Open Source Computer Vision Library
297 lines
11 KiB
297 lines
11 KiB
import argparse |
import numpy as np |
from tf_text_graph_common import * |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run this script to get a text graph of ' |
'Mask-RCNN model from TensorFlow Object Detection API. ' |
'Then pass it with .pb file to cv::dnn::readNetFromTensorflow function.') |
parser.add_argument('--input', required=True, help='Path to frozen TensorFlow graph.') |
parser.add_argument('--output', required=True, help='Path to output text graph.') |
parser.add_argument('--config', required=True, help='Path to a *.config file is used for training.') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
scopesToKeep = ('FirstStageFeatureExtractor', 'Conv', |
'FirstStageBoxPredictor/BoxEncodingPredictor', |
'FirstStageBoxPredictor/ClassPredictor', |
'CropAndResize', |
'MaxPool2D', |
'SecondStageFeatureExtractor', |
'SecondStageBoxPredictor', |
'Preprocessor/sub', |
'Preprocessor/mul', |
'image_tensor') |
scopesToIgnore = ('FirstStageFeatureExtractor/Assert', |
'FirstStageFeatureExtractor/Shape', |
'FirstStageFeatureExtractor/strided_slice', |
'FirstStageFeatureExtractor/GreaterEqual', |
'FirstStageFeatureExtractor/LogicalAnd', |
'Conv/required_space_to_batch_paddings') |
# Load a config file. |
config = readTextMessage(args.config) |
config = config['model'][0]['faster_rcnn'][0] |
num_classes = int(config['num_classes'][0]) |
grid_anchor_generator = config['first_stage_anchor_generator'][0]['grid_anchor_generator'][0] |
scales = [float(s) for s in grid_anchor_generator['scales']] |
aspect_ratios = [float(ar) for ar in grid_anchor_generator['aspect_ratios']] |
width_stride = float(grid_anchor_generator['width_stride'][0]) |
height_stride = float(grid_anchor_generator['height_stride'][0]) |
features_stride = float(config['feature_extractor'][0]['first_stage_features_stride'][0]) |
first_stage_nms_iou_threshold = float(config['first_stage_nms_iou_threshold'][0]) |
first_stage_max_proposals = int(config['first_stage_max_proposals'][0]) |
print('Number of classes: %d' % num_classes) |
print('Scales: %s' % str(scales)) |
print('Aspect ratios: %s' % str(aspect_ratios)) |
print('Width stride: %f' % width_stride) |
print('Height stride: %f' % height_stride) |
print('Features stride: %f' % features_stride) |
# Read the graph. |
writeTextGraph(args.input, args.output, ['num_detections', 'detection_scores', 'detection_boxes', 'detection_classes', 'detection_masks']) |
graph_def = parseTextGraph(args.output) |
removeIdentity(graph_def) |
nodesToKeep = [] |
def to_remove(name, op): |
if name in nodesToKeep: |
return False |
return op == 'Const' or name.startswith(scopesToIgnore) or not name.startswith(scopesToKeep) or \ |
(name.startswith('CropAndResize') and op != 'CropAndResize') |
# Fuse atrous convolutions (with dilations). |
nodesMap = { node for node in graph_def.node} |
for node in reversed(graph_def.node): |
if node.op == 'BatchToSpaceND': |
del node.input[2] |
conv = nodesMap[node.input[0]] |
spaceToBatchND = nodesMap[conv.input[0]] |
paddingsNode = NodeDef() |
| = + '/paddings' |
paddingsNode.op = 'Const' |
paddingsNode.addAttr('value', [2, 2, 2, 2]) |
graph_def.node.insert(graph_def.node.index(spaceToBatchND), paddingsNode) |
nodesToKeep.append( |
spaceToBatchND.input[2] = |
removeUnusedNodesAndAttrs(to_remove, graph_def) |
# Connect input node to the first layer |
assert(graph_def.node[0].op == 'Placeholder') |
graph_def.node[1].input.insert(0, graph_def.node[0].name) |
# Temporarily remove top nodes. |
topNodes = [] |
numCropAndResize = 0 |
while True: |
node = graph_def.node.pop() |
topNodes.append(node) |
if node.op == 'CropAndResize': |
numCropAndResize += 1 |
if numCropAndResize == 2: |
break |
addReshape('FirstStageBoxPredictor/ClassPredictor/BiasAdd', |
'FirstStageBoxPredictor/ClassPredictor/reshape_1', [0, -1, 2], graph_def) |
addSoftMax('FirstStageBoxPredictor/ClassPredictor/reshape_1', |
'FirstStageBoxPredictor/ClassPredictor/softmax', graph_def) # Compare with Reshape_4 |
addFlatten('FirstStageBoxPredictor/ClassPredictor/softmax', |
'FirstStageBoxPredictor/ClassPredictor/softmax/flatten', graph_def) |
# Compare with FirstStageBoxPredictor/BoxEncodingPredictor/BiasAdd |
addFlatten('FirstStageBoxPredictor/BoxEncodingPredictor/BiasAdd', |
'FirstStageBoxPredictor/BoxEncodingPredictor/flatten', graph_def) |
proposals = NodeDef() |
| = 'proposals' # Compare with ClipToWindow/Gather/Gather (NOTE: normalized) |
proposals.op = 'PriorBox' |
proposals.input.append('FirstStageBoxPredictor/BoxEncodingPredictor/BiasAdd') |
proposals.input.append(graph_def.node[0].name) # image_tensor |
proposals.addAttr('flip', False) |
proposals.addAttr('clip', True) |
proposals.addAttr('step', features_stride) |
proposals.addAttr('offset', 0.0) |
proposals.addAttr('variance', [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]) |
widths = [] |
heights = [] |
for a in aspect_ratios: |
for s in scales: |
ar = np.sqrt(a) |
heights.append((height_stride**2) * s / ar) |
widths.append((width_stride**2) * s * ar) |
proposals.addAttr('width', widths) |
proposals.addAttr('height', heights) |
graph_def.node.extend([proposals]) |
# Compare with Reshape_5 |
detectionOut = NodeDef() |
| = 'detection_out' |
detectionOut.op = 'DetectionOutput' |
detectionOut.input.append('FirstStageBoxPredictor/BoxEncodingPredictor/flatten') |
detectionOut.input.append('FirstStageBoxPredictor/ClassPredictor/softmax/flatten') |
detectionOut.input.append('proposals') |
detectionOut.addAttr('num_classes', 2) |
detectionOut.addAttr('share_location', True) |
detectionOut.addAttr('background_label_id', 0) |
detectionOut.addAttr('nms_threshold', first_stage_nms_iou_threshold) |
detectionOut.addAttr('top_k', 6000) |
detectionOut.addAttr('code_type', "CENTER_SIZE") |
detectionOut.addAttr('keep_top_k', first_stage_max_proposals) |
detectionOut.addAttr('clip', True) |
graph_def.node.extend([detectionOut]) |
# Save as text. |
cropAndResizeNodesNames = [] |
for node in reversed(topNodes): |
if node.op != 'CropAndResize': |
graph_def.node.extend([node]) |
topNodes.pop() |
else: |
cropAndResizeNodesNames.append( |
if numCropAndResize == 1: |
break |
else: |
graph_def.node.extend([node]) |
topNodes.pop() |
numCropAndResize -= 1 |
addSoftMax('SecondStageBoxPredictor/Reshape_1', 'SecondStageBoxPredictor/Reshape_1/softmax', graph_def) |
addSlice('SecondStageBoxPredictor/Reshape_1/softmax', |
'SecondStageBoxPredictor/Reshape_1/slice', |
[0, 0, 1], [-1, -1, -1], graph_def) |
addReshape('SecondStageBoxPredictor/Reshape_1/slice', |
'SecondStageBoxPredictor/Reshape_1/Reshape', [1, -1], graph_def) |
# Replace Flatten subgraph onto a single node. |
for i in reversed(range(len(graph_def.node))): |
if graph_def.node[i].op == 'CropAndResize': |
graph_def.node[i].input.insert(1, 'detection_out') |
if graph_def.node[i].name == 'SecondStageBoxPredictor/Reshape': |
addConstNode('SecondStageBoxPredictor/Reshape/shape2', [1, -1, 4], graph_def) |
graph_def.node[i].input.pop() |
graph_def.node[i].input.append('SecondStageBoxPredictor/Reshape/shape2') |
if graph_def.node[i].name in ['SecondStageBoxPredictor/Flatten/flatten/Shape', |
'SecondStageBoxPredictor/Flatten/flatten/strided_slice', |
'SecondStageBoxPredictor/Flatten/flatten/Reshape/shape', |
'SecondStageBoxPredictor/Flatten_1/flatten/Shape', |
'SecondStageBoxPredictor/Flatten_1/flatten/strided_slice', |
'SecondStageBoxPredictor/Flatten_1/flatten/Reshape/shape']: |
del graph_def.node[i] |
for node in graph_def.node: |
if == 'SecondStageBoxPredictor/Flatten/flatten/Reshape' or \ |
| == 'SecondStageBoxPredictor/Flatten_1/flatten/Reshape': |
node.op = 'Flatten' |
node.input.pop() |
if in ['FirstStageBoxPredictor/BoxEncodingPredictor/Conv2D', |
'SecondStageBoxPredictor/BoxEncodingPredictor/MatMul']: |
node.addAttr('loc_pred_transposed', True) |
if'MaxPool2D'): |
assert(node.op == 'MaxPool') |
assert(len(cropAndResizeNodesNames) == 2) |
node.input = [cropAndResizeNodesNames[0]] |
del cropAndResizeNodesNames[0] |
################################################################################ |
### Postprocessing |
################################################################################ |
addSlice('detection_out', 'detection_out/slice', [0, 0, 0, 3], [-1, -1, -1, 4], graph_def) |
variance = NodeDef() |
| = 'proposals/variance' |
variance.op = 'Const' |
variance.addAttr('value', [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]) |
graph_def.node.extend([variance]) |
varianceEncoder = NodeDef() |
| = 'variance_encoded' |
varianceEncoder.op = 'Mul' |
varianceEncoder.input.append('SecondStageBoxPredictor/Reshape') |
varianceEncoder.input.append( |
varianceEncoder.addAttr('axis', 2) |
graph_def.node.extend([varianceEncoder]) |
addReshape('detection_out/slice', 'detection_out/slice/reshape', [1, 1, -1], graph_def) |
addFlatten('variance_encoded', 'variance_encoded/flatten', graph_def) |
detectionOut = NodeDef() |
| = 'detection_out_final' |
detectionOut.op = 'DetectionOutput' |
detectionOut.input.append('variance_encoded/flatten') |
detectionOut.input.append('SecondStageBoxPredictor/Reshape_1/Reshape') |
detectionOut.input.append('detection_out/slice/reshape') |
detectionOut.addAttr('num_classes', num_classes) |
detectionOut.addAttr('share_location', False) |
detectionOut.addAttr('background_label_id', num_classes + 1) |
detectionOut.addAttr('nms_threshold', 0.6) |
detectionOut.addAttr('code_type', "CENTER_SIZE") |
detectionOut.addAttr('keep_top_k',100) |
detectionOut.addAttr('clip', True) |
detectionOut.addAttr('variance_encoded_in_target', True) |
detectionOut.addAttr('confidence_threshold', 0.3) |
detectionOut.addAttr('group_by_classes', False) |
graph_def.node.extend([detectionOut]) |
for node in reversed(topNodes): |
graph_def.node.extend([node]) |
if'MaxPool2D'): |
assert(node.op == 'MaxPool') |
assert(len(cropAndResizeNodesNames) == 1) |
node.input = [cropAndResizeNodesNames[0]] |
for i in reversed(range(len(graph_def.node))): |
if graph_def.node[i].op == 'CropAndResize': |
graph_def.node[i].input.insert(1, 'detection_out_final') |
break |
graph_def.node[-1].name = 'detection_masks' |
graph_def.node[-1].op = 'Sigmoid' |
graph_def.node[-1].input.pop() |
def getUnconnectedNodes(): |
unconnected = [ for node in graph_def.node] |
for node in graph_def.node: |
for inp in node.input: |
if inp in unconnected: |
unconnected.remove(inp) |
return unconnected |
while True: |
unconnectedNodes = getUnconnectedNodes() |
unconnectedNodes.remove(graph_def.node[-1].name) |
if not unconnectedNodes: |
break |
for name in unconnectedNodes: |
for i in range(len(graph_def.node)): |
if graph_def.node[i].name == name: |
del graph_def.node[i] |
break |
# Save as text. |