Open Source Computer Vision Library

1445 lines
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Intel Corporation
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <memory> // make_shared
#include <iostream>
#include <ade/util/zip_range.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/opencv_includes.hpp>
#if !defined(GAPI_STANDALONE)
#include <opencv2/gapi/core.hpp> // GCopy -- FIXME - to be removed!
#include "api/gproto_priv.hpp" // ptr(GRunArgP)
#include "compiler/passes/passes.hpp"
#include "backends/common/gbackend.hpp" // createMat
#include "compiler/gcompiler.hpp" // for compileIslands
#include "executor/gstreamingexecutor.hpp"
using namespace cv::gimpl::stream;
#if !defined(GAPI_STANDALONE)
class VideoEmitter final: public cv::gimpl::GIslandEmitter {
cv::gapi::wip::IStreamSource::Ptr src;
virtual bool pull(cv::GRunArg &arg) override {
// FIXME: probably we can maintain a pool of (then) pre-allocated
// buffers to avoid runtime allocations.
// Pool size can be determined given the internal queue size.
cv::gapi::wip::Data newData;
if (!src->pull(newData)) {
return false;
arg = std::move(static_cast<cv::GRunArg&>(newData));
return true;
explicit VideoEmitter(const cv::GRunArg &arg) {
src = cv::util::get<cv::gapi::wip::IStreamSource::Ptr>(arg);
class ConstEmitter final: public cv::gimpl::GIslandEmitter {
cv::GRunArg m_arg;
virtual bool pull(cv::GRunArg &arg) override {
arg = const_cast<const cv::GRunArg&>(m_arg); // FIXME: variant workaround
return true;
explicit ConstEmitter(const cv::GRunArg &arg) : m_arg(arg) {
struct DataQueue {
static const char *name() { return "StreamingDataQueue"; }
enum tag { DESYNC }; // Enum of 1 element: purely a syntax sugar
explicit DataQueue(std::size_t capacity) {
// Note: `ptr` is shared<SyncQueue>, while the `q` is a shared<Q>
auto ptr = std::make_shared<cv::gimpl::stream::SyncQueue>();
if (capacity != 0) {
q = std::move(ptr);
explicit DataQueue(tag t)
: q(new cv::gimpl::stream::DesyncQueue()) {
GAPI_Assert(t == DESYNC);
// FIXME: ADE metadata requires types to be copiable
std::shared_ptr<cv::gimpl::stream::Q> q;
struct DesyncSpecialCase {
static const char *name() { return "DesyncSpecialCase"; }
std::vector<cv::gimpl::stream::Q*> reader_queues( ade::Graph &g,
const ade::NodeHandle &obj)
ade::TypedGraph<DataQueue> qgr(g);
std::vector<cv::gimpl::stream::Q*> result;
for (auto &&out_eh : obj->outEdges())
return result;
std::vector<cv::gimpl::stream::Q*> input_queues( ade::Graph &g,
const ade::NodeHandle &obj)
ade::TypedGraph<DataQueue> qgr(g);
std::vector<cv::gimpl::stream::Q*> result;
for (auto &&in_eh : obj->inEdges())
? qgr.metadata(in_eh).get<DataQueue>().q.get()
: nullptr);
return result;
void sync_data(cv::GRunArgs &results, cv::GRunArgsP &outputs)
for (auto && it : ade::util::zip(ade::util::toRange(outputs),
auto &out_obj = std::get<0>(it);
auto &res_obj = std::get<1>(it);
// FIXME: this conversion should be unified
using T = cv::GRunArgP;
switch (out_obj.index())
case T::index_of<cv::Mat*>():
auto out_mat_p = cv::util::get<cv::Mat*>(out_obj);
auto view = cv::util::get<cv::RMat>(res_obj).access(cv::RMat::Access::R);
*out_mat_p = cv::gimpl::asMat(view).clone();
} break;
case T::index_of<cv::RMat*>():
*cv::util::get<cv::RMat*>(out_obj) = std::move(cv::util::get<cv::RMat>(res_obj));
case T::index_of<cv::Scalar*>():
*cv::util::get<cv::Scalar*>(out_obj) = std::move(cv::util::get<cv::Scalar>(res_obj));
case T::index_of<cv::detail::VectorRef>():
case T::index_of<cv::detail::OpaqueRef>():
GAPI_Assert(false && "This value type is not supported!"); // ...maybe because of STANDALONE mode.
// FIXME: Is there a way to derive function from its GRunArgsP version?
template<class C> using O = cv::util::optional<C>;
void sync_data(cv::gimpl::stream::Result &r, cv::GOptRunArgsP &outputs)
namespace own = cv::gapi::own;
for (auto && it : ade::util::zip(ade::util::toRange(outputs),
auto &out_obj = std::get<0>(it);
auto &res_obj = std::get<1>(it);
bool available = std::get<2>(it);
using T = cv::GOptRunArgP;
#define HANDLE_CASE(Type) \
case T::index_of<O<Type>*>(): \
if (available) { \
*cv::util::get<O<Type>*>(out_obj) \
= cv::util::make_optional(std::move(cv::util::get<Type>(res_obj))); \
} else { \
cv::util::get<O<Type>*>(out_obj)->reset(); \
// FIXME: this conversion should be unified
switch (out_obj.index())
HANDLE_CASE(cv::Scalar); break;
HANDLE_CASE(cv::RMat); break;
case T::index_of<O<cv::Mat>*>(): {
// Mat: special handling.
auto &mat_opt = *cv::util::get<O<cv::Mat>*>(out_obj);
if (available) {
auto q_map = cv::util::get<cv::RMat>(res_obj).access(cv::RMat::Access::R);
// FIXME: Copy! Maybe we could do some optimization for this case!
// e.g. don't handle RMat for last ilsand in the graph.
// It is not always possible though.
mat_opt = cv::util::make_optional(cv::gimpl::asMat(q_map).clone());
} else {
} break;
case T::index_of<cv::detail::OptionalVectorRef>(): {
// std::vector<>: special handling
auto &vec_opt = cv::util::get<cv::detail::OptionalVectorRef>(out_obj);
if (available) {<cv::detail::VectorRef>(res_obj));
} else {
} break;
case T::index_of<cv::detail::OptionalOpaqueRef>(): {
// std::vector<>: special handling
auto &opq_opt = cv::util::get<cv::detail::OptionalOpaqueRef>(out_obj);
if (available) {<cv::detail::OpaqueRef>(res_obj));
} else {
} break;
// ...maybe because of STANDALONE mode.
GAPI_Assert(false && "This value type is not supported!");
// Pops an item from every input queue and combine it to the final
// result. Blocks the current thread. Returns true if the vector has
// been obtained successfully and false if a Stop message has been
// received. Handles Stop x-queue synchronization gracefully.
// In fact, the logic behind this method is a little bit more complex.
// The complexity comes from handling the pipeline termination
// messages. This version if GStreamerExecutable is running every
// graph island in its own thread, and threads communicate via bounded
// (limited in size) queues. Threads poll their input queues in the
// infinite loops and pass the data to their Island executables when
// the full input vector (a "stack frame") arrives.
// If the input stream is over or stop() is called, "Stop" messages
// are broadcasted in the graph from island to island via queues,
// starting with the emitters (sources). Since queues are bounded,
// thread may block on push() if the queue is full already and is not
// popped for some reason in the reader thread. In order to avoid
// this, once an Island gets Stop on an input, it start reading all
// other input queues until it reaches Stop messages there as well.
// Only then the thread terminates so in theory queues are left
// free'd.
// "Stop" messages are sent to the pipeline in these three cases:
// 1. User has called stop(): a "Stop" message is sent to every input
// queue.
// 2. Input video stream has reached its end -- its emitter sends Stop
// to its readers AND asks constant emitters (emitters attached to
// const data -- infinite data generators) to push Stop messages as
// well - in order to maintain a regular Stop procedure as defined
// above.
// 3. "Stop" message coming from a constant emitter after triggering an
// EOS notification -- see (2).
// There is a problem with (3). Sometimes it terminates the pipeline
// too early while some frames could still be produced with no issue,
// and our test fails with error like "got 99 frames, expected 100".
// This is how it reproduces:
// q1
// [const input] -----------------------> [ ISL2 ] --> [output]
// q0 q2 .->
// [stream input] ---> [ ISL1 ] -------'
// Video emitter is pushing frames to q0, and ISL1 is taking every
// frame from this queue and processes it. Meanwhile, q1 is a
// const-input-queue staffed with const data already, ISL2 already
// popped one, and is waiting for data from q2 (of ISL1) to arrive.
// When the stream is over, stream emitter pushes the last frame to
// q0, followed by a Stop sign, and _immediately_ notifies const
// emitters to broadcast Stop messages as well. In the above
// configuration, the replicated Stop message via q1 may reach ISL2
// faster than the real Stop message via q2 -- moreover, somewhere in
// q1 or q2 there may be real frames awaiting processing. ISL2 gets
// Stop via q1 and _discards_ any pending data coming from q2 -- so a
// last frame or two may be lost.
// A working but not very elegant solution to this problem is to tag
// Stop messages. Stop got via stop() is really a hard stop, while
// broadcasted Stop from a Const input shouldn't initiate the Island
// execution termination. Instead, its associated const data should
// remain somewhere in islands' thread local storage until a real
// "Stop" is received.
// Queue reader is the class which encapsulates all this logic and
// provides threads with a managed storage and an easy API to obtain
// data.
class QueueReader
bool m_finishing = false; // Set to true once a "soft" stop is received
std::vector<Cmd> m_cmd;
void rewindToStop(std::vector<Q*> &in_queues,
const std::size_t this_id);
bool getInputVector (std::vector<Q*> &in_queues,
cv::GRunArgs &in_constants,
cv::GRunArgs &isl_inputs);
bool getResultsVector(std::vector<Q*> &in_queues,
const std::vector<int> &in_mapping,
const std::size_t out_size,
cv::GRunArgs &out_results);
// This method handles a stop sign got from some input
// island. Reiterate through all _remaining valid_ queues (some of
// them can be set to nullptr already -- see handling in
// getInputVector) and rewind data to every Stop sign per queue.
void QueueReader::rewindToStop(std::vector<Q*> &in_queues,
const std::size_t this_id)
for (auto &&qit : ade::util::indexed(in_queues))
auto id2 = ade::util::index(qit);
auto &q2 = ade::util::value(qit);
if (this_id == id2) continue;
Cmd cmd;
while (q2 && !cv::util::holds_alternative<Stop>(cmd))
bool QueueReader::getInputVector(std::vector<Q*> &in_queues,
cv::GRunArgs &in_constants,
cv::GRunArgs &isl_inputs)
// NOTE: in order to maintain the GRunArg's underlying object
// lifetime, keep the whole cmd vector (of size == # of inputs)
// in memory.
for (auto &&it : ade::util::indexed(in_queues))
auto id = ade::util::index(it);
auto &q = ade::util::value(it);
if (q == nullptr)
// NULL queue means a graph-constant value (like a
// value-initialized scalar)
// It can also hold a constant value received with
// Stop::Kind::CNST message (see above).
isl_inputs[id] = in_constants[id];
if (!cv::util::holds_alternative<Stop>(m_cmd[id]))
isl_inputs[id] = cv::util::get<cv::GRunArg>(m_cmd[id]);
else // A Stop sign
const auto &stop = cv::util::get<Stop>(m_cmd[id]);
if (stop.kind == Stop::Kind::CNST)
// We've got a Stop signal from a const source,
// propagated as a result of real stream reaching its
// end. Sometimes these signals come earlier than
// real EOS Stops so are deprioritized -- just
// remember the Const value here and continue
// processing other queues. Set queue pointer to
// nullptr and update the const_val vector
// appropriately
m_finishing = true;
in_queues[id] = nullptr;
in_constants[id] = std::move(stop.cdata);
// NEXT time (on a next call to getInputVector()), the
// "q==nullptr" check above will be triggered, but now
// we need to make it manually:
isl_inputs[id] = in_constants[id];
GAPI_Assert(stop.kind == Stop::Kind::HARD);
rewindToStop(in_queues, id);
// After queues are read to the proper indicator,
// indicate end-of-stream
return false;
} // if(Cnst)
} // if(Stop)
} // for(in_queues)
if (m_finishing)
// If the process is about to end (a soft Stop was received
// already) and an island has no other inputs than constant
// inputs, its queues may all become nullptrs. Indicate it as
// "no data".
return !ade::util::all_of(in_queues, [](Q *ptr){return ptr == nullptr;});
return true; // A regular case - there is data to process.
// This is a special method to obtain a result vector
// for the entire pipeline's outputs.
// After introducing desync(), the pipeline output's vector
// can be produced just partially. Also, if a desynchronized
// path has multiple outputs for the pipeline, _these_ outputs
// should still come synchronized to the end user (via pull())
// This method handles all this.
// It takes a number of input queues, which may or may not be
// equal to the number of pipeline outputs (<=).
// It also takes indexes saying which queue produces which
// output in the resulting pipeline.
// `out_results` is always produced with the size of full output
// vector. In the desync case, the number of in_queues will
// be less than this size and some of the items won't be produced.
// In the sync case, there will be a 1-1 mapping.
// In the desync case, there _will be_ multiple collector threads
// calling this method, and pushing their whole-pipeline outputs
// (_may be_ partially filled) to the same final output queue.
// The receiver part at the GStreamingExecutor level won't change
// because of that.
bool QueueReader::getResultsVector(std::vector<Q*> &in_queues,
const std::vector<int> &in_mapping,
const std::size_t out_size,
cv::GRunArgs &out_results)
for (auto &&it : ade::util::indexed(in_queues))
auto ii = ade::util::index(it);
auto oi = in_mapping[ii];
auto &q = ade::util::value(it);
if (!cv::util::holds_alternative<Stop>(m_cmd[oi]))
out_results[oi] = std::move(cv::util::get<cv::GRunArg>(m_cmd[oi]));
else // A Stop sign
// In theory, the CNST should never reach here.
// Collector thread never handles the inputs directly
// (collector's input queues are always produced by
// islands in the graph).
rewindToStop(in_queues, ii);
return false;
} // if(Stop)
} // for(in_queues)
return true;
// This thread is a plain dump source actor. What it do is just:
// - Check input queue (the only one) for a control command
// - Depending on the state, obtains next data object and pushes it to the
// pipeline.
void emitterActorThread(std::shared_ptr<cv::gimpl::GIslandEmitter> emitter,
Q& in_queue,
std::vector<Q*> out_queues,
std::function<void()> cb_completion)
// Wait for the explicit Start command.
// ...or Stop command, this also happens.
Cmd cmd;
GAPI_Assert( cv::util::holds_alternative<Start>(cmd)
|| cv::util::holds_alternative<Stop>(cmd));
if (cv::util::holds_alternative<Stop>(cmd))
for (auto &&oq : out_queues) oq->push(cmd);
// Now start emitting the data from the source to the pipeline.
while (true)
Cmd cancel;
if (in_queue.try_pop(cancel))
// if we just popped a cancellation command...
// Broadcast it to the readers and quit.
for (auto &&oq : out_queues) oq->push(cancel);
// Try to obrain next data chunk from the source
cv::GRunArg data;
if (emitter->pull(data))
// // On success, broadcast it to our readers
for (auto &&oq : out_queues)
// FIXME: FOR SOME REASON, oq->push(Cmd{data}) doesn't work!!
// empty mats are arrived to the receivers!
// There may be a fatal bug in our variant!
const auto tmp = data;
// Otherwise, broadcast STOP message to our readers and quit.
// This usually means end-of-stream, so trigger a callback
for (auto &&oq : out_queues) oq->push(Cmd{Stop{}});
if (cb_completion) cb_completion();
class StreamingInput final: public cv::gimpl::GIslandExecutable::IInput
QueueReader &qr;
std::vector<Q*> &in_queues; // FIXME: This can be part of QueueReader
cv::GRunArgs &in_constants; // FIXME: This can be part of QueueReader
virtual cv::gimpl::StreamMsg get() override
cv::GRunArgs isl_input_args;
if (!qr.getInputVector(in_queues, in_constants, isl_input_args))
// Stop case
return cv::gimpl::StreamMsg{cv::gimpl::EndOfStream{}};
return cv::gimpl::StreamMsg{std::move(isl_input_args)};
virtual cv::gimpl::StreamMsg try_get() override
// FIXME: This is not very usable at the moment!
return get();
explicit StreamingInput(QueueReader &rdr,
std::vector<Q*> &inq,
cv::GRunArgs &inc,
const std::vector<cv::gimpl::RcDesc> &in_descs)
: qr(rdr), in_queues(inq), in_constants(inc)
class StreamingOutput final: public cv::gimpl::GIslandExecutable::IOutput
// These objects form an internal state of the StreamingOutput
struct Posting
using V = cv::util::variant<cv::GRunArg, cv::gimpl::EndOfStream>;
V data;
bool ready = false;
using PostingList = std::list<Posting>;
std::vector<PostingList> m_postings;
std::unordered_map< const void*
, std::pair<int, PostingList::iterator>
> m_postIdx;
std::size_t m_stops_sent = 0u;
// These objects are owned externally
const cv::GMetaArgs &m_metas;
std::vector< std::vector<Q*> > &m_out_queues;
std::shared_ptr<cv::gimpl::GIslandExecutable> m_island;
// Allocate a new data object for output under idx
// Prepare this object for posting
virtual cv::GRunArgP get(int idx) override
using MatType = cv::Mat;
using SclType = cv::Scalar;
// Allocate a new posting first, then bind this GRunArgP to this item
auto iter = m_postings[idx].insert(m_postings[idx].end(), Posting{});
const auto r = desc()[idx];
cv::GRunArg& out_arg = cv::util::get<cv::GRunArg>(iter->data);
cv::GRunArgP ret_val;
switch (r.shape) {
// Allocate a data object based on its shape & meta, and put it into our vectors.
// Yes, first we put a cv::Mat GRunArg, and then specify _THAT_
// pointer as an output parameter - to make sure that after island completes,
// our GRunArg still has the right (up-to-date) value.
// Same applies to other types.
// FIXME: This is absolutely ugly but seem to work perfectly for its purpose.
case cv::GShape::GMAT:
auto desc = cv::util::get<cv::GMatDesc>(m_metas[idx]);
if (m_island->allocatesOutputs())
out_arg = cv::GRunArg(m_island->allocate(desc));
MatType newMat;
cv::gimpl::createMat(desc, newMat);
auto rmat = cv::make_rmat<cv::gimpl::RMatAdapter>(newMat);
out_arg = cv::GRunArg(std::move(rmat));
ret_val = cv::GRunArgP(&cv::util::get<cv::RMat>(out_arg));
case cv::GShape::GSCALAR:
SclType newScl;
out_arg = cv::GRunArg(std::move(newScl));
ret_val = cv::GRunArgP(&cv::util::get<SclType>(out_arg));
case cv::GShape::GARRAY:
cv::detail::VectorRef newVec;
out_arg = cv::GRunArg(std::move(newVec));
// VectorRef is implicitly shared so no pointer is taken here
// FIXME: that variant MOVE problem again
const auto &rr = cv::util::get<cv::detail::VectorRef>(out_arg);
ret_val = cv::GRunArgP(rr);
case cv::GShape::GOPAQUE:
cv::detail::OpaqueRef newOpaque;
out_arg = cv::GRunArg(std::move(newOpaque));
// OpaqueRef is implicitly shared so no pointer is taken here
// FIXME: that variant MOVE problem again
const auto &rr = cv::util::get<cv::detail::OpaqueRef>(out_arg);
ret_val = cv::GRunArgP(rr);
cv::util::throw_error(std::logic_error("Unsupported GShape"));
m_postIdx[cv::gimpl::proto::ptr(ret_val)] = std::make_pair(idx, iter);
return ret_val;
virtual void post(cv::GRunArgP&& argp) override
// Mark the output ready for posting. If it is the first in the line,
// actually post it and all its successors which are ready for posting too.
auto it = m_postIdx.find(cv::gimpl::proto::ptr(argp));
GAPI_Assert(it != m_postIdx.end());
const int out_idx = it->second.first;
const auto out_iter = it->second.second;
out_iter->ready = true;
m_postIdx.erase(it); // Drop the link from the cache anyway
if (out_iter != m_postings[out_idx].begin())
return; // There are some pending postings in the beginning, return
GAPI_Assert(out_iter == m_postings[out_idx].begin());
auto post_iter = m_postings[out_idx].begin();
while (post_iter != m_postings[out_idx].end() && post_iter->ready == true)
Cmd cmd;
if (cv::util::holds_alternative<cv::GRunArg>(post_iter->data))
cmd = Cmd{cv::util::get<cv::GRunArg>(post_iter->data)};
cmd = Cmd{Stop{}};
for (auto &&q : m_out_queues[out_idx])
post_iter = m_postings[out_idx].erase(post_iter);
virtual void post(cv::gimpl::EndOfStream&&) override
// If the posting list is empty, just broadcast the stop message.
// If it is not, enqueue the Stop message in the postings list.
for (auto &&it : ade::util::indexed(m_postings))
const auto idx = ade::util::index(it);
auto &lst = ade::util::value(it);
if (lst.empty())
for (auto &&q : m_out_queues[idx])
Posting p; = Posting::V{cv::gimpl::EndOfStream{}};
p.ready = true;
lst.push_back(std::move(p)); // FIXME: For some reason {}-ctor didn't work here
void meta(const cv::GRunArgP &out, const cv::GRunArg::Meta &m) override
const auto it = m_postIdx.find(cv::gimpl::proto::ptr(out));
GAPI_Assert(it != m_postIdx.end());
const auto out_iter = it->second.second;
cv::util::get<cv::GRunArg>(out_iter->data).meta = m;
explicit StreamingOutput(const cv::GMetaArgs &metas,
std::vector< std::vector<Q*> > &out_queues,
const std::vector<cv::gimpl::RcDesc> &out_descs,
std::shared_ptr<cv::gimpl::GIslandExecutable> island)
: m_metas(metas)
, m_out_queues(out_queues)
, m_island(island)
bool done() const
// The streaming actor work is considered DONE for this stream
// when it posted/resent all STOP messages to all its outputs.
return m_stops_sent == desc().size();
// This thread is a plain dumb processing actor. What it do is just:
// - Reads input from the input queue(s), sleeps if there's nothing to read
// - Once a full input vector is obtained, passes it to the underlying island
// executable for processing.
// - Pushes processing results down to consumers - to the subsequent queues.
// Note: Every data object consumer has its own queue.
void islandActorThread(std::vector<cv::gimpl::RcDesc> in_rcs, // FIXME: this is...
std::vector<cv::gimpl::RcDesc> out_rcs, // FIXME: ...basically just...
cv::GMetaArgs out_metas, // ...
std::shared_ptr<cv::gimpl::GIslandExecutable> island, // FIXME: ...a copy of OpDesc{}.
std::vector<Q*> in_queues,
cv::GRunArgs in_constants,
std::vector< std::vector<Q*> > out_queues)
GAPI_Assert(in_queues.size() == in_rcs.size());
GAPI_Assert(out_queues.size() == out_rcs.size());
GAPI_Assert(out_queues.size() == out_metas.size());
QueueReader qr;
StreamingInput input(qr, in_queues, in_constants, in_rcs);
StreamingOutput output(out_metas, out_queues, out_rcs, island);
while (!output.done())
island->run(input, output);
// The idea of collectorThread is easy. If there're multiple outputs
// in the graph, we need to pull an object from every associated queue
// and then put the resulting vector into one single queue. While it
// looks redundant, it simplifies dramatically the way how try_pull()
// is implemented - we need to check one queue instead of many.
// After desync() is added, there may be multiple collector threads
// running, every thread producing its own part of the partial
// pipeline output (optional<T>...). All partial outputs are pushed
// to the same output queue and then picked by GStreamingExecutor
// in the end.
void collectorThread(std::vector<Q*> in_queues,
std::vector<int> in_mapping,
const std::size_t out_size,
const bool handle_stop,
Q& out_queue)
// These flags are static now: regardless if the sync or
// desync branch is collected by this thread, all in_queue
// data should come in sync.
std::vector<bool> flags(out_size, false);
for (auto idx : in_mapping) {
flags[idx] = true;
QueueReader qr;
while (true)
cv::GRunArgs this_result(out_size);
const bool ok = qr.getResultsVector(in_queues, in_mapping, out_size, this_result);
if (!ok)
if (handle_stop)
// Terminate the thread anyway
out_queue.push(Cmd{Result{std::move(this_result), flags}});
void check_DesyncObjectConsumedByMultipleIslands(const cv::gimpl::GIslandModel::Graph &gim) {
using namespace cv::gimpl;
// Since the limitation exists only in this particular
// implementation, the check is also done only here but not at the
// graph compiler level.
// See comment in desync(GMat) src/api/kernels_streaming.cpp for details.
for (auto &&nh : gim.nodes()) {
if (gim.metadata(nh).get<NodeKind>().k == NodeKind::SLOT) {
// SLOTs are read by ISLANDs, so look for the metadata
// of the outbound edges
std::unordered_map<int, GIsland*> out_desync_islands;
for (auto &&out_eh : nh->outEdges()) {
if (gim.metadata(out_eh).contains<DesyncIslEdge>()) {
// This is a desynchronized edge
// Look what Island it leads to
const auto out_desync_idx = gim.metadata(out_eh)
const auto out_island = gim.metadata(out_eh->dstNode())
auto it = out_desync_islands.find(out_desync_idx);
if (it != out_desync_islands.end()) {
// If there's already an edge with this desync
// id, it must point to the same island object
GAPI_Assert(it->second == out_island.get()
&& "A single desync object may only be used by a single island!");
} else {
// Store the island pointer for the further check
out_desync_islands[out_desync_idx] = out_island.get();
} // if(desync)
} // for(out_eh)
// There must be only one backend in the end of the day
// (under this desync path)
} // if(SLOT)
} // for(nodes)
} // anonymous namespace
// GStreamingExecutor expects compile arguments as input to have possibility to do
// proper graph reshape and islands recompilation
cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::GStreamingExecutor(std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph> &&g_model,
const GCompileArgs &comp_args)
: m_orig_graph(std::move(g_model))
, m_island_graph(GModel::Graph(*m_orig_graph).metadata()
, m_comp_args(comp_args)
, m_gim(*m_island_graph)
, m_desync(GModel::Graph(*m_orig_graph).metadata()
GModel::Graph gm(*m_orig_graph);
// NB: Right now GIslandModel is acyclic, and all the below code assumes that.
// NB: This naive execution code is taken from GExecutor nearly
// "as-is"
if (m_desync) {
const auto proto = gm.metadata().get<Protocol>();
m_emitters .resize(proto.in_nhs.size());
m_sinks .resize(proto.out_nhs.size());
m_sink_queues .resize(proto.out_nhs.size(), nullptr);
m_sink_sync .resize(proto.out_nhs.size(), -1);
// Very rough estimation to limit internal queue sizes.
// Pipeline depth is equal to number of its (pipeline) steps.
const auto queue_capacity = 3*std::count_if
[&](ade::NodeHandle nh) {
return m_gim.metadata(nh).get<NodeKind>().k == NodeKind::ISLAND;
// If metadata was not passed to compileStreaming, Islands are not compiled at this point.
// It is fine -- Islands are then compiled in setSource (at the first valid call).
const bool islands_compiled = m_gim.metadata().contains<IslandsCompiled>();
auto sorted = m_gim.metadata().get<ade::passes::TopologicalSortData>();
for (auto nh : sorted.nodes())
switch (m_gim.metadata(nh).get<NodeKind>().k)
case NodeKind::ISLAND:
std::vector<RcDesc> input_rcs;
std::vector<RcDesc> output_rcs;
std::vector<GRunArg> in_constants;
cv::GMetaArgs output_metas;
in_constants.reserve(nh->inNodes().size()); // FIXME: Ugly
std::unordered_set<ade::NodeHandle, ade::HandleHasher<ade::Node> > const_ins;
auto xtract_in = [&](ade::NodeHandle slot_nh, std::vector<RcDesc> &vec)
const auto orig_data_nh
= m_gim.metadata(slot_nh).get<DataSlot>().original_data_node;
const auto &orig_data_info
= gm.metadata(orig_data_nh).get<Data>();
if ( == Data::Storage::CONST_VAL) {
// FIXME: Variant move issue
in_constants.push_back(const_cast<const cv::GRunArg&>(gm.metadata(orig_data_nh).get<ConstValue>().arg));
} else in_constants.push_back(cv::GRunArg{}); // FIXME: Make it in some smarter way pls
if (orig_data_info.shape == GShape::GARRAY) {
// FIXME: GArray lost host constructor problem
vec.emplace_back(RcDesc{ orig_data_info.rc
, orig_data_info.shape
, orig_data_info.ctor});
auto xtract_out = [&](ade::NodeHandle slot_nh, std::vector<RcDesc> &vec, cv::GMetaArgs &metas)
const auto orig_data_nh
= m_gim.metadata(slot_nh).get<DataSlot>().original_data_node;
const auto &orig_data_info
= gm.metadata(orig_data_nh).get<Data>();
if (orig_data_info.shape == GShape::GARRAY) {
// FIXME: GArray lost host constructor problem
vec.emplace_back(RcDesc{ orig_data_info.rc
, orig_data_info.shape
, orig_data_info.ctor});
for (auto in_slot_nh : nh->inNodes()) xtract_in(in_slot_nh, input_rcs);
for (auto out_slot_nh : nh->outNodes()) xtract_out(out_slot_nh, output_rcs, output_metas);
std::shared_ptr<GIslandExecutable> isl_exec = islands_compiled
? m_gim.metadata(nh).get<IslandExec>().object
: nullptr;
m_ops.emplace_back(OpDesc{ std::move(input_rcs)
, std::move(output_rcs)
, std::move(output_metas)
, nh
, in_constants
, isl_exec
// Initialize queues for every operation's input
ade::TypedGraph<DataQueue, DesyncSpecialCase> qgr(*m_island_graph);
bool is_desync_start = false;
for (auto eh : nh->inEdges())
// ...only if the data is not compile-const
if (const_ins.count(eh->srcNode()) == 0) {
if (m_gim.metadata(eh).contains<DesyncIslEdge>()) {
is_desync_start = true;
} else if (qgr.metadata(eh).contains<DesyncSpecialCase>()) {
// See comment below
// Limit queue size to 1 in this case
} else {
// Since now we always know desync() is followed by copy(),
// copy is always the island with DesyncIslEdge.
// Mark the node's outputs a special way so then its following
// queue sizes will be limited to 1 (to avoid copy reading more
// data in advance - as there's no other way for the underlying
// "slow" part to control it)
if (is_desync_start) {
auto isl = m_gim.metadata(nh).get<FusedIsland>().object;
// In the current implementation, such islands
// _must_ start with copy
GAPI_Assert(isl->in_ops().size() == 1u);
#if !defined(GAPI_STANDALONE)
.get<cv::gimpl::Op>() == cv::gapi::core::GCopy::id());
for (auto out_nh : nh->outNodes()) {
for (auto out_eh : out_nh->outEdges()) {
// It is ok to do it here since the graph is visited in
// a topologic order and its consumers (those checking
// their input edges & initializing queues) are yet to be
// visited
case NodeKind::SLOT:
const auto orig_data_nh
= m_gim.metadata(nh).get<DataSlot>().original_data_node;
m_slots.emplace_back(DataDesc{nh, orig_data_nh});
case NodeKind::EMIT:
const auto emitter_idx
= m_gim.metadata(nh).get<Emitter>().proto_index;
GAPI_Assert(emitter_idx < m_emitters.size());
m_emitters[emitter_idx] = nh;
case NodeKind::SINK:
const auto sink_idx
= m_gim.metadata(nh).get<Sink>().proto_index;
GAPI_Assert(sink_idx < m_sinks.size());
m_sinks[sink_idx] = nh;
// Also initialize Sink's input queue
ade::TypedGraph<DataQueue> qgr(*m_island_graph);
GAPI_Assert(nh->inEdges().size() == 1u);
m_sink_queues[sink_idx] = qgr.metadata(nh->inEdges().front()).get<DataQueue>().q.get();
// Assign a desync tag
const auto sink_out_nh = gm.metadata().get<Protocol>().out_nhs[sink_idx];
if (gm.metadata(sink_out_nh).contains<DesyncPath>()) {
// metadata().get_or<> could make this thing better
m_sink_sync[sink_idx] = gm.metadata(sink_out_nh).get<DesyncPath>().index;
} // switch(kind)
} // for(gim nodes)
// If there are desynchronized parts in the graph, there may be
// multiple theads polling every separate (desynchronized)
// branch in the graph individually. Prepare a mapping information
// for any such thread
for (auto &&idx : ade::util::iota(m_sink_queues.size())) {
auto path_id = m_sink_sync[idx];
auto &info = m_collector_map[path_id];
// Reserve space in the final queue based on the number
// of desync parts (they can generate output individually
// per the same input frame, so the output traffic multiplies)
GAPI_Assert(m_collector_map.size() > 0u);
m_out_queue.set_capacity(queue_capacity * m_collector_map.size());
if (state == State::READY || state == State::RUNNING)
void cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::setSource(GRunArgs &&ins)
GAPI_Assert(state == State::READY || state == State::STOPPED);
const auto is_video = [](const GRunArg &arg)
return util::holds_alternative<cv::gapi::wip::IStreamSource::Ptr>(arg);
const auto num_videos = std::count_if(ins.begin(), ins.end(), is_video);
if (num_videos > 1)
// See below why (another reason - no documented behavior
// on handling videos streams of different length)
util::throw_error(std::logic_error("Only one video source is"
" currently supported!"));
GModel::ConstGraph gm(*m_orig_graph);
// Now the tricky-part: completing Islands compilation if compileStreaming
// has been called without meta arguments.
// The logic is basically the following:
// - (0) Collect metadata from input vector;
// - (1) If graph is compiled with meta
// - (2) Just check if the passed objects have correct meta.
// - (3) Otherwise:
// - (4) Run metadata inference;
// - (5) If islands are not compiled at this point OR are not reshapeable:
// - (6) Compile them for a first time with this meta;
// - (7) Update internal structures with this island information
// - (8) Otherwise:
// - (9) Reshape islands to this new metadata.
// - (10) Update internal structures again
const auto update_int_metas = [&]()
for (auto& op : m_ops)
for (auto out_slot_nh : op.nh->outNodes())
const auto &orig_nh = m_gim.metadata(out_slot_nh).get<DataSlot>().original_data_node;
const auto &orig_info = gm.metadata(orig_nh).get<Data>();
bool islandsRecompiled = false;
const auto new_meta = cv::descr_of(ins); // 0
if (gm.metadata().contains<OriginalInputMeta>()) // (1)
// NB: Metadata is tested in setSource() already - just put an assert here
GAPI_Assert(new_meta == gm.metadata().get<OriginalInputMeta>().inputMeta); // (2)
else // (3)
GCompiler::runMetaPasses(*m_orig_graph.get(), new_meta); // (4)
if (!m_gim.metadata().contains<IslandsCompiled>()
|| (m_reshapable.has_value() && m_reshapable.value() == false)) // (5)
bool is_reshapable = true;
GCompiler::compileIslands(*m_orig_graph.get(), m_comp_args); // (6)
for (auto& op : m_ops)
op.isl_exec = m_gim.metadata(op.nh).get<IslandExec>().object;
is_reshapable = is_reshapable && op.isl_exec->canReshape();
update_int_metas(); // (7)
m_reshapable = util::make_optional(is_reshapable);
islandsRecompiled = true;
else // (8)
for (auto& op : m_ops)
op.isl_exec->reshape(*m_orig_graph, m_comp_args); // (9)
update_int_metas(); // (10)
// Metadata handling is done!
// Walk through the protocol, set-up emitters appropriately
// There's a 1:1 mapping between emitters and corresponding data inputs.
for (auto it : ade::util::zip(ade::util::toRange(m_emitters),
auto emit_nh = std::get<0>(it);
auto& emit_arg = std::get<1>(it);
auto emit_idx = std::get<2>(it);
auto& emitter = m_gim.metadata(emit_nh).get<Emitter>().object;
using T = GRunArg;
switch (emit_arg.index())
// Create a streaming emitter.
// Produces the next video frame when pulled.
case T::index_of<cv::gapi::wip::IStreamSource::Ptr>():
#if !defined(GAPI_STANDALONE)
emitter.reset(new VideoEmitter{emit_arg});
util::throw_error(std::logic_error("Video is not supported in the "
"standalone mode"));
// Create a constant emitter.
// Produces always the same ("constant") value when pulled.
emitter.reset(new ConstEmitter{emit_arg});
m_const_vals.push_back(const_cast<cv::GRunArg &>(emit_arg)); // FIXME: move problem
// FIXME: The below code assumes our graph may have only one
// real video source (and so, only one stream which may really end)
// all other inputs are "constant" generators.
// Craft here a completion callback to notify Const emitters that
// a video source is over
GAPI_Assert(m_const_emitter_queues.size() == m_const_vals.size());
auto real_video_completion_cb = [this]()
for (auto it : ade::util::zip(ade::util::toRange(m_const_emitter_queues),
Stop stop;
stop.kind = Stop::Kind::CNST;
stop.cdata = std::get<1>(it);
// FIXME: ONLY now, after all executable objects are created,
// we can set up our execution threads. Let's do it.
// First create threads for all the emitters.
// FIXME: One way to avoid this may be including an Emitter object as a part of
// START message. Why not?
if (state == State::READY)
for (auto it : ade::util::indexed(m_emitters))
const auto id = ade::util::index(it); // = index in GComputation's protocol
const auto eh = ade::util::value(it);
// Prepare emitter thread parameters
auto emitter = m_gim.metadata(eh).get<Emitter>().object;
// Collect all reader queues from the emitter's the only output object
auto out_queues = reader_queues(*m_island_graph, eh->outNodes().front());
for (auto &&op : m_ops) {
// Now do this for every island (in a topological order)
for (auto &&op : m_ops)
// Prepare island thread parameters
auto island = m_gim.metadata(op.nh).get<IslandExec>().object;
// Collect actor's input queues
auto in_queues = input_queues(*m_island_graph, op.nh);
// Collect actor's output queues.
// This may be tricky...
std::vector< std::vector<stream::Q*> > out_queues;
for (auto &&out_eh : op.nh->outNodes()) {
out_queues.push_back(reader_queues(*m_island_graph, out_eh));
// If Island Executable is recompiled, all its stuff including internal kernel states
// are recreated and re-initialized automatically.
// But if not, we should notify Island Executable about new started stream to let it update
// its internal variables.
if (!islandsRecompiled)
// Finally, start collector thread(s).
// If there are desynchronized parts in the graph, there may be
// multiple theads polling every separate (desynchronized)
// branch in the graph individually.
const bool has_main_path = m_sink_sync.end() !=
std::find(m_sink_sync.begin(), m_sink_sync.end(), -1);
for (auto &&info : m_collector_map) {
has_main_path ? info.first == -1 : true, // see below (*)
// (*) - there may be a problem with desynchronized paths when those work
// faster than the main path. In this case, the desync paths get "Stop" message
// earlier and thus broadcast it down to pipeline gets stopped when there is
// some "main path" data to process. This new collectorThread's flag regulates it:
// - desync paths should never post Stop message if there is a main path.
// - if there is no main path, than any desync path can terminate the execution.
state = State::READY;
void cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::start()
if (state == State::STOPPED)
util::throw_error(std::logic_error("Please call setSource() before start() "
"if the pipeline has been already stopped"));
GAPI_Assert(state == State::READY);
// Currently just trigger our emitters to work
state = State::RUNNING;
for (auto &q : m_emitter_queues)
void cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::wait_shutdown()
// This utility is used by pull/try_pull/stop() to uniformly
// shutdown the worker threads.
// FIXME: Of course it can be designed much better
for (auto &t : m_threads) t.join();
// Clear all queues
// If there are constant emitters, internal queues
// may be polluted with constant values and have extra
// data at the point of shutdown.
// It usually happens when there's multiple inputs,
// one constant and one is not, and the latter ends (e.g.
// with end-of-stream).
for (auto &q : m_emitter_queues) q.clear();
for (auto &q : m_sink_queues) q->clear();
for (auto &q : m_internal_queues) q->clear();
for (auto &&op : m_ops) {
state = State::STOPPED;
bool cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::pull(cv::GRunArgsP &&outs)
// This pull() can only be called when there's no desynchronized
// parts in the graph.
GAPI_Assert(!m_desync &&
"This graph has desynchronized parts! Please use another pull()");
if (state == State::STOPPED)
return false;
GAPI_Assert(state == State::RUNNING);
GAPI_Assert(m_sink_queues.size() == outs.size() &&
"Number of data objects in cv::gout() must match the number of graph outputs in cv::GOut()");
Cmd cmd;
if (cv::util::holds_alternative<Stop>(cmd))
return false;
cv::GRunArgs &this_result = cv::util::get<Result>(cmd).args;
sync_data(this_result, outs);
return true;
bool cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::pull(cv::GOptRunArgsP &&outs)
// This pull() can only be called in both cases: if there are
// desyncrhonized parts or not.
// FIXME: so far it is a full duplicate of standard pull except
// the sync_data version called.
if (state == State::STOPPED)
return false;
GAPI_Assert(state == State::RUNNING);
GAPI_Assert(m_sink_queues.size() == outs.size() &&
"Number of data objects in cv::gout() must match the number of graph outputs in cv::GOut()");
Cmd cmd;
if (cv::util::holds_alternative<Stop>(cmd))
return false;
sync_data(cv::util::get<Result>(cmd), outs);
return true;
bool cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::try_pull(cv::GRunArgsP &&outs)
if (state == State::STOPPED)
return false;
GAPI_Assert(m_sink_queues.size() == outs.size());
Cmd cmd;
if (!m_out_queue.try_pop(cmd)) {
return false;
if (cv::util::holds_alternative<Stop>(cmd))
return false;
cv::GRunArgs &this_result = cv::util::get<Result>(cmd).args;
sync_data(this_result, outs);
return true;
void cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::stop()
if (state == State::STOPPED)
// FIXME: ...and how to deal with still-unread data then?
// Push a Stop message to the every emitter,
// wait until it broadcasts within the pipeline,
// FIXME: worker threads could stuck on push()!
// need to read the output queues until Stop!
for (auto &q : m_emitter_queues) {
// Pull messages from the final queue to ensure completion
Cmd cmd;
while (!cv::util::holds_alternative<Stop>(cmd))
bool cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::running() const
return (state == State::RUNNING);