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Latent SVM |
=============================================================== |
Discriminatively Trained Part Based Models for Object Detection |
--------------------------------------------------------------- |
The object detector described below has been initially proposed by |
P.F. Felzenszwalb in [Felzenszwalb2010]_. It is based on a |
Dalal-Triggs detector that uses a single filter on histogram of |
oriented gradients (HOG) features to represent an object category. |
This detector uses a sliding window approach, where a filter is |
applied at all positions and scales of an image. The first |
innovation is enriching the Dalal-Triggs model using a |
star-structured part-based model defined by a "root" filter |
(analogous to the Dalal-Triggs filter) plus a set of parts filters |
and associated deformation models. The score of one of star models |
at a particular position and scale within an image is the score of |
the root filter at the given location plus the sum over parts of the |
maximum, over placements of that part, of the part filter score on |
its location minus a deformation cost easuring the deviation of the |
part from its ideal location relative to the root. Both root and |
part filter scores are defined by the dot product between a filter |
(a set of weights) and a subwindow of a feature pyramid computed |
from the input image. Another improvement is a representation of the |
class of models by a mixture of star models. The score of a mixture |
model at a particular position and scale is the maximum over |
components, of the score of that component model at the given |
location. |
In OpenCV there are C implementation of Latent SVM and C++ wrapper of it. |
C version is the structure :ocv:struct:`CvObjectDetection` and a set of functions |
working with this structure (see :ocv:func:`cvLoadLatentSvmDetector`, |
:ocv:func:`cvReleaseLatentSvmDetector`, :ocv:func:`cvLatentSvmDetectObjects`). |
C++ version is the class :ocv:class:`LatentSvmDetector` and has slightly different |
functionality in contrast with C version - it supports loading and detection |
of several models. |
There are two examples of Latent SVM usage: ``samples/c/latentsvmdetect.cpp`` |
and ``samples/cpp/latentsvm_multidetect.cpp``. |
.. highlight:: c |
CvLSVMFilterPosition |
-------------------- |
.. ocv:struct:: CvLSVMFilterPosition |
Structure describes the position of the filter in the feature pyramid. |
.. ocv:member:: unsigned int l |
level in the feature pyramid |
.. ocv:member:: unsigned int x |
x-coordinate in level l |
.. ocv:member:: unsigned int y |
y-coordinate in level l |
CvLSVMFilterObject |
------------------ |
.. ocv:struct:: CvLSVMFilterObject |
Description of the filter, which corresponds to the part of the object. |
.. ocv:member:: CvLSVMFilterPosition V |
ideal (penalty = 0) position of the partial filter |
from the root filter position (V_i in the paper) |
.. ocv:member:: float fineFunction[4] |
vector describes penalty function (d_i in the paper) |
pf[0] * x + pf[1] * y + pf[2] * x^2 + pf[3] * y^2 |
.. ocv:member:: int sizeX |
.. ocv:member:: int sizeY |
Rectangular map (sizeX x sizeY), |
every cell stores feature vector (dimension = p) |
.. ocv:member:: int numFeatures |
number of features |
.. ocv:member:: float *H |
matrix of feature vectors to set and get |
feature vectors (i,j) used formula H[(j * sizeX + i) * p + k], |
where k - component of feature vector in cell (i, j) |
CvLatentSvmDetector |
------------------- |
.. ocv:struct:: CvLatentSvmDetector |
Structure contains internal representation of trained Latent SVM detector. |
.. ocv:member:: int num_filters |
total number of filters (root plus part) in model |
.. ocv:member:: int num_components |
number of components in model |
.. ocv:member:: int* num_part_filters |
array containing number of part filters for each component |
.. ocv:member:: CvLSVMFilterObject** filters |
root and part filters for all model components |
.. ocv:member:: float* b |
biases for all model components |
.. ocv:member:: float score_threshold |
confidence level threshold |
CvObjectDetection |
----------------- |
.. ocv:struct:: CvObjectDetection |
Structure contains the bounding box and confidence level for detected object. |
.. ocv:member:: CvRect rect |
bounding box for a detected object |
.. ocv:member:: float score |
confidence level |
cvLoadLatentSvmDetector |
----------------------- |
Loads trained detector from a file. |
.. ocv:function:: CvLatentSvmDetector* cvLoadLatentSvmDetector(const char* filename) |
:param filename: Name of the file containing the description of a trained detector |
cvReleaseLatentSvmDetector |
-------------------------- |
Release memory allocated for CvLatentSvmDetector structure. |
.. ocv:function:: void cvReleaseLatentSvmDetector(CvLatentSvmDetector** detector) |
:param detector: CvLatentSvmDetector structure to be released |
cvLatentSvmDetectObjects |
------------------------ |
Find rectangular regions in the given image that are likely to contain objects |
and corresponding confidence levels. |
.. ocv:function:: CvSeq* cvLatentSvmDetectObjects( IplImage* image, CvLatentSvmDetector* detector, CvMemStorage* storage, float overlap_threshold=0.5f, int numThreads=-1 ) |
:param image: image |
:param detector: LatentSVM detector in internal representation |
:param storage: Memory storage to store the resultant sequence of the object candidate rectangles |
:param overlap_threshold: Threshold for the non-maximum suppression algorithm |
:param numThreads: Number of threads used in parallel version of the algorithm |
.. highlight:: cpp |
LatentSvmDetector |
----------------- |
.. ocv:class:: LatentSvmDetector |
This is a C++ wrapping class of Latent SVM. It contains internal representation of several |
trained Latent SVM detectors (models) and a set of methods to load the detectors and detect objects |
using them. |
LatentSvmDetector::ObjectDetection |
---------------------------------- |
.. ocv:struct:: LatentSvmDetector::ObjectDetection |
Structure contains the detection information. |
.. ocv:member:: Rect rect |
bounding box for a detected object |
.. ocv:member:: float score |
confidence level |
.. ocv:member:: int classID |
class (model or detector) ID that detect an object |
LatentSvmDetector::LatentSvmDetector |
------------------------------------ |
Two types of constructors. |
.. ocv:function:: LatentSvmDetector::LatentSvmDetector() |
.. ocv:function:: LatentSvmDetector::LatentSvmDetector(const vector<string>& filenames, const vector<string>& classNames=vector<string>()) |
:param filenames: A set of filenames storing the trained detectors (models). Each file contains one model. See examples of such files here /opencv_extra/testdata/cv/latentsvmdetector/models_VOC2007/. |
:param classNames: A set of trained models names. If it's empty then the name of each model will be constructed from the name of file containing the model. E.g. the model stored in "/home/user/cat.xml" will get the name "cat". |
LatentSvmDetector::~LatentSvmDetector |
------------------------------------- |
Destructor. |
.. ocv:function:: LatentSvmDetector::~LatentSvmDetector() |
LatentSvmDetector::~clear |
------------------------- |
Clear all trained models and their names stored in an class object. |
.. ocv:function:: void LatentSvmDetector::clear() |
LatentSvmDetector::load |
----------------------- |
Load the trained models from given ``.xml`` files and return ``true`` if at least one model was loaded. |
.. ocv:function:: bool LatentSvmDetector::load( const vector<string>& filenames, const vector<string>& classNames=vector<string>() ) |
:param filenames: A set of filenames storing the trained detectors (models). Each file contains one model. See examples of such files here /opencv_extra/testdata/cv/latentsvmdetector/models_VOC2007/. |
:param classNames: A set of trained models names. If it's empty then the name of each model will be constructed from the name of file containing the model. E.g. the model stored in "/home/user/cat.xml" will get the name "cat". |
LatentSvmDetector::detect |
------------------------- |
Find rectangular regions in the given image that are likely to contain objects of loaded classes (models) |
and corresponding confidence levels. |
.. ocv:function:: void LatentSvmDetector::detect( const Mat& image, vector<ObjectDetection>& objectDetections, float overlapThreshold=0.5f, int numThreads=-1 ) |
:param image: An image. |
:param objectDetections: The detections: rectangulars, scores and class IDs. |
:param overlapThreshold: Threshold for the non-maximum suppression algorithm. |
:param numThreads: Number of threads used in parallel version of the algorithm. |
LatentSvmDetector::getClassNames |
-------------------------------- |
Return the class (model) names that were passed in constructor or method ``load`` or extracted from models filenames in those methods. |
.. ocv:function:: const vector<string>& LatentSvmDetector::getClassNames() const |
LatentSvmDetector::getClassCount |
-------------------------------- |
Return a count of loaded models (classes). |
.. ocv:function:: size_t LatentSvmDetector::getClassCount() const |
.. [Felzenszwalb2010] Felzenszwalb, P. F. and Girshick, R. B. and McAllester, D. and Ramanan, D. *Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part Based Models*. PAMI, vol. 32, no. 9, pp. 1627-1645, September 2010