Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
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// License Agreement
// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
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#include "precomp.hpp"
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::gpu;
#if !defined (HAVE_CUDA) || defined (CUDA_DISABLER)
cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::StereoBM_GPU() { throw_no_cuda(); }
cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::StereoBM_GPU(int, int, int) { throw_no_cuda(); }
bool cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::checkIfGpuCallReasonable() { throw_no_cuda(); return false; }
void cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::operator() ( const GpuMat&, const GpuMat&, GpuMat&, Stream&) { throw_no_cuda(); }
#else /* !defined (HAVE_CUDA) */
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace cudev
namespace stereobm
void stereoBM_GPU(const PtrStepSzb& left, const PtrStepSzb& right, const PtrStepSzb& disp, int ndisp, int winsz, const PtrStepSz<unsigned int>& minSSD_buf, cudaStream_t & stream);
void prefilter_xsobel(const PtrStepSzb& input, const PtrStepSzb& output, int prefilterCap /*= 31*/, cudaStream_t & stream);
void postfilter_textureness(const PtrStepSzb& input, int winsz, float avgTexturenessThreshold, const PtrStepSzb& disp, cudaStream_t & stream);
const float defaultAvgTexThreshold = 3;
: preset(BASIC_PRESET), ndisp(DEFAULT_NDISP), winSize(DEFAULT_WINSZ), avergeTexThreshold(defaultAvgTexThreshold)
cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::StereoBM_GPU(int preset_, int ndisparities_, int winSize_)
: preset(preset_), ndisp(ndisparities_), winSize(winSize_), avergeTexThreshold(defaultAvgTexThreshold)
const int max_supported_ndisp = 1 << (sizeof(unsigned char) * 8);
CV_Assert(0 < ndisp && ndisp <= max_supported_ndisp);
CV_Assert(ndisp % 8 == 0);
CV_Assert(winSize % 2 == 1);
bool cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::checkIfGpuCallReasonable()
if (0 == getCudaEnabledDeviceCount())
return false;
DeviceInfo device_info;
if (device_info.majorVersion() > 1 || device_info.multiProcessorCount() > 16)
return true;
return false;
void stereo_bm_gpu_operator( GpuMat& minSSD, GpuMat& leBuf, GpuMat& riBuf, int preset, int ndisp, int winSize, float avergeTexThreshold, const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disparity, cudaStream_t stream)
using namespace ::cv::gpu::cudev::stereobm;
CV_Assert(left.rows == right.rows && left.cols == right.cols);
CV_Assert(left.type() == CV_8UC1);
CV_Assert(right.type() == CV_8UC1);
disparity.create(left.size(), CV_8U);
minSSD.create(left.size(), CV_32S);
GpuMat le_for_bm = left;
GpuMat ri_for_bm = right;
if (preset == StereoBM_GPU::PREFILTER_XSOBEL)
leBuf.create( left.size(), left.type());
riBuf.create(right.size(), right.type());
prefilter_xsobel( left, leBuf, 31, stream);
prefilter_xsobel(right, riBuf, 31, stream);
le_for_bm = leBuf;
ri_for_bm = riBuf;
stereoBM_GPU(le_for_bm, ri_for_bm, disparity, ndisp, winSize, minSSD, stream);
if (avergeTexThreshold)
postfilter_textureness(le_for_bm, winSize, avergeTexThreshold, disparity, stream);
void cv::gpu::StereoBM_GPU::operator() ( const GpuMat& left, const GpuMat& right, GpuMat& disparity, Stream& stream)
stereo_bm_gpu_operator(minSSD, leBuf, riBuf, preset, ndisp, winSize, avergeTexThreshold, left, right, disparity, StreamAccessor::getStream(stream));
#endif /* !defined (HAVE_CUDA) */