Open Source Computer Vision Library
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1805 lines
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1805 lines
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# Macros |
CV_RGB CvScalar |
double red |
double grn |
double blu |
CV_MAT_CN int |
int i |
int i |
Scalar CvScalar |
double val0 |
double val1 0 |
double val2 0 |
double val3 0 |
ScalarAll CvScalar |
double val0123 |
RealScalar CvScalar |
double val0 |
CV_IABS int |
int a |
CV_CMP int |
int a |
int b |
CV_SIGN int |
int a |
char c1 |
char c2 |
char c3 |
char c4 |
int depth |
int cn |
CV_8UC int |
int n |
CV_8SC int |
int n |
CV_16UC int |
int n |
CV_16SC int |
int n |
CV_32SC int |
int n |
CV_32FC int |
int n |
CV_64FC int |
int n |
# Initialization |
CloneImage IplImage* |
IplImage image |
SetImageCOI |
IplImage image |
int coi |
GetImageCOI int |
IplImage image |
SetImageROI |
IplImage image |
CvRect rect |
ResetImageROI |
IplImage image |
GetImageROI CvRect |
IplImage image |
CloneMat CvMat* |
CvMat mat |
CloneMatND CvMatND* |
CvMatND mat |
# Accessing Elements and sub-Arrays |
Get1D CvScalar |
CvArr arr |
int idx |
Get2D CvScalar |
CvArr arr |
int idx0 |
int idx1 |
Get3D CvScalar |
CvArr arr |
int idx0 |
int idx1 |
int idx2 |
GetND CvScalar |
CvArr arr |
ints indices |
GetReal1D double |
CvArr arr |
int idx0 |
GetReal2D double |
CvArr arr |
int idx0 |
int idx1 |
GetReal3D double |
CvArr arr |
int idx0 |
int idx1 |
int idx2 |
GetRealND double |
CvArr arr |
ints idx |
mGet double |
CvMat mat |
int row |
int col |
Set1D |
CvArr arr |
int idx |
CvScalar value |
Set2D |
CvArr arr |
int idx0 |
int idx1 |
CvScalar value |
Set3D |
CvArr arr |
int idx0 |
int idx1 |
int idx2 |
CvScalar value |
SetND |
CvArr arr |
ints indices |
CvScalar value |
SetReal1D |
CvArr arr |
int idx |
double value |
SetReal2D |
CvArr arr |
int idx0 |
int idx1 |
double value |
SetReal3D |
CvArr arr |
int idx0 |
int idx1 |
int idx2 |
double value |
SetRealND |
CvArr arr |
ints indices |
double value |
mSet |
CvMat mat |
int row |
int col |
double value |
ClearND |
CvArr arr |
ints idx |
# Sequences |
CvSeq s |
CvSeq s |
CvSeq s |
CvSeq s |
CvSeq s |
CvSeq s |
# Curves and Shapes |
Line |
CvArr img |
CvPoint pt1 |
CvPoint pt2 |
CvScalar color |
int thickness 1 |
int lineType 8 |
int shift 0 |
Rectangle |
CvArr img |
CvPoint pt1 |
CvPoint pt2 |
CvScalar color |
int thickness 1 |
int lineType 8 |
int shift 0 |
Circle |
CvArr img |
CvPoint center |
int radius |
CvScalar color |
int thickness 1 |
int lineType 8 |
int shift 0 |
Ellipse |
CvArr img |
CvPoint center |
CvSize axes |
double angle |
double start_angle |
double end_angle |
CvScalar color |
int thickness 1 |
int lineType 8 |
int shift 0 |
EllipseBox |
CvArr img |
CvBox2D box |
CvScalar color |
int thickness 1 |
int lineType 8 |
int shift 0 |
FillPoly |
CvArr img |
pts_npts_contours polys |
CvScalar color |
int lineType 8 |
int shift 0 |
FillConvexPoly |
CvArr img |
CvPoints pn |
CvScalar color |
int lineType 8 |
int shift 0 |
PolyLine |
CvArr img |
pts_npts_contours polys |
int is_closed |
CvScalar color |
int thickness 1 |
int lineType 8 |
int shift 0 |
#Text |
InitFont font |
CvFont font /O |
int fontFace |
double hscale |
double vscale |
double shear 0 |
int thickness 1 |
int lineType 8 |
PutText |
CvArr img |
char* text |
CvPoint org |
CvFont* font |
CvScalar color |
GetTextSize textSize,baseline |
char* textString |
CvFont* font |
CvSize textSize /O |
int baseline /O |
# Point Sets and Contours |
DrawContours |
CvArr img |
CvSeq contour |
CvScalar external_color |
CvScalar hole_color |
int max_level |
int thickness 1 |
int lineType 8 |
CvPoint offset cvPoint(0,0) |
# RTTI and Generic Functions |
Save |
char* filename |
generic structPtr |
char* name NULL |
char* comment NULL |
Load generic |
char* filename |
CvMemStorage storage NULL |
char* name NULL |
# Accessing Elements and sub-Arrays |
GetRow submat |
CvArr arr |
CvMat submat /J:arr,O,A |
int row |
GetRows submat |
CvArr arr |
CvMat submat /J:arr,O,A |
int startRow |
int endRow |
int deltaRow 1 |
GetCol submat |
CvArr arr |
CvMat submat /J:arr,O,A |
int col |
GetCols submat |
CvArr arr |
CvMat submat /J:arr,O,A |
int startCol |
int endCol |
GetDiag submat |
CvArr arr |
CvMat submat /J:arr,O,A |
int diag 0 |
GetSubRect submat |
CvArr arr |
CvMat submat /J:arr,O,A |
CvRect rect |
GetSize CvSize |
CvArr arr |
GetElemType int |
CvArr arr |
# Copying and Filling |
Copy |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvArr mask NULL |
Set |
CvArr arr |
CvScalar value |
CvArr mask NULL |
SetZero |
CvArr arr |
Zero |
CvArr arr |
SetIdentity |
CvArr mat |
CvScalar value cvRealScalar(1) |
Range |
CvArr mat |
double start |
double end |
# Transforms and Permutations |
# Reshape, ReshapeND - requires special data refcount code |
Repeat |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
Flip |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst NULL |
int flipMode 0 |
Split |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst0 |
CvArr dst1 |
CvArr dst2 |
CvArr dst3 |
CvtPixToPlane |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst0 |
CvArr dst1 |
CvArr dst2 |
CvArr dst3 |
Merge |
CvArr src0 |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr src3 |
CvArr dst |
MixChannels |
cvarr_count src /K |
cvarr_count dst |
intpair fromTo |
RandShuffle |
CvArr mat |
CvRNG* rng |
double iter_factor 1.0 |
Sort |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvArr idxmat |
int flags 0 |
# Arithmetic, Logic and Comparison |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvArr lut |
ConvertScale |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
double scale 1.0 |
double shift 0.0 |
CvtScale |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
double scale 1.0 |
double shift 0.0 |
Scale |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
double scale 1.0 |
double shift 0.0 |
Convert |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
ConvertScaleAbs |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
double scale 1.0 |
double shift 0.0 |
Add |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
CvArr mask NULL |
AddS |
CvArr src |
CvScalar value |
CvArr dst |
CvArr mask NULL |
AddWeighted |
CvArr src1 |
double alpha |
CvArr src2 |
double beta |
double gamma |
CvArr dst |
Sub |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
CvArr mask NULL |
SubS |
CvArr src |
CvScalar value |
CvArr dst |
CvArr mask NULL |
SubRS |
CvArr src |
CvScalar value |
CvArr dst |
CvArr mask NULL |
Mul |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
double scale 1.0 |
Div |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
double scale 1.0 |
And |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
CvArr mask NULL |
AndS |
CvArr src |
CvScalar value |
CvArr dst |
CvArr mask NULL |
Or |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
CvArr mask NULL |
OrS |
CvArr src |
CvScalar value |
CvArr dst |
CvArr mask NULL |
Xor |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
CvArr mask NULL |
XorS |
CvArr src |
CvScalar value |
CvArr dst |
CvArr mask NULL |
Not |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
Cmp |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
int cmpOp |
CmpS |
CvArr src |
double value |
CvArr dst |
int cmpOp |
InRange |
CvArr src |
CvArr lower |
CvArr upper |
CvArr dst |
InRangeS |
CvArr src |
CvScalar lower |
CvScalar upper |
CvArr dst |
Max |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
MaxS |
CvArr src |
double value |
CvArr dst |
Min |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
MinS |
CvArr src |
double value |
CvArr dst |
AbsDiff |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
AbsDiffS |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvScalar value |
Abs |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
# Statistics |
CountNonZero int |
CvArr arr |
Sum CvScalar |
CvArr arr |
Avg CvScalar |
CvArr arr |
CvArr mask NULL |
AvgSdv mean,stdDev |
CvArr arr |
CvScalar mean /O |
CvScalar stdDev /O |
CvArr mask NULL |
MinMaxLoc minVal,maxVal,minLoc,maxLoc |
CvArr arr |
double minVal /O |
double maxVal /O |
CvPoint minLoc /O |
CvPoint maxLoc /O |
CvArr mask NULL |
Norm double |
CvArr arr1 |
CvArr arr2 |
int normType CV_L2 |
CvArr mask NULL |
Reduce |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int dim -1 |
int op CV_REDUCE_SUM |
# Linear Algebra |
DotProduct double |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
Normalize |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
double a 1.0 |
double b 0.0 |
int norm_type CV_L2 |
CvArr mask NULL |
CrossProduct |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
ScaleAdd |
CvArr src1 |
CvScalar scale |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
double alpha |
CvArr src3 |
double beta |
CvArr dst |
int tABC 0 |
MatMulAdd |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr src3 |
CvArr dst |
MatMul |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
Transform |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvMat transmat |
CvMat shiftvec NULL |
PerspectiveTransform |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvMat mat |
MulTransposed |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int order |
CvArr delta NULL |
double scale 1.0 |
Trace CvScalar |
CvArr mat |
Transpose |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
Det double |
CvArr mat |
Invert double |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int method CV_LU |
Solve |
CvArr A |
CvArr B |
CvArr X |
int method CV_LU |
CvArr A |
CvArr W |
CvArr U NULL |
CvArr V NULL |
int flags 0 |
SVBkSb |
CvArr W |
CvArr U |
CvArr V |
CvArr B |
CvArr X |
int flags |
EigenVV |
CvArr mat |
CvArr evects |
CvArr evals |
double eps |
int lowindex 0 |
int highindex 0 |
CalcCovarMatrix |
cvarr_count vects /K |
CvArr covMat |
CvArr avg |
int flags |
Mahalonobis |
CvArr vec1 |
CvArr vec2 |
CvArr mat |
CalcPCA |
CvArr data |
CvArr avg |
CvArr eigenvalues |
CvArr eigenvectors |
int flags |
ProjectPCA |
CvArr data |
CvArr avg |
CvArr eigenvectors |
CvArr result |
BackProjectPCA |
CvArr proj |
CvArr avg |
CvArr eigenvects |
CvArr result |
# Math Functions |
Round int |
double value |
Floor int |
double value |
Ceil int |
double value |
Sqrt float |
float value |
InvSqrt float |
float value |
Cbrt float |
float value |
FastArctan float |
float y |
float x |
IsNaN int |
double value |
IsInf int |
double value |
CartToPolar |
CvArr x |
CvArr y |
CvArr magnitude |
CvArr angle NULL |
int angleInDegrees 0 |
PolarToCart |
CvArr magnitude |
CvArr angle |
CvArr x |
CvArr y |
int angleInDegrees 0 |
Pow |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
double power |
Exp |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
Log |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
SolveCubic |
CvMat coeffs |
CvMat roots |
SolvePoly |
CvMat coeffs |
CvMat roots |
int maxiter 10 |
int fig 10 |
# Random Number Generation |
int64 seed -1LL |
RandArr |
CvRNG* rng |
CvArr arr |
int distType |
CvScalar param1 |
CvScalar param2 |
RandInt unsigned |
CvRNG* rng |
RandReal double |
CvRNG* rng |
# Discrete Transforms |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int flags |
int nonzeroRows 0 |
GetOptimalDFTSize int |
int size0 |
MulSpectrums |
CvArr src1 |
CvArr src2 |
CvArr dst |
int flags |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int flags |
# Sequences |
SeqRemove |
CvSeq seq |
int index |
ClearSeq |
CvSeq seq |
CloneSeq |
CvSeq seq |
CvMemStorage storage |
SeqRemoveSlice |
CvSeq seq |
CvSlice slice |
SeqInvert |
CvSeq seq |
# Miscellaneous Functions |
CheckArr int |
CvArr arr |
int flags 0 |
double min_val 0 |
double max_val 0 |
KMeans2 double |
CvArr samples |
int nclusters |
CvArr labels |
CvTermCriteria termcrit |
int attempts 1 |
int flags 0 |
CvArr centers NULL |
# Gradients, Edges, Corners and Features |
Sobel |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int xorder |
int yorder |
int apertureSize 3 |
Laplace |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int apertureSize 3 |
Canny |
CvArr image |
CvArr edges |
double threshold1 |
double threshold2 |
int aperture_size 3 |
PreCornerDetect |
CvArr image |
CvArr corners |
int apertureSize 3 |
CornerEigenValsAndVecs |
CvArr image |
CvArr eigenvv |
int blockSize |
int aperture_size 3 |
CornerMinEigenVal |
CvArr image |
CvArr eigenval |
int blockSize |
int aperture_size 3 |
CornerHarris |
CvArr image |
CvArr harris_dst |
int blockSize |
int aperture_size 3 |
double k 0.04 |
FindCornerSubPix corners |
CvArr image |
CvPoint2D32fs corners |
CvSize win |
CvSize zero_zone |
CvTermCriteria criteria |
GoodFeaturesToTrack cornerCount |
CvArr image |
CvArr eigImage |
CvArr tempImage |
cvpoint2d32f_count cornerCount |
double qualityLevel |
double minDistance |
CvArr mask NULL |
int blockSize 3 |
int useHarris 0 |
double k 0.04 |
ExtractSURF keypoints,descriptors |
CvArr image |
CvArr mask |
CvSeqOfCvSURFPoint* keypoints /O |
CvSeqOfCvSURFDescriptor* descriptors /O |
CvMemStorage storage |
CvSURFParams params |
GetStarKeypoints CvSeqOfCvStarKeypoint* |
CvArr image |
CvMemStorage storage |
CvStarDetectorParams params cvStarDetectorParams() |
# Sampling, Interpolation and Geometrical Transforms |
GetRectSubPix |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvPoint2D32f center |
GetQuadrangleSubPix |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvMat mapMatrix |
Resize |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int interpolation CV_INTER_LINEAR |
WarpAffine |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvMat mapMatrix |
CvScalar fillval cvScalarAll(0) |
GetAffineTransform |
CvPoint2D32f* src |
CvPoint2D32f* dst |
CvMat mapMatrix |
GetRotationMatrix2D |
CvPoint2D32f center |
double angle |
double scale |
CvMat mapMatrix |
WarpPerspective |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvMat mapMatrix |
CvScalar fillval cvScalarAll(0) |
GetPerspectiveTransform |
CvPoint2D32f* src |
CvPoint2D32f* dst |
CvMat mapMatrix |
Remap |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvArr mapx |
CvArr mapy |
CvScalar fillval cvScalarAll(0) |
ConvertMaps |
CvArr mapx |
CvArr mapy |
CvArr mapxy |
CvArr mapalpha |
LogPolar |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvPoint2D32f center |
double M |
# Morphological Operations |
CreateStructuringElementEx IplConvKernel* |
int cols |
int rows |
int anchorX |
int anchorY |
int shape |
ints values {NULL,0} |
Erode |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
IplConvKernel* element NULL |
int iterations 1 |
Dilate |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
IplConvKernel* element NULL |
int iterations 1 |
MorphologyEx |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvArr temp |
IplConvKernel* element |
int operation |
int iterations 1 |
# Filters and Color Conversion |
Smooth |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int smoothtype CV_GAUSSIAN |
int param1 3 |
int param2 0 |
double param3 0 |
double param4 0 |
Filter2D |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvMat kernel |
CvPoint anchor cvPoint(-1,-1) |
CopyMakeBorder |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvPoint offset |
int bordertype |
CvScalar value cvScalarAll(0) |
Integral |
CvArr image |
CvArr sum |
CvArr sqsum NULL |
CvArr tiltedSum NULL |
CvtColor |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int code |
Threshold |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
double threshold |
double maxValue |
int thresholdType |
AdaptiveThreshold |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
double maxValue |
int adaptive_method CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C /ch_adaptive_method |
int thresholdType CV_THRESH_BINARY /ch_threshold_type |
int blockSize 3 |
double param1 5 |
# Pyramids and the Applications |
PyrDown |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int filter CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5 |
PyrUp |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int filter CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5 |
PyrSegmentation comp |
IplImage src |
IplImage dst |
CvMemStorage storage |
CvSeq* comp /O |
int level |
double threshold1 |
double threshold2 |
PyrMeanShiftFiltering |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
double sp |
double sr |
int max_level 1 |
CvTermCriteria termcrit cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,5,1) |
# Image Segmentation, Connected Components and Contour Retrieval |
FloodFill comp |
CvArr image |
CvPoint seed_point |
CvScalar new_val |
CvScalar lo_diff cvScalarAll(0) |
CvScalar up_diff cvScalarAll(0) |
CvConnectedComp comp /O |
int flags 4 |
CvArr mask NULL |
Watershed |
CvArr image |
CvArr markers |
# Image and Contour Moments |
Moments moments |
cvarrseq arr |
CvMoments moments /O |
int binary 0 |
GetSpatialMoment double |
CvMoments* moments |
int x_order |
int y_order |
GetCentralMoment double |
CvMoments* moments |
int x_order |
int y_order |
GetNormalizedCentralMoment double |
CvMoments* moments |
int x_order |
int y_order |
# Special Image Transforms |
HoughLines2 CvSeq* |
CvArr image |
CvMemStorage storage |
int method |
double rho |
double theta |
int threshold |
double param1 0 |
double param2 0 |
HoughCircles |
CvArr image |
CvMat circle_storage |
int method |
double dp |
double min_dist |
double param1 100 |
double param2 100 |
int min_radius 0 |
int max_radius 0 |
DistTransform |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int distance_type CV_DIST_L2 |
int mask_size 3 |
floats mask {NULL,0} |
CvArr labels NULL |
Inpaint |
CvArr src |
CvArr mask |
CvArr dst |
double inpaintRadius |
int flags |
# Histograms |
ClearHist |
CvHistogram hist |
CalcArrHist |
CvArrs image |
CvHistogram hist |
int accumulate 0 |
CvArr mask NULL |
CalcHist |
IplImages image |
CvHistogram hist |
int accumulate 0 |
CvArr mask NULL |
NormalizeHist |
CvHistogram hist |
double factor |
ThreshHist |
CvHistogram hist |
double threshold |
CompareHist double |
CvHistogram hist1 |
CvHistogram hist2 |
int method |
# CopyHist |
CalcBackProject |
IplImages image |
CvArr back_project |
CvHistogram hist |
CalcArrBackProject |
CvArrs image |
CvArr back_project |
CvHistogram hist |
CalcBackProjectPatch |
IplImages images |
CvArr dst |
CvSize patch_size |
CvHistogram hist |
int method |
float factor |
CalcProbDensity |
CvHistogram hist1 |
CvHistogram hist2 |
CvHistogram dst_hist |
double scale 255 |
EqualizeHist |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
QueryHistValue_1D double |
CvHistogram hist |
int idx0 |
QueryHistValue_2D double |
CvHistogram hist |
int idx0 |
int idx1 |
QueryHistValue_3D double |
CvHistogram hist |
int idx0 |
int idx1 |
int idx2 |
QueryHistValue_nD double |
CvHistogram hist |
ints idx |
# Matching |
MatchTemplate |
CvArr image |
CvArr templ |
CvArr result |
int method |
MatchShapes double |
CvSeq object1 |
CvSeq object2 |
int method |
double parameter 0 |
# Contour Processing Functions |
ApproxChains CvSeq* |
CvSeq src_seq |
CvMemStorage storage |
double parameter 0 |
int minimal_perimeter 0 |
int recursive 0 |
BoundingRect CvRect |
cvarrseq points |
int update 0 |
ContourArea double |
cvarrseq contour |
CvSlice slice CV_WHOLE_SEQ |
ArcLength double |
cvarrseq curve |
CvSlice slice CV_WHOLE_SEQ |
int isClosed -1 |
# Computational Geometry |
MaxRect CvRect |
CvRect* rect1 |
CvRect* rect2 |
# TODO PointSeqFromMat |
BoxPoints points |
CvBox2D box |
CvPoint2D32f_4 points /O,A |
FitEllipse2 CvBox2D |
CvArr points |
ConvexHull2 CvSeq* |
cvarrseq points |
CvMemStorage storage |
int orientation CV_CLOCKWISE |
int return_points 0 |
CheckContourConvexity int |
cvarrseq contour |
ConvexityDefects CvSeqOfCvConvexityDefect* |
cvarrseq contour |
CvSeq convexhull |
CvMemStorage storage |
PointPolygonTest double |
cvarrseq contour |
CvPoint2D32f pt |
int measure_dist |
MinAreaRect2 CvBox2D |
cvarrseq points |
CvMemStorage storage NULL |
MinEnclosingCircle int,center,radius |
cvarrseq points |
CvPoint2D32f center /O |
float radius /O |
# Planar Subdivisions |
Subdiv2DGetEdge CvSubdiv2DEdge |
CvSubdiv2DEdge edge |
CvNextEdgeType type |
Subdiv2DNextEdge CvSubdiv2DEdge |
CvSubdiv2DEdge edge |
Subdiv2DRotateEdge CvSubdiv2DEdge |
CvSubdiv2DEdge edge |
int rotate |
Subdiv2DEdgeOrg CvSubdiv2DPoint* |
CvSubdiv2DEdge edge |
Subdiv2DEdgeDst CvSubdiv2DPoint* |
CvSubdiv2DEdge edge |
CreateSubdivDelaunay2D CvSubdiv2D* |
CvRect rect |
CvMemStorage storage |
SubdivDelaunay2DInsert CvSubdiv2DPoint* |
CvSubdiv2D* subdiv |
CvPoint2D32f pt |
CalcSubdivVoronoi2D |
CvSubdiv2D* subdiv |
ClearSubdivVoronoi2D |
CvSubdiv2D* subdiv |
FindNearestPoint2D CvSubdiv2DPoint* |
CvSubdiv2D* subdiv |
CvPoint2D32f pt |
# Object Detection |
HaarDetectObjects CvSeqOfCvAvgComp* |
CvArr image |
CvHaarClassifierCascade* cascade |
CvMemStorage storage |
double scale_factor 1.1 /ch_doubleAbove1 |
int min_neighbors 3 |
int flags 0 |
CvSize min_size cvSize(0,0) |
ComputeCorrespondEpilines |
CvMat points |
int whichImage |
CvMat F |
CvMat lines |
ConvertPointsHomogeneous |
CvMat src |
CvMat dst |
ProjectPoints2 |
CvMat objectPoints |
CvMat rvec |
CvMat tvec |
CvMat cameraMatrix |
CvMat distCoeffs |
CvMat imagePoints |
CvMat dpdrot NULL |
CvMat dpdt NULL |
CvMat dpdf NULL |
CvMat dpdc NULL |
CvMat dpddist NULL |
ReprojectImageTo3D |
CvArr disparity |
CvArr _3dImage |
CvMat Q |
int handleMissingValues 0 |
RQDecomp3x3 eulerAngles |
CvMat M |
CvMat R |
CvMat Q |
CvMat Qx NULL |
CvMat Qy NULL |
CvMat Qz NULL |
CvPoint3D64f eulerAngles /O |
FindHomography |
CvMat srcPoints |
CvMat dstPoints |
CvMat H |
int method 0 |
double ransacReprojThreshold 3.0 |
CvMat status NULL |
CreateStereoBMState CvStereoBMState* |
int preset CV_STEREO_BM_BASIC |
int numberOfDisparities 0 |
CreateStereoGCState CvStereoGCState* |
int numberOfDisparities |
int maxIters |
FindStereoCorrespondenceBM |
CvArr left |
CvArr right |
CvArr disparity |
CvStereoBMState* state |
FindStereoCorrespondenceGC |
CvArr left |
CvArr right |
CvArr dispLeft |
CvArr dispRight |
CvStereoGCState* state |
int useDisparityGuess 0 |
CalibrateCamera2 |
CvMat objectPoints |
CvMat imagePoints |
CvMat pointCounts |
CvSize imageSize |
CvMat cameraMatrix |
CvMat distCoeffs |
CvMat rvecs |
CvMat tvecs |
int flags 0 |
CalibrationMatrixValues fovx,fovy,focalLength,principalPoint,pixelAspectRatio |
CvMat calibMatr |
CvSize image_size |
double apertureWidth 0 |
double apertureHeight 0 |
double fovx /O |
double fovy /O |
double focalLength /O |
CvPoint2D64f principalPoint /O |
double pixelAspectRatio /O |
FindExtrinsicCameraParams2 |
CvMat objectPoints |
CvMat imagePoints |
CvMat cameraMatrix |
CvMat distCoeffs |
CvMat rvec |
CvMat tvec |
int useExtrinsicGuess 0 |
FindFundamentalMat int |
CvMat points1 |
CvMat points2 |
CvMat fundamentalMatrix |
int method CV_FM_RANSAC |
double param1 1. |
double param2 0.99 |
CvMat status NULL |
StereoCalibrate |
CvMat objectPoints |
CvMat imagePoints1 |
CvMat imagePoints2 |
CvMat pointCounts |
CvMat cameraMatrix1 |
CvMat distCoeffs1 |
CvMat cameraMatrix2 |
CvMat distCoeffs2 |
CvSize imageSize |
CvMat R |
CvMat T |
CvMat E NULL |
CvMat F NULL |
CvTermCriteria term_crit cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,30,1e-6) |
GetOptimalNewCameraMatrix |
CvMat cameraMatrix |
CvMat distCoeffs |
CvSize imageSize |
double alpha |
CvMat newCameraMatrix |
CvSize newImageSize cvSize(0,0) |
CvRect* validPixROI NULL |
int centerPrincipalPoint 0 |
InitIntrinsicParams2D |
CvMat objectPoints |
CvMat imagePoints |
CvMat npoints |
CvSize imageSize |
CvMat cameraMatrix |
double aspectRatio 1. |
StereoRectify roi1,roi2 |
CvMat cameraMatrix1 |
CvMat cameraMatrix2 |
CvMat distCoeffs1 |
CvMat distCoeffs2 |
CvSize imageSize |
CvMat R |
CvMat T |
CvMat R1 |
CvMat R2 |
CvMat P1 |
CvMat P2 |
CvMat Q NULL |
double alpha -1 |
CvSize newImageSize cvSize(0,0) |
CvRect roi1 /O |
CvRect roi2 /O |
StereoRectifyUncalibrated |
CvMat points1 |
CvMat points2 |
CvMat F |
CvSize imageSize |
CvMat H1 |
CvMat H2 |
double threshold 5 |
Rodrigues2 |
CvMat src |
CvMat dst |
CvMat jacobian 0 |
Undistort2 |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
CvMat cameraMatrix |
CvMat distCoeffs |
InitUndistortMap |
CvMat cameraMatrix |
CvMat distCoeffs |
CvArr map1 |
CvArr map2 |
InitUndistortRectifyMap |
CvMat cameraMatrix |
CvMat distCoeffs |
CvMat R |
CvMat newCameraMatrix |
CvArr map1 |
CvArr map2 |
UndistortPoints |
CvMat src |
CvMat dst |
CvMat cameraMatrix |
CvMat distCoeffs |
CvMat R NULL |
CvMat P NULL |
DecomposeProjectionMatrix eulerAngles |
CvMat projMatrix |
CvMat cameraMatrix |
CvMat rotMatrix |
CvMat transVect |
CvMat rotMatrX NULL |
CvMat rotMatrY NULL |
CvMat rotMatrZ NULL |
CvPoint3D64f eulerAngles /O |
DrawChessboardCorners |
CvArr image |
CvSize patternSize |
CvPoint2D32fs corners |
int patternWasFound |
CreatePOSITObject CvPOSITObject* |
CvPoint3D32fs points |
POSIT rotationMatrix,translation_vector |
CvPOSITObject* posit_object |
CvPoint2D32f* imagePoints |
double focal_length |
CvTermCriteria criteria |
CvMatr32f_i rotationMatrix /O,A |
CvVect32f_i translation_vector /O,A |
EstimateRigidTransform |
CvArr A |
CvArr B |
CvMat M |
int full_affine |
# Accumulation of Background Statistics |
Acc |
CvArr image |
CvArr sum |
CvArr mask NULL |
SquareAcc |
CvArr image |
CvArr sqsum |
CvArr mask NULL |
MultiplyAcc |
CvArr image1 |
CvArr image2 |
CvArr acc |
CvArr mask NULL |
RunningAvg |
CvArr image |
CvArr acc |
double alpha |
CvArr mask NULL |
# Motion Templates |
UpdateMotionHistory |
CvArr silhouette |
CvArr mhi |
double timestamp |
double duration |
CalcMotionGradient |
CvArr mhi /ch_matF |
CvArr mask |
CvArr orientation /ch_matF |
double delta1 |
double delta2 |
int apertureSize 3 /ch_aperture |
CalcGlobalOrientation double |
CvArr orientation |
CvArr mask |
CvArr mhi |
double timestamp |
double duration |
SegmentMotion CvSeq* |
CvArr mhi |
CvArr seg_mask |
CvMemStorage storage |
double timestamp |
double seg_thresh |
# Object Tracking |
MeanShift comp |
CvArr prob_image |
CvRect window |
CvTermCriteria criteria |
CvConnectedComp comp /O |
CamShift int,comp,box |
CvArr prob_image |
CvRect window |
CvTermCriteria criteria |
CvConnectedComp comp /O |
CvBox2D box /O |
CreateKalman CvKalman* |
int dynam_params |
int measure_params |
int control_params 0 |
KalmanCorrect ROCvMat* |
CvKalman* kalman |
CvMat measurement |
KalmanPredict ROCvMat* |
CvKalman* kalman |
CvMat control NULL |
SnakeImage points |
IplImage image |
CvPoints points |
floats alpha |
floats beta |
floats gamma |
CvSize win |
CvTermCriteria criteria |
int calc_gradient 1 |
# Optical Flow |
CalcOpticalFlowLK |
CvArr prev |
CvArr curr |
CvSize winSize |
CvArr velx |
CvArr vely |
CalcOpticalFlowBM |
CvArr prev /ch_image8 |
CvArr curr /ch_image8 |
CvSize blockSize |
CvSize shiftSize |
CvSize max_range |
int usePrevious |
CvArr velx /ch_vel |
CvArr vely /ch_vel |
CalcOpticalFlowHS |
CvArr prev /ch_image8 |
CvArr curr /ch_image8 |
int usePrevious |
CvArr velx /ch_vel_64 |
CvArr vely /ch_vel_64 |
double lambda |
CvTermCriteria criteria |
CalcOpticalFlowFarneback |
CvArr prev /ch_image8 |
CvArr curr /ch_image8 |
CvArr flow |
double pyr_scale 0.5 |
int levels 3 |
int winsize 15 |
int iterations 3 |
int poly_n 7 |
double poly_sigma 1.5 |
int flags 0 |
# Highgui |
ConvertImage |
CvArr src |
CvArr dst |
int flags 0 |
NamedWindow |
char* name |
DestroyWindow |
char* name |
DestroyAllWindows |
ResizeWindow |
char* name |
int width |
int height |
MoveWindow |
char* name |
int x |
int y |
ShowImage |
char* name |
CvArr image |
GetTrackbarPos int |
char* trackbarName |
char* windowName |
SetTrackbarPos |
char* trackbarName |
char* windowName |
int pos |
#WaitKey int |
# int delay 0 |
SaveImage |
char* filename |
CvArr image |
CaptureFromFile CvCapture* |
char* filename |
CreateFileCapture CvCapture* |
char* filename |
CaptureFromCAM CvCapture* |
int index |
CreateCameraCapture CvCapture* |
int index |
GrabFrame int |
CvCapture* capture |
RetrieveFrame ROIplImage* |
CvCapture* capture |
QueryFrame ROIplImage* |
CvCapture* capture |
GetCaptureProperty double |
CvCapture* capture |
int property_id |
SetCaptureProperty int |
CvCapture* capture |
int property_id |
double value |
CreateVideoWriter CvVideoWriter* |
char* filename |
int fourcc |
double fps |
CvSize frame_size |
int is_color 1 |
WriteFrame int |
CvVideoWriter* writer |
IplImage image |
EncodeImage CvMat* |
char* ext |
CvArr image |
ints0 params {&zero,1} |
DecodeImage IplImage* |
CvMat buf |
int iscolor CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR |
DecodeImageM CvMat* |
CvMat buf |
int iscolor CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR |
StartWindowThread |
SetWindowProperty |
char* name |
int prop_id |
double prop_value |
GetWindowProperty double |
char* name |
int prop_id |
GetTickCount int64 |
GetTickFrequency int64 |
# cvaux stuff |
HOGDetectMultiScale CvSeq* |
CvArr image |
CvMemStorage storage |
CvArr svm_classifier NULL |
CvSize win_stride cvSize(0,0) |
double hit_threshold 0 |
double scale 1.05 |
int group_threshold 2 |
CvSize padding cvSize(0,0) |
CvSize win_size cvSize(64,128) |
CvSize block_size cvSize(16,16) |
CvSize block_stride cvSize(8,8) |
CvSize cell_size cvSize(8,8) |
int nbins 9 |
int gammaCorrection 1 |
GrabCut |
CvArr image |
CvArr mask |
CvRect rect |
CvArr bgdModel |
CvArr fgdModel |
int iterCount |
int mode |
# These functions are handwritten in cv.cpp; they appear here as 'doconly' declarations |
# so that their documentation can be auto-generated |
ApproxPoly /doconly |
cvarrseq src_seq |
CvMemStorage storage |
int method |
double parameter 0.0 |
int parameter2 0 |
CalcEMD2 float /doconly |
CvArr signature1 |
CvArr signature2 |
int distance_type |
PyCallableObject* distance_func NULL |
CvArr cost_matrix NULL |
CvArr flow NULL |
float lower_bound 0.0 |
PyObject* userdata NULL |
CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK currFeatures,status,track_error /doconly |
CvArr prev |
CvArr curr |
CvArr prevPyr |
CvArr currPyr |
CvPoint2D32f* prevFeatures |
CvSize winSize |
int level |
CvTermCriteria criteria |
int flags |
CvPoint2D32f* guesses NULL |
CvPoint2D32f currFeatures /O |
char status /O |
float track_error /O |
ClipLine point1,point2 /doconly |
CvSize imgSize |
CvPoint pt1 |
CvPoint pt2 |
CreateData /doconly |
CvArr arr |
CreateHist CvHistogram /doconly |
ints dims |
int type |
ranges ranges None |
int uniform 1 |
CreateImageHeader IplImage* /doconly |
CvSize size |
int depth |
int channels |
CreateImage IplImage* /doconly |
CvSize size |
int depth |
int channels |
CreateMatHeader CvMat /doconly |
int rows |
int cols |
int type |
CreateMat CvMat /doconly |
int rows |
int cols |
int type |
CreateMatNDHeader CvMatND /doconly |
ints dims |
int type |
CreateMatND CvMatND /doconly |
ints dims |
int type |
CreateMemStorage CvMemStorage /doconly |
int blockSize 0 |
CreateTrackbar /doconly |
char* trackbarName |
char* windowName |
int value |
int count |
PyCallableObject* onChange |
FindChessboardCorners corners /doconly |
CvArr image |
CvSize patternSize |
CvPoint2D32fs corners /O |
FindContours CvSeq /doconly |
CvArr image |
CvMemStorage storage |
int mode CV_RETR_LIST |
CvPoint offset (0,0) |
FitLine line /doconly |
CvArr points |
int dist_type |
double param |
double reps |
double aeps |
PyObject* line /O |
GetDims dim1,dim2,... /doconly |
CvArr arr |
GetHuMoments hu /doconly |
CvMoments moments |
PyObject* hu /O |
GetImage iplimage /doconly |
CvMat arr |
GetMat CvMat /doconly |
IplImage arr |
int allowND 0 |
GetMinMaxHistValue min_value,max_value,min_idx,max_idx /doconly |
CvHistogram hist |
CvScalar min_value /O |
CvScalar max_value /O |
ints min_idx /O |
ints max_idx /O |
InitLineIterator line_iterator /doconly |
CvArr image |
CvPoint pt1 |
CvPoint pt2 |
iter line_iterator /O |
int connectivity 8 |
int left_to_right 0 |
LoadImageM /doconly |
char* filename |
int iscolor CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR |
LoadImage /doconly |
char* filename |
int iscolor CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR |
ReshapeMatND CvMat /doconly |
CvMat arr |
int newCn |
ints newDims |
Reshape CvMat /doconly |
CvArr arr |
int newCn |
int newRows 0 |
SetData /doconly |
CvArr arr |
PyObject* data |
int step |
SetMouseCallback /doconly |
char* windowName |
PyCallableObject* onMouse |
PyObject* param None |
Subdiv2DLocate loc,where /doconly |
CvSubdiv2D* subdiv |
CvPoint2D32f pt |
int loc /O |
edgeorpoint where /O |
WaitKey int /doconly |
int delay 0