Open Source Computer Vision Library

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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
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// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <opencv2/gapi/fluid/gfluidkernel.hpp>
namespace cv
namespace gapi_test_kernels
using cv::gapi::core::GMat3;
using GMat2 = std::tuple<GMat, GMat>;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TAddSimple, <GMat(GMat, GMat)>, "test.fluid.add_simple") {
static cv::GMatDesc outMeta(cv::GMatDesc a, cv::GMatDesc) {
return a;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TAddCSimple, <GMat(GMat,int)>, "test.fluid.addc_simple")
static GMatDesc outMeta(const cv::GMatDesc &in, int) {
return in;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TAddScalar, <GMat(GMat,GScalar)>, "test.fluid.addc_scalar")
static GMatDesc outMeta(const cv::GMatDesc &in, const cv::GScalarDesc&) {
return in;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TAddScalarToMat, <GMat(GScalar,GMat)>, "test.fluid.add_scalar_to_mat")
static GMatDesc outMeta(const cv::GScalarDesc&, const cv::GMatDesc &in) {
return in;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TBlur1x1, <GMat(GMat,int,Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.blur1x1"){
static GMatDesc outMeta(GMatDesc in, int, Scalar) {
return in;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TBlur3x3, <GMat(GMat,int,Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.blur3x3"){
static GMatDesc outMeta(GMatDesc in, int, Scalar) {
return in;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TBlur5x5, <GMat(GMat,int,Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.blur5x5"){
static GMatDesc outMeta(GMatDesc in, int, Scalar) {
return in;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TBlur3x3_2lpi, <GMat(GMat,int,Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.blur3x3_2lpi"){
static GMatDesc outMeta(GMatDesc in, int, Scalar) {
return in;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TBlur5x5_2lpi, <GMat(GMat,int,Scalar)>, "org.opencv.imgproc.filters.blur5x5_2lpi"){
static GMatDesc outMeta(GMatDesc in, int, Scalar) {
return in;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TId, <GMat(GMat)>, "test.fluid.identity") {
static cv::GMatDesc outMeta(cv::GMatDesc a) {
return a;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TId7x7, <GMat(GMat)>, "test.fluid.identity7x7") {
static cv::GMatDesc outMeta(cv::GMatDesc a) {
return a;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TMerge3_4lpi, <GMat(GMat,GMat,GMat)>, "test.fluid.merge3_4lpi") {
static GMatDesc outMeta(GMatDesc in, GMatDesc, GMatDesc) {
return in.withType(in.depth, 3);
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TPlusRow0, <GMat(GMat)>, "test.fluid.plus_row0") {
static cv::GMatDesc outMeta(cv::GMatDesc a) {
return a;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TSum2MatsAndScalar, <GMat(GMat,GScalar,GMat)>, "test.fluid.sum_2_mats_and_scalar")
static GMatDesc outMeta(const cv::GMatDesc &in, const cv::GScalarDesc&, const cv::GMatDesc&) {
return in;
G_TYPED_KERNEL_M(TSplit3_4lpi, <GMat3(GMat)>, "test.fluid.split3_4lpi") {
static std::tuple<GMatDesc, GMatDesc, GMatDesc> outMeta(GMatDesc in) {
const auto out_depth = in.depth;
const auto out_desc = in.withType(out_depth, 1);
return std::make_tuple(out_desc, out_desc, out_desc);
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TEqualizeHist, <GMat(GMat, GArray<int>)>, "test.fluid.equalize_hist")
static GMatDesc outMeta(GMatDesc in, const cv::GArrayDesc&) {
return in;
G_TYPED_KERNEL(TCalcHist, <GArray<int>(GMat)>, "test.ocv.calc_hist")
static GArrayDesc outMeta(GMatDesc) {
return {};
GMat merge3_4lpi(const GMat& src1, const GMat& src2, const GMat& src3);
std::tuple<GMat, GMat, GMat> split3_4lpi(const GMat& src);
extern cv::GKernelPackage fluidTestPackage;
} // namespace gapi_test_kernels
} // namespace cv