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# This file is a part of OpenCV project. |
# It is a subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory |
# of this distribution and at |
# |
# Copyright (C) 2018, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved. |
# Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners. |
# |
# Use this script to get the text graph representation (.pbtxt) of SSD-based |
# deep learning network trained in TensorFlow Object Detection API. |
# Then you can import it with a binary frozen graph (.pb) using readNetFromTensorflow() function. |
# See details and examples on the following wiki page: |
import argparse |
from math import sqrt |
from tf_text_graph_common import * |
def createSSDGraph(modelPath, configPath, outputPath): |
# Nodes that should be kept. |
keepOps = ['Conv2D', 'BiasAdd', 'Add', 'Relu6', 'Placeholder', 'FusedBatchNorm', |
'DepthwiseConv2dNative', 'ConcatV2', 'Mul', 'MaxPool', 'AvgPool', 'Identity', |
'Sub'] |
# Node with which prefixes should be removed |
prefixesToRemove = ('MultipleGridAnchorGenerator/', 'Postprocessor/', 'Preprocessor/map') |
# Load a config file. |
config = readTextMessage(configPath) |
config = config['model'][0]['ssd'][0] |
num_classes = int(config['num_classes'][0]) |
ssd_anchor_generator = config['anchor_generator'][0]['ssd_anchor_generator'][0] |
min_scale = float(ssd_anchor_generator['min_scale'][0]) |
max_scale = float(ssd_anchor_generator['max_scale'][0]) |
num_layers = int(ssd_anchor_generator['num_layers'][0]) |
aspect_ratios = [float(ar) for ar in ssd_anchor_generator['aspect_ratios']] |
reduce_boxes_in_lowest_layer = True |
if 'reduce_boxes_in_lowest_layer' in ssd_anchor_generator: |
reduce_boxes_in_lowest_layer = ssd_anchor_generator['reduce_boxes_in_lowest_layer'][0] == 'true' |
fixed_shape_resizer = config['image_resizer'][0]['fixed_shape_resizer'][0] |
image_width = int(fixed_shape_resizer['width'][0]) |
image_height = int(fixed_shape_resizer['height'][0]) |
box_predictor = 'convolutional' if 'convolutional_box_predictor' in config['box_predictor'][0] else 'weight_shared_convolutional' |
print('Number of classes: %d' % num_classes) |
print('Number of layers: %d' % num_layers) |
print('Scale: [%f-%f]' % (min_scale, max_scale)) |
print('Aspect ratios: %s' % str(aspect_ratios)) |
print('Reduce boxes in the lowest layer: %s' % str(reduce_boxes_in_lowest_layer)) |
print('box predictor: %s' % box_predictor) |
print('Input image size: %dx%d' % (image_width, image_height)) |
# Read the graph. |
inpNames = ['image_tensor'] |
outNames = ['num_detections', 'detection_scores', 'detection_boxes', 'detection_classes'] |
writeTextGraph(modelPath, outputPath, outNames) |
graph_def = parseTextGraph(outputPath) |
def getUnconnectedNodes(): |
unconnected = [] |
for node in graph_def.node: |
unconnected.append( |
for inp in node.input: |
if inp in unconnected: |
unconnected.remove(inp) |
return unconnected |
# Detect unfused batch normalization nodes and fuse them. |
def fuse_batch_normalization(): |
# Add_0 <-- moving_variance, add_y |
# Rsqrt <-- Add_0 |
# Mul_0 <-- Rsqrt, gamma |
# Mul_1 <-- input, Mul_0 |
# Mul_2 <-- moving_mean, Mul_0 |
# Sub_0 <-- beta, Mul_2 |
# Add_1 <-- Mul_1, Sub_0 |
nodesMap = { node for node in graph_def.node} |
subgraph = ['Add', |
['Mul', 'input', ['Mul', ['Rsqrt', ['Add', 'moving_variance', 'add_y']], 'gamma']], |
['Sub', 'beta', ['Mul', 'moving_mean', 'Mul_0']]] |
def checkSubgraph(node, targetNode, inputs, fusedNodes): |
op = targetNode[0] |
if node.op == op and (len(node.input) >= len(targetNode) - 1): |
fusedNodes.append(node) |
for i, inpOp in enumerate(targetNode[1:]): |
if isinstance(inpOp, list): |
if not node.input[i] in nodesMap or \ |
not checkSubgraph(nodesMap[node.input[i]], inpOp, inputs, fusedNodes): |
return False |
else: |
inputs[inpOp] = node.input[i] |
return True |
else: |
return False |
nodesToRemove = [] |
for node in graph_def.node: |
inputs = {} |
fusedNodes = [] |
if checkSubgraph(node, subgraph, inputs, fusedNodes): |
name = |
node.Clear() |
| = name |
node.op = 'FusedBatchNorm' |
node.input.append(inputs['input']) |
node.input.append(inputs['gamma']) |
node.input.append(inputs['beta']) |
node.input.append(inputs['moving_mean']) |
node.input.append(inputs['moving_variance']) |
node.addAttr('epsilon', 0.001) |
nodesToRemove += fusedNodes[1:] |
for node in nodesToRemove: |
graph_def.node.remove(node) |
fuse_batch_normalization() |
removeIdentity(graph_def) |
def to_remove(name, op): |
return (not op in keepOps) or name.startswith(prefixesToRemove) |
removeUnusedNodesAndAttrs(to_remove, graph_def) |
# Connect input node to the first layer |
assert(graph_def.node[0].op == 'Placeholder') |
# assert(graph_def.node[1].op == 'Conv2D') |
weights = graph_def.node[1].input[0] |
for i in range(len(graph_def.node[1].input)): |
graph_def.node[1].input.pop() |
graph_def.node[1].input.append(graph_def.node[0].name) |
graph_def.node[1].input.append(weights) |
# Create SSD postprocessing head ############################################### |
# Concatenate predictions of classes, predictions of bounding boxes and proposals. |
def addConcatNode(name, inputs, axisNodeName): |
concat = NodeDef() |
| = name |
concat.op = 'ConcatV2' |
for inp in inputs: |
concat.input.append(inp) |
concat.input.append(axisNodeName) |
graph_def.node.extend([concat]) |
addConstNode('concat/axis_flatten', [-1], graph_def) |
addConstNode('PriorBox/concat/axis', [-2], graph_def) |
for label in ['ClassPredictor', 'BoxEncodingPredictor' if box_predictor is 'convolutional' else 'BoxPredictor']: |
concatInputs = [] |
for i in range(num_layers): |
# Flatten predictions |
flatten = NodeDef() |
if box_predictor is 'convolutional': |
inpName = 'BoxPredictor_%d/%s/BiasAdd' % (i, label) |
else: |
if i == 0: |
inpName = 'WeightSharedConvolutionalBoxPredictor/%s/BiasAdd' % label |
else: |
inpName = 'WeightSharedConvolutionalBoxPredictor_%d/%s/BiasAdd' % (i, label) |
flatten.input.append(inpName) |
| = inpName + '/Flatten' |
flatten.op = 'Flatten' |
concatInputs.append( |
graph_def.node.extend([flatten]) |
addConcatNode('%s/concat' % label, concatInputs, 'concat/axis_flatten') |
idx = 0 |
for node in graph_def.node: |
if == ('BoxPredictor_%d/BoxEncodingPredictor/Conv2D' % idx) or \ |
| == ('WeightSharedConvolutionalBoxPredictor_%d/BoxPredictor/Conv2D' % idx) or \ |
| == 'WeightSharedConvolutionalBoxPredictor/BoxPredictor/Conv2D': |
node.addAttr('loc_pred_transposed', True) |
idx += 1 |
assert(idx == num_layers) |
# Add layers that generate anchors (bounding boxes proposals). |
scales = [min_scale + (max_scale - min_scale) * i / (num_layers - 1) |
for i in range(num_layers)] + [1.0] |
priorBoxes = [] |
for i in range(num_layers): |
priorBox = NodeDef() |
| = 'PriorBox_%d' % i |
priorBox.op = 'PriorBox' |
if box_predictor is 'convolutional': |
priorBox.input.append('BoxPredictor_%d/BoxEncodingPredictor/BiasAdd' % i) |
else: |
if i == 0: |
priorBox.input.append('WeightSharedConvolutionalBoxPredictor/BoxPredictor/Conv2D') |
else: |
priorBox.input.append('WeightSharedConvolutionalBoxPredictor_%d/BoxPredictor/BiasAdd' % i) |
priorBox.input.append(graph_def.node[0].name) # image_tensor |
priorBox.addAttr('flip', False) |
priorBox.addAttr('clip', False) |
if i == 0 and reduce_boxes_in_lowest_layer: |
widths = [0.1, min_scale * sqrt(2.0), min_scale * sqrt(0.5)] |
heights = [0.1, min_scale / sqrt(2.0), min_scale / sqrt(0.5)] |
else: |
widths = [scales[i] * sqrt(ar) for ar in aspect_ratios] |
heights = [scales[i] / sqrt(ar) for ar in aspect_ratios] |
widths += [sqrt(scales[i] * scales[i + 1])] |
heights += [sqrt(scales[i] * scales[i + 1])] |
widths = [w * image_width for w in widths] |
heights = [h * image_height for h in heights] |
priorBox.addAttr('width', widths) |
priorBox.addAttr('height', heights) |
priorBox.addAttr('variance', [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]) |
graph_def.node.extend([priorBox]) |
priorBoxes.append( |
addConcatNode('PriorBox/concat', priorBoxes, 'concat/axis_flatten') |
# Sigmoid for classes predictions and DetectionOutput layer |
sigmoid = NodeDef() |
| = 'ClassPredictor/concat/sigmoid' |
sigmoid.op = 'Sigmoid' |
sigmoid.input.append('ClassPredictor/concat') |
graph_def.node.extend([sigmoid]) |
detectionOut = NodeDef() |
| = 'detection_out' |
detectionOut.op = 'DetectionOutput' |
if box_predictor == 'convolutional': |
detectionOut.input.append('BoxEncodingPredictor/concat') |
else: |
detectionOut.input.append('BoxPredictor/concat') |
detectionOut.input.append( |
detectionOut.input.append('PriorBox/concat') |
detectionOut.addAttr('num_classes', num_classes + 1) |
detectionOut.addAttr('share_location', True) |
detectionOut.addAttr('background_label_id', 0) |
detectionOut.addAttr('nms_threshold', 0.6) |
detectionOut.addAttr('top_k', 100) |
detectionOut.addAttr('code_type', "CENTER_SIZE") |
detectionOut.addAttr('keep_top_k', 100) |
detectionOut.addAttr('confidence_threshold', 0.01) |
graph_def.node.extend([detectionOut]) |
while True: |
unconnectedNodes = getUnconnectedNodes() |
unconnectedNodes.remove( |
if not unconnectedNodes: |
break |
for name in unconnectedNodes: |
for i in range(len(graph_def.node)): |
if graph_def.node[i].name == name: |
del graph_def.node[i] |
break |
# Save as text. |
| |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run this script to get a text graph of ' |
'SSD model from TensorFlow Object Detection API. ' |
'Then pass it with .pb file to cv::dnn::readNetFromTensorflow function.') |
parser.add_argument('--input', required=True, help='Path to frozen TensorFlow graph.') |
parser.add_argument('--output', required=True, help='Path to output text graph.') |
parser.add_argument('--config', required=True, help='Path to a *.config file is used for training.') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
createSSDGraph(args.input, args.config, args.output)