strans = totrans(strans) |
if trans is None: |
subtrans = strans |
elif strans is None: |
subtrans = trans |
else: |
subtrans = lambda x, y: trans(*strans(x, y)) |
output.sub += s.SVG(subtrans).sub |
elif s is None: |
pass |
else: |
output.append(s.SVG(trans)) |
return output |
class Plot: |
"""Acts like Fig, but draws a coordinate axis. You also need to supply plot ranges. |
Plot(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, obj, obj, obj..., keyword options...) |
xmin, xmax required minimum and maximum x values (in the objs' coordinates) |
ymin, ymax required minimum and maximum y values (in the objs' coordinates) |
obj optional list drawing primitives |
keyword options keyword list options defined below |
The following are keyword options, with their default values: |
trans None transformation function |
x, y 5, 5 upper-left corner of the Plot in SVG coordinates |
width, height 90, 90 width and height of the Plot in SVG coordinates |
flipx, flipy False, True flip the sign of the coordinate axis |
minusInfinity -1000 if an axis is logarithmic and an object is plotted at 0 or |
a negative value, -1000 will be used as a stand-in for NaN |
atx, aty 0, 0 the place where the coordinate axes cross |
xticks -10 request ticks according to the standard tick specification |
(see help(Ticks)) |
xminiticks True request miniticks according to the standard minitick |
specification |
xlabels True request tick labels according to the standard tick label |
specification |
xlogbase None if a number, the axis and transformation are logarithmic |
with ticks at the given base (10 being the most common) |
(same for y) |
arrows None if a new identifier, create arrow markers and draw them |
at the ends of the coordinate axes |
text_attr {} a dictionary of attributes for label text |
axis_attr {} a dictionary of attributes for the axis lines |
""" |
def __repr__(self): |
if self.trans is None: |
return "<Plot (%d items)>" % len(self.d) |
else: |
return "<Plot (%d items) %s>" % (len(self.d), self.trans.func_name) |
def __init__(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, *d, **kwds): |
self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax |
self.d = list(d) |
defaults = {"trans": None, |
"x": 5, "y": 5, "width": 90, "height": 90, |
"flipx": False, "flipy": True, |
"minusInfinity": -1000, |
"atx": 0, "xticks": -10, "xminiticks": True, "xlabels": True, "xlogbase": None, |
"aty": 0, "yticks": -10, "yminiticks": True, "ylabels": True, "ylogbase": None, |
"arrows": None, |
"text_attr": {}, "axis_attr": {}, |
} |
defaults.update(kwds) |
kwds = defaults |
self.trans = kwds["trans"]; del kwds["trans"] |
self.x = kwds["x"]; del kwds["x"] |
self.y = kwds["y"]; del kwds["y"] |
self.width = kwds["width"]; del kwds["width"] |
self.height = kwds["height"]; del kwds["height"] |
self.flipx = kwds["flipx"]; del kwds["flipx"] |
self.flipy = kwds["flipy"]; del kwds["flipy"] |
self.minusInfinity = kwds["minusInfinity"]; del kwds["minusInfinity"] |
self.atx = kwds["atx"]; del kwds["atx"] |
self.xticks = kwds["xticks"]; del kwds["xticks"] |
self.xminiticks = kwds["xminiticks"]; del kwds["xminiticks"] |
self.xlabels = kwds["xlabels"]; del kwds["xlabels"] |
self.xlogbase = kwds["xlogbase"]; del kwds["xlogbase"] |
self.aty = kwds["aty"]; del kwds["aty"] |
self.yticks = kwds["yticks"]; del kwds["yticks"] |
self.yminiticks = kwds["yminiticks"]; del kwds["yminiticks"] |
self.ylabels = kwds["ylabels"]; del kwds["ylabels"] |
self.ylogbase = kwds["ylogbase"]; del kwds["ylogbase"] |
self.arrows = kwds["arrows"]; del kwds["arrows"] |
self.text_attr = kwds["text_attr"]; del kwds["text_attr"] |
self.axis_attr = kwds["axis_attr"]; del kwds["axis_attr"] |
if len(kwds) != 0: |
raise TypeError ("Plot() got unexpected keyword arguments %s" % kwds.keys()) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
if trans is None: |
trans = self.trans |
if isinstance(trans, basestring): |
trans = totrans(trans) |
self.last_window = window(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax, |
x=self.x, y=self.y, width=self.width, height=self.height, |
xlogbase=self.xlogbase, ylogbase=self.ylogbase, |
minusInfinity=self.minusInfinity, flipx=self.flipx, flipy=self.flipy) |
d = ([Axes(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax, self.atx, self.aty, |
self.xticks, self.xminiticks, self.xlabels, self.xlogbase, |
self.yticks, self.yminiticks, self.ylabels, self.ylogbase, |
self.arrows, self.text_attr, **self.axis_attr)] |
+ self.d) |
return Fig(Fig(*d, **{"trans": trans})).SVG(self.last_window) |
class Frame: |
text_defaults = {"stroke": "none", "fill": "black", "font-size": 5, } |
axis_defaults = {} |
tick_length = 1.5 |
minitick_length = 0.75 |
text_xaxis_offset = 1. |
text_yaxis_offset = 2. |
text_xtitle_offset = 6. |
text_ytitle_offset = 12. |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<Frame (%d items)>" % len(self.d) |
def __init__(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, *d, **kwds): |
"""Acts like Fig, but draws a coordinate frame around the data. You also need to supply plot ranges. |
Frame(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, obj, obj, obj..., keyword options...) |
xmin, xmax required minimum and maximum x values (in the objs' coordinates) |
ymin, ymax required minimum and maximum y values (in the objs' coordinates) |
obj optional list drawing primitives |
keyword options keyword list options defined below |
The following are keyword options, with their default values: |
x, y 20, 5 upper-left corner of the Frame in SVG coordinates |
width, height 75, 80 width and height of the Frame in SVG coordinates |
flipx, flipy False, True flip the sign of the coordinate axis |
minusInfinity -1000 if an axis is logarithmic and an object is plotted at 0 or |
a negative value, -1000 will be used as a stand-in for NaN |
xtitle None if a string, label the x axis |
xticks -10 request ticks according to the standard tick specification |
(see help(Ticks)) |
xminiticks True request miniticks according to the standard minitick |
specification |
xlabels True request tick labels according to the standard tick label |
specification |
xlogbase None if a number, the axis and transformation are logarithmic |
with ticks at the given base (10 being the most common) |
(same for y) |
text_attr {} a dictionary of attributes for label text |
axis_attr {} a dictionary of attributes for the axis lines |
""" |
self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax |
self.d = list(d) |
defaults = {"x": 20, "y": 5, "width": 75, "height": 80, |
"flipx": False, "flipy": True, "minusInfinity": -1000, |
"xtitle": None, "xticks": -10, "xminiticks": True, "xlabels": True, |
"x2labels": None, "xlogbase": None, |
"ytitle": None, "yticks": -10, "yminiticks": True, "ylabels": True, |
"y2labels": None, "ylogbase": None, |
"text_attr": {}, "axis_attr": {}, |
} |
defaults.update(kwds) |
kwds = defaults |
self.x = kwds["x"]; del kwds["x"] |
self.y = kwds["y"]; del kwds["y"] |
self.width = kwds["width"]; del kwds["width"] |
self.height = kwds["height"]; del kwds["height"] |
self.flipx = kwds["flipx"]; del kwds["flipx"] |
self.flipy = kwds["flipy"]; del kwds["flipy"] |
self.minusInfinity = kwds["minusInfinity"]; del kwds["minusInfinity"] |
self.xtitle = kwds["xtitle"]; del kwds["xtitle"] |
self.xticks = kwds["xticks"]; del kwds["xticks"] |
self.xminiticks = kwds["xminiticks"]; del kwds["xminiticks"] |
self.xlabels = kwds["xlabels"]; del kwds["xlabels"] |
self.x2labels = kwds["x2labels"]; del kwds["x2labels"] |
self.xlogbase = kwds["xlogbase"]; del kwds["xlogbase"] |
self.ytitle = kwds["ytitle"]; del kwds["ytitle"] |
self.yticks = kwds["yticks"]; del kwds["yticks"] |
self.yminiticks = kwds["yminiticks"]; del kwds["yminiticks"] |
self.ylabels = kwds["ylabels"]; del kwds["ylabels"] |
self.y2labels = kwds["y2labels"]; del kwds["y2labels"] |
self.ylogbase = kwds["ylogbase"]; del kwds["ylogbase"] |
self.text_attr = dict(self.text_defaults) |
self.text_attr.update(kwds["text_attr"]); del kwds["text_attr"] |
self.axis_attr = dict(self.axis_defaults) |
self.axis_attr.update(kwds["axis_attr"]); del kwds["axis_attr"] |
if len(kwds) != 0: |
raise TypeError( "Frame() got unexpected keyword arguments %s" % kwds.keys()) |
def SVG(self): |
"""Apply the window transformation and return an SVG object.""" |
self.last_window = window(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax, |
x=self.x, y=self.y, width=self.width, height=self.height, |
xlogbase=self.xlogbase, ylogbase=self.ylogbase, |
minusInfinity=self.minusInfinity, flipx=self.flipx, flipy=self.flipy) |
left = YAxis(self.ymin, self.ymax, self.xmin, self.yticks, self.yminiticks, self.ylabels, self.ylogbase, |
None, None, None, self.text_attr, **self.axis_attr) |
right = YAxis(self.ymin, self.ymax, self.xmax, self.yticks, self.yminiticks, self.y2labels, self.ylogbase, |
None, None, None, self.text_attr, **self.axis_attr) |
bottom = XAxis(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.xticks, self.xminiticks, self.xlabels, self.xlogbase, |
None, None, None, self.text_attr, **self.axis_attr) |
top = XAxis(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymax, self.xticks, self.xminiticks, self.x2labels, self.xlogbase, |
None, None, None, self.text_attr, **self.axis_attr) |
left.tick_start = -self.tick_length |
left.tick_end = 0 |
left.minitick_start = -self.minitick_length |
left.minitick_end = 0. |
left.text_start = self.text_yaxis_offset |
right.tick_start = 0. |
right.tick_end = self.tick_length |
right.minitick_start = 0. |
right.minitick_end = self.minitick_length |
right.text_start = -self.text_yaxis_offset |
right.text_attr["text-anchor"] = "start" |
bottom.tick_start = 0. |
bottom.tick_end = self.tick_length |
bottom.minitick_start = 0. |
bottom.minitick_end = self.minitick_length |
bottom.text_start = -self.text_xaxis_offset |
top.tick_start = -self.tick_length |
top.tick_end = 0. |
top.minitick_start = -self.minitick_length |
top.minitick_end = 0. |
top.text_start = self.text_xaxis_offset |
top.text_attr["dominant-baseline"] = "text-after-edge" |
output = Fig(*self.d).SVG(self.last_window) |
output.prepend(left.SVG(self.last_window)) |
output.prepend(bottom.SVG(self.last_window)) |
output.prepend(right.SVG(self.last_window)) |
output.prepend(top.SVG(self.last_window)) |
if self.xtitle is not None: |
output.append(SVG("text", self.xtitle, transform="translate(%g, %g)" % ((self.x + self.width/2.), (self.y + self.height + self.text_xtitle_offset)), dominant_baseline="text-before-edge", **self.text_attr)) |
if self.ytitle is not None: |
output.append(SVG("text", self.ytitle, transform="translate(%g, %g) rotate(-90)" % ((self.x - self.text_ytitle_offset), (self.y + self.height/2.)), **self.text_attr)) |
return output |
###################################################################### |
def pathtoPath(svg): |
"""Converts SVG("path", d="...") into Path(d=[...]).""" |
if not isinstance(svg, SVG) or svg.t != "path": |
raise TypeError ("Only SVG <path /> objects can be converted into Paths") |
attr = dict(svg.attr) |
d = attr["d"] |
del attr["d"] |
for key in attr.keys(): |
if not isinstance(key, str): |
value = attr[key] |
del attr[key] |
attr[str(key)] = value |
return Path(d, **attr) |
class Path: |
"""Path represents an SVG path, an arbitrary set of curves and |
straight segments. Unlike SVG("path", d="..."), Path stores |
coordinates as a list of numbers, rather than a string, so that it is |
transformable in a Fig. |
Path(d, attribute=value) |
d required path data |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
See http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html for specification of paths |
from text. |
Internally, Path data is a list of tuples with these definitions: |
* ("Z/z",): close the current path |
* ("H/h", x) or ("V/v", y): a horizontal or vertical line |
segment to x or y |
* ("M/m/L/l/T/t", x, y, global): moveto, lineto, or smooth |
quadratic curveto point (x, y). If global=True, (x, y) should |
not be transformed. |
* ("S/sQ/q", cx, cy, cglobal, x, y, global): polybezier or |
smooth quadratic curveto point (x, y) using (cx, cy) as a |
control point. If cglobal or global=True, (cx, cy) or (x, y) |
should not be transformed. |
* ("C/c", c1x, c1y, c1global, c2x, c2y, c2global, x, y, global): |
cubic curveto point (x, y) using (c1x, c1y) and (c2x, c2y) as |
control points. If c1global, c2global, or global=True, (c1x, c1y), |
(c2x, c2y), or (x, y) should not be transformed. |
* ("A/a", rx, ry, rglobal, x-axis-rotation, angle, large-arc-flag, |
sweep-flag, x, y, global): arcto point (x, y) using the |
aforementioned parameters. |
* (",/.", rx, ry, rglobal, angle, x, y, global): an ellipse at |
point (x, y) with radii (rx, ry). If angle is 0, the whole |
ellipse is drawn; otherwise, a partial ellipse is drawn. |
""" |
defaults = {} |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<Path (%d nodes) %s>" % (len(self.d), self.attr) |
def __init__(self, d=[], **attr): |
if isinstance(d, basestring): |
self.d = self.parse(d) |
else: |
self.d = list(d) |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def parse_whitespace(self, index, pathdata): |
"""Part of Path's text-command parsing algorithm; used internally.""" |
while index < len(pathdata) and pathdata[index] in (" ", "\t", "\r", "\n", ","): |
index += 1 |
return index, pathdata |
def parse_command(self, index, pathdata): |
"""Part of Path's text-command parsing algorithm; used internally.""" |
index, pathdata = self.parse_whitespace(index, pathdata) |
if index >= len(pathdata): |
return None, index, pathdata |
command = pathdata[index] |
if "A" <= command <= "Z" or "a" <= command <= "z": |
index += 1 |
return command, index, pathdata |
else: |
return None, index, pathdata |
def parse_number(self, index, pathdata): |
"""Part of Path's text-command parsing algorithm; used internally.""" |
index, pathdata = self.parse_whitespace(index, pathdata) |
if index >= len(pathdata): |
return None, index, pathdata |
first_digit = pathdata[index] |
if "0" <= first_digit <= "9" or first_digit in ("-", "+", "."): |
start = index |
while index < len(pathdata) and ("0" <= pathdata[index] <= "9" or pathdata[index] in ("-", "+", ".", "e", "E")): |
index += 1 |
end = index |
index = end |
return float(pathdata[start:end]), index, pathdata |
else: |
return None, index, pathdata |
def parse_boolean(self, index, pathdata): |
"""Part of Path's text-command parsing algorithm; used internally.""" |
index, pathdata = self.parse_whitespace(index, pathdata) |
if index >= len(pathdata): |
return None, index, pathdata |
first_digit = pathdata[index] |
if first_digit in ("0", "1"): |
index += 1 |
return int(first_digit), index, pathdata |
else: |
return None, index, pathdata |
def parse(self, pathdata): |
"""Parses text-commands, converting them into a list of tuples. |
Called by the constructor.""" |
output = [] |
index = 0 |
while True: |
command, index, pathdata = self.parse_command(index, pathdata) |
index, pathdata = self.parse_whitespace(index, pathdata) |
if command is None and index == len(pathdata): |
break # this is the normal way out of the loop |
if command in ("Z", "z"): |
output.append((command,)) |
###################### |
elif command in ("H", "h", "V", "v"): |
errstring = "Path command \"%s\" requires a number at index %d" % (command, index) |
num1, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
if num1 is None: |
raise ValueError ( errstring) |
while num1 is not None: |
output.append((command, num1)) |
num1, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
###################### |
elif command in ("M", "m", "L", "l", "T", "t"): |
errstring = "Path command \"%s\" requires an x,y pair at index %d" % (command, index) |
num1, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num2, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
if num1 is None: |
raise ValueError ( errstring) |
while num1 is not None: |
if num2 is None: |
raise ValueError ( errstring) |
output.append((command, num1, num2, False)) |
num1, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num2, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
###################### |
elif command in ("S", "s", "Q", "q"): |
errstring = "Path command \"%s\" requires a cx,cy,x,y quadruplet at index %d" % (command, index) |
num1, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num2, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num3, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num4, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
if num1 is None: |
raise ValueError ( errstring ) |
while num1 is not None: |
if num2 is None or num3 is None or num4 is None: |
raise ValueError (errstring) |
output.append((command, num1, num2, False, num3, num4, False)) |
num1, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num2, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num3, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num4, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
###################### |
elif command in ("C", "c"): |
errstring = "Path command \"%s\" requires a c1x,c1y,c2x,c2y,x,y sextuplet at index %d" % (command, index) |
num1, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num2, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num3, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num4, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num5, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num6, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
if num1 is None: |
raise ValueError(errstring) |
while num1 is not None: |
if num2 is None or num3 is None or num4 is None or num5 is None or num6 is None: |
raise ValueError(errstring) |
output.append((command, num1, num2, False, num3, num4, False, num5, num6, False)) |
num1, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num2, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num3, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num4, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num5, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num6, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
###################### |
elif command in ("A", "a"): |
errstring = "Path command \"%s\" requires a rx,ry,angle,large-arc-flag,sweep-flag,x,y septuplet at index %d" % (command, index) |
num1, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num2, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num3, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num4, index, pathdata = self.parse_boolean(index, pathdata) |
num5, index, pathdata = self.parse_boolean(index, pathdata) |
num6, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num7, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
if num1 is None: |
raise ValueError(errstring) |
while num1 is not None: |
if num2 is None or num3 is None or num4 is None or num5 is None or num6 is None or num7 is None: |
raise ValueError(errstring) |
output.append((command, num1, num2, False, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, False)) |
num1, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num2, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num3, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num4, index, pathdata = self.parse_boolean(index, pathdata) |
num5, index, pathdata = self.parse_boolean(index, pathdata) |
num6, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
num7, index, pathdata = self.parse_number(index, pathdata) |
return output |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
if isinstance(trans, basestring): |
trans = totrans(trans) |
x, y, X, Y = None, None, None, None |
output = [] |
for datum in self.d: |
if not isinstance(datum, (tuple, list)): |
raise TypeError("pathdata elements must be tuples/lists") |
command = datum[0] |
###################### |
if command in ("Z", "z"): |
x, y, X, Y = None, None, None, None |
output.append("Z") |
###################### |
elif command in ("H", "h", "V", "v"): |
command, num1 = datum |
if command == "H" or (command == "h" and x is None): |
x = num1 |
elif command == "h": |
x += num1 |
elif command == "V" or (command == "v" and y is None): |
y = num1 |
elif command == "v": |
y += num1 |
if trans is None: |
X, Y = x, y |
else: |
X, Y = trans(x, y) |
output.append("L%g %g" % (X, Y)) |
###################### |
elif command in ("M", "m", "L", "l", "T", "t"): |
command, num1, num2, isglobal12 = datum |
if trans is None or isglobal12: |
if command.isupper() or X is None or Y is None: |
X, Y = num1, num2 |
else: |
X += num1 |
Y += num2 |
x, y = X, Y |
else: |
if command.isupper() or x is None or y is None: |
x, y = num1, num2 |
else: |
x += num1 |
y += num2 |
X, Y = trans(x, y) |
COMMAND = command.capitalize() |
output.append("%s%g %g" % (COMMAND, X, Y)) |
###################### |
elif command in ("S", "s", "Q", "q"): |
command, num1, num2, isglobal12, num3, num4, isglobal34 = datum |
if trans is None or isglobal12: |
if command.isupper() or X is None or Y is None: |
CX, CY = num1, num2 |
else: |
CX = X + num1 |
CY = Y + num2 |
else: |
if command.isupper() or x is None or y is None: |
cx, cy = num1, num2 |
else: |
cx = x + num1 |
cy = y + num2 |
CX, CY = trans(cx, cy) |
if trans is None or isglobal34: |
if command.isupper() or X is None or Y is None: |
X, Y = num3, num4 |
else: |
X += num3 |
Y += num4 |
x, y = X, Y |
else: |
if command.isupper() or x is None or y is None: |
x, y = num3, num4 |
else: |
x += num3 |
y += num4 |
X, Y = trans(x, y) |
COMMAND = command.capitalize() |
output.append("%s%g %g %g %g" % (COMMAND, CX, CY, X, Y)) |
###################### |
elif command in ("C", "c"): |
command, num1, num2, isglobal12, num3, num4, isglobal34, num5, num6, isglobal56 = datum |
if trans is None or isglobal12: |
if command.isupper() or X is None or Y is None: |
C1X, C1Y = num1, num2 |
else: |
C1X = X + num1 |
C1Y = Y + num2 |
else: |
if command.isupper() or x is None or y is None: |
c1x, c1y = num1, num2 |
else: |
c1x = x + num1 |
c1y = y + num2 |
C1X, C1Y = trans(c1x, c1y) |
if trans is None or isglobal34: |
if command.isupper() or X is None or Y is None: |
C2X, C2Y = num3, num4 |
else: |
C2X = X + num3 |
C2Y = Y + num4 |
else: |
if command.isupper() or x is None or y is None: |
c2x, c2y = num3, num4 |
else: |
c2x = x + num3 |
c2y = y + num4 |
C2X, C2Y = trans(c2x, c2y) |
if trans is None or isglobal56: |
if command.isupper() or X is None or Y is None: |
X, Y = num5, num6 |
else: |
X += num5 |
Y += num6 |
x, y = X, Y |
else: |
if command.isupper() or x is None or y is None: |
x, y = num5, num6 |
else: |
x += num5 |
y += num6 |
X, Y = trans(x, y) |
COMMAND = command.capitalize() |
output.append("%s%g %g %g %g %g %g" % (COMMAND, C1X, C1Y, C2X, C2Y, X, Y)) |
###################### |
elif command in ("A", "a"): |
command, num1, num2, isglobal12, angle, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, num3, num4, isglobal34 = datum |
oldx, oldy = x, y |
if trans is None or isglobal34: |
if command.isupper() or X is None or Y is None: |
X, Y = num3, num4 |
else: |
X += num3 |
Y += num4 |
x, y = X, Y |
else: |
if command.isupper() or x is None or y is None: |
x, y = num3, num4 |
else: |
x += num3 |
y += num4 |
X, Y = trans(x, y) |
if x is not None and y is not None: |
centerx, centery = (x + oldx)/2., (y + oldy)/2. |
CENTERX, CENTERY = (X + OLDX)/2., (Y + OLDY)/2. |
if trans is None or isglobal12: |
RX = CENTERX + num1 |
RY = CENTERY + num2 |
else: |
rx = centerx + num1 |
ry = centery + num2 |
RX, RY = trans(rx, ry) |
COMMAND = command.capitalize() |
output.append("%s%g %g %g %d %d %g %g" % (COMMAND, RX - CENTERX, RY - CENTERY, angle, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, X, Y)) |
elif command in (",", "."): |
command, num1, num2, isglobal12, angle, num3, num4, isglobal34 = datum |
if trans is None or isglobal34: |
if command == "." or X is None or Y is None: |
X, Y = num3, num4 |
else: |
X += num3 |
Y += num4 |
x, y = None, None |
else: |
if command == "." or x is None or y is None: |
x, y = num3, num4 |
else: |
x += num3 |
y += num4 |
X, Y = trans(x, y) |
if trans is None or isglobal12: |
RX = X + num1 |
RY = Y + num2 |
else: |
rx = x + num1 |
ry = y + num2 |
RX, RY = trans(rx, ry) |
RX, RY = RX - X, RY - Y |
X1, Y1 = X + RX * math.cos(angle*math.pi/180.), Y + RX * math.sin(angle*math.pi/180.) |
X2, Y2 = X + RY * math.sin(angle*math.pi/180.), Y - RY * math.cos(angle*math.pi/180.) |
X3, Y3 = X - RX * math.cos(angle*math.pi/180.), Y - RX * math.sin(angle*math.pi/180.) |
X4, Y4 = X - RY * math.sin(angle*math.pi/180.), Y + RY * math.cos(angle*math.pi/180.) |
output.append("M%g %gA%g %g %g 0 0 %g %gA%g %g %g 0 0 %g %gA%g %g %g 0 0 %g %gA%g %g %g 0 0 %g %g" % ( |
X1, Y1, RX, RY, angle, X2, Y2, RX, RY, angle, X3, Y3, RX, RY, angle, X4, Y4, RX, RY, angle, X1, Y1)) |
return SVG("path", d="".join(output), **self.attr) |
###################################################################### |
def funcRtoC(expr, var="t", globals=None, locals=None): |
"""Converts a complex "z(t)" string to a function acceptable for Curve. |
expr required string in the form "z(t)" |
var default="t" name of the independent variable |
globals default=None dict of global variables used in the expression; |
you may want to use Python's builtin globals() |
locals default=None dict of local variables |
""" |
if locals is None: |
locals = {} # python 2.3's eval() won't accept None |
g = cmath.__dict__ |
if globals is not None: |
g.update(globals) |
output = eval("lambda %s: (%s)" % (var, expr), g, locals) |
split = lambda z: (z.real, z.imag) |
output2 = lambda t: split(output(t)) |
set_func_name(output2, "%s -> %s" % (var, expr)) |
return output2 |
def funcRtoR2(expr, var="t", globals=None, locals=None): |
"""Converts a "f(t), g(t)" string to a function acceptable for Curve. |
expr required string in the form "f(t), g(t)" |
var default="t" name of the independent variable |
globals default=None dict of global variables used in the expression; |
you may want to use Python's builtin globals() |
locals default=None dict of local variables |
""" |
if locals is None: |
locals = {} # python 2.3's eval() won't accept None |
g = math.__dict__ |
if globals is not None: |
g.update(globals) |
output = eval("lambda %s: (%s)" % (var, expr), g, locals) |
set_func_name(output, "%s -> %s" % (var, expr)) |
return output |
def funcRtoR(expr, var="x", globals=None, locals=None): |
"""Converts a "f(x)" string to a function acceptable for Curve. |
expr required string in the form "f(x)" |
var default="x" name of the independent variable |
globals default=None dict of global variables used in the expression; |
you may want to use Python's builtin globals() |
locals default=None dict of local variables |
""" |
if locals is None: |
locals = {} # python 2.3's eval() won't accept None |
g = math.__dict__ |
if globals is not None: |
g.update(globals) |
output = eval("lambda %s: (%s, %s)" % (var, var, expr), g, locals) |
set_func_name(output, "%s -> %s" % (var, expr)) |
return output |
class Curve: |
"""Draws a parametric function as a path. |
Curve(f, low, high, loop, attribute=value) |
f required a Python callable or string in |
the form "f(t), g(t)" |
low, high required left and right endpoints |
loop default=False if True, connect the endpoints |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
""" |
defaults = {} |
random_sampling = True |
recursion_limit = 15 |
linearity_limit = 0.05 |
discontinuity_limit = 5. |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<Curve %s [%s, %s] %s>" % (self.f, self.low, self.high, self.attr) |
def __init__(self, f, low, high, loop=False, **attr): |
self.f = f |
self.low = low |
self.high = high |
self.loop = loop |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
### nested class Sample |
class Sample: |
def __repr__(self): |
t, x, y, X, Y = self.t, self.x, self.y, self.X, self.Y |
if t is not None: |
t = "%g" % t |
if x is not None: |
x = "%g" % x |
if y is not None: |
y = "%g" % y |
if X is not None: |
X = "%g" % X |
if Y is not None: |
Y = "%g" % Y |
return "<Curve.Sample t=%s x=%s y=%s X=%s Y=%s>" % (t, x, y, X, Y) |
def __init__(self, t): |
self.t = t |
def link(self, left, right): |
self.left, self.right = left, right |
def evaluate(self, f, trans): |
self.x, self.y = f(self.t) |
if trans is None: |
self.X, self.Y = self.x, self.y |
else: |
self.X, self.Y = trans(self.x, self.y) |
### end Sample |
### nested class Samples |
class Samples: |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<Curve.Samples (%d samples)>" % len(self) |
def __init__(self, left, right): |
self.left, self.right = left, right |
def __len__(self): |
count = 0 |
current = self.left |
while current is not None: |
count += 1 |
current = current.right |
return count |
def __iter__(self): |
self.current = self.left |
return self |
def next(self): |
current = self.current |
if current is None: |
raise StopIteration |
self.current = self.current.right |
return current |
### end nested class |
def sample(self, trans=None): |
"""Adaptive-sampling algorithm that chooses the best sample points |
for a parametric curve between two endpoints and detects |
discontinuities. Called by SVG().""" |
oldrecursionlimit = sys.getrecursionlimit() |
sys.setrecursionlimit(self.recursion_limit + 100) |
try: |
# the best way to keep all the information while sampling is to make a linked list |
if not (self.low < self.high): |
raise ValueError("low must be less than high") |
low, high = self.Sample(float(self.low)), self.Sample(float(self.high)) |
low.link(None, high) |
high.link(low, None) |
low.evaluate(self.f, trans) |
high.evaluate(self.f, trans) |
# adaptive sampling between the low and high points |
self.subsample(low, high, 0, trans) |
# Prune excess points where the curve is nearly linear |
left = low |
while left.right is not None: |
# increment mid and right |
mid = left.right |
right = mid.right |
if (right is not None and |
left.X is not None and left.Y is not None and |
mid.X is not None and mid.Y is not None and |
right.X is not None and right.Y is not None): |
numer = left.X*(right.Y - mid.Y) + mid.X*(left.Y - right.Y) + right.X*(mid.Y - left.Y) |
denom = math.sqrt((left.X - right.X)**2 + (left.Y - right.Y)**2) |
if denom != 0. and abs(numer/denom) < self.linearity_limit: |
# drop mid (the garbage collector will get it) |
left.right = right |
right.left = left |
else: |
# increment left |
left = left.right |
else: |
left = left.right |
self.last_samples = self.Samples(low, high) |
finally: |
sys.setrecursionlimit(oldrecursionlimit) |
def subsample(self, left, right, depth, trans=None): |
"""Part of the adaptive-sampling algorithm that chooses the best |
sample points. Called by sample().""" |
if self.random_sampling: |
mid = self.Sample(left.t + random.uniform(0.3, 0.7) * (right.t - left.t)) |
else: |
mid = self.Sample(left.t + 0.5 * (right.t - left.t)) |
left.right = mid |
right.left = mid |
mid.link(left, right) |
mid.evaluate(self.f, trans) |
# calculate the distance of closest approach of mid to the line between left and right |
numer = left.X*(right.Y - mid.Y) + mid.X*(left.Y - right.Y) + right.X*(mid.Y - left.Y) |
denom = math.sqrt((left.X - right.X)**2 + (left.Y - right.Y)**2) |
# if we haven't sampled enough or left fails to be close enough to right, or mid fails to be linear enough... |
if (depth < 3 or |
(denom == 0 and left.t != right.t) or |
denom > self.discontinuity_limit or |
(denom != 0. and abs(numer/denom) > self.linearity_limit)): |
# and we haven't sampled too many points |
if depth < self.recursion_limit: |
self.subsample(left, mid, depth+1, trans) |
self.subsample(mid, right, depth+1, trans) |
else: |
# We've sampled many points and yet it's still not a small linear gap. |
# Break the line: it's a discontinuity |
mid.y = mid.Y = None |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
return self.Path(trans).SVG() |
def Path(self, trans=None, local=False): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return a Path object in |
global coordinates. If local=True, return a Path in local coordinates |
(which must be transformed again).""" |
if isinstance(trans, basestring): |
trans = totrans(trans) |
if isinstance(self.f, basestring): |
self.f = funcRtoR2(self.f) |
self.sample(trans) |
output = [] |
for s in self.last_samples: |
if s.X is not None and s.Y is not None: |
if s.left is None or s.left.Y is None: |
command = "M" |
else: |
command = "L" |
if local: |
output.append((command, s.x, s.y, False)) |
else: |
output.append((command, s.X, s.Y, True)) |
if self.loop: |
output.append(("Z",)) |
return Path(output, **self.attr) |
###################################################################### |
class Poly: |
"""Draws a curve specified by a sequence of points. The curve may be |
piecewise linear, like a polygon, or a Bezier curve. |
Poly(d, mode, loop, attribute=value) |
d required list of tuples representing points |
and possibly control points |
mode default="L" "lines", "bezier", "velocity", |
"foreback", "smooth", or an abbreviation |
loop default=False if True, connect the first and last |
point, closing the loop |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
The format of the tuples in d depends on the mode. |
"lines"/"L" d=[(x,y), (x,y), ...] |
piecewise-linear segments joining the (x,y) points |
"bezier"/"B" d=[(x, y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y), ...] |
Bezier curve with two control points (control points |
preceed (x,y), as in SVG paths). If (c1x,c1y) and |
(c2x,c2y) both equal (x,y), you get a linear |
interpolation ("lines") |
"velocity"/"V" d=[(x, y, vx, vy), ...] |
curve that passes through (x,y) with velocity (vx,vy) |
(one unit of arclength per unit time); in other words, |
(vx,vy) is the tangent vector at (x,y). If (vx,vy) is |
(0,0), you get a linear interpolation ("lines"). |
"foreback"/"F" d=[(x, y, bx, by, fx, fy), ...] |
like "velocity" except that there is a left derivative |
(bx,by) and a right derivative (fx,fy). If (bx,by) |
equals (fx,fy) (with no minus sign), you get a |
"velocity" curve |
"smooth"/"S" d=[(x,y), (x,y), ...] |
a "velocity" interpolation with (vx,vy)[i] equal to |
((x,y)[i+1] - (x,y)[i-1])/2: the minimal derivative |
""" |
defaults = {} |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<Poly (%d nodes) mode=%s loop=%s %s>" % ( |
len(self.d), self.mode, repr(self.loop), self.attr) |
def __init__(self, d=[], mode="L", loop=False, **attr): |
self.d = list(d) |
self.mode = mode |
self.loop = loop |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
return self.Path(trans).SVG() |
def Path(self, trans=None, local=False): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return a Path object in |
global coordinates. If local=True, return a Path in local coordinates |
(which must be transformed again).""" |
if isinstance(trans, basestring): |
trans = totrans(trans) |
if self.mode[0] == "L" or self.mode[0] == "l": |
mode = "L" |
elif self.mode[0] == "B" or self.mode[0] == "b": |
mode = "B" |
elif self.mode[0] == "V" or self.mode[0] == "v": |
mode = "V" |
elif self.mode[0] == "F" or self.mode[0] == "f": |
mode = "F" |
elif self.mode[0] == "S" or self.mode[0] == "s": |
mode = "S" |
vx, vy = [0.]*len(self.d), [0.]*len(self.d) |
for i in xrange(len(self.d)): |
inext = (i+1) % len(self.d) |
iprev = (i-1) % len(self.d) |
vx[i] = (self.d[inext][0] - self.d[iprev][0])/2. |
vy[i] = (self.d[inext][1] - self.d[iprev][1])/2. |
if not self.loop and (i == 0 or i == len(self.d)-1): |
vx[i], vy[i] = 0., 0. |
else: |
raise ValueError("mode must be \"lines\", \"bezier\", \"velocity\", \"foreback\", \"smooth\", or an abbreviation") |
d = [] |
indexes = list(range(len(self.d))) |
if self.loop and len(self.d) > 0: |
indexes.append(0) |
for i in indexes: |
inext = (i+1) % len(self.d) |
iprev = (i-1) % len(self.d) |
x, y = self.d[i][0], self.d[i][1] |
if trans is None: |
X, Y = x, y |
else: |
X, Y = trans(x, y) |
if d == []: |
if local: |
d.append(("M", x, y, False)) |
else: |
d.append(("M", X, Y, True)) |
elif mode == "L": |
if local: |
d.append(("L", x, y, False)) |
else: |
d.append(("L", X, Y, True)) |
elif mode == "B": |
c1x, c1y = self.d[i][2], self.d[i][3] |
if trans is None: |
C1X, C1Y = c1x, c1y |
else: |
C1X, C1Y = trans(c1x, c1y) |
c2x, c2y = self.d[i][4], self.d[i][5] |
if trans is None: |
C2X, C2Y = c2x, c2y |
else: |
C2X, C2Y = trans(c2x, c2y) |
if local: |
d.append(("C", c1x, c1y, False, c2x, c2y, False, x, y, False)) |
else: |
d.append(("C", C1X, C1Y, True, C2X, C2Y, True, X, Y, True)) |
elif mode == "V": |
c1x, c1y = self.d[iprev][2]/3. + self.d[iprev][0], self.d[iprev][3]/3. + self.d[iprev][1] |
c2x, c2y = self.d[i][2]/-3. + x, self.d[i][3]/-3. + y |
if trans is None: |
C1X, C1Y = c1x, c1y |
else: |
C1X, C1Y = trans(c1x, c1y) |
if trans is None: |
C2X, C2Y = c2x, c2y |
else: |
C2X, C2Y = trans(c2x, c2y) |
if local: |
d.append(("C", c1x, c1y, False, c2x, c2y, False, x, y, False)) |
else: |
d.append(("C", C1X, C1Y, True, C2X, C2Y, True, X, Y, True)) |
elif mode == "F": |
c1x, c1y = self.d[iprev][4]/3. + self.d[iprev][0], self.d[iprev][5]/3. + self.d[iprev][1] |
c2x, c2y = self.d[i][2]/-3. + x, self.d[i][3]/-3. + y |
if trans is None: |
C1X, C1Y = c1x, c1y |
else: |
C1X, C1Y = trans(c1x, c1y) |
if trans is None: |
C2X, C2Y = c2x, c2y |
else: |
C2X, C2Y = trans(c2x, c2y) |
if local: |
d.append(("C", c1x, c1y, False, c2x, c2y, False, x, y, False)) |
else: |
d.append(("C", C1X, C1Y, True, C2X, C2Y, True, X, Y, True)) |
elif mode == "S": |
c1x, c1y = vx[iprev]/3. + self.d[iprev][0], vy[iprev]/3. + self.d[iprev][1] |
c2x, c2y = vx[i]/-3. + x, vy[i]/-3. + y |
if trans is None: |
C1X, C1Y = c1x, c1y |
else: |
C1X, C1Y = trans(c1x, c1y) |
if trans is None: |
C2X, C2Y = c2x, c2y |
else: |
C2X, C2Y = trans(c2x, c2y) |
if local: |
d.append(("C", c1x, c1y, False, c2x, c2y, False, x, y, False)) |
else: |
d.append(("C", C1X, C1Y, True, C2X, C2Y, True, X, Y, True)) |
if self.loop and len(self.d) > 0: |
d.append(("Z",)) |
return Path(d, **self.attr) |
###################################################################### |
class Text: |
"""Draws a text string at a specified point in local coordinates. |
x, y required location of the point in local coordinates |
d required text/Unicode string |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
""" |
defaults = {"stroke": "none", "fill": "black", "font-size": 5, } |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<Text %s at (%g, %g) %s>" % (repr(self.d), self.x, self.y, self.attr) |
def __init__(self, x, y, d, **attr): |
self.x = x |
self.y = y |
self.d = unicode(d) |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
if isinstance(trans, basestring): |
trans = totrans(trans) |
X, Y = self.x, self.y |
if trans is not None: |
X, Y = trans(X, Y) |
return SVG("text", self.d, x=X, y=Y, **self.attr) |
class TextGlobal: |
"""Draws a text string at a specified point in global coordinates. |
x, y required location of the point in global coordinates |
d required text/Unicode string |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
""" |
defaults = {"stroke": "none", "fill": "black", "font-size": 5, } |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<TextGlobal %s at (%s, %s) %s>" % (repr(self.d), str(self.x), str(self.y), self.attr) |
def __init__(self, x, y, d, **attr): |
self.x = x |
self.y = y |
self.d = unicode(d) |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
return SVG("text", self.d, x=self.x, y=self.y, **self.attr) |
###################################################################### |
_symbol_templates = {"dot": SVG("symbol", SVG("circle", cx=0, cy=0, r=1, stroke="none", fill="black"), viewBox="0 0 1 1", overflow="visible"), |
"box": SVG("symbol", SVG("rect", x1=-1, y1=-1, x2=1, y2=1, stroke="none", fill="black"), viewBox="0 0 1 1", overflow="visible"), |
"uptri": SVG("symbol", SVG("path", d="M -1 0.866 L 1 0.866 L 0 -0.866 Z", stroke="none", fill="black"), viewBox="0 0 1 1", overflow="visible"), |
"downtri": SVG("symbol", SVG("path", d="M -1 -0.866 L 1 -0.866 L 0 0.866 Z", stroke="none", fill="black"), viewBox="0 0 1 1", overflow="visible"), |
} |
def make_symbol(id, shape="dot", **attr): |
"""Creates a new instance of an SVG symbol to avoid cross-linking objects. |
id required a new identifier (string/Unicode) |
shape default="dot" the shape name from _symbol_templates |
attribute=value list keyword list modify the SVG attributes of the new symbol |
""" |
output = copy.deepcopy(_symbol_templates[shape]) |
for i in output.sub: |
i.attr.update(attr_preprocess(attr)) |
output["id"] = id |
return output |
_circular_dot = make_symbol("circular_dot") |
class Dots: |
"""Dots draws SVG symbols at a set of points. |
d required list of (x,y) points |
symbol default=None SVG symbol or a new identifier to |
label an auto-generated symbol; |
if None, use pre-defined _circular_dot |
width, height default=1, 1 width and height of the symbols |
in SVG coordinates |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
""" |
defaults = {} |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<Dots (%d nodes) %s>" % (len(self.d), self.attr) |
def __init__(self, d=[], symbol=None, width=1., height=1., **attr): |
self.d = list(d) |
self.width = width |
self.height = height |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
if symbol is None: |
self.symbol = _circular_dot |
elif isinstance(symbol, SVG): |
self.symbol = symbol |
else: |
self.symbol = make_symbol(symbol) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
if isinstance(trans, basestring): |
trans = totrans(trans) |
output = SVG("g", SVG("defs", self.symbol)) |
id = "#%s" % self.symbol["id"] |
for p in self.d: |
x, y = p[0], p[1] |
if trans is None: |
X, Y = x, y |
else: |
X, Y = trans(x, y) |
item = SVG("use", x=X, y=Y, xlink__href=id) |
if self.width is not None: |
item["width"] = self.width |
if self.height is not None: |
item["height"] = self.height |
output.append(item) |
return output |
###################################################################### |
_marker_templates = {"arrow_start": SVG("marker", SVG("path", d="M 9 3.6 L 10.5 0 L 0 3.6 L 10.5 7.2 L 9 3.6 Z"), viewBox="0 0 10.5 7.2", refX="9", refY="3.6", markerWidth="10.5", markerHeight="7.2", markerUnits="strokeWidth", orient="auto", stroke="none", fill="black"), |
"arrow_end": SVG("marker", SVG("path", d="M 1.5 3.6 L 0 0 L 10.5 3.6 L 0 7.2 L 1.5 3.6 Z"), viewBox="0 0 10.5 7.2", refX="1.5", refY="3.6", markerWidth="10.5", markerHeight="7.2", markerUnits="strokeWidth", orient="auto", stroke="none", fill="black"), |
} |
def make_marker(id, shape, **attr): |
"""Creates a new instance of an SVG marker to avoid cross-linking objects. |
id required a new identifier (string/Unicode) |
shape required the shape name from _marker_templates |
attribute=value list keyword list modify the SVG attributes of the new marker |
""" |
output = copy.deepcopy(_marker_templates[shape]) |
for i in output.sub: |
i.attr.update(attr_preprocess(attr)) |
output["id"] = id |
return output |
class Line(Curve): |
"""Draws a line between two points. |
Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, arrow_start, arrow_end, attribute=value) |
x1, y1 required the starting point |
x2, y2 required the ending point |
arrow_start default=None if an identifier string/Unicode, |
draw a new arrow object at the |
beginning of the line; if a marker, |
draw that marker instead |
arrow_end default=None same for the end of the line |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
""" |
defaults = {} |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<Line (%g, %g) to (%g, %g) %s>" % ( |
self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2, self.attr) |
def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, arrow_start=None, arrow_end=None, **attr): |
self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2 = x1, y1, x2, y2 |
self.arrow_start, self.arrow_end = arrow_start, arrow_end |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
line = self.Path(trans).SVG() |
if ((self.arrow_start != False and self.arrow_start is not None) or |
(self.arrow_end != False and self.arrow_end is not None)): |
defs = SVG("defs") |
if self.arrow_start != False and self.arrow_start is not None: |
if isinstance(self.arrow_start, SVG): |
defs.append(self.arrow_start) |
line.attr["marker-start"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_start["id"] |
elif isinstance(self.arrow_start, basestring): |
defs.append(make_marker(self.arrow_start, "arrow_start")) |
line.attr["marker-start"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_start |
else: |
raise TypeError("arrow_start must be False/None or an id string for the new marker") |
if self.arrow_end != False and self.arrow_end is not None: |
if isinstance(self.arrow_end, SVG): |
defs.append(self.arrow_end) |
line.attr["marker-end"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_end["id"] |
elif isinstance(self.arrow_end, basestring): |
defs.append(make_marker(self.arrow_end, "arrow_end")) |
line.attr["marker-end"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_end |
else: |
raise TypeError("arrow_end must be False/None or an id string for the new marker") |
return SVG("g", defs, line) |
return line |
def Path(self, trans=None, local=False): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return a Path object in |
global coordinates. If local=True, return a Path in local coordinates |
(which must be transformed again).""" |
self.f = lambda t: (self.x1 + t*(self.x2 - self.x1), self.y1 + t*(self.y2 - self.y1)) |
self.low = 0. |
self.high = 1. |
self.loop = False |
if trans is None: |
return Path([("M", self.x1, self.y1, not local), ("L", self.x2, self.y2, not local)], **self.attr) |
else: |
return Curve.Path(self, trans, local) |
class LineGlobal: |
"""Draws a line between two points, one or both of which is in |
global coordinates. |
Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, lcoal1, local2, arrow_start, arrow_end, attribute=value) |
x1, y1 required the starting point |
x2, y2 required the ending point |
local1 default=False if True, interpret first point as a |
local coordinate (apply transform) |
local2 default=False if True, interpret second point as a |
local coordinate (apply transform) |
arrow_start default=None if an identifier string/Unicode, |
draw a new arrow object at the |
beginning of the line; if a marker, |
draw that marker instead |
arrow_end default=None same for the end of the line |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
""" |
defaults = {} |
def __repr__(self): |
local1, local2 = "", "" |
if self.local1: |
local1 = "L" |
if self.local2: |
local2 = "L" |
return "<LineGlobal %s(%s, %s) to %s(%s, %s) %s>" % ( |
local1, str(self.x1), str(self.y1), local2, str(self.x2), str(self.y2), self.attr) |
def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, local1=False, local2=False, arrow_start=None, arrow_end=None, **attr): |
self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2 = x1, y1, x2, y2 |
self.local1, self.local2 = local1, local2 |
self.arrow_start, self.arrow_end = arrow_start, arrow_end |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
if isinstance(trans, basestring): |
trans = totrans(trans) |
X1, Y1, X2, Y2 = self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2 |
if self.local1: |
X1, Y1 = trans(X1, Y1) |
if self.local2: |
X2, Y2 = trans(X2, Y2) |
line = SVG("path", d="M%s %s L%s %s" % (X1, Y1, X2, Y2), **self.attr) |
if ((self.arrow_start != False and self.arrow_start is not None) or |
(self.arrow_end != False and self.arrow_end is not None)): |
defs = SVG("defs") |
if self.arrow_start != False and self.arrow_start is not None: |
if isinstance(self.arrow_start, SVG): |
defs.append(self.arrow_start) |
line.attr["marker-start"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_start["id"] |
elif isinstance(self.arrow_start, basestring): |
defs.append(make_marker(self.arrow_start, "arrow_start")) |
line.attr["marker-start"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_start |
else: |
raise TypeError("arrow_start must be False/None or an id string for the new marker") |
if self.arrow_end != False and self.arrow_end is not None: |
if isinstance(self.arrow_end, SVG): |
defs.append(self.arrow_end) |
line.attr["marker-end"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_end["id"] |
elif isinstance(self.arrow_end, basestring): |
defs.append(make_marker(self.arrow_end, "arrow_end")) |
line.attr["marker-end"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_end |
else: |
raise TypeError("arrow_end must be False/None or an id string for the new marker") |
return SVG("g", defs, line) |
return line |
class VLine(Line): |
"""Draws a vertical line. |
VLine(y1, y2, x, attribute=value) |
y1, y2 required y range |
x required x position |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
""" |
defaults = {} |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<VLine (%g, %g) at x=%s %s>" % (self.y1, self.y2, self.x, self.attr) |
def __init__(self, y1, y2, x, **attr): |
self.x = x |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
Line.__init__(self, x, y1, x, y2, **self.attr) |
def Path(self, trans=None, local=False): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return a Path object in |
global coordinates. If local=True, return a Path in local coordinates |
(which must be transformed again).""" |
self.x1 = self.x |
self.x2 = self.x |
return Line.Path(self, trans, local) |
class HLine(Line): |
"""Draws a horizontal line. |
HLine(x1, x2, y, attribute=value) |
x1, x2 required x range |
y required y position |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
""" |
defaults = {} |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<HLine (%g, %g) at y=%s %s>" % (self.x1, self.x2, self.y, self.attr) |
def __init__(self, x1, x2, y, **attr): |
self.y = y |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
Line.__init__(self, x1, y, x2, y, **self.attr) |
def Path(self, trans=None, local=False): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return a Path object in |
global coordinates. If local=True, return a Path in local coordinates |
(which must be transformed again).""" |
self.y1 = self.y |
self.y2 = self.y |
return Line.Path(self, trans, local) |
###################################################################### |
class Rect(Curve): |
"""Draws a rectangle. |
Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2, attribute=value) |
x1, y1 required the starting point |
x2, y2 required the ending point |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
""" |
defaults = {} |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<Rect (%g, %g), (%g, %g) %s>" % ( |
self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2, self.attr) |
def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, **attr): |
self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2 = x1, y1, x2, y2 |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
return self.Path(trans).SVG() |
def Path(self, trans=None, local=False): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return a Path object in |
global coordinates. If local=True, return a Path in local coordinates |
(which must be transformed again).""" |
if trans is None: |
return Path([("M", self.x1, self.y1, not local), ("L", self.x2, self.y1, not local), ("L", self.x2, self.y2, not local), ("L", self.x1, self.y2, not local), ("Z",)], **self.attr) |
else: |
self.low = 0. |
self.high = 1. |
self.loop = False |
self.f = lambda t: (self.x1 + t*(self.x2 - self.x1), self.y1) |
d1 = Curve.Path(self, trans, local).d |
self.f = lambda t: (self.x2, self.y1 + t*(self.y2 - self.y1)) |
d2 = Curve.Path(self, trans, local).d |
del d2[0] |
self.f = lambda t: (self.x2 + t*(self.x1 - self.x2), self.y2) |
d3 = Curve.Path(self, trans, local).d |
del d3[0] |
self.f = lambda t: (self.x1, self.y2 + t*(self.y1 - self.y2)) |
d4 = Curve.Path(self, trans, local).d |
del d4[0] |
return Path(d=(d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 + [("Z",)]), **self.attr) |
###################################################################### |
class Ellipse(Curve): |
"""Draws an ellipse from a semimajor vector (ax,ay) and a semiminor |
length (b). |
Ellipse(x, y, ax, ay, b, attribute=value) |
x, y required the center of the ellipse/circle |
ax, ay required a vector indicating the length |
and direction of the semimajor axis |
b required the length of the semiminor axis. |
If equal to sqrt(ax2 + ay2), the |
ellipse is a circle |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
(If sqrt(ax**2 + ay**2) is less than b, then (ax,ay) is actually the |
semiminor axis.) |
""" |
defaults = {} |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<Ellipse (%g, %g) a=(%g, %g), b=%g %s>" % ( |
self.x, self.y, self.ax, self.ay, self.b, self.attr) |
def __init__(self, x, y, ax, ay, b, **attr): |
self.x, self.y, self.ax, self.ay, self.b = x, y, ax, ay, b |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
return self.Path(trans).SVG() |
def Path(self, trans=None, local=False): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return a Path object in |
global coordinates. If local=True, return a Path in local coordinates |
(which must be transformed again).""" |
angle = math.atan2(self.ay, self.ax) + math.pi/2. |
bx = self.b * math.cos(angle) |
by = self.b * math.sin(angle) |
self.f = lambda t: (self.x + self.ax*math.cos(t) + bx*math.sin(t), self.y + self.ay*math.cos(t) + by*math.sin(t)) |
self.low = -math.pi |
self.high = math.pi |
self.loop = True |
return Curve.Path(self, trans, local) |
###################################################################### |
def unumber(x): |
"""Converts numbers to a Unicode string, taking advantage of special |
Unicode characters to make nice minus signs and scientific notation. |
""" |
output = u"%g" % x |
if output[0] == u"-": |
output = u"\u2013" + output[1:] |
index = output.find(u"e") |
if index != -1: |
uniout = unicode(output[:index]) + u"\u00d710" |
saw_nonzero = False |
for n in output[index+1:]: |
if n == u"+": |
pass # uniout += u"\u207a" |
elif n == u"-": |
uniout += u"\u207b" |
elif n == u"0": |
if saw_nonzero: |
uniout += u"\u2070" |
elif n == u"1": |
saw_nonzero = True |
uniout += u"\u00b9" |
elif n == u"2": |
saw_nonzero = True |
uniout += u"\u00b2" |
elif n == u"3": |
saw_nonzero = True |
uniout += u"\u00b3" |
elif u"4" <= n <= u"9": |
saw_nonzero = True |
if saw_nonzero: |
uniout += eval("u\"\\u%x\"" % (0x2070 + ord(n) - ord(u"0"))) |
else: |
uniout += n |
if uniout[:2] == u"1\u00d7": |
uniout = uniout[2:] |
return uniout |
return output |
class Ticks: |
"""Superclass for all graphics primitives that draw ticks, |
miniticks, and tick labels. This class only draws the ticks. |
Ticks(f, low, high, ticks, miniticks, labels, logbase, arrow_start, |
arrow_end, text_attr, attribute=value) |
f required parametric function along which ticks |
will be drawn; has the same format as |
the function used in Curve |
low, high required range of the independent variable |
ticks default=-10 request ticks according to the standard |
tick specification (see below) |
miniticks default=True request miniticks according to the |
standard minitick specification (below) |
labels True request tick labels according to the |
standard tick label specification (below) |
logbase default=None if a number, the axis is logarithmic with |
ticks at the given base (usually 10) |
arrow_start default=None if a new string identifier, draw an arrow |
at the low-end of the axis, referenced by |
that identifier; if an SVG marker object, |
use that marker |
arrow_end default=None if a new string identifier, draw an arrow |
at the high-end of the axis, referenced by |
that identifier; if an SVG marker object, |
use that marker |
text_attr default={} SVG attributes for the text labels |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes for the tick marks |
Standard tick specification: |
* True: same as -10 (below). |
* Positive number N: draw exactly N ticks, including the endpoints. To |
subdivide an axis into 10 equal-sized segments, ask for 11 ticks. |
* Negative number -N: draw at least N ticks. Ticks will be chosen with |
"natural" values, multiples of 2 or 5. |
* List of values: draw a tick mark at each value. |
* Dict of value, label pairs: draw a tick mark at each value, labeling |
it with the given string. This lets you say things like {3.14159: "pi"}. |
* False or None: no ticks. |
Standard minitick specification: |
* True: draw miniticks with "natural" values, more closely spaced than |
the ticks. |
* Positive number N: draw exactly N miniticks, including the endpoints. |
To subdivide an axis into 100 equal-sized segments, ask for 101 miniticks. |
* Negative number -N: draw at least N miniticks. |
* List of values: draw a minitick mark at each value. |
* False or None: no miniticks. |
Standard tick label specification: |
* True: use the unumber function (described below) |
* Format string: standard format strings, e.g. "%5.2f" for 12.34 |
* Python callable: function that converts numbers to strings |
* False or None: no labels |
""" |
defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", } |
text_defaults = {"stroke": "none", "fill": "black", "font-size": 5, } |
tick_start = -1.5 |
tick_end = 1.5 |
minitick_start = -0.75 |
minitick_end = 0.75 |
text_start = 2.5 |
text_angle = 0. |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<Ticks %s from %s to %s ticks=%s labels=%s %s>" % ( |
self.f, self.low, self.high, str(self.ticks), str(self.labels), self.attr) |
def __init__(self, f, low, high, ticks=-10, miniticks=True, labels=True, logbase=None, |
arrow_start=None, arrow_end=None, text_attr={}, **attr): |
self.f = f |
self.low = low |
self.high = high |
self.ticks = ticks |
self.miniticks = miniticks |
self.labels = labels |
self.logbase = logbase |
self.arrow_start = arrow_start |
self.arrow_end = arrow_end |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
self.text_attr = dict(self.text_defaults) |
self.text_attr.update(text_attr) |
def orient_tickmark(self, t, trans=None): |
"""Return the position, normalized local x vector, normalized |
local y vector, and angle of a tick at position t. |
Normally only used internally. |
""" |
if isinstance(trans, basestring): |
trans = totrans(trans) |
if trans is None: |
f = self.f |
else: |
f = lambda t: trans(*self.f(t)) |
eps = _epsilon * abs(self.high - self.low) |
X, Y = f(t) |
Xprime, Yprime = f(t + eps) |
xhatx, xhaty = (Xprime - X)/eps, (Yprime - Y)/eps |
norm = math.sqrt(xhatx**2 + xhaty**2) |
if norm != 0: |
xhatx, xhaty = xhatx/norm, xhaty/norm |
else: |
xhatx, xhaty = 1., 0. |
angle = math.atan2(xhaty, xhatx) + math.pi/2. |
yhatx, yhaty = math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle) |
return (X, Y), (xhatx, xhaty), (yhatx, yhaty), angle |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
if isinstance(trans, basestring): |
trans = totrans(trans) |
self.last_ticks, self.last_miniticks = self.interpret() |
tickmarks = Path([], **self.attr) |
minitickmarks = Path([], **self.attr) |
output = SVG("g") |
if ((self.arrow_start != False and self.arrow_start is not None) or |
(self.arrow_end != False and self.arrow_end is not None)): |
defs = SVG("defs") |
if self.arrow_start != False and self.arrow_start is not None: |
if isinstance(self.arrow_start, SVG): |
defs.append(self.arrow_start) |
elif isinstance(self.arrow_start, basestring): |
defs.append(make_marker(self.arrow_start, "arrow_start")) |
else: |
raise TypeError("arrow_start must be False/None or an id string for the new marker") |
if self.arrow_end != False and self.arrow_end is not None: |
if isinstance(self.arrow_end, SVG): |
defs.append(self.arrow_end) |
elif isinstance(self.arrow_end, basestring): |
defs.append(make_marker(self.arrow_end, "arrow_end")) |
else: |
raise TypeError("arrow_end must be False/None or an id string for the new marker") |
output.append(defs) |
eps = _epsilon * (self.high - self.low) |
for t, label in self.last_ticks.items(): |
(X, Y), (xhatx, xhaty), (yhatx, yhaty), angle = self.orient_tickmark(t, trans) |
if ((not self.arrow_start or abs(t - self.low) > eps) and |
(not self.arrow_end or abs(t - self.high) > eps)): |
tickmarks.d.append(("M", X - yhatx*self.tick_start, Y - yhaty*self.tick_start, True)) |
tickmarks.d.append(("L", X - yhatx*self.tick_end, Y - yhaty*self.tick_end, True)) |
angle = (angle - math.pi/2.)*180./math.pi + self.text_angle |
########### a HACK! ############ (to be removed when Inkscape handles baselines) |
if _hacks["inkscape-text-vertical-shift"]: |
if self.text_start > 0: |
X += math.cos(angle*math.pi/180. + math.pi/2.) * 2. |
Y += math.sin(angle*math.pi/180. + math.pi/2.) * 2. |
else: |
X += math.cos(angle*math.pi/180. + math.pi/2.) * 2. * 2.5 |
Y += math.sin(angle*math.pi/180. + math.pi/2.) * 2. * 2.5 |
########### end hack ########### |
if label != "": |
output.append(SVG("text", label, transform="translate(%g, %g) rotate(%g)" % |
(X - yhatx*self.text_start, Y - yhaty*self.text_start, angle), **self.text_attr)) |
for t in self.last_miniticks: |
skip = False |
for tt in self.last_ticks.keys(): |
if abs(t - tt) < eps: |
skip = True |
break |
if not skip: |
(X, Y), (xhatx, xhaty), (yhatx, yhaty), angle = self.orient_tickmark(t, trans) |
if ((not self.arrow_start or abs(t - self.low) > eps) and |
(not self.arrow_end or abs(t - self.high) > eps)): |
minitickmarks.d.append(("M", X - yhatx*self.minitick_start, Y - yhaty*self.minitick_start, True)) |
minitickmarks.d.append(("L", X - yhatx*self.minitick_end, Y - yhaty*self.minitick_end, True)) |
output.prepend(tickmarks.SVG(trans)) |
output.prepend(minitickmarks.SVG(trans)) |
return output |
def interpret(self): |
"""Evaluate and return optimal ticks and miniticks according to |
the standard minitick specification. |
Normally only used internally. |
""" |
if self.labels is None or self.labels == False: |
format = lambda x: "" |
elif self.labels == True: |
format = unumber |
elif isinstance(self.labels, basestring): |
format = lambda x: (self.labels % x) |
elif callable(self.labels): |
format = self.labels |
else: |
raise TypeError("labels must be None/False, True, a format string, or a number->string function") |
# Now for the ticks |
ticks = self.ticks |
# Case 1: ticks is None/False |
if ticks is None or ticks == False: |
return {}, [] |
# Case 2: ticks is the number of desired ticks |
elif isinstance(ticks, (int, long)): |
if ticks == True: |
ticks = -10 |
if self.logbase is None: |
ticks = self.compute_ticks(ticks, format) |
else: |
ticks = self.compute_logticks(self.logbase, ticks, format) |
# Now for the miniticks |
if self.miniticks == True: |
if self.logbase is None: |
return ticks, self.compute_miniticks(ticks) |
else: |
return ticks, self.compute_logminiticks(self.logbase) |
elif isinstance(self.miniticks, (int, long)): |
return ticks, self.regular_miniticks(self.miniticks) |
elif getattr(self.miniticks, "__iter__", False): |
return ticks, self.miniticks |
elif self.miniticks == False or self.miniticks is None: |
return ticks, [] |
else: |
raise TypeError("miniticks must be None/False, True, a number of desired miniticks, or a list of numbers") |
# Cases 3 & 4: ticks is iterable |
elif getattr(ticks, "__iter__", False): |
# Case 3: ticks is some kind of list |
if not isinstance(ticks, dict): |
output = {} |
eps = _epsilon * (self.high - self.low) |
for x in ticks: |
if format == unumber and abs(x) < eps: |
output[x] = u"0" |
else: |
output[x] = format(x) |
ticks = output |
# Case 4: ticks is a dict |
else: |
pass |
# Now for the miniticks |
if self.miniticks == True: |
if self.logbase is None: |
return ticks, self.compute_miniticks(ticks) |
else: |
return ticks, self.compute_logminiticks(self.logbase) |
elif isinstance(self.miniticks, (int, long)): |
return ticks, self.regular_miniticks(self.miniticks) |
elif getattr(self.miniticks, "__iter__", False): |
return ticks, self.miniticks |
elif self.miniticks == False or self.miniticks is None: |
return ticks, [] |
else: |
raise TypeError("miniticks must be None/False, True, a number of desired miniticks, or a list of numbers") |
else: |
raise TypeError("ticks must be None/False, a number of desired ticks, a list of numbers, or a dictionary of explicit markers") |
def compute_ticks(self, N, format): |
"""Return less than -N or exactly N optimal linear ticks. |
Normally only used internally. |
""" |
if self.low >= self.high: |
raise ValueError("low must be less than high") |
if N == 1: |
raise ValueError("N can be 0 or >1 to specify the exact number of ticks or negative to specify a maximum") |
eps = _epsilon * (self.high - self.low) |
if N >= 0: |
output = {} |
x = self.low |
for i in xrange(N): |
if format == unumber and abs(x) < eps: |
label = u"0" |
else: |
label = format(x) |
output[x] = label |
x += (self.high - self.low)/(N-1.) |
return output |
N = -N |
counter = 0 |
granularity = 10**math.ceil(math.log10(max(abs(self.low), abs(self.high)))) |
lowN = math.ceil(1.*self.low / granularity) |
highN = math.floor(1.*self.high / granularity) |
while lowN > highN: |
countermod3 = counter % 3 |
if countermod3 == 0: |
granularity *= 0.5 |
elif countermod3 == 1: |
granularity *= 0.4 |
else: |
granularity *= 0.5 |
counter += 1 |
lowN = math.ceil(1.*self.low / granularity) |
highN = math.floor(1.*self.high / granularity) |
last_granularity = granularity |
last_trial = None |
while True: |
trial = {} |
for n in range(int(lowN), int(highN)+1): |
x = n * granularity |
if format == unumber and abs(x) < eps: |
label = u"0" |
else: |
label = format(x) |
trial[x] = label |
if int(highN)+1 - int(lowN) >= N: |
if last_trial is None: |
v1, v2 = self.low, self.high |
return {v1: format(v1), v2: format(v2)} |
else: |
low_in_ticks, high_in_ticks = False, False |
for t in last_trial.keys(): |
if 1.*abs(t - self.low)/last_granularity < _epsilon: |
low_in_ticks = True |
if 1.*abs(t - self.high)/last_granularity < _epsilon: |
high_in_ticks = True |
lowN = 1.*self.low / last_granularity |
highN = 1.*self.high / last_granularity |
if abs(lowN - round(lowN)) < _epsilon and not low_in_ticks: |
last_trial[self.low] = format(self.low) |
if abs(highN - round(highN)) < _epsilon and not high_in_ticks: |
last_trial[self.high] = format(self.high) |
return last_trial |
last_granularity = granularity |
last_trial = trial |
countermod3 = counter % 3 |
if countermod3 == 0: |
granularity *= 0.5 |
elif countermod3 == 1: |
granularity *= 0.4 |
else: |
granularity *= 0.5 |
counter += 1 |
lowN = math.ceil(1.*self.low / granularity) |
highN = math.floor(1.*self.high / granularity) |
def regular_miniticks(self, N): |
"""Return exactly N linear ticks. |
Normally only used internally. |
""" |
output = [] |
x = self.low |
for i in xrange(N): |
output.append(x) |
x += (self.high - self.low)/(N-1.) |
return output |
def compute_miniticks(self, original_ticks): |
"""Return optimal linear miniticks, given a set of ticks. |
Normally only used internally. |
""" |
if len(original_ticks) < 2: |
original_ticks = ticks(self.low, self.high) # XXX ticks is undefined! |
original_ticks = original_ticks.keys() |
original_ticks.sort() |
if self.low > original_ticks[0] + _epsilon or self.high < original_ticks[-1] - _epsilon: |
raise ValueError("original_ticks {%g...%g} extend beyond [%g, %g]" % (original_ticks[0], original_ticks[-1], self.low, self.high)) |
granularities = [] |
for i in range(len(original_ticks)-1): |
granularities.append(original_ticks[i+1] - original_ticks[i]) |
spacing = 10**(math.ceil(math.log10(min(granularities)) - 1)) |
output = [] |
x = original_ticks[0] - math.ceil(1.*(original_ticks[0] - self.low) / spacing) * spacing |
while x <= self.high: |
if x >= self.low: |
already_in_ticks = False |
for t in original_ticks: |
if abs(x-t) < _epsilon * (self.high - self.low): |
already_in_ticks = True |
if not already_in_ticks: |
output.append(x) |
x += spacing |
return output |
def compute_logticks(self, base, N, format): |
"""Return less than -N or exactly N optimal logarithmic ticks. |
Normally only used internally. |
""" |
if self.low >= self.high: |
raise ValueError("low must be less than high") |
if N == 1: |
raise ValueError("N can be 0 or >1 to specify the exact number of ticks or negative to specify a maximum") |
eps = _epsilon * (self.high - self.low) |
if N >= 0: |
output = {} |
x = self.low |
for i in xrange(N): |
if format == unumber and abs(x) < eps: |
label = u"0" |
else: |
label = format(x) |
output[x] = label |
x += (self.high - self.low)/(N-1.) |
return output |
N = -N |
lowN = math.floor(math.log(self.low, base)) |
highN = math.ceil(math.log(self.high, base)) |
output = {} |
for n in range(int(lowN), int(highN)+1): |
x = base**n |
label = format(x) |
if self.low <= x <= self.high: |
output[x] = label |
for i in range(1, len(output)): |
keys = output.keys() |
keys.sort() |
keys = keys[::i] |
values = map(lambda k: output[k], keys) |
if len(values) <= N: |
for k in output.keys(): |
if k not in keys: |
output[k] = "" |
break |
if len(output) <= 2: |
output2 = self.compute_ticks(N=-int(math.ceil(N/2.)), format=format) |
lowest = min(output2) |
for k in output: |
if k < lowest: |
output2[k] = output[k] |
output = output2 |
return output |
def compute_logminiticks(self, base): |
"""Return optimal logarithmic miniticks, given a set of ticks. |
Normally only used internally. |
""" |
if self.low >= self.high: |
raise ValueError("low must be less than high") |
lowN = math.floor(math.log(self.low, base)) |
highN = math.ceil(math.log(self.high, base)) |
output = [] |
num_ticks = 0 |
for n in range(int(lowN), int(highN)+1): |
x = base**n |
if self.low <= x <= self.high: |
num_ticks += 1 |
for m in range(2, int(math.ceil(base))): |
minix = m * x |
if self.low <= minix <= self.high: |
output.append(minix) |
if num_ticks <= 2: |
return [] |
else: |
return output |
###################################################################### |
class CurveAxis(Curve, Ticks): |
"""Draw an axis with tick marks along a parametric curve. |
CurveAxis(f, low, high, ticks, miniticks, labels, logbase, arrow_start, arrow_end, |
text_attr, attribute=value) |
f required a Python callable or string in |
the form "f(t), g(t)", just like Curve |
low, high required left and right endpoints |
ticks default=-10 request ticks according to the standard |
tick specification (see help(Ticks)) |
miniticks default=True request miniticks according to the |
standard minitick specification |
labels True request tick labels according to the |
standard tick label specification |
logbase default=None if a number, the x axis is logarithmic |
with ticks at the given base (10 being |
the most common) |
arrow_start default=None if a new string identifier, draw an |
arrow at the low-end of the axis, |
referenced by that identifier; if an |
SVG marker object, use that marker |
arrow_end default=None if a new string identifier, draw an |
arrow at the high-end of the axis, |
referenced by that identifier; if an |
SVG marker object, use that marker |
text_attr default={} SVG attributes for the text labels |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
""" |
defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", } |
text_defaults = {"stroke": "none", "fill": "black", "font-size": 5, } |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<CurveAxis %s [%s, %s] ticks=%s labels=%s %s>" % ( |
self.f, self.low, self.high, str(self.ticks), str(self.labels), self.attr) |
def __init__(self, f, low, high, ticks=-10, miniticks=True, labels=True, logbase=None, |
arrow_start=None, arrow_end=None, text_attr={}, **attr): |
tattr = dict(self.text_defaults) |
tattr.update(text_attr) |
Curve.__init__(self, f, low, high) |
Ticks.__init__(self, f, low, high, ticks, miniticks, labels, logbase, arrow_start, arrow_end, tattr, **attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
func = Curve.SVG(self, trans) |
ticks = Ticks.SVG(self, trans) # returns a <g /> |
if self.arrow_start != False and self.arrow_start is not None: |
if isinstance(self.arrow_start, basestring): |
func.attr["marker-start"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_start |
else: |
func.attr["marker-start"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_start.id |
if self.arrow_end != False and self.arrow_end is not None: |
if isinstance(self.arrow_end, basestring): |
func.attr["marker-end"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_end |
else: |
func.attr["marker-end"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_end.id |
ticks.append(func) |
return ticks |
class LineAxis(Line, Ticks): |
"""Draws an axis with tick marks along a line. |
LineAxis(x1, y1, x2, y2, start, end, ticks, miniticks, labels, logbase, |
arrow_start, arrow_end, text_attr, attribute=value) |
x1, y1 required starting point |
x2, y2 required ending point |
start, end default=0, 1 values to start and end labeling |
ticks default=-10 request ticks according to the standard |
tick specification (see help(Ticks)) |
miniticks default=True request miniticks according to the |
standard minitick specification |
labels True request tick labels according to the |
standard tick label specification |
logbase default=None if a number, the x axis is logarithmic |
with ticks at the given base (usually 10) |
arrow_start default=None if a new string identifier, draw an arrow |
at the low-end of the axis, referenced by |
that identifier; if an SVG marker object, |
use that marker |
arrow_end default=None if a new string identifier, draw an arrow |
at the high-end of the axis, referenced by |
that identifier; if an SVG marker object, |
use that marker |
text_attr default={} SVG attributes for the text labels |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
""" |
defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", } |
text_defaults = {"stroke": "none", "fill": "black", "font-size": 5, } |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<LineAxis (%g, %g) to (%g, %g) ticks=%s labels=%s %s>" % ( |
self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2, str(self.ticks), str(self.labels), self.attr) |
def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, start=0., end=1., ticks=-10, miniticks=True, labels=True, |
logbase=None, arrow_start=None, arrow_end=None, exclude=None, text_attr={}, **attr): |
self.start = start |
self.end = end |
self.exclude = exclude |
tattr = dict(self.text_defaults) |
tattr.update(text_attr) |
Line.__init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, **attr) |
Ticks.__init__(self, None, None, None, ticks, miniticks, labels, logbase, arrow_start, arrow_end, tattr, **attr) |
def interpret(self): |
if self.exclude is not None and not (isinstance(self.exclude, (tuple, list)) and len(self.exclude) == 2 and |
isinstance(self.exclude[0], (int, long, float)) and isinstance(self.exclude[1], (int, long, float))): |
raise TypeError("exclude must either be None or (low, high)") |
ticks, miniticks = Ticks.interpret(self) |
if self.exclude is None: |
return ticks, miniticks |
ticks2 = {} |
for loc, label in ticks.items(): |
if self.exclude[0] <= loc <= self.exclude[1]: |
ticks2[loc] = "" |
else: |
ticks2[loc] = label |
return ticks2, miniticks |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
line = Line.SVG(self, trans) # must be evaluated first, to set self.f, self.low, self.high |
f01 = self.f |
self.f = lambda t: f01(1. * (t - self.start) / (self.end - self.start)) |
self.low = self.start |
self.high = self.end |
if self.arrow_start != False and self.arrow_start is not None: |
if isinstance(self.arrow_start, basestring): |
line.attr["marker-start"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_start |
else: |
line.attr["marker-start"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_start.id |
if self.arrow_end != False and self.arrow_end is not None: |
if isinstance(self.arrow_end, basestring): |
line.attr["marker-end"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_end |
else: |
line.attr["marker-end"] = "url(#%s)" % self.arrow_end.id |
ticks = Ticks.SVG(self, trans) # returns a <g /> |
ticks.append(line) |
return ticks |
class XAxis(LineAxis): |
"""Draws an x axis with tick marks. |
XAxis(xmin, xmax, aty, ticks, miniticks, labels, logbase, arrow_start, arrow_end, |
exclude, text_attr, attribute=value) |
xmin, xmax required the x range |
aty default=0 y position to draw the axis |
ticks default=-10 request ticks according to the standard |
tick specification (see help(Ticks)) |
miniticks default=True request miniticks according to the |
standard minitick specification |
labels True request tick labels according to the |
standard tick label specification |
logbase default=None if a number, the x axis is logarithmic |
with ticks at the given base (usually 10) |
arrow_start default=None if a new string identifier, draw an arrow |
at the low-end of the axis, referenced by |
that identifier; if an SVG marker object, |
use that marker |
arrow_end default=None if a new string identifier, draw an arrow |
at the high-end of the axis, referenced by |
that identifier; if an SVG marker object, |
use that marker |
exclude default=None if a (low, high) pair, don't draw text |
labels within this range |
text_attr default={} SVG attributes for the text labels |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes for all lines |
The exclude option is provided for Axes to keep text from overlapping |
where the axes cross. Normal users are not likely to need it. |
""" |
defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", } |
text_defaults = {"stroke": "none", "fill": "black", "font-size": 5, "dominant-baseline": "text-before-edge", } |
text_start = -1. |
text_angle = 0. |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<XAxis (%g, %g) at y=%g ticks=%s labels=%s %s>" % ( |
self.xmin, self.xmax, self.aty, str(self.ticks), str(self.labels), self.attr) # XXX self.xmin/xmax undefd! |
def __init__(self, xmin, xmax, aty=0, ticks=-10, miniticks=True, labels=True, logbase=None, |
arrow_start=None, arrow_end=None, exclude=None, text_attr={}, **attr): |
self.aty = aty |
tattr = dict(self.text_defaults) |
tattr.update(text_attr) |
LineAxis.__init__(self, xmin, aty, xmax, aty, xmin, xmax, ticks, miniticks, labels, logbase, arrow_start, arrow_end, exclude, tattr, **attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
self.y1 = self.aty |
self.y2 = self.aty |
return LineAxis.SVG(self, trans) |
class YAxis(LineAxis): |
"""Draws a y axis with tick marks. |
YAxis(ymin, ymax, atx, ticks, miniticks, labels, logbase, arrow_start, arrow_end, |
exclude, text_attr, attribute=value) |
ymin, ymax required the y range |
atx default=0 x position to draw the axis |
ticks default=-10 request ticks according to the standard |
tick specification (see help(Ticks)) |
miniticks default=True request miniticks according to the |
standard minitick specification |
labels True request tick labels according to the |
standard tick label specification |
logbase default=None if a number, the y axis is logarithmic |
with ticks at the given base (usually 10) |
arrow_start default=None if a new string identifier, draw an arrow |
at the low-end of the axis, referenced by |
that identifier; if an SVG marker object, |
use that marker |
arrow_end default=None if a new string identifier, draw an arrow |
at the high-end of the axis, referenced by |
that identifier; if an SVG marker object, |
use that marker |
exclude default=None if a (low, high) pair, don't draw text |
labels within this range |
text_attr default={} SVG attributes for the text labels |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes for all lines |
The exclude option is provided for Axes to keep text from overlapping |
where the axes cross. Normal users are not likely to need it. |
""" |
defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", } |
text_defaults = {"stroke": "none", "fill": "black", "font-size": 5, "text-anchor": "end", "dominant-baseline": "middle", } |
text_start = 2.5 |
text_angle = 90. |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<YAxis (%g, %g) at x=%g ticks=%s labels=%s %s>" % ( |
self.ymin, self.ymax, self.atx, str(self.ticks), str(self.labels), self.attr) # XXX self.ymin/ymax undefd! |
def __init__(self, ymin, ymax, atx=0, ticks=-10, miniticks=True, labels=True, logbase=None, |
arrow_start=None, arrow_end=None, exclude=None, text_attr={}, **attr): |
self.atx = atx |
tattr = dict(self.text_defaults) |
tattr.update(text_attr) |
LineAxis.__init__(self, atx, ymin, atx, ymax, ymin, ymax, ticks, miniticks, labels, logbase, arrow_start, arrow_end, exclude, tattr, **attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
self.x1 = self.atx |
self.x2 = self.atx |
return LineAxis.SVG(self, trans) |
class Axes: |
"""Draw a pair of intersecting x-y axes. |
Axes(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, atx, aty, xticks, xminiticks, xlabels, xlogbase, |
yticks, yminiticks, ylabels, ylogbase, arrows, text_attr, attribute=value) |
xmin, xmax required the x range |
ymin, ymax required the y range |
atx, aty default=0, 0 point where the axes try to cross; |
if outside the range, the axes will |
cross at the closest corner |
xticks default=-10 request ticks according to the standard |
tick specification (see help(Ticks)) |
xminiticks default=True request miniticks according to the |
standard minitick specification |
xlabels True request tick labels according to the |
standard tick label specification |
xlogbase default=None if a number, the x axis is logarithmic |
with ticks at the given base (usually 10) |
yticks default=-10 request ticks according to the standard |
tick specification |
yminiticks default=True request miniticks according to the |
standard minitick specification |
ylabels True request tick labels according to the |
standard tick label specification |
ylogbase default=None if a number, the y axis is logarithmic |
with ticks at the given base (usually 10) |
arrows default=None if a new string identifier, draw arrows |
referenced by that identifier |
text_attr default={} SVG attributes for the text labels |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes for all lines |
""" |
defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", } |
text_defaults = {"stroke": "none", "fill": "black", "font-size": 5, } |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<Axes x=(%g, %g) y=(%g, %g) at (%g, %g) %s>" % ( |
self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax, self.atx, self.aty, self.attr) |
def __init__(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, atx=0, aty=0, |
xticks=-10, xminiticks=True, xlabels=True, xlogbase=None, |
yticks=-10, yminiticks=True, ylabels=True, ylogbase=None, |
arrows=None, text_attr={}, **attr): |
self.xmin, self.xmax = xmin, xmax |
self.ymin, self.ymax = ymin, ymax |
self.atx, self.aty = atx, aty |
self.xticks, self.xminiticks, self.xlabels, self.xlogbase = xticks, xminiticks, xlabels, xlogbase |
self.yticks, self.yminiticks, self.ylabels, self.ylogbase = yticks, yminiticks, ylabels, ylogbase |
self.arrows = arrows |
self.text_attr = dict(self.text_defaults) |
self.text_attr.update(text_attr) |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
atx, aty = self.atx, self.aty |
if atx < self.xmin: |
atx = self.xmin |
if atx > self.xmax: |
atx = self.xmax |
if aty < self.ymin: |
aty = self.ymin |
if aty > self.ymax: |
aty = self.ymax |
xmargin = 0.1 * abs(self.ymin - self.ymax) |
xexclude = atx - xmargin, atx + xmargin |
ymargin = 0.1 * abs(self.xmin - self.xmax) |
yexclude = aty - ymargin, aty + ymargin |
if self.arrows is not None and self.arrows != False: |
xarrow_start = self.arrows + ".xstart" |
xarrow_end = self.arrows + ".xend" |
yarrow_start = self.arrows + ".ystart" |
yarrow_end = self.arrows + ".yend" |
else: |
xarrow_start = xarrow_end = yarrow_start = yarrow_end = None |
xaxis = XAxis(self.xmin, self.xmax, aty, self.xticks, self.xminiticks, self.xlabels, self.xlogbase, xarrow_start, xarrow_end, exclude=xexclude, text_attr=self.text_attr, **self.attr).SVG(trans) |
yaxis = YAxis(self.ymin, self.ymax, atx, self.yticks, self.yminiticks, self.ylabels, self.ylogbase, yarrow_start, yarrow_end, exclude=yexclude, text_attr=self.text_attr, **self.attr).SVG(trans) |
return SVG("g", *(xaxis.sub + yaxis.sub)) |
###################################################################### |
class HGrid(Ticks): |
"""Draws the horizontal lines of a grid over a specified region |
using the standard tick specification (see help(Ticks)) to place the |
grid lines. |
HGrid(xmin, xmax, low, high, ticks, miniticks, logbase, mini_attr, attribute=value) |
xmin, xmax required the x range |
low, high required the y range |
ticks default=-10 request ticks according to the standard |
tick specification (see help(Ticks)) |
miniticks default=False request miniticks according to the |
standard minitick specification |
logbase default=None if a number, the axis is logarithmic |
with ticks at the given base (usually 10) |
mini_attr default={} SVG attributes for the minitick-lines |
(if miniticks != False) |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes for the major tick lines |
""" |
defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", "stroke": "gray", } |
mini_defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", "stroke": "lightgray", "stroke-dasharray": "1,1", } |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<HGrid x=(%g, %g) %g <= y <= %g ticks=%s miniticks=%s %s>" % ( |
self.xmin, self.xmax, self.low, self.high, str(self.ticks), str(self.miniticks), self.attr) |
def __init__(self, xmin, xmax, low, high, ticks=-10, miniticks=False, logbase=None, mini_attr={}, **attr): |
self.xmin, self.xmax = xmin, xmax |
self.mini_attr = dict(self.mini_defaults) |
self.mini_attr.update(mini_attr) |
Ticks.__init__(self, None, low, high, ticks, miniticks, None, logbase) |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
self.last_ticks, self.last_miniticks = Ticks.interpret(self) |
ticksd = [] |
for t in self.last_ticks.keys(): |
ticksd += Line(self.xmin, t, self.xmax, t).Path(trans).d |
miniticksd = [] |
for t in self.last_miniticks: |
miniticksd += Line(self.xmin, t, self.xmax, t).Path(trans).d |
return SVG("g", Path(d=ticksd, **self.attr).SVG(), Path(d=miniticksd, **self.mini_attr).SVG()) |
class VGrid(Ticks): |
"""Draws the vertical lines of a grid over a specified region |
using the standard tick specification (see help(Ticks)) to place the |
grid lines. |
HGrid(ymin, ymax, low, high, ticks, miniticks, logbase, mini_attr, attribute=value) |
ymin, ymax required the y range |
low, high required the x range |
ticks default=-10 request ticks according to the standard |
tick specification (see help(Ticks)) |
miniticks default=False request miniticks according to the |
standard minitick specification |
logbase default=None if a number, the axis is logarithmic |
with ticks at the given base (usually 10) |
mini_attr default={} SVG attributes for the minitick-lines |
(if miniticks != False) |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes for the major tick lines |
""" |
defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", "stroke": "gray", } |
mini_defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", "stroke": "lightgray", "stroke-dasharray": "1,1", } |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<VGrid y=(%g, %g) %g <= x <= %g ticks=%s miniticks=%s %s>" % ( |
self.ymin, self.ymax, self.low, self.high, str(self.ticks), str(self.miniticks), self.attr) |
def __init__(self, ymin, ymax, low, high, ticks=-10, miniticks=False, logbase=None, mini_attr={}, **attr): |
self.ymin, self.ymax = ymin, ymax |
self.mini_attr = dict(self.mini_defaults) |
self.mini_attr.update(mini_attr) |
Ticks.__init__(self, None, low, high, ticks, miniticks, None, logbase) |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
self.last_ticks, self.last_miniticks = Ticks.interpret(self) |
ticksd = [] |
for t in self.last_ticks.keys(): |
ticksd += Line(t, self.ymin, t, self.ymax).Path(trans).d |
miniticksd = [] |
for t in self.last_miniticks: |
miniticksd += Line(t, self.ymin, t, self.ymax).Path(trans).d |
return SVG("g", Path(d=ticksd, **self.attr).SVG(), Path(d=miniticksd, **self.mini_attr).SVG()) |
class Grid(Ticks): |
"""Draws a grid over a specified region using the standard tick |
specification (see help(Ticks)) to place the grid lines. |
Grid(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ticks, miniticks, logbase, mini_attr, attribute=value) |
xmin, xmax required the x range |
ymin, ymax required the y range |
ticks default=-10 request ticks according to the standard |
tick specification (see help(Ticks)) |
miniticks default=False request miniticks according to the |
standard minitick specification |
logbase default=None if a number, the axis is logarithmic |
with ticks at the given base (usually 10) |
mini_attr default={} SVG attributes for the minitick-lines |
(if miniticks != False) |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes for the major tick lines |
""" |
defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", "stroke": "gray", } |
mini_defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", "stroke": "lightgray", "stroke-dasharray": "1,1", } |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<Grid x=(%g, %g) y=(%g, %g) ticks=%s miniticks=%s %s>" % ( |
self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax, str(self.ticks), str(self.miniticks), self.attr) |
def __init__(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ticks=-10, miniticks=False, logbase=None, mini_attr={}, **attr): |
self.xmin, self.xmax = xmin, xmax |
self.ymin, self.ymax = ymin, ymax |
self.mini_attr = dict(self.mini_defaults) |
self.mini_attr.update(mini_attr) |
Ticks.__init__(self, None, None, None, ticks, miniticks, None, logbase) |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
self.low, self.high = self.xmin, self.xmax |
self.last_xticks, self.last_xminiticks = Ticks.interpret(self) |
self.low, self.high = self.ymin, self.ymax |
self.last_yticks, self.last_yminiticks = Ticks.interpret(self) |
ticksd = [] |
for t in self.last_xticks.keys(): |
ticksd += Line(t, self.ymin, t, self.ymax).Path(trans).d |
for t in self.last_yticks.keys(): |
ticksd += Line(self.xmin, t, self.xmax, t).Path(trans).d |
miniticksd = [] |
for t in self.last_xminiticks: |
miniticksd += Line(t, self.ymin, t, self.ymax).Path(trans).d |
for t in self.last_yminiticks: |
miniticksd += Line(self.xmin, t, self.xmax, t).Path(trans).d |
return SVG("g", Path(d=ticksd, **self.attr).SVG(), Path(d=miniticksd, **self.mini_attr).SVG()) |
###################################################################### |
class XErrorBars: |
"""Draws x error bars at a set of points. This is usually used |
before (under) a set of Dots at the same points. |
XErrorBars(d, attribute=value) |
d required list of (x,y,xerr...) points |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
If points in d have |
* 3 elements, the third is the symmetric error bar |
* 4 elements, the third and fourth are the asymmetric lower and |
upper error bar. The third element should be negative, |
e.g. (5, 5, -1, 2) is a bar from 4 to 7. |
* more than 4, a tick mark is placed at each value. This lets |
you nest errors from different sources, correlated and |
uncorrelated, statistical and systematic, etc. |
""" |
defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", } |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<XErrorBars (%d nodes)>" % len(self.d) |
def __init__(self, d=[], **attr): |
self.d = list(d) |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
if isinstance(trans, basestring): |
trans = totrans(trans) # only once |
output = SVG("g") |
for p in self.d: |
x, y = p[0], p[1] |
if len(p) == 3: |
bars = [x - p[2], x + p[2]] |
else: |
bars = [x + pi for pi in p[2:]] |
start, end = min(bars), max(bars) |
output.append(LineAxis(start, y, end, y, start, end, bars, False, False, **self.attr).SVG(trans)) |
return output |
class YErrorBars: |
"""Draws y error bars at a set of points. This is usually used |
before (under) a set of Dots at the same points. |
YErrorBars(d, attribute=value) |
d required list of (x,y,yerr...) points |
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes |
If points in d have |
* 3 elements, the third is the symmetric error bar |
* 4 elements, the third and fourth are the asymmetric lower and |
upper error bar. The third element should be negative, |
e.g. (5, 5, -1, 2) is a bar from 4 to 7. |
* more than 4, a tick mark is placed at each value. This lets |
you nest errors from different sources, correlated and |
uncorrelated, statistical and systematic, etc. |
""" |
defaults = {"stroke-width": "0.25pt", } |
def __repr__(self): |
return "<YErrorBars (%d nodes)>" % len(self.d) |
def __init__(self, d=[], **attr): |
self.d = list(d) |
self.attr = dict(self.defaults) |
self.attr.update(attr) |
def SVG(self, trans=None): |
"""Apply the transformation "trans" and return an SVG object.""" |
if isinstance(trans, basestring): |
trans = totrans(trans) # only once |
output = SVG("g") |
for p in self.d: |
x, y = p[0], p[1] |
if len(p) == 3: |
bars = [y - p[2], y + p[2]] |
else: |
bars = [y + pi for pi in p[2:]] |
start, end = min(bars), max(bars) |
output.append(LineAxis(x, start, x, end, start, end, bars, False, False, **self.attr).SVG(trans)) |
return output