Open Source Computer Vision Library
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130 lines
4.3 KiB
130 lines
4.3 KiB
#!/usr/bin/python |
import os |
import sys |
ANDROID_SDK_PATH = "/opt/android-sdk-linux" |
TMP_HEADER_PATH="tmp_include" |
HEADER_EXTS = set(['h', 'hpp']) |
SYS_INCLUDES = ["platforms/android-8/arch-arm/usr/include", "sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/include", "sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/libs/armeabi/include"] |
PROJECT_NAME = "OpenCV-branch" |
TARGET_LIBS = [""] |
ARCH = "armeabi" |
GCC_OPTIONS = "-fpermissive" |
EXCLUDE_HEADERS = set(["hdf5.h", "eigen.hpp", "cxeigen.hpp"]); |
def FindClasses(root, prefix): |
classes = [] |
if ("" != prefix): |
prefix = prefix + "." |
for path in os.listdir(root): |
currentPath = os.path.join(root, path) |
if (os.path.isdir(currentPath)): |
classes += FindClasses(currentPath, prefix + path) |
else: |
name = str.split(path, ".")[0] |
ext = str.split(path, ".")[1] |
if (ext == "class"): |
#print("class: %s" % (prefix + name)) |
classes.append(prefix+name) |
return classes |
def FindHeaders(root): |
headers = [] |
for path in os.listdir(root): |
currentPath = os.path.join(root, path) |
if (os.path.isdir(currentPath)): |
headers += FindHeaders(currentPath) |
else: |
ext = str.split(path, ".")[-1] |
#print("%s: \"%s\"" % (currentPath, ext)) |
if (ext in HEADER_EXTS): |
#print("Added as header file") |
if (path not in EXCLUDE_HEADERS): |
headers.append(currentPath) |
return headers |
if (len(sys.argv) < 3): |
print("Error: Invalid command line arguments") |
exit(-1) |
INSTALL_DIRECTORY = sys.argv[1] |
PROJECT_NAME = sys.argv[2] |
CLASS_PATH = os.path.join(INSTALL_DIRECTORY, "sdk/java/bin/classes") |
if (not os.path.exists(CLASS_PATH)): |
print("Error: no java classes found in \"%s\"" % CLASS_PATH) |
exit(-2) |
if (os.environ.has_key("NDK_ROOT")): |
ANDROID_NDK_PATH = os.environ["NDK_ROOT"]; |
print("Using Android NDK from NDK_ROOT (\"%s\")" % ANDROID_NDK_PATH) |
if (not ANDROID_NDK_PATH): |
pipe = os.popen("which ndk-build") |
tmp = str.strip(pipe.readline(), "\n") |
while(not tmp): |
tmp = str.strip(pipe.readline(), "\n") |
pipe.close() |
ANDROID_NDK_PATH = os.path.split(tmp)[0] |
print("Using Android NDK from PATH (\"%s\")" % ANDROID_NDK_PATH) |
print("Using Android SDK from \"%s\"" % ANDROID_SDK_PATH) |
outputFileName = PROJECT_NAME + ".xml" |
try: |
outputFile = open(outputFileName, "w") |
except: |
print("Error: Cannot open output file \"%s\" for writing" % outputFileName) |
allJavaClasses = FindClasses(CLASS_PATH, "") |
if (not allJavaClasses): |
print("Error: No Java classes found :(") |
exit(-1) |
if (not os.path.exists(TMP_HEADER_PATH)): |
os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), TMP_HEADER_PATH)) |
print("Generating JNI headers for Java API ...") |
AndroidJavaDeps = os.path.join(ANDROID_SDK_PATH, "platforms/android-11/android.jar") |
for currentClass in allJavaClasses: |
os.system("javah -d %s -classpath %s:%s %s" % (TMP_HEADER_PATH, CLASS_PATH, AndroidJavaDeps, currentClass)) |
print("Building JNI headers list ...") |
jniHeaders = FindHeaders(TMP_HEADER_PATH) |
#print(jniHeaders) |
print("Building Native OpenCV header list ...") |
cHeaders = FindHeaders(os.path.join(INSTALL_DIRECTORY, "sdk/native/jni/include/opencv")) |
cppHeaders = FindHeaders(os.path.join(INSTALL_DIRECTORY, "sdk/native/jni/include/opencv2")) |
#print(cHeaders) |
#print(cppHeaders) |
print("Writing config file ...") |
outputFile.write("<descriptor>\n\n<version>\n\t%s\n</version>\n\n<headers>\n" % PROJECT_NAME) |
outputFile.write("\t" + "\n\t".join(cHeaders)) |
outputFile.write("\n\t" + "\n\t".join(cppHeaders)) |
outputFile.write("\n\t" + "\n\t".join(jniHeaders)) |
outputFile.write("\n</headers>\n\n") |
includes = [os.path.join(INSTALL_DIRECTORY, "sdk", "native", "jni", "include"), |
os.path.join(INSTALL_DIRECTORY, "sdk", "native", "jni", "include", "opencv"), |
os.path.join(INSTALL_DIRECTORY, "sdk", "native", "jni", "include", "opencv2")] |
for inc in SYS_INCLUDES: |
includes.append(os.path.join(ANDROID_NDK_PATH, inc)) |
outputFile.write("<include_paths>\n\t%s\n</include_paths>\n\n" % "\n\t".join(includes)) |
libraries = [] |
for lib in TARGET_LIBS: |
libraries.append(os.path.join(INSTALL_DIRECTORY, "sdk/native/libs", ARCH, lib)) |
outputFile.write("<libs>\n\t%s\n</libs>\n\n" % "\n\t".join(libraries)) |
outputFile.write("<gcc_options>\n\t%s\n</gcc_options>\n\n</descriptor>" % GCC_OPTIONS) |