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191 lines
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191 lines
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# This script is used to estimate an accuracy of different face detection models. |
# COCO evaluation tool is used to compute an accuracy metrics (Average Precision). |
# Script works with different face detection datasets. |
import os |
import json |
from fnmatch import fnmatch |
from math import pi |
import cv2 as cv |
import argparse |
import os |
import sys |
from pycocotools.coco import COCO |
from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( |
description='Evaluate OpenCV face detection algorithms ' |
'using COCO evaluation tool,') |
parser.add_argument('--proto', help='Path to .prototxt of Caffe model or .pbtxt of TensorFlow graph') |
parser.add_argument('--model', help='Path to .caffemodel trained in Caffe or .pb from TensorFlow') |
parser.add_argument('--cascade', help='Optional path to trained Haar cascade as ' |
'an additional model for evaluation') |
parser.add_argument('--ann', help='Path to text file with ground truth annotations') |
parser.add_argument('--pics', help='Path to images root directory') |
parser.add_argument('--fddb', help='Evaluate FDDB dataset,', action='store_true') |
parser.add_argument('--wider', help='Evaluate WIDER FACE dataset,', action='store_true') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
dataset = {} |
dataset['images'] = [] |
dataset['categories'] = [{ 'id': 0, 'name': 'face' }] |
dataset['annotations'] = [] |
def ellipse2Rect(params): |
rad_x = params[0] |
rad_y = params[1] |
angle = params[2] * 180.0 / pi |
center_x = params[3] |
center_y = params[4] |
pts = cv.ellipse2Poly((int(center_x), int(center_y)), (int(rad_x), int(rad_y)), |
int(angle), 0, 360, 10) |
rect = cv.boundingRect(pts) |
left = rect[0] |
top = rect[1] |
right = rect[0] + rect[2] |
bottom = rect[1] + rect[3] |
return left, top, right, bottom |
def addImage(imagePath): |
assert('images' in dataset) |
imageId = len(dataset['images']) |
dataset['images'].append({ |
'id': int(imageId), |
'file_name': imagePath |
}) |
return imageId |
def addBBox(imageId, left, top, width, height): |
assert('annotations' in dataset) |
dataset['annotations'].append({ |
'id': len(dataset['annotations']), |
'image_id': int(imageId), |
'category_id': 0, # Face |
'bbox': [int(left), int(top), int(width), int(height)], |
'iscrowd': 0, |
'area': float(width * height) |
}) |
def addDetection(detections, imageId, left, top, width, height, score): |
detections.append({ |
'image_id': int(imageId), |
'category_id': 0, # Face |
'bbox': [int(left), int(top), int(width), int(height)], |
'score': float(score) |
}) |
def fddb_dataset(annotations, images): |
for d in os.listdir(annotations): |
if fnmatch(d, 'FDDB-fold-*-ellipseList.txt'): |
with open(os.path.join(annotations, d), 'rt') as f: |
lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f] |
lineId = 0 |
while lineId < len(lines): |
# Image |
imgPath = lines[lineId] |
lineId += 1 |
imageId = addImage(os.path.join(images, imgPath) + '.jpg') |
img = cv.imread(os.path.join(images, imgPath) + '.jpg') |
# Faces |
numFaces = int(lines[lineId]) |
lineId += 1 |
for i in range(numFaces): |
params = [float(v) for v in lines[lineId].split()] |
lineId += 1 |
left, top, right, bottom = ellipse2Rect(params) |
addBBox(imageId, left, top, width=right - left + 1, |
height=bottom - top + 1) |
def wider_dataset(annotations, images): |
with open(annotations, 'rt') as f: |
lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f] |
lineId = 0 |
while lineId < len(lines): |
# Image |
imgPath = lines[lineId] |
lineId += 1 |
imageId = addImage(os.path.join(images, imgPath)) |
# Faces |
numFaces = int(lines[lineId]) |
lineId += 1 |
for i in range(numFaces): |
params = [int(v) for v in lines[lineId].split()] |
lineId += 1 |
left, top, width, height = params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3] |
addBBox(imageId, left, top, width, height) |
def evaluate(): |
cocoGt = COCO('annotations.json') |
cocoDt = cocoGt.loadRes('detections.json') |
cocoEval = COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, 'bbox') |
cocoEval.evaluate() |
cocoEval.accumulate() |
cocoEval.summarize() |
### Convert to COCO annotations format ######################################### |
assert(args.fddb or args.wider) |
if args.fddb: |
fddb_dataset(args.ann, |
elif args.wider: |
wider_dataset(args.ann, |
with open('annotations.json', 'wt') as f: |
json.dump(dataset, f) |
### Obtain detections ########################################################## |
detections = [] |
if args.proto and args.model: |
net = cv.dnn.readNet(args.proto, args.model) |
def detect(img, imageId): |
imgWidth = img.shape[1] |
imgHeight = img.shape[0] |
net.setInput(cv.dnn.blobFromImage(img, 1.0, (300, 300), (104., 177., 123.), False, False)) |
out = net.forward() |
for i in range(out.shape[2]): |
confidence = out[0, 0, i, 2] |
left = int(out[0, 0, i, 3] * img.shape[1]) |
top = int(out[0, 0, i, 4] * img.shape[0]) |
right = int(out[0, 0, i, 5] * img.shape[1]) |
bottom = int(out[0, 0, i, 6] * img.shape[0]) |
addDetection(detections, imageId, left, top, width=right - left + 1, |
height=bottom - top + 1, score=confidence) |
elif args.cascade: |
cascade = cv.CascadeClassifier(args.cascade) |
def detect(img, imageId): |
srcImgGray = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) |
faces = cascade.detectMultiScale(srcImgGray) |
for rect in faces: |
left, top, width, height = rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3] |
addDetection(detections, imageId, left, top, width, height, score=1.0) |
for i in range(len(dataset['images'])): |
sys.stdout.write('\r%d / %d' % (i + 1, len(dataset['images']))) |
sys.stdout.flush() |
img = cv.imread(dataset['images'][i]['file_name']) |
imageId = int(dataset['images'][i]['id']) |
detect(img, imageId) |
with open('detections.json', 'wt') as f: |
json.dump(detections, f) |
evaluate() |
def rm(f): |
if os.path.exists(f): |
os.remove(f) |
rm('annotations.json') |