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// This file is part of OpenCV project. |
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory |
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. |
#include "precomp.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/flann.hpp" |
#include "chessboard.hpp" |
#include "math.h" |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
static cv::Mat debug_image; |
#endif |
using namespace std; |
namespace cv { |
namespace details { |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// magic numbers used for chessboard corner detection |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static const float CORNERS_SEARCH = 0.5F; // percentage of the edge length to the next corner used to find new corners |
static const float MAX_ANGLE = float(48.0/180.0*CV_PI); // max angle between line segments supposed to be straight |
static const float MIN_COS_ANGLE = float(std::cos(35.0/180*CV_PI)); // min cos angle between board edges |
static const float MIN_RESPONSE_RATIO = 0.1F; |
static const float ELLIPSE_WIDTH = 0.35F; // width of the search ellipse in percentage of its length |
static const float RAD2DEG = float(180.0/CV_PI); |
static const int MAX_SYMMETRY_ERRORS = 5; // maximal number of failures during point symmetry test (filtering out lines) |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// some helper methods |
static float calcSharpness(cv::InputArray _values,float rise_distance); |
static bool isPointOnLine(cv::Point2f l1,cv::Point2f l2,cv::Point2f pt,float min_angle); |
static int testPointSymmetry(const cv::Mat& mat,cv::Point2f pt,float dist,float max_error); |
static float calcSubpixel(const float &x_l,const float &x,const float &x_r); |
static float calcSubPos(const float &x_l,const float &x,const float &x_r); |
static void polyfit(const Mat& src_x, const Mat& src_y, Mat& dst, int order); |
static float calcSignedDistance(const cv::Vec2f &n,const cv::Point2f &a,const cv::Point2f &pt); |
static void normalizePoints1D(cv::InputArray _points,cv::OutputArray _T,cv::OutputArray _new_points); |
static cv::Mat findHomography1D(cv::InputArray _src,cv::InputArray _dst); |
static cv::Mat normalizeVector(cv::InputArray _points); |
cv::Mat normalizeVector(cv::InputArray _points) |
{ |
cv::Mat points = _points.getMat(); |
if(points.cols > 1) |
{ |
if(points.rows == 1) |
points = points.reshape(points.channels(),points.cols); |
else if(points.channels() == 1) |
points = points.reshape(points.cols,points.rows); |
else |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "unsupported format"); |
} |
return points; |
} |
float calcSharpness(cv::InputArray _values,float rise_distance) |
{ |
CV_CheckTypeEQ(_values.type(),CV_8UC1, "values must be of the type CV_8UC1"); |
cv::Mat values = normalizeVector(_values); |
if(values.empty()) |
return 0; |
if(values.rows != 1 && values.cols != 1) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "values must be 1xn or nx1"); |
if(rise_distance <= 0.0 || rise_distance > 1.0) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "rise_distance must lie in th interval ]0..1]"); |
// find global min max |
cv::Point min_loc,max_loc; |
double min_val,max_val; |
cv::minMaxLoc(values,&min_val,&max_val,&min_loc,&max_loc); |
int max_pos = std::max(max_loc.x,max_loc.y); |
int min_pos = std::max(min_loc.x,min_loc.y); |
if(max_pos == min_pos) |
return 0; |
// calc new interval according to the rise distance |
double delta = max_val-min_val; |
double min_val2 = min_val+delta*0.5*(1.0-rise_distance); |
double max_val2 = max_val-delta*0.5*(1.0-rise_distance); |
// find new max starting at min pos |
int dt = 1; |
if(max_pos < min_pos) |
dt= -1; |
int max_pos2 = max_pos; |
for(int i=min_pos+dt;i != max_pos;i+=dt) |
{ |
uint8_t val = values.at<uint8_t>(i); |
if(val >= max_val2) |
{ |
max_pos2 = i; |
break; |
} |
} |
// find new min starting at max pos |
int min_pos2 = min_pos; |
for(int i=max_pos-dt;i != min_pos;i-=dt) |
{ |
uint8_t val = values.at<uint8_t>(i); |
if(val <= min_val2) |
{ |
min_pos2 = i; |
break; |
} |
} |
// calc sub pixel max pos |
double max_pos3 = max_pos2; |
uint8_t val1 = values.at<uint8_t>(max_pos2-dt); // <= val2 |
uint8_t val2 = values.at<uint8_t>(max_pos2); |
double m = (val2-val1)/dt; |
if(m != 0) |
max_pos3 = max_pos2+(max_val2-val2)/m; |
// calc sub pixel min pos |
double min_pos3 = min_pos2; |
val1 = values.at<uint8_t>(min_pos2); // <= val2 |
val2 = values.at<uint8_t>(min_pos2+dt); |
m = (val2-val1)/dt; |
if(m != 0) |
min_pos3 = min_pos2+(min_val2-val1)/m; |
return float(fabs(max_pos3-min_pos3)); |
} |
void normalizePoints1D(cv::InputArray _points,cv::OutputArray _T,cv::OutputArray _new_points) |
{ |
cv::Mat points = _points.getMat(); |
if(points.cols > 1 && points.rows == 1) |
points = points.reshape(1,points.cols); |
CV_CheckChannelsEQ(points.channels(), 1, "points must have only one channel"); |
// calc centroid |
double centroid= cv::mean(points)[0]; |
// shift origin to centroid |
cv::Mat new_points = points-centroid; |
// calc mean distance |
double mean_dist = cv::mean(cv::abs(new_points))[0]; |
if(mean_dist<= DBL_EPSILON) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "all given points are identical"); |
double scale = 1.0/mean_dist; |
// generate transformation |
cv::Matx22d Tx( |
scale, -scale*centroid, |
0, 1 |
); |
Mat(Tx, false).copyTo(_T); |
// calc normalized points; |
_new_points.create(points.rows,1,points.type()); |
new_points = _new_points.getMat(); |
switch(points.type()) |
{ |
case CV_32FC1: |
for(int i=0;i < points.rows;++i) |
{ |
cv::Vec2d p(points.at<float>(i), 1.0); |
p = Tx*p; |
new_points.at<float>(i) = float(p(0)/p(1)); |
} |
break; |
case CV_64FC1: |
for(int i=0;i < points.rows;++i) |
{ |
cv::Vec2d p(points.at<double>(i), 1.0); |
p = Tx*p; |
new_points.at<double>(i) = p(0)/p(1); |
} |
break; |
default: |
CV_Error(Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "unsupported point type"); |
} |
} |
cv::Mat findHomography1D(cv::InputArray _src,cv::InputArray _dst) |
{ |
// check inputs |
cv::Mat src = _src.getMat(); |
cv::Mat dst = _dst.getMat(); |
if(src.cols > 1 && src.rows == 1) |
src = src.reshape(1,src.cols); |
if(dst.cols > 1 && dst.rows == 1) |
dst = dst.reshape(1,dst.cols); |
CV_CheckEQ(src.rows, dst.rows, "size mismatch"); |
CV_CheckChannelsEQ(src.channels(), 1, "data with only one channel are supported"); |
CV_CheckChannelsEQ(dst.channels(), 1, "data with only one channel are supported"); |
CV_CheckTypeEQ(src.type(), dst.type(), "src and dst must have the same type"); |
CV_Check(src.rows, src.rows >= 3,"at least three point pairs are needed"); |
// normalize points |
cv::Mat src_T,dst_T, src_n,dst_n; |
normalizePoints1D(src,src_T,src_n); |
normalizePoints1D(dst,dst_T,dst_n); |
int count = src_n.rows; |
cv::Mat A = cv::Mat::zeros(count,3,CV_64FC1); |
cv::Mat b = cv::Mat::zeros(count,1,CV_64FC1); |
// fill A;b and perform singular value decomposition |
// it is assumed that w is one for both coordinates |
// h22 is kept to 1 |
switch(src_n.type()) |
{ |
case CV_32FC1: |
for(int i=0;i<count;++i) |
{ |
double s = src_n.at<float>(i); |
double d = dst_n.at<float>(i); |
A.at<double>(i,0) = s; |
A.at<double>(i,1) = 1.0; |
A.at<double>(i,2) = -s*d; |
b.at<double>(i) = d; |
} |
break; |
case CV_64FC1: |
for(int i=0;i<count;++i) |
{ |
double s = src_n.at<double>(i); |
double d = dst_n.at<double>(i); |
A.at<double>(i,0) = s; |
A.at<double>(i,1) = 1.0; |
A.at<double>(i,2) = -s*d; |
b.at<double>(i) = d; |
} |
break; |
default: |
CV_Error(Error::StsUnsupportedFormat,"unsupported type"); |
} |
cv::Mat u,d,vt; |
cv::SVD::compute(A,d,u,vt); |
cv::Mat b_ = u.t()*b; |
cv::Mat y(b_.rows,1,CV_64FC1); |
for(int i=0;i<b_.rows;++i) |
y.at<double>(i) = b_.at<double>(i)/d.at<double>(i); |
cv::Mat x = vt.t()*y; |
cv::Matx22d H_(x.at<double>(0), x.at<double>(1), x.at<double>(2), 1.0); |
// denormalize |
Mat H = dst_T.inv()*Mat(H_, false)*src_T; |
// enforce frobeniusnorm of one |
double scale = cv::norm(H); |
CV_Assert(fabs(scale) > DBL_EPSILON); |
scale = 1.0 / scale; |
return H*scale; |
} |
void polyfit(const Mat& src_x, const Mat& src_y, Mat& dst, int order) |
{ |
int npoints = src_x.checkVector(1); |
int nypoints = src_y.checkVector(1); |
CV_Assert(npoints == nypoints && npoints >= order+1); |
Mat_<double> srcX(src_x), srcY(src_y); |
Mat_<double> A = Mat_<double>::ones(npoints,order + 1); |
// build A matrix |
for (int y = 0; y < npoints; ++y) |
{ |
for (int x = 1; x < A.cols; ++x) |
A.at<double>(y,x) = srcX.at<double>(y)*A.at<double>(y,x-1); |
} |
cv::Mat w; |
solve(A,srcY.reshape(1, npoints),w,DECOMP_SVD); |
w.convertTo(dst, ((src_x.depth() == CV_64F || src_y.depth() == CV_64F) ? CV_64F : CV_32F)); |
} |
float calcSignedDistance(const cv::Vec2f &n,const cv::Point2f &a,const cv::Point2f &pt) |
{ |
cv::Vec3f v1(n[0],n[1],0); |
cv::Vec3f v2(pt.x-a.x,pt.y-a.y,0); |
return v1.cross(v2)[2]; |
} |
bool isPointOnLine(cv::Point2f l1,cv::Point2f l2,cv::Point2f pt,float min_angle) |
{ |
cv::Vec2f vec1(l1-pt); |
cv::Vec2f vec2(pt-l2); |
if(vec1.dot(vec2) < min_angle*cv::norm(vec1)*cv::norm(vec2)) |
return false; |
return true; |
} |
// returns how many tests fails out of 10 |
int testPointSymmetry(const cv::Mat &mat,cv::Point2f pt,float dist,float max_error) |
{ |
cv::Rect image_rect(int(0.5*dist),int(0.5*dist),int(mat.cols-0.5*dist),int(mat.rows-0.5*dist)); |
cv::Size size(int(0.5*dist),int(0.5*dist)); |
int count = 0; |
cv::Mat patch1,patch2; |
cv::Point2f center1,center2; |
for (int angle_i = 0; angle_i < 10; angle_i++) |
{ |
double angle = angle_i * (CV_PI * 0.1); |
cv::Point2f n(float(std::cos(angle)),float(-std::sin(angle))); |
center1 = pt+dist*n; |
if(!image_rect.contains(center1)) |
return false; |
center2 = pt-dist*n; |
if(!image_rect.contains(center2)) |
return false; |
cv::getRectSubPix(mat,size,center1,patch1); |
cv::getRectSubPix(mat,size,center2,patch2); |
if(fabs(cv::mean(patch1)[0]-cv::mean(patch2)[0]) > max_error) |
++count; |
} |
return count; |
} |
inline float calcSubpixel(const float &x_l,const float &x,const float &x_r) |
{ |
// prevent zero values |
if(x_l <= 0) |
return 0; |
if(x <= 0) |
return 0; |
if(x_r <= 0) |
return 0; |
const float l0 = float(std::log(x_l+1e-6)); |
const float l1 = float(std::log(x+1e-6)); |
const float l2 = float(std::log(x_r+1e-6)); |
float delta = l2-l1-l1+l0; |
if(!delta) // this happens if all values are identical |
return 0; |
delta = (l0-l2)/(delta+delta); |
return delta; |
} |
inline float calcSubPos(const float &x_l,const float &x,const float &x_r) |
{ |
float val = 2.0F *(x_l-2.0F*x+x_r); |
if(val == 0.0F) |
return 0.0F; |
val = (x_l-x_r)/val; |
if(val > 1.0F) |
return 1.0F; |
if(val < -1.0F) |
return -1.0F; |
return val; |
} |
FastX::FastX(const Parameters ¶) |
{ |
reconfigure(para); |
} |
void FastX::reconfigure(const Parameters ¶) |
{ |
CV_Check(para.min_scale, para.min_scale >= 0 && para.min_scale <= para.max_scale, "invalid scale"); |
parameters = para; |
} |
// rotates the image around its center |
void FastX::rotate(float angle,cv::InputArray img,cv::Size size,cv::OutputArray out)const |
{ |
if(angle == 0) |
{ |
img.copyTo(out); |
return; |
} |
else |
{ |
cv::Matx23d m = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(cv::Point2f(float(img.cols()*0.5),float(img.rows()*0.5)),float(angle/CV_PI*180),1); |
m(0,2) += 0.5*(size.width-img.cols()); |
m(1,2) += 0.5*(size.height-img.rows()); |
cv::warpAffine(img,out,m,size); |
} |
} |
void FastX::calcFeatureMap(const Mat &images,Mat& out)const |
{ |
if(images.empty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"no rotation images"); |
int type = images.type(), depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type); |
CV_CheckType(type,depth == CV_8U, |
"Only 8-bit grayscale or color images are supported"); |
if(!images.isContinuous()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"image must be continuous"); |
float signal,noise,rating; |
int count1; |
unsigned char val1,val2,val3; |
const unsigned char* wrap_around; |
const unsigned char* pend; |
const unsigned char* pimages = images.data; |
const int channels = images.channels(); |
if(channels < 4) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"images must have at least four channels"); |
// for each pixel |
out = cv::Mat::zeros(images.rows,images.cols,CV_32FC1); |
const float *pout_end = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(out.dataend); |
for(float *pout=out.ptr<float>(0,0);pout != pout_end;++pout) |
{ |
//reset values |
rating = 0.0; count1 = 0; |
noise = 255; signal = 0; |
//calc rating |
pend = pimages+channels; |
val1 = *(pend-1); // wrap around (last value) |
wrap_around = pimages++; // store for wrap around (first value) |
val2 = *wrap_around; // first value |
for(;pimages != pend;++pimages) |
{ |
val3 = *pimages; |
if(val1 <= val2) |
{ |
if(val3 < val2) // maxima |
{ |
if(signal < val2) |
signal = val2; |
++count1; |
} |
} |
else if(val1 > val2 && val3 >= val2) // minima |
{ |
if(noise > val2) |
noise = val2; |
++count1; |
} |
val1 = val2; |
val2 = val3; |
} |
// wrap around |
if(val1 <= val2) // maxima |
{ |
if(*wrap_around < val2) |
{ |
if(signal < val2) |
signal = val2; |
++count1; |
} |
} |
else if(val1 > val2 && *wrap_around >= val2) // minima |
{ |
if(noise > val2) |
noise = val2; |
++count1; |
} |
// store rating |
if(count1 == parameters.branches) |
{ |
rating = signal-noise; |
*pout = rating*rating; //store rating in the feature map |
} |
} |
} |
std::vector<std::vector<float> > FastX::calcAngles(const std::vector<cv::Mat> &rotated_images,std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &keypoints)const |
{ |
// validate rotated_images |
if(rotated_images.empty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"no rotated images"); |
std::vector<cv::Mat>::const_iterator iter = rotated_images.begin(); |
for(;iter != rotated_images.end();++iter) |
{ |
if(iter->empty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"empty rotated images"); |
if(iter->channels() < 4) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"rotated images must have at least four channels"); |
} |
// assuming all elements of the same channel |
const int channels = rotated_images.front().channels(); |
const int channels_1 = channels-1; |
const float resolution = float(CV_PI/channels); |
const float scale = float(parameters.super_resolution)+1.0F; |
// for each keypoint |
std::vector<std::vector<float> > angles; |
angles.resize(keypoints.size()); |
parallel_for_(Range(0,(int)keypoints.size()),[&](const Range& range) |
{ |
float angle; |
float val1,val2,val3,wrap_around; |
const unsigned char *pimages1,*pimages2,*pimages3,*pimages4; |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>::iterator pt_iter = keypoints.begin()+range.start; |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>::iterator pt_end = keypoints.begin()+range.end; |
for(int id=range.start ;pt_iter != pt_end;++pt_iter,++id) |
{ |
int scale_id = pt_iter->octave - parameters.min_scale; |
if(scale_id>= int(rotated_images.size()) ||scale_id < 0) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"no rotated image for requested keypoint octave"); |
const cv::Mat &s_rotated_images = rotated_images[scale_id]; |
float x2 = pt_iter->pt.x*scale; |
float y2 = pt_iter->pt.y*scale; |
int row = int(y2); |
int col = int(x2); |
x2 -= col; |
y2 -= row; |
float x1 = 1.0F-x2; float y1 = 1.0F-y2; |
float a = x1*y1; float b = x2*y1; float c = x1*y2; float d = x2*y2; |
pimages1 = s_rotated_images.ptr<unsigned char>(row,col); |
pimages2 = s_rotated_images.ptr<unsigned char>(row,col+1); |
pimages3 = s_rotated_images.ptr<unsigned char>(row+1,col); |
pimages4 = s_rotated_images.ptr<unsigned char>(row+1,col+1); |
std::vector<float> &angles_i = angles[id]; |
//calc rating |
val1 = a**(pimages1+channels_1)+b**(pimages2+channels_1)+ |
c**(pimages3+channels_1)+d**(pimages4+channels_1); // wrap around (last value) |
wrap_around = a**(pimages1++)+b**(pimages2++)+c**(pimages3++)+d**(pimages4++); // first value |
val2 = wrap_around; // first value |
for(int i=0;i<channels-1;++pimages1,++pimages2,++pimages3,++pimages4,++i) |
{ |
val3 = a**(pimages1)+b**(pimages2)+c**(pimages3)+d**(pimages4); |
if(val1 <= val2) |
{ |
if(val3 < val2) |
{ |
angle = float((calcSubPos(val1,val2,val3)+i)*resolution); |
if(angle < 0) |
angle += float(CV_PI); |
else if(angle > CV_PI) |
angle -= float(CV_PI); |
angles_i.push_back(angle); |
pt_iter->angle = 360.0F-angle*RAD2DEG; |
} |
} |
else if(val1 > val2 && val3 >= val2) |
{ |
angle = float((calcSubPos(val1,val2,val3)+i)*resolution); |
if(angle < 0) |
angle += float(CV_PI); |
else if(angle > CV_PI) |
angle -= float(CV_PI); |
angles_i.push_back(-angle); |
pt_iter->angle = 360.0F-angle*RAD2DEG; |
} |
val1 = val2; |
val2 = val3; |
} |
// wrap around |
if(val1 <= val2) |
{ |
if(wrap_around< val2) |
{ |
angle = float((calcSubPos(val1,val2,wrap_around)+channels-1)*resolution); |
if(angle < 0) |
angle += float(CV_PI); |
else if(angle > CV_PI) |
angle -= float(CV_PI); |
angles_i.push_back(angle); |
pt_iter->angle = 360.0F-angle*RAD2DEG; |
} |
} |
else if(val1 > val2 && wrap_around >= val2) |
{ |
angle = float((calcSubPos(val1,val2,wrap_around)+channels-1)*resolution); |
if(angle < 0) |
angle += float(CV_PI); |
else if(angle > CV_PI) |
angle -= float(CV_PI); |
angles_i.push_back(-angle); |
pt_iter->angle = 360.0F-angle*RAD2DEG; |
} |
} |
}); |
return angles; |
} |
void FastX::findKeyPoints(const std::vector<cv::Mat> &feature_maps, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,const Mat& _mask) const |
{ |
//TODO check that all feature_maps have the same size |
int num_scales = parameters.max_scale-parameters.min_scale; |
CV_CheckGE(int(feature_maps.size()), num_scales, "missing feature maps"); |
if (!_mask.empty()) |
{ |
CV_CheckTypeEQ(_mask.type(), CV_8UC1, "wrong mask type"); |
CV_CheckEQ(_mask.size(), feature_maps.front().size(),"wrong mask type or size"); |
} |
keypoints.clear(); |
cv::Mat mask; |
if(!_mask.empty()) |
mask = _mask; |
else |
mask = cv::Mat::ones(feature_maps.front().size(),CV_8UC1); |
int super_res = int(parameters.super_resolution); |
int super_scale = super_res+1; |
float super_comp = 0.25F*super_res; |
// for each scale |
float strength = parameters.strength; |
std::vector<int> windows; |
cv::Point pt,pt2; |
double min,max; |
cv::Mat src; |
for(int scale=parameters.max_scale;scale>=parameters.min_scale;--scale) |
{ |
int window_size = (1 << (scale + super_res)) + 1; |
float window_size2 = 0.5F*window_size; |
float window_size4 = 0.25F*window_size; |
int window_size2i = cvRound(window_size2); |
const cv::Mat &feature_map = feature_maps[scale-parameters.min_scale]; |
int y = ((feature_map.rows)/window_size)-2; |
int x = ((feature_map.cols)/window_size)-2; |
for(int row=1;row<y;++row) |
{ |
for(int col=1;col<x;++col) |
{ |
Rect rect(col*window_size,row*window_size,window_size,window_size); |
src = feature_map(rect); |
cv::minMaxLoc(src,&min,&max,NULL,&pt); |
if(min == max || max < strength) |
continue; |
cv::Point pos(pt.x+rect.x,pt.y+rect.y); |
if(mask.at<unsigned char>(pos.y,pos.x) == 0) |
continue; |
Rect rect2(int(pos.x-window_size2),int(pos.y-window_size2),window_size,window_size); |
src = feature_map(rect2); |
cv::minMaxLoc(src,NULL,NULL,NULL,&pt2); |
if(pos.x == pt2.x+rect2.x && pos.y == pt2.y+rect2.y) |
{ |
// the point is the best one on the current scale |
// check all larger scales if there is a stronger one |
double max2; |
int scale2= scale-1; |
//parameters.min_scale; |
for(;scale2>=parameters.min_scale;--scale2) |
{ |
cv::minMaxLoc(feature_maps[scale2-parameters.min_scale](rect),NULL,&max2,NULL,NULL); |
if(max2 > max) |
break; |
} |
if(scale2<parameters.min_scale && pos.x+1 < feature_map.cols && pos.y+1 < feature_map.rows) |
{ |
float sub_x = float(calcSubpixel(feature_map.at<float>(pos.y,pos.x-1), |
feature_map.at<float>(pos.y,pos.x), |
feature_map.at<float>(pos.y,pos.x+1))); |
float sub_y = float(calcSubpixel(feature_map.at<float>(pos.y-1,pos.x), |
feature_map.at<float>(pos.y,pos.x), |
feature_map.at<float>(pos.y+1,pos.x))); |
cv::KeyPoint kpt(sub_x+pos.x,sub_y+pos.y,float(window_size),0.F,float(max),scale); |
int x2 = std::max(0,int(kpt.pt.x-window_size4)); |
int y2 = std::max(0,int(kpt.pt.y-window_size4)); |
int w = std::min(int(mask.cols-x2),window_size2i); |
int h = std::min(int(mask.rows-y2),window_size2i); |
mask(cv::Rect(x2,y2,w,h)) = 0.0; |
if(super_scale != 1) |
{ |
kpt.pt.x /= super_scale; |
kpt.pt.y /= super_scale; |
kpt.pt.x -= super_comp; |
kpt.pt.y -= super_comp; |
kpt.size /= super_scale; |
} |
keypoints.push_back(kpt); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
void FastX::detectAndCompute(cv::InputArray image,cv::InputArray mask,std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints, |
cv::OutputArray _descriptors,bool useProvidedKeyPoints) |
{ |
useProvidedKeyPoints = false; |
detectImpl(image.getMat(),keypoints,mask.getMat()); |
if(!_descriptors.needed()) |
return; |
// generate descriptors based on their position |
_descriptors.create(int(keypoints.size()),2,CV_32FC1); |
cv::Mat descriptors = _descriptors.getMat(); |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>::const_iterator iter = keypoints.begin(); |
for(int row=0;iter != keypoints.end();++iter,++row) |
{ |
descriptors.at<float>(row,0) = iter->pt.x; |
descriptors.at<float>(row,1) = iter->pt.y; |
} |
if(!useProvidedKeyPoints) // suppress compiler warning |
return; |
return; |
} |
void FastX::detectImpl(const cv::Mat& _gray_image, |
std::vector<cv::Mat> &rotated_images, |
std::vector<cv::Mat> &feature_maps, |
const cv::Mat &_mask)const |
{ |
if(!_mask.empty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadSize, "Mask is not supported"); |
CV_CheckTypeEQ(_gray_image.type(), CV_8UC1, "Unsupported image type"); |
// up-sample if needed |
cv::UMat gray_image; |
const int super_res = int(parameters.super_resolution); |
if(super_res) |
cv::resize(_gray_image,gray_image,cv::Size(),2,2); |
else |
_gray_image.copyTo(gray_image); |
//for each scale |
const int num_scales = parameters.max_scale-parameters.min_scale+1; |
const int diag = int(sqrt(gray_image.rows*gray_image.rows+gray_image.cols*gray_image.cols)); |
const cv::Size size(diag,diag); |
const int num = int(0.5001*CV_PI/parameters.resolution); |
rotated_images.resize(num_scales); |
feature_maps.resize(num_scales); |
parallel_for_(Range(parameters.min_scale,parameters.max_scale+1),[&](const Range& range){ |
for(int scale=range.start;scale < range.end;++scale) |
{ |
// calc images |
// for each angle step |
int scale_id = scale-parameters.min_scale; |
int scale_size = int(pow(2.0,scale+1+super_res)); |
int scale_size2 = int((scale_size/7)*2+1); |
std::vector<cv::UMat> images; |
images.resize(2*num); |
cv::UMat rotated,filtered_h,filtered_v; |
cv::boxFilter(gray_image,images[0],-1,cv::Size(scale_size,scale_size2)); |
cv::boxFilter(gray_image,images[num],-1,cv::Size(scale_size2,scale_size)); |
for(int i=1;i<num;++i) |
{ |
float angle = parameters.resolution*i; |
rotate(-angle,gray_image,size,rotated); |
cv::boxFilter(rotated,filtered_h,-1,cv::Size(scale_size,scale_size2)); |
cv::boxFilter(rotated,filtered_v,-1,cv::Size(scale_size2,scale_size)); |
// rotate filtered images back |
rotate(angle,filtered_h,gray_image.size(),images[i]); |
rotate(angle,filtered_v,gray_image.size(),images[i+num]); |
} |
cv::merge(images,rotated_images[scale_id]); |
// calc feature map |
calcFeatureMap(rotated_images[scale_id],feature_maps[scale_id]); |
// filter feature map to improve impulse responses |
if(parameters.filter) |
{ |
cv::Mat high,low; |
cv::boxFilter(feature_maps[scale_id],low,-1,cv::Size(scale_size,scale_size)); |
int scale2 = int((scale_size/6))*2+1; |
cv::boxFilter(feature_maps[scale_id],high,-1,cv::Size(scale2,scale2)); |
feature_maps[scale_id] = high-0.8*low; |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
void FastX::detectImpl(const cv::Mat& image,std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints,std::vector<cv::Mat> &feature_maps,const cv::Mat &mask)const |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Mat> rotated_images; |
detectImpl(image,rotated_images,feature_maps,mask); |
findKeyPoints(feature_maps,keypoints,mask); |
} |
void FastX::detectImpl(InputArray image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, InputArray mask)const |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Mat> feature_maps; |
detectImpl(image.getMat(),keypoints,feature_maps,mask.getMat()); |
} |
void FastX::detectImpl(const Mat& src, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, const Mat& mask)const |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Mat> feature_maps; |
detectImpl(src,keypoints,feature_maps,mask); |
} |
Ellipse::Ellipse(): |
angle(0), |
cosf(0), |
sinf(0) |
{ |
} |
Ellipse::Ellipse(const cv::Point2f &_center, const cv::Size2f &_axes, float _angle): |
center(_center), |
axes(_axes), |
angle(_angle), |
cosf(std::cos(-_angle)), |
sinf(std::sin(-_angle)) |
{ |
} |
const cv::Size2f &Ellipse::getAxes()const |
{ |
return axes; |
} |
cv::Point2f Ellipse::getCenter()const |
{ |
return center; |
} |
void Ellipse::draw(cv::InputOutputArray img,const cv::Scalar &color)const |
{ |
cv::ellipse(img,center,axes,360-angle/CV_PI*180,0,360,color); |
} |
bool Ellipse::contains(const cv::Point2f &pt)const |
{ |
cv::Point2f ptc = pt-center; |
float x = cosf*ptc.x+sinf*ptc.y; |
float y = -sinf*ptc.x+cosf*ptc.y; |
if(x*x/(axes.width*axes.width)+y*y/(axes.height*axes.height) <= 1.0) |
return true; |
return false; |
} |
// returns false if the angle from the line pt1-pt2 to the line pt3-pt4 is negative |
static bool checkOrientation(const cv::Point2f &pt1,const cv::Point2f &pt2, |
const cv::Point2f &pt3,const cv::Point2f &pt4) |
{ |
cv::Point3f p1(pt2.x-pt1.x,pt2.y-pt1.y,0); |
cv::Point3f p2(pt4.x-pt3.x,pt4.y-pt3.y,0); |
return p1.cross(p2).z > 0; |
} |
static bool sortKeyPoint(const cv::KeyPoint &pt1,const cv::KeyPoint &pt2) |
{ |
// used as comparison function for partial sort |
// the keypoints with the best score should be first |
return pt1.response > pt2.response; |
} |
cv::Mat Chessboard::getObjectPoints(const cv::Size &pattern_size,float cell_size) |
{ |
cv::Mat result(pattern_size.width*pattern_size.height,1,CV_32FC3); |
for(int row=0;row < pattern_size.height;++row) |
{ |
for(int col=0;col< pattern_size.width;++col) |
{ |
cv::Point3f &pt = *result.ptr<cv::Point3f>(row*pattern_size.width+col); |
pt.x = cell_size*col; |
pt.y = cell_size*row; |
pt.z = 0; |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::Cell::isInside(const cv::Point2f &pt)const |
{ |
if(empty()) |
return false; |
float l1 = (pt.x-top_left->x)*(bottom_left->y-top_left->y) - (bottom_left->x-top_left->x)*(pt.y-top_left->y); |
float l2 = (pt.x-top_right->x)*(top_left->y-top_right->y) - (top_left->x-top_right->x)*(pt.y-top_right->y); |
float l3 = (pt.x-bottom_left->x)*(top_right->y-bottom_left->y) - (top_right->x-bottom_left->x)*(pt.y-bottom_left->y); |
if((l1>0 && l2>0 && l3>0) || (l1<0 && l2<0 && l3<0)) |
return true; |
l1 = (pt.x-top_left->x)*(bottom_right->y-top_left->y) - (bottom_right->x-top_left->x)*(pt.y-top_left->y); |
l2 = (pt.x-top_right->x)*(top_left->y-top_right->y) - (top_left->x-top_right->x)*(pt.y-top_right->y); |
l3 = (pt.x-bottom_right->x)*(top_right->y-bottom_right->y) - (top_right->x-bottom_right->x)*(pt.y-bottom_right->y); |
return (l1>0 && l2>0 && l3>0) || (l1<0 && l2<0 && l3<0); |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::Cell::empty()const |
{ |
// check if one of its corners has NaN |
if(top_left->x != top_left->x || top_left->y != top_left->y) |
return true; |
if(top_right->x != top_right->x || top_right->y != top_right->y) |
return true; |
if(bottom_right->x != bottom_right->x || bottom_right->y != bottom_right->y) |
return true; |
if(bottom_left->x != bottom_left->x || bottom_left->y != bottom_left->y) |
return true; |
return false; |
} |
int Chessboard::Board::Cell::getRow()const |
{ |
int row = 0; |
Cell const* temp = this; |
for(;temp->top;temp=temp->top,++row); |
return row; |
} |
cv::Point2f Chessboard::Board::Cell::getCenter()const |
{ |
if(empty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"Cell is empty"); |
cv::Point2f center = *top_left+*top_right+*bottom_left+*bottom_right; |
center.x /=4; |
center.y /=4; |
return center; |
} |
int Chessboard::Board::Cell::getCol()const |
{ |
int col = 0; |
Cell const* temp = this; |
for(;temp->left;temp=temp->left,++col); |
return col; |
} |
Chessboard::Board::Cell::Cell() : |
top_left(NULL), top_right(NULL), bottom_right(NULL), bottom_left(NULL), |
left(NULL), top(NULL), right(NULL), bottom(NULL),black(false),marker(false) |
{} |
Chessboard::Board::PointIter::PointIter(Cell *_cell,CornerIndex _corner_index): |
corner_index(_corner_index), |
cell(_cell) |
{ |
} |
Chessboard::Board::PointIter::PointIter(const PointIter &other) |
{ |
this->operator=(other); |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::PointIter::operator=(const PointIter &other) |
{ |
corner_index = other.corner_index; |
cell = other.cell; |
} |
Chessboard::Board::Cell* Chessboard::Board::PointIter::getCell() |
{ |
return cell; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::PointIter::valid()const |
{ |
return cell != NULL; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::PointIter::isNaN()const |
{ |
const cv::Point2f *pt = operator*(); |
if(pt->x != pt->x || pt->y != pt->y) // NaN check |
return true; |
return false; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::PointIter::checkCorner()const |
{ |
if(!cell->empty()) |
return true; |
// test all other cells |
switch(corner_index) |
{ |
if(cell->left) |
{ |
if(!cell->left->empty()) |
return true; |
if(cell->left->bottom && !cell->left->bottom->empty()) |
return true; |
} |
if(cell->bottom) |
{ |
if(!cell->bottom->empty()) |
return true; |
if(cell->bottom->left && !cell->bottom->left->empty()) |
return true; |
} |
break; |
case TOP_LEFT: |
if(cell->left) |
{ |
if(!cell->left->empty()) |
return true; |
if(cell->left->top && !cell->left->top->empty()) |
return true; |
} |
if(cell->top) |
{ |
if(!cell->top->empty()) |
return true; |
if(cell->top->left && !cell->top->left->empty()) |
return true; |
} |
break; |
case TOP_RIGHT: |
if(cell->right) |
{ |
if(!cell->right->empty()) |
return true; |
if(cell->right->top && !cell->right->top->empty()) |
return true; |
} |
if(cell->top) |
{ |
if(!cell->top->empty()) |
return true; |
if(cell->top->right && !cell->top->right->empty()) |
return true; |
} |
break; |
if(cell->right) |
{ |
if(!cell->right->empty()) |
return true; |
if(cell->right->bottom && !cell->right->bottom->empty()) |
return true; |
} |
if(cell->bottom) |
{ |
if(!cell->bottom->empty()) |
return true; |
if(cell->bottom->right && !cell->bottom->right->empty()) |
return true; |
} |
break; |
default: |
CV_Assert(false); |
} |
return false; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::PointIter::left(bool check_empty) |
{ |
switch(corner_index) |
{ |
if(cell->left && (!check_empty || !cell->left->empty())) |
cell = cell->left; |
else if(check_empty && cell->bottom && cell->bottom->left && !cell->bottom->left->empty()) |
{ |
cell = cell->bottom->left; |
corner_index = TOP_LEFT; |
} |
else |
return false; |
break; |
case TOP_LEFT: |
if(cell->left && (!check_empty || !cell->left->empty())) |
cell = cell->left; |
else if(check_empty && cell->top && cell->top->left && !cell->top->left->empty()) |
{ |
cell = cell->top->left; |
corner_index = BOTTOM_LEFT; |
} |
else |
return false; |
break; |
case TOP_RIGHT: |
corner_index = TOP_LEFT; |
break; |
corner_index = BOTTOM_LEFT; |
break; |
default: |
CV_Assert(false); |
} |
return true; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::PointIter::top(bool check_empty) |
{ |
switch(corner_index) |
{ |
case TOP_RIGHT: |
if(cell->top && (!check_empty || !cell->top->empty())) |
cell = cell->top; |
else if(check_empty && cell->right && cell->right->top&& !cell->right->top->empty()) |
{ |
cell = cell->right->top; |
corner_index = TOP_LEFT; |
} |
else |
return false; |
break; |
case TOP_LEFT: |
if(cell->top && (!check_empty || !cell->top->empty())) |
cell = cell->top; |
else if(check_empty && cell->left && cell->left->top&& !cell->left->top->empty()) |
{ |
cell = cell->left->top; |
corner_index = TOP_RIGHT; |
} |
else |
return false; |
break; |
corner_index = TOP_LEFT; |
break; |
corner_index = TOP_RIGHT; |
break; |
default: |
CV_Assert(false); |
} |
return true; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::PointIter::right(bool check_empty) |
{ |
switch(corner_index) |
{ |
case TOP_RIGHT: |
if(cell->right && (!check_empty || !cell->right->empty())) |
cell = cell->right; |
else if(check_empty && cell->top && cell->top->right && !cell->top->right->empty()) |
{ |
cell = cell->top->right; |
corner_index = BOTTOM_RIGHT; |
} |
else |
return false; |
break; |
if(cell->right && (!check_empty || !cell->right->empty())) |
cell = cell->right; |
else if(check_empty && cell->bottom && cell->bottom->right && !cell->bottom->right->empty()) |
{ |
cell = cell->bottom->right; |
corner_index = TOP_RIGHT; |
} |
else |
return false; |
break; |
case TOP_LEFT: |
corner_index = TOP_RIGHT; |
break; |
corner_index = BOTTOM_RIGHT; |
break; |
default: |
CV_Assert(false); |
} |
return true; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::PointIter::bottom(bool check_empty) |
{ |
switch(corner_index) |
{ |
if(cell->bottom && (!check_empty || !cell->bottom->empty())) |
cell = cell->bottom; |
else if(check_empty && cell->left && cell->left->bottom && !cell->left->bottom->empty()) |
{ |
cell = cell->left->bottom; |
corner_index = BOTTOM_RIGHT; |
} |
else |
return false; |
break; |
if(cell->bottom && (!check_empty || !cell->bottom->empty())) |
cell = cell->bottom; |
else if(check_empty && cell->right && cell->right->bottom && !cell->right->bottom->empty()) |
{ |
cell = cell->right->bottom; |
corner_index = BOTTOM_LEFT; |
} |
else |
return false; |
break; |
case TOP_LEFT: |
corner_index = BOTTOM_LEFT; |
break; |
case TOP_RIGHT: |
corner_index = BOTTOM_RIGHT; |
break; |
default: |
CV_Assert(false); |
} |
return true; |
} |
const cv::Point2f* Chessboard::Board::PointIter::operator*()const |
{ |
switch(corner_index) |
{ |
case TOP_LEFT: |
return cell->top_left; |
case TOP_RIGHT: |
return cell->top_right; |
return cell->bottom_right; |
return cell->bottom_left; |
} |
CV_Assert(false); |
} |
const cv::Point2f* Chessboard::Board::PointIter::operator->()const |
{ |
return operator*(); |
} |
cv::Point2f* Chessboard::Board::PointIter::operator*() |
{ |
const cv::Point2f *pt = const_cast<const PointIter*>(this)->operator*(); |
return const_cast<cv::Point2f*>(pt); |
} |
cv::Point2f* Chessboard::Board::PointIter::operator->() |
{ |
return operator*(); |
} |
Chessboard::Board::Board(float _white_angle,float _black_angle): |
top_left(NULL), |
rows(0), |
cols(0), |
white_angle(_white_angle), |
black_angle(_black_angle) |
{ |
} |
Chessboard::Board::Board(const Chessboard::Board &other): |
top_left(NULL), |
rows(0), |
cols(0) |
{ |
*this = other; |
} |
Chessboard::Board::Board(const cv::Size &size, const std::vector<cv::Point2f> &points,float _white_angle,float _black_angle): |
top_left(NULL), |
rows(0), |
cols(0), |
white_angle(_white_angle), |
black_angle(_black_angle) |
{ |
if(size.width*size.height != int(points.size())) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"size mismatch"); |
if(size.width < 3 || size.height < 3) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"at least 3 rows and cols are needed to initialize the board"); |
// init board with 3x3 |
// TODO write function speeding up the copying |
cv::Mat data = cv::Mat(points).reshape(2,size.height); |
cv::Mat temp; |
data(cv::Rect(0,0,3,3)).copyTo(temp); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> ipoints = temp.reshape(2,1); |
if(!init(ipoints)) |
return; |
// add all cols if more than 3 |
for(int col=3 ; col< data.cols;++col) |
{ |
data(cv::Rect(col,0,1,3)).copyTo(temp); |
ipoints = temp.reshape(2,1); |
addColumnRight(ipoints); |
} |
// add all rows if more than 3 |
for(int row=3; row < data.rows;++row) |
{ |
data(cv::Rect(0,row,cols,1)).copyTo(temp); |
ipoints = temp.reshape(2,1); |
addRowBottom(ipoints); |
} |
} |
Chessboard::Board::~Board() |
{ |
clear(); |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::setAngles(float white, float black) |
{ |
white_angle = white; |
black_angle = black; |
} |
float Chessboard::Board::getAngle()const |
{ |
if(isEmpty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"Board is empty"); |
if(colCount() < 3) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"Board is too small"); |
cv::Point2f delta = *(top_left->right->top_right)-*(top_left->top_left); |
cv::Point3f pt(delta.x,delta.y,0); |
float val; |
if(fabs(pt.x) > fabs(pt.y)) |
{ |
cv::Point3f ptx(1,0,0); |
val = float(ptx.dot(pt)/cv::norm(pt)); |
if(val < 0) |
val = -std::acos(val); |
else |
val = std::acos(val); |
} |
else |
{ |
cv::Point3f ptx(0,1,0); |
val = float(ptx.dot(pt)/cv::norm(pt)); |
if(val < 0) |
val = float(-std::acos(val)+CV_PI/2); |
else |
val = float(std::acos(val)+CV_PI/2); |
} |
return val; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::isHorizontal()const |
{ |
double angle = getAngle(); |
if((angle < 0.25*CV_PI && angle > -0.25*CV_PI) || angle > 0.75*CV_PI || angle < -0.75*CV_PI) |
return true; |
return false; |
} |
cv::Mat Chessboard::Board::getObjectPoints(float cell_size)const |
{ |
cv::Mat points = Chessboard::getObjectPoints(getSize(),cell_size); |
// check for any offset due to a found marker |
for(auto &&cell : cells) |
{ |
if(cell->marker && !cell->black) |
{ |
// apply offset |
cv::Point3f offset(cell->getCol()*cell_size,cell->getRow()*cell_size,0); |
for(int i =0;i < points.rows;++i) |
points.at<cv::Point3f>(i) -= offset; |
break; |
} |
} |
return points; |
} |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> Chessboard::Board::getCellCenters()const |
{ |
int icols = int(colCount()); |
int irows = int(rowCount()); |
if(icols < 3 || irows < 3) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"Chessboard must be at least consist of 3 rows and cols to calculate the cell centers"); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; |
cv::Matx33d H(estimateHomography(DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE)); |
cv::Vec3d pt1,pt2; |
pt1[2] = 1; |
for(int row = 0;row < irows;++row) |
{ |
pt1[1] = (0.5+row)*DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE; |
for(int col= 0;col< icols;++col) |
{ |
pt1[0] = (0.5+col)*DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE; |
pt2 = H*pt1; |
points.push_back(cv::Point2f(float(pt2[0]/pt2[2]),float(pt2[1]/pt2[2]))); |
} |
} |
return points; |
} |
std::vector<cv::Mat> Chessboard::Board::getCells(float shrink_factor,bool bwhite,bool bblack) const |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Mat> result; |
int icols = int(colCount()); |
int irows = int(rowCount()); |
if(icols < 3 || irows < 3) |
return result; |
for(int row=0;row<irows-1;++row) |
{ |
for(int col=0;col<icols-1;++col) |
{ |
const Cell *cell = getCell(row,col); |
if(!bwhite && !cell->black) |
continue; |
if(!bblack && cell->black) |
continue; |
cv::Mat points = cv::Mat(4,1,CV_32FC2); |
points.at<cv::Point2f>(0) = *cell->top_left; |
points.at<cv::Point2f>(1) = *cell->top_right; |
points.at<cv::Point2f>(2) = *cell->bottom_right; |
points.at<cv::Point2f>(3) = *cell->bottom_left; |
if(shrink_factor != 1) |
{ |
cv::Point2f center = *cell->top_left+*cell->top_right+*cell->bottom_left+*cell->bottom_right; |
center.x /=4; |
center.y /=4; |
for(int i=0;i<4;++i) |
{ |
auto &pt = points.at<cv::Point2f>(i); |
pt = center+(pt-center)*shrink_factor; |
} |
} |
result.push_back(points); |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
cv::Mat Chessboard::Board::warpImage(cv::InputArray image)const |
{ |
cv::Mat H = estimateHomography(); |
cv::Mat mat; |
cv::Size size = getSize(); |
size.width = (size.width+1)*DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE; |
size.height= (size.height+1)*DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE; |
cv::warpPerspective(image,mat,H.inv(),size); |
return mat; |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::draw(cv::InputArray m,cv::OutputArray out,cv::InputArray _H)const |
{ |
cv::Mat H = _H.getMat(); |
if(H.empty()) |
H = estimateHomography(); |
cv::Mat image = m.getMat().clone(); |
if(image.type() == CV_32FC1) |
{ |
double maxVal,minVal; |
cv::minMaxLoc(image, &minVal, &maxVal); |
double scale = 255.0/(maxVal-minVal); |
image.convertTo(image,CV_8UC1,scale,-scale*minVal); |
cv::applyColorMap(image,image,cv::COLORMAP_JET); |
} |
// draw all points and search areas |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points = getCorners(); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter1 = points.begin(); |
int icols = int(colCount()); |
int irows = int(rowCount()); |
int count=0; |
for(int row=0;row<irows;++row) |
{ |
for(int col=0;col<icols;++col,++iter1) |
{ |
if(!H.empty() && iter1->x != iter1->x) // NaN check |
{ |
// draw search ellipse |
Ellipse ellipse = estimateSearchArea(H,row,col,0.4F); |
ellipse.draw(image,cv::Scalar::all(200)); |
} |
else |
{ |
cv::circle(image,*iter1,4,cv::Scalar(count*20,count*20,count*20,255),-1); |
++count; |
} |
} |
} |
// draw field colors |
for(int row=0;row<irows-1;++row) |
{ |
for(int col=0;col<icols-1;++col) |
{ |
const Cell *cell = getCell(row,col); |
cv::Point2f center = cell->getCenter(); |
int size = 4; |
if(row==0&&col==0) |
size=8; |
if(row==0&&col==1) |
size=7; |
if(cell->marker) |
{ |
if(cell->black) |
cv::circle(image,center,2,cv::Scalar::all(0),-1); |
else |
{ |
cv::circle(image,center,2,cv::Scalar::all(255),-1); |
// draw coordinate |
if(col+1 < icols) |
{ |
const Cell *cell2 = getCell(row,col+1); |
cv::Point2f center2 = cell2->getCenter(); |
cv::line(image,center,center2,cv::Scalar::all(127),2); |
} |
if(row+1 < irows) |
{ |
const Cell *cell2 = getCell(row+1,col); |
cv::Point2f center2 = cell2->getCenter(); |
cv::line(image,center,center2,cv::Scalar::all(127),2); |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
if(cell->black) |
cv::circle(image,center,size,cv::Scalar::all(255),-1); |
else |
cv::circle(image,center,size,cv::Scalar(0,0,10,255),-1); |
} |
} |
} |
out.create(image.rows,image.cols,image.type()); |
image.copyTo(out.getMat()); |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::estimatePose(const cv::Size2f &real_size,cv::InputArray _K,cv::OutputArray rvec,cv::OutputArray tvec)const |
{ |
cv::Mat K = _K.getMat(); |
CV_CheckTypeEQ(K.type(), CV_64FC1, "wrong K type"); |
CV_CheckEQ(K.size(), Size(3, 3), "wrong K size"); |
if(isEmpty()) |
return false; |
int icols = int(colCount()); |
int irows = int(rowCount()); |
float field_width = real_size.width/(icols+1); |
float field_height= real_size.height/(irows+1); |
// the center of the board is placed at (0,0,1) |
int offset_x = int(-(icols-1)*field_width*0.5F); |
int offset_y = int(-(irows-1)*field_width*0.5F); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> image_points; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> object_points; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> corners_temp = getCorners(true); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter = corners_temp.begin(); |
for(int row = 0;row < irows;++row) |
{ |
for(int col= 0;col<icols;++col,++iter) |
{ |
if(iter == corners_temp.end()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal,"internal error"); |
if(iter->x != iter->x) // NaN check |
continue; |
image_points.push_back(*iter); |
object_points.push_back(cv::Point3f(field_width*col-offset_x,field_height*row-offset_y,1.0)); |
} |
} |
return solvePnP(object_points,image_points,K,cv::Mat(),rvec,tvec);//,cv::SOLVEPNP_P3P); |
} |
float Chessboard::Board::getBlackAngle()const |
{ |
return black_angle; |
} |
float Chessboard::Board::getWhiteAngle()const |
{ |
return white_angle; |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::swap(Chessboard::Board &other) |
{ |
corners.swap(other.corners); |
cells.swap(other.cells); |
std::swap(rows,other.rows); |
std::swap(cols,other.cols); |
std::swap(top_left,other.top_left); |
std::swap(white_angle,other.white_angle); |
std::swap(black_angle,other.black_angle); |
} |
Chessboard::Board& Chessboard::Board::operator=(const Chessboard::Board &other) |
{ |
if(this == &other) |
return *this; |
clear(); |
rows = other.rows; |
cols = other.cols; |
white_angle = other.white_angle; |
black_angle = other.black_angle; |
cells.reserve(other.cells.size()); |
corners.reserve(other.corners.size()); |
//copy all points and generate mapping |
std::map<cv::Point2f*,cv::Point2f*> point_point_mapping; |
point_point_mapping[NULL] = NULL; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f*>::const_iterator iter = other.corners.begin(); |
for(;iter != other.corners.end();++iter) |
{ |
cv::Point2f *pt = new cv::Point2f(**iter); |
point_point_mapping[*iter] = pt; |
corners.push_back(pt); |
} |
//copy all cells using mapping |
std::map<Cell*,Cell*> cell_cell_mapping; |
std::vector<Cell*>::const_iterator iter2 = other.cells.begin(); |
for(;iter2 != other.cells.end();++iter2) |
{ |
Cell *cell = new Cell; |
cell->top_left = point_point_mapping[(*iter2)->top_left]; |
cell->top_right= point_point_mapping[(*iter2)->top_right]; |
cell->bottom_right= point_point_mapping[(*iter2)->bottom_right]; |
cell->bottom_left = point_point_mapping[(*iter2)->bottom_left]; |
cell->black = (*iter2)->black; |
cell->marker = (*iter2)->marker; |
cell_cell_mapping[*iter2] = cell; |
cells.push_back(cell); |
} |
//set cell connections using mapping |
cell_cell_mapping[NULL] = NULL; |
iter2 = other.cells.begin(); |
std::vector<Cell*>::iterator iter3 = cells.begin(); |
for(;iter2 != other.cells.end();++iter2,++iter3) |
{ |
(*iter3)->left = cell_cell_mapping[(*iter2)->left]; |
(*iter3)->top = cell_cell_mapping[(*iter2)->top]; |
(*iter3)->right = cell_cell_mapping[(*iter2)->right]; |
(*iter3)->bottom= cell_cell_mapping[(*iter2)->bottom]; |
} |
top_left = cell_cell_mapping[other.top_left]; |
return *this; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::normalizeMarkerOrientation() |
{ |
// use row by row fashion as cells must not be arranged correctly |
Cell *pcell = NULL; |
int trows = int(rowCount()); |
int tcols = int(colCount()); |
for(int row=0;row != trows && !pcell;++row) |
{ |
for(int col=0;col != tcols;++col) |
{ |
Cell* current_cell = getCell(row,col); |
if(!current_cell->marker || !current_cell->right || !current_cell->right->marker) |
continue; |
if(current_cell->black) |
{ |
if(current_cell->right->top && current_cell->right->top->marker) |
{ |
rotateLeft(); |
rotateLeft(); |
pcell = current_cell->right; |
break; |
} |
if(current_cell->right->bottom && current_cell->right->bottom->marker) |
{ |
rotateLeft(); |
pcell = current_cell->right; |
break; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
if(current_cell->top && current_cell->top->marker) |
{ |
rotateRight(); |
pcell = current_cell; |
break; |
} |
if(current_cell->bottom && current_cell->bottom->marker) |
{ |
// correct orientation |
pcell = current_cell; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if(pcell) |
{ |
//check for ambiguity |
if(rowCount()-pcell->bottom->getRow() > 2) |
{ |
// std::cout << "FIX board " << pcell->bottom->getRow() << " " << rowCount(); |
flipVertical(); |
rotateRight(); |
} |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::normalizeOrientation(bool bblack) |
{ |
// fix ordering |
cv::Point2f y = getCorner(0,1)-getCorner(2,1); |
cv::Point2f x = getCorner(1,2)-getCorner(1,0); |
cv::Point3f y3d(y.x,y.y,0); |
cv::Point3f x3d(x.x,x.y,0); |
if(x3d.cross(y3d).z > 0) |
flipHorizontal(); |
//normalize orientation so that first element is black or white |
const Cell* cell = getCell(0,0); |
if(cell->black != bblack && colCount()%2 != 0) |
rotateLeft(); |
else if(cell->black != bblack && rowCount()%2 != 0) |
{ |
rotateLeft(); |
rotateLeft(); |
} |
//find closest point to top left image corner |
//in case of symmetric checkerboard |
if(colCount() == rowCount()) |
{ |
PointIter iter_top_right(top_left,TOP_RIGHT); |
while(iter_top_right.right()); |
PointIter iter_bottom_right(iter_top_right); |
while(iter_bottom_right.bottom()); |
PointIter iter_bottom_left(top_left,BOTTOM_LEFT); |
while(iter_bottom_left.bottom()); |
// check if one of the cell is empty and do not normalize if so |
if(top_left->empty() || iter_top_right.getCell()->empty() || |
iter_bottom_left.getCell()->empty() || iter_bottom_right.getCell()->empty()) |
return; |
float d1 = top_left->top_left->dot(*top_left->top_left); |
float d2 = (*iter_top_right)->dot(*(*iter_top_right)); |
float d3 = (*iter_bottom_left)->dot(*(*iter_bottom_left)); |
float d4 = (*iter_bottom_right)->dot(*(*iter_bottom_right)); |
if(d2 <= d1 && d2 <= d3 && d2 <= d4) // top left is top right |
rotateLeft(); |
else if(d3 <= d1 && d3 <= d2 && d3 <= d4) // top left is bottom left |
rotateRight(); |
else if(d4 <= d1 && d4 <= d2 && d4 <= d3) // top left is bottom right |
{ |
rotateLeft(); |
rotateLeft(); |
} |
} |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::rotateRight() |
{ |
PointIter p_iter(top_left,BOTTOM_LEFT); |
while(p_iter.bottom()); |
std::vector<Cell*>::iterator iter = cells.begin(); |
for(;iter != cells.end();++iter) |
{ |
Cell *temp = (*iter)->bottom; |
(*iter)->bottom = (*iter)->right; |
(*iter)->right= (*iter)->top; |
(*iter)->top= (*iter)->left; |
(*iter)->left = temp; |
cv::Point2f *ptemp = (*iter)->bottom_left; |
(*iter)->bottom_left= (*iter)->bottom_right; |
(*iter)->bottom_right= (*iter)->top_right; |
(*iter)->top_right= (*iter)->top_left; |
(*iter)->top_left= ptemp; |
} |
int temp = rows; |
rows = cols; |
cols = temp; |
top_left = p_iter.getCell(); |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::rotateLeft() |
{ |
PointIter p_iter(top_left,TOP_RIGHT); |
while(p_iter.right()); |
std::vector<Cell*>::iterator iter = cells.begin(); |
for(;iter != cells.end();++iter) |
{ |
Cell *temp = (*iter)->top; |
(*iter)->top = (*iter)->right; |
(*iter)->right= (*iter)->bottom; |
(*iter)->bottom= (*iter)->left; |
(*iter)->left = temp; |
cv::Point2f *ptemp = (*iter)->top_left; |
(*iter)->top_left = (*iter)->top_right; |
(*iter)->top_right= (*iter)->bottom_right; |
(*iter)->bottom_right = (*iter)->bottom_left; |
(*iter)->bottom_left = ptemp; |
} |
int temp = rows; |
rows = cols; |
cols = temp; |
top_left = p_iter.getCell(); |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::flipHorizontal() |
{ |
PointIter p_iter(top_left,TOP_RIGHT); |
while(p_iter.right()); |
std::vector<Cell*>::iterator iter = cells.begin(); |
for(;iter != cells.end();++iter) |
{ |
Cell *temp = (*iter)->right; |
(*iter)->right= (*iter)->left; |
(*iter)->left = temp; |
cv::Point2f *ptemp = (*iter)->top_left; |
(*iter)->top_left = (*iter)->top_right; |
(*iter)->top_right = ptemp; |
ptemp = (*iter)->bottom_left; |
(*iter)->bottom_left = (*iter)->bottom_right; |
(*iter)->bottom_right = ptemp; |
} |
top_left = p_iter.getCell(); |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::flipVertical() |
{ |
PointIter p_iter(top_left,BOTTOM_LEFT); |
while(p_iter.bottom()); |
std::vector<Cell*>::iterator iter = cells.begin(); |
for(;iter != cells.end();++iter) |
{ |
Cell *temp = (*iter)->top; |
(*iter)->top= (*iter)->bottom; |
(*iter)->bottom = temp; |
cv::Point2f *ptemp = (*iter)->top_left; |
(*iter)->top_left = (*iter)->bottom_left; |
(*iter)->bottom_left = ptemp; |
ptemp = (*iter)->top_right; |
(*iter)->top_right = (*iter)->bottom_right; |
(*iter)->bottom_right = ptemp; |
} |
top_left = p_iter.getCell(); |
} |
// returns the best found score |
// if NaN is returned for a point no point at all was found |
// if 0 is returned the point lies outside of the ellipse |
float Chessboard::Board::findMaxPoint(cv::flann::Index &index,const cv::Mat &data,const Ellipse &ellipse,float white_angle,float black_angle,cv::Point2f &point) |
{ |
// flann data type enriched with angles (third column) |
CV_CheckType(data.type(), CV_32FC1, "type of flann data is not supported"); |
CV_CheckEQ(data.cols, 4, "4-cols flann data is expected"); |
std::vector<float> query,dists; |
std::vector<int> indices; |
query.resize(2); |
point = ellipse.getCenter(); |
query[0] = point.x; |
query[1] = point.y; |
index.knnSearch(query,indices,dists,4,cv::flann::SearchParams(64)); |
std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter = indices.begin(); |
float best_score = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); |
point.x = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); |
point.y = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); |
for(;iter != indices.end();++iter) |
{ |
const float *val = data.ptr<float>(*iter); |
const float &response = *(val+3); |
if(response < best_score) |
continue; |
const float &a0 = *(val+2); |
float a1 = std::fabs(a0-white_angle); |
float a2 = std::fabs(a0-black_angle); |
if(a1 > CV_PI*0.5) |
a1 = std::fabs(float(a1-CV_PI)); |
if(a2> CV_PI*0.5) |
a2 = std::fabs(float(a2-CV_PI)); |
if(a1 < MAX_ANGLE || a2 < MAX_ANGLE ) |
{ |
cv::Point2f pt(val[0], val[1]); |
if(point.x != point.x) // NaN check |
point = pt; |
if(best_score < response && ellipse.contains(pt)) |
{ |
best_score = response; |
point = pt; |
} |
} |
} |
if(best_score == -std::numeric_limits<float>::max()) |
return 0; |
else |
return best_score; |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::clear() |
{ |
top_left = NULL; rows = 0; cols = 0; |
std::vector<Cell*>::iterator iter = cells.begin(); |
for(;iter != cells.end();++iter) |
delete *iter; |
cells.clear(); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f*>::iterator iter2 = corners.begin(); |
for(;iter2 != corners.end();++iter2) |
delete *iter2; |
corners.clear(); |
} |
// p0 p1 p2 |
// p3 p4 p5 |
// p6 p7 p8 |
bool Chessboard::Board::init(const std::vector<cv::Point2f> points) |
{ |
clear(); |
if(points.size() != 9) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"exact nine points are expected to initialize the board"); |
// generate cells |
corners.resize(9); |
for(int i=0;i < 9;++i) |
corners[i] = new cv::Point2f(points[i]); |
cells.resize(4); |
for(int i=0;i<4;++i) |
cells[i] = new Cell(); |
//cell 0 |
cells[0]->top_left = corners[0]; |
cells[0]->top_right = corners[1]; |
cells[0]->bottom_right = corners[4]; |
cells[0]->bottom_left = corners[3]; |
cells[0]->right = cells[1]; |
cells[0]->bottom = cells[2]; |
//cell 1 |
cells[1]->top_left = corners[1]; |
cells[1]->top_right = corners[2]; |
cells[1]->bottom_right = corners[5]; |
cells[1]->bottom_left = corners[4]; |
cells[1]->left = cells[0]; |
cells[1]->bottom = cells[3]; |
//cell 2 |
cells[2]->top_left = corners[3]; |
cells[2]->top_right = corners[4]; |
cells[2]->bottom_right = corners[7]; |
cells[2]->bottom_left = corners[6]; |
cells[2]->top = cells[0]; |
cells[2]->right = cells[3]; |
//cell 3 |
cells[3]->top_left = corners[4]; |
cells[3]->top_right = corners[5]; |
cells[3]->bottom_right = corners[8]; |
cells[3]->bottom_left = corners[7]; |
cells[3]->top = cells[1]; |
cells[3]->left= cells[2]; |
top_left = cells.front(); |
rows = 3; |
cols = 3; |
// set initial cell colors |
Point2f pt1 = *(cells[0]->top_right)-*(cells[0]->bottom_left); |
pt1 /= cv::norm(pt1); |
cv::Point2f pt2(std::cos(white_angle),-std::sin(white_angle)); |
cv::Point2f pt3(std::cos(black_angle),-std::sin(black_angle)); |
if(fabs(pt1.dot(pt2)) < fabs(pt1.dot(pt3))) |
{ |
cells[0]->black = false; |
cells[1]->black = true; |
cells[2]->black = true; |
cells[3]->black = false; |
} |
else |
{ |
cells[0]->black = true; |
cells[1]->black = false; |
cells[2]->black = false; |
cells[3]->black = true; |
} |
return true; |
} |
//TODO magic number |
bool Chessboard::Board::estimatePoint(const cv::Point2f &p0,const cv::Point2f &p1,const cv::Point2f &p2, cv::Point2f &p3) |
{ |
// use cross ration to find new point |
if(p0 == p1 || p0 == p2 || p1 == p2) |
return false; |
cv::Point2f p01 = p1-p0; |
cv::Point2f p12 = p2-p1; |
float a = float(cv::norm(p01)); |
float b = float(cv::norm(p12)); |
float t = (0.75F*a-0.25F*b); |
if(t <= 0) |
return false; |
float c = 0.25F*b*(a+b)/t; |
if(c < 0.1F) |
return false; |
p01 = p01/a; |
p12 = p12/b; |
// check angle between p01 and p12 < 25° |
if(p01.dot(p12) < 0.9) |
return false; |
// calc mean |
// p12 = (p01+p12)*0.5; |
// p3 = p2+p12*c; |
p3 = p2+p12*c; |
// compensate radial distortion by fitting polynom |
std::vector<double> x,y; |
x.resize(3,0); y.resize(3,0); |
x[1] = b; |
x[2] = b+a; |
y[2] = calcSignedDistance(-p12,p2,p0); |
cv::Mat dst; |
polyfit(cv::Mat(x),cv::Mat(y),dst,2); |
double d = dst.at<double>(0)-dst.at<double>(1)*c+dst.at<double>(2)*c*c; |
cv::Vec3f v1(p12.x,p12.y,0); |
cv::Vec3f v2(0,0,1); |
cv::Vec3f v3 = v1.cross(v2); |
cv::Point2f n2(v3[0],v3[1]); |
p3 += d*n2; |
return true; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::estimatePoint(const cv::Point2f &p0,const cv::Point2f &p1,const cv::Point2f &p2, const cv::Point2f &p3, cv::Point2f &p4) |
{ |
// use 1D homography to find fith point minimizing square error |
if(p0 == p1 || p0 == p2 || p0 == p3 || p1 == p2 || p1 == p3 || p2 == p3 ) |
return false; |
static const cv::Mat src = (cv::Mat_<double>(1,4) << 0,10,20,30); |
cv::Point2f p01 = p1-p0; |
cv::Point2f p02 = p2-p0; |
cv::Point2f p03 = p3-p0; |
float a = float(cv::norm(p01)); |
float b = float(cv::norm(p02)); |
float c = float(cv::norm(p03)); |
cv::Mat dst = (cv::Mat_<double>(1,4) << 0,a,b,c); |
cv::Mat h = findHomography1D(src,dst); |
float d = float((h.at<double>(0,0)*40+h.at<double>(0,1))/(h.at<double>(1,0)*40+h.at<double>(1,1))); |
cv::Point2f p12 = p2-p1; |
cv::Point2f p23 = p3-p2; |
p01 = p01/a; |
p12 = p12/cv::norm(p12); |
p23 = p23/cv::norm(p23); |
p4 = p3+(d-c)*p23; |
// compensate radial distortion by fitting polynom |
std::vector<double> x,y; |
x.resize(4,0); y.resize(4,0); |
x[1] = c-b; |
x[2] = c-a; |
x[3] = c; |
y[2] = calcSignedDistance(-p23,p3,p1); |
y[3] = calcSignedDistance(-p23,p3,p0); |
polyfit(cv::Mat(x),cv::Mat(y),dst,2); |
d = d-c; |
double e = dst.at<double>(0)-dst.at<double>(1)*fabs(d)+dst.at<double>(2)*d*d; |
cv::Vec3f v1(p23.x,p23.y,0); |
cv::Vec3f v2(0,0,1); |
cv::Vec3f v3 = v1.cross(v2); |
cv::Point2f n2(v3[0],v3[1]); |
p4 += e*n2; |
return true; |
} |
// H is describing the transformation from dummy to reality |
Ellipse Chessboard::Board::estimateSearchArea(cv::Mat _H,int row, int col,float p,int field_size) |
{ |
cv::Matx31d point1,point2,center; |
center(0) = (1+col)*field_size; |
center(1) = (1+row)*field_size; |
center(2) = 1.0; |
point1(0) = center(0)-p*field_size; |
point1(1) = center(1); |
point1(2) = center(2); |
point2(0) = center(0); |
point2(1) = center(1)-p*field_size; |
point2(2) = center(2); |
cv::Matx33d H(_H); |
point1 = H*point1; |
point2 = H*point2; |
center = H*center; |
cv::Point2f pt(float(center(0)/center(2)),float(center(1)/center(2))); |
cv::Point2f pt1(float(point1(0)/point1(2)),float(point1(1)/point1(2))); |
cv::Point2f pt2(float(point2(0)/point2(2)),float(point2(1)/point2(2))); |
cv::Point2f p01(pt1-pt); |
cv::Point2f p02(pt2-pt); |
float norm1 = float(cv::norm(p01)); |
float norm2 = float(cv::norm(p02)); |
float angle = float(std::acos(p01.dot(p02)/norm1/norm2)); |
cv::Size2f axes(norm1,norm2); |
return Ellipse(pt,axes,angle); |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::estimateSearchArea(const cv::Point2f &p1,const cv::Point2f &p2,const cv::Point2f &p3,float p,Ellipse &ellipse,const cv::Point2f *p0) |
{ |
cv::Point2f p4,n; |
if(p0) |
{ |
// use 1D homography |
if(!estimatePoint(*p0,p1,p2,p3,p4)) |
return false; |
n = p4-*p0; |
} |
else |
{ |
// use cross ratio |
if(!estimatePoint(p1,p2,p3,p4)) |
return false; |
n = p4-p1; |
} |
float norm = float(cv::norm(n)); |
n = n/norm; |
float angle = std::acos(n.x); |
if(n.y > 0) |
angle = float(2.0F*CV_PI-angle); |
n = p4-p3; |
norm = float(cv::norm(n)); |
double delta = std::max(3.0F,p*norm); |
ellipse = Ellipse(p4,cv::Size(int(delta),int(std::max(2.0,delta*ELLIPSE_WIDTH))),angle); |
return true; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::checkRowColumn(const std::vector<cv::Point2f> &points) |
{ |
if(points.size() < 4) |
{ |
if(points.size() == 3) |
return true; |
else |
return false; |
} |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter = points.begin(); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter2 = iter+1; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter3 = iter2+1; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter4 = iter3+1; |
Ellipse ellipse; |
if(!estimateSearchArea(*iter4,*iter3,*iter2,CORNERS_SEARCH*3,ellipse)) |
return false; |
if(!ellipse.contains(*iter)) |
return false; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter5 = iter4+1; |
for(;iter5 != points.end();++iter5) |
{ |
if(!estimateSearchArea(*iter2,*iter3,*iter4,CORNERS_SEARCH,ellipse,&(*iter))) |
return false; |
if(!ellipse.contains(*iter5)) |
return false; |
iter = iter2; |
iter2 = iter3; |
iter3 = iter4; |
iter4 = iter5; |
} |
return true; |
} |
cv::Point2f &Chessboard::Board::getCorner(int _row,int _col) |
{ |
int _rows = int(rowCount()); |
int _cols = int(colCount()); |
if(_row >= _rows || _col >= _cols) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"out of bound"); |
if(_row == 0) |
{ |
PointIter iter(top_left,TOP_LEFT); |
int count = 0; |
do |
{ |
if(count == _col) |
return *(*iter); |
++count; |
}while(iter.right()); |
} |
else |
{ |
Cell *row_start = top_left; |
int count = 1; |
do |
{ |
if(count == _row) |
{ |
PointIter iter(row_start,BOTTOM_LEFT); |
int count2 = 0; |
do |
{ |
if(count2 == _col) |
return *(*iter); |
++count2; |
}while(iter.right()); |
} |
++count; |
row_start = row_start->bottom; |
}while(_row); |
} |
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal,"cannot find corner"); |
// return *top_left->top_left; // never reached |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::isCellBlack(int row,int col)const |
{ |
return getCell(row,col)->black; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::hasCellMarker(int row,int col) |
{ |
return getCell(row,col)->marker; |
} |
int Chessboard::Board::detectMarkers(cv::InputArray image) |
{ |
cv::Mat img = image.getMat(); |
CV_CheckTypeEQ(img.type(), CV_8UC1, "Unsupported source type"); |
if(img.empty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"image is empty"); |
if(isEmpty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"board is is empty"); |
// get undistorted board |
cv::Mat board_image = warpImage(image); |
cv::Mat mask = cv::Mat::zeros(DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE,DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE,CV_8UC1); |
cv::circle(mask,cv::Point(DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE/2,DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE/2),DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE/7,cv::Scalar::all(255),-1); |
int signal_size = cv::countNonZero(mask); |
CV_Assert(signal_size > 0); |
cv::Mat mask2 = cv::Mat::zeros(DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE,DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE,CV_8UC1); |
cv::circle(mask2,cv::Point(DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE/2,DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE/2),DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE/2,cv::Scalar::all(255),-1); |
cv::circle(mask2,cv::Point(DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE/2,DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE/2),DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE/5,cv::Scalar::all(0),-1); |
int noise_size = cv::countNonZero(mask2); |
CV_Assert(noise_size > 0); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> dst,src; |
dst.push_back(cv::Point2f(0.0F,0.0F)); |
dst.push_back(cv::Point2f(float(DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE),0.0F)); |
dst.push_back(cv::Point2f(float(DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE),float(DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE))); |
dst.push_back(cv::Point2f(0.0F,float(DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE))); |
src.resize(4); |
// check each field |
int icols = int(colCount()-1); |
int irows = int(rowCount()-1); |
int count = 0; |
cv::Mat temp; |
for(int y=1;y<irows;++y) |
{ |
for(int x=1;x<icols;++x) |
{ |
Cell *cell = getCell(y,x); |
// calculate homography for each field to avoid issues with |
// distorted images |
src[0] = *cell->top_left; |
src[1] = *cell->top_right; |
src[2] = *cell->bottom_right; |
src[3] = *cell->bottom_left; |
cv::Mat H = findHomography(src,dst,LMEDS); |
cv::Mat field; |
cv::warpPerspective(image,field,H,cv::Size(DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE,DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE)); |
// calc signal and noise value |
cv::bitwise_and(field,mask,temp); |
double signal = cv::sum(temp)[0]/signal_size; |
cv::bitwise_and(field,mask2,temp); |
double noise= cv::sum(temp)[0]/noise_size; |
// calc refrence value |
Cell *cell2 = getCell(y,abs(x-1)); |
src[0] = *cell2->top_left; |
src[1] = *cell2->top_right; |
src[2] = *cell2->bottom_right; |
src[3] = *cell2->bottom_left; |
H = findHomography(src,dst,LMEDS); |
cv::warpPerspective(image,field,H,cv::Size(DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE,DUMMY_FIELD_SIZE)); |
cv::bitwise_and(field,mask2,temp); |
double reference = cv::sum(temp)[0]/noise_size; |
// check if marker is present |
if(cell->black) |
cell->marker = signal-noise > (reference-noise)*0.5; |
else |
cell->marker = noise-signal > (noise-reference)*0.5; |
if(cell->marker) |
count++; |
// std::cout << x << "/" << y << " signal " << signal << " noise " << noise << " reference " << reference << " has marker " << int(cell->marker) << std::endl; |
} |
} |
return count; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::isCellEmpty(int row,int col) |
{ |
return getCell(row,col)->empty(); |
} |
Chessboard::Board::Cell* Chessboard::Board::getCell(int row,int col) |
{ |
const Cell *cell = const_cast<const Board*>(this)->getCell(row,col); |
return const_cast<Cell*>(cell); |
} |
const Chessboard::Board::Cell* Chessboard::Board::getCell(int row,int col)const |
{ |
if(row > rows-1 || row < 0 || col > cols-1 || col < 0) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"out of bound"); |
PointIter p_iter(top_left,BOTTOM_RIGHT); |
for(int i=0; i< row; p_iter.bottom(),++i); |
for(int i=0; i< col; p_iter.right(),++i); |
return p_iter.getCell(); |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::isEmpty()const |
{ |
return cells.empty(); |
} |
size_t Chessboard::Board::colCount()const |
{ |
return cols; |
} |
size_t Chessboard::Board::rowCount()const |
{ |
return rows; |
} |
cv::Size Chessboard::Board::getSize()const |
{ |
return cv::Size(int(colCount()),int(rowCount())); |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::drawEllipses(const std::vector<Ellipse> &ellipses) |
{ |
// currently there is no global image find way to store global image |
// without polluting namespace |
if(ellipses.empty()) |
return; //avoid compiler warning |
cv::Mat img; |
draw(debug_image,img); |
std::vector<Ellipse>::const_iterator iter = ellipses.begin(); |
for(;iter != ellipses.end();++iter) |
iter->draw(img); |
cv::imshow("chessboard",img); |
cv::waitKey(-1); |
#endif |
} |
// TODO also delete points |
bool Chessboard::Board::shrinkLeft() |
{ |
if(colCount() < 4) |
return false; |
// unlink cells on the left side and delete them |
top_left = top_left->right; |
PointIter iter(top_left,BOTTOM_RIGHT); |
do |
{ |
auto cell = iter.getCell(); |
auto citer = std::find(cells.begin(),cells.end(),cell->left); |
delete cell->left; |
cell->left= NULL; |
cells.erase(citer); |
} |
while(iter.bottom()); |
--cols; |
return true; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::shrinkRight() |
{ |
if(colCount() < 4) |
return false; |
// unlink cells on the left side and delete them |
PointIter iter(top_left,BOTTOM_RIGHT); |
while(iter.right()); |
iter.left(); |
iter.left(); |
do |
{ |
auto cell = iter.getCell(); |
auto citer = std::find(cells.begin(),cells.end(),cell->right); |
delete cell->right; |
cell->right= NULL; |
cells.erase(citer); |
} |
while(iter.bottom()); |
--cols; |
return true; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::shrinkTop() |
{ |
if(rowCount() < 4) |
return false; |
// unlink cells on the left side and delete them |
top_left = top_left->bottom; |
PointIter iter(top_left,BOTTOM_RIGHT); |
do |
{ |
auto cell = iter.getCell(); |
auto citer = std::find(cells.begin(),cells.end(),cell->top); |
delete cell->top; |
cell->top= NULL; |
cells.erase(citer); |
} |
while(iter.right()); |
--rows; |
return true; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::shrinkBottom() |
{ |
if(rowCount() < 4) |
return false; |
// unlink cells on the left side and delete them |
PointIter iter(top_left,BOTTOM_RIGHT); |
while(iter.bottom()); |
iter.top(); |
iter.top(); |
do |
{ |
auto cell = iter.getCell(); |
auto citer = std::find(cells.begin(),cells.end(),cell->bottom); |
delete cell->bottom; |
cell->bottom= NULL; |
cells.erase(citer); |
} |
while(iter.right()); |
--rows; |
return true; |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::growLeft() |
{ |
if(isEmpty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal,"Board is empty"); |
PointIter iter(top_left,TOP_LEFT); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; |
cv::Point2f pt; |
do |
{ |
PointIter iter2(iter); |
cv::Point2f *p0 = *iter2; |
iter2.right(); |
cv::Point2f *p1 = *iter2; |
iter2.right(); |
cv::Point2f *p2 = *iter2; |
if(iter2.right()) |
estimatePoint(**iter2,*p2,*p1,*p0,pt); |
else |
estimatePoint(*p2,*p1,*p0,pt); |
points.push_back(pt); |
} |
while(iter.bottom()); |
addColumnLeft(points); |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::growLeft(const cv::Mat &map,cv::flann::Index &flann_index) |
{ |
std::vector<Ellipse> ellipses; |
#endif |
if(isEmpty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal,"growLeft: Board is empty"); |
PointIter iter(top_left,TOP_LEFT); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; |
int count = 0; |
Ellipse ellipse; |
cv::Point2f pt; |
do |
{ |
PointIter iter2(iter); |
cv::Point2f *p0 = *iter2; |
iter2.right(); |
cv::Point2f *p1 = *iter2; |
iter2.right(); |
cv::Point2f *p2 = *iter2; |
cv::Point2f *p3 = NULL; |
if(iter2.right()) |
p3 = *iter2; |
if(!estimateSearchArea(*p2,*p1,*p0,CORNERS_SEARCH,ellipse,p3)) |
return false; |
float result = findMaxPoint(flann_index,map,ellipse,white_angle,black_angle,pt); |
if(pt == *p0) |
{ |
++count; |
points.push_back(ellipse.getCenter()); |
if(points.back().x < 0 || points.back().y <0) |
return false; |
} |
else if(result != 0) |
{ |
points.push_back(pt); |
if(result < 0) |
++count; |
} |
else |
{ |
++count; |
if(pt.x != pt.x) // NaN check |
points.push_back(ellipse.getCenter()); |
else |
points.push_back(pt); |
} |
ellipses.push_back(ellipse); |
#endif |
} |
while(iter.bottom()); |
drawEllipses(ellipses); |
#endif |
if(points.size()-count <= 2) |
return false; |
if(count > points.size()*0.5 || !checkRowColumn(points)) |
return false; |
addColumnLeft(points); |
return true; |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::growTop() |
{ |
if(isEmpty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal,"Board is empty"); |
PointIter iter(top_left,TOP_LEFT); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; |
cv::Point2f pt; |
do |
{ |
PointIter iter2(iter); |
cv::Point2f *p0 = *iter2; |
iter2.bottom(); |
cv::Point2f *p1 = *iter2; |
iter2.bottom(); |
cv::Point2f *p2 = *iter2; |
if(iter2.bottom()) |
estimatePoint(**iter2,*p2,*p1,*p0,pt); |
else |
estimatePoint(*p2,*p1,*p0,pt); |
points.push_back(pt); |
} |
while(iter.right()); |
addRowTop(points); |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::growTop(const cv::Mat &map,cv::flann::Index &flann_index) |
{ |
std::vector<Ellipse> ellipses; |
#endif |
if(isEmpty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal,"Board is empty"); |
PointIter iter(top_left,TOP_LEFT); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; |
int count = 0; |
Ellipse ellipse; |
cv::Point2f pt; |
do |
{ |
PointIter iter2(iter); |
cv::Point2f *p0 = *iter2; |
iter2.bottom(); |
cv::Point2f *p1 = *iter2; |
iter2.bottom(); |
cv::Point2f *p2 = *iter2; |
cv::Point2f *p3 = NULL; |
if(iter2.bottom()) |
p3 = *iter2; |
if(!estimateSearchArea(*p2,*p1,*p0,CORNERS_SEARCH,ellipse,p3)) |
return false; |
float result = findMaxPoint(flann_index,map,ellipse,white_angle,black_angle,pt); |
if(pt == *p0) |
{ |
++count; |
points.push_back(ellipse.getCenter()); |
if(points.back().x < 0 || points.back().y <0) |
return false; |
} |
else if(result != 0) |
{ |
points.push_back(pt); |
if(result < 0) |
++count; |
} |
else |
{ |
++count; |
if(pt.x != pt.x) // NaN check |
points.push_back(ellipse.getCenter()); |
else |
points.push_back(pt); |
} |
ellipses.push_back(ellipse); |
#endif |
} |
while(iter.right()); |
drawEllipses(ellipses); |
#endif |
if(count > points.size()*0.5 || !checkRowColumn(points)) |
return false; |
addRowTop(points); |
return true; |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::growRight() |
{ |
if(isEmpty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal,"Board is empty"); |
PointIter iter(top_left,TOP_RIGHT); |
while(iter.right()); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; |
cv::Point2f pt; |
do |
{ |
PointIter iter2(iter); |
cv::Point2f *p0 = *iter2; |
iter2.left(); |
cv::Point2f *p1 = *iter2; |
iter2.left(); |
cv::Point2f *p2 = *iter2; |
if(iter2.left()) |
estimatePoint(**iter2,*p2,*p1,*p0,pt); |
else |
estimatePoint(*p2,*p1,*p0,pt); |
points.push_back(pt); |
} |
while(iter.bottom()); |
addColumnRight(points); |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::growRight(const cv::Mat &map,cv::flann::Index &flann_index) |
{ |
std::vector<Ellipse> ellipses; |
#endif |
if(isEmpty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal,"Board is empty"); |
PointIter iter(top_left,TOP_RIGHT); |
while(iter.right()); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; |
cv::Point2f pt; |
Ellipse ellipse; |
int count = 0; |
do |
{ |
PointIter iter2(iter); |
cv::Point2f *p0 = *iter2; |
iter2.left(); |
cv::Point2f *p1 = *iter2; |
iter2.left(); |
cv::Point2f *p2 = *iter2; |
cv::Point2f *p3 = NULL; |
if(iter2.left()) |
p3 = *iter2; |
if(!estimateSearchArea(*p2,*p1,*p0,CORNERS_SEARCH,ellipse,p3)) |
return false; |
float result = findMaxPoint(flann_index,map,ellipse,white_angle,black_angle,pt); |
if(pt == *p0) |
{ |
++count; |
points.push_back(ellipse.getCenter()); |
if(points.back().x < 0 || points.back().y <0) |
return false; |
} |
else if(result != 0) |
{ |
points.push_back(pt); |
if(result < 0) |
++count; |
} |
else |
{ |
++count; |
if(pt.x != pt.x) // NaN check |
points.push_back(ellipse.getCenter()); |
else |
points.push_back(pt); |
} |
ellipses.push_back(ellipse); |
#endif |
} |
while(iter.bottom()); |
drawEllipses(ellipses); |
#endif |
if(count > points.size()*0.5 || !checkRowColumn(points)) |
return false; |
addColumnRight(points); |
return true; |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::growBottom() |
{ |
if(isEmpty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal,"Board is empty"); |
PointIter iter(top_left,BOTTOM_LEFT); |
while(iter.bottom()); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; |
cv::Point2f pt; |
do |
{ |
PointIter iter2(iter); |
cv::Point2f *p0 = *iter2; |
iter2.top(); |
cv::Point2f *p1 = *iter2; |
iter2.top(); |
cv::Point2f *p2 = *iter2; |
if(iter2.top()) |
estimatePoint(**iter2,*p2,*p1,*p0,pt); |
else |
estimatePoint(*p2,*p1,*p0,pt); |
points.push_back(pt); |
} |
while(iter.right()); |
addRowBottom(points); |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::growBottom(const cv::Mat &map,cv::flann::Index &flann_index) |
{ |
std::vector<Ellipse> ellipses; |
#endif |
if(isEmpty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal,"Board is empty"); |
PointIter iter(top_left,BOTTOM_LEFT); |
while(iter.bottom()); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; |
cv::Point2f pt; |
Ellipse ellipse; |
int count = 0; |
do |
{ |
PointIter iter2(iter); |
cv::Point2f *p0 = *iter2; |
iter2.top(); |
cv::Point2f *p1 = *iter2; |
iter2.top(); |
cv::Point2f *p2 = *iter2; |
cv::Point2f *p3 = NULL; |
if(iter2.top()) |
p3 = *iter2; |
if(!estimateSearchArea(*p2,*p1,*p0,CORNERS_SEARCH,ellipse,p3)) |
return false; |
float result = findMaxPoint(flann_index,map,ellipse,white_angle,black_angle,pt); |
if(pt == *p0) |
{ |
++count; |
points.push_back(ellipse.getCenter()); |
if(points.back().x < 0 || points.back().y <0) |
return false; |
} |
else if(result != 0) |
{ |
points.push_back(pt); |
if(result < 0) |
++count; |
} |
else |
{ |
++count; |
if(pt.x != pt.x) // NaN check |
points.push_back(ellipse.getCenter()); |
else |
points.push_back(pt); |
} |
ellipses.push_back(ellipse); |
#endif |
} |
while(iter.right()); |
drawEllipses(ellipses); |
#endif |
if(count > points.size()*0.5 || !checkRowColumn(points)) |
return false; |
addRowBottom(points); |
return true; |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::addColumnLeft(const std::vector<cv::Point2f> &points) |
{ |
if(points.empty() || points.size() != rowCount()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"wrong number of points"); |
int offset = int(cells.size()); |
cells.resize(offset+points.size()-1); |
for(int i = offset;i < (int) cells.size();++i) |
cells[i] = new Cell(); |
corners.push_back(new cv::Point2f(points.front())); |
Cell *cell = top_left; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter = points.begin()+1; |
for(int pos=offset;iter != points.end();++iter,cell = cell->bottom,++pos) |
{ |
cell->left = cells[pos]; |
cells[pos]->black = !cell->black; |
if(pos != offset) |
cells[pos]->top = cells[pos-1]; |
cells[pos]->right = cell; |
if(pos +1 < (int)cells.size()) |
cells[pos]->bottom= cells[pos+1]; |
cells[pos]->top_left = corners.back(); |
corners.push_back(new cv::Point2f(*iter)); |
cells[pos]->bottom_left = corners.back(); |
cells[pos]->top_right=cell->top_left; |
cells[pos]->bottom_right=cell->bottom_left; |
} |
top_left = cells[offset]; |
++cols; |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::addRowTop(const std::vector<cv::Point2f> &points) |
{ |
if(points.empty() || points.size() != colCount()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"wrong number of points"); |
int offset = int(cells.size()); |
cells.resize(offset+points.size()-1); |
for(int i = offset;i < (int) cells.size();++i) |
cells[i] = new Cell(); |
corners.push_back(new cv::Point2f(points.front())); |
Cell *cell = top_left; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter = points.begin()+1; |
for(int pos=offset;iter != points.end();++iter,cell = cell->right,++pos) |
{ |
cell->top = cells[pos]; |
cells[pos]->black = !cell->black; |
if(pos != offset) |
cells[pos]->left= cells[pos-1]; |
cells[pos]->bottom= cell; |
if(pos +1 <(int) cells.size()) |
cells[pos]->right= cells[pos+1]; |
cells[pos]->top_left = corners.back(); |
corners.push_back(new cv::Point2f(*iter)); |
cells[pos]->top_right = corners.back(); |
cells[pos]->bottom_left = cell->top_left; |
cells[pos]->bottom_right = cell->top_right; |
} |
top_left = cells[offset]; |
++rows; |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::addColumnRight(const std::vector<cv::Point2f> &points) |
{ |
if(points.empty() || points.size() != rowCount()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"wrong number of points"); |
int offset = int(cells.size()); |
cells.resize(offset+points.size()-1); |
for(int i = offset;i < (int) cells.size();++i) |
cells[i] = new Cell(); |
corners.push_back(new cv::Point2f(points.front())); |
Cell *cell = top_left; |
for(;cell->right;cell = cell->right); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter = points.begin()+1; |
for(int pos=offset;iter != points.end();++iter,cell = cell->bottom,++pos) |
{ |
cell->right = cells[pos]; |
cells[pos]->black = !cell->black; |
if(pos != offset) |
cells[pos]->top= cells[pos-1]; |
cells[pos]->left = cell; |
if(pos +1 <(int) cells.size()) |
cells[pos]->bottom= cells[pos+1]; |
cells[pos]->top_right = corners.back(); |
corners.push_back(new cv::Point2f(*iter)); |
cells[pos]->bottom_right = corners.back(); |
cells[pos]->top_left =cell->top_right; |
cells[pos]->bottom_left =cell->bottom_right; |
} |
++cols; |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::addRowBottom(const std::vector<cv::Point2f> &points) |
{ |
if(points.empty() || points.size() != colCount()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"wrong number of points"); |
int offset = int(cells.size()); |
cells.resize(offset+points.size()-1); |
for(int i = offset;i < (int) cells.size();++i) |
cells[i] = new Cell(); |
corners.push_back(new cv::Point2f(points.front())); |
Cell *cell = top_left; |
for(;cell->bottom;cell = cell->bottom); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter = points.begin()+1; |
for(int pos=offset;iter != points.end();++iter,cell = cell->right,++pos) |
{ |
cell->bottom = cells[pos]; |
cells[pos]->black = !cell->black; |
if(pos != offset) |
cells[pos]->left = cells[pos-1]; |
cells[pos]->top = cell; |
if(pos +1 < (int)cells.size()) |
cells[pos]->right= cells[pos+1]; |
cells[pos]->bottom_left = corners.back(); |
corners.push_back(new cv::Point2f(*iter)); |
cells[pos]->bottom_right = corners.back(); |
cells[pos]->top_left = cell->bottom_left; |
cells[pos]->top_right = cell->bottom_right; |
} |
++rows; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::checkUnique()const |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points = getCorners(false); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter = points.begin(); |
for(;iter != points.end();++iter) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter2 = iter+1; |
for(;iter2 != points.end();++iter2) |
{ |
if(*iter == *iter2) |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
int Chessboard::Board::validateCorners(const cv::Mat &data,cv::flann::Index &flann_index,const cv::Mat &h,float min_response) |
{ |
// TODO check input |
if(isEmpty() || h.empty()) |
return 0; |
int count = 0; int icol = 0; |
// first row |
PointIter iter(top_left,TOP_LEFT); |
cv::Point2f point; |
do |
{ |
if((*iter)->x == (*iter)->x) |
++count; |
else |
{ |
Ellipse ellipse = estimateSearchArea(h,0,icol,0.4F); |
float result = findMaxPoint(flann_index,data,ellipse,white_angle,black_angle,point); |
if(fabs(result) >= min_response) |
{ |
++count; |
**iter = point; |
} |
} |
++icol; |
}while(iter.right()); |
// all other rows |
int irow = 1; |
Cell *row = top_left; |
do |
{ |
PointIter iter2(row,BOTTOM_LEFT); |
icol = 0; |
do |
{ |
if((*iter2)->x == (*iter2)->x) |
++count; |
else |
{ |
Ellipse ellipse = estimateSearchArea(h,irow,icol,0.4F); |
if(min_response <= findMaxPoint(flann_index,data,ellipse,white_angle,black_angle,point)) |
{ |
++count; |
**iter2 = point; |
} |
} |
++icol; |
}while(iter2.right()); |
row = row->bottom; |
++irow; |
}while(row); |
// check that there are no points with the same coordinate |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points = getCorners(false); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter1 = points.begin(); |
for(;iter1 != points.end();++iter1) |
{ |
// we do not have to check for NaN because of getCorners(false) |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter2 = iter1+1; |
for(;iter2 != points.end();++iter2) |
if(*iter1 == *iter2) |
return -1; // one corner is there twice -> not valid configuration |
} |
return count; |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::validateContour()const |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> contour = getContour(); |
if(contour.size() != 4) |
{ |
return false; |
} |
cv::Point2f n1 = contour[1]-contour[0]; |
cv::Point2f n2 = contour[2]-contour[1]; |
cv::Point2f n3 = contour[3]-contour[2]; |
cv::Point2f n4 = contour[0]-contour[3]; |
n1 = n1/cv::norm(n1); |
n2 = n2/cv::norm(n2); |
n3 = n3/cv::norm(n3); |
n4 = n4/cv::norm(n4); |
// a > b => cos(a) < cos(b) |
if(fabs(n1.dot(n2)) > MIN_COS_ANGLE|| |
fabs(n2.dot(n3)) > MIN_COS_ANGLE|| |
fabs(n3.dot(n4)) > MIN_COS_ANGLE|| |
fabs(n4.dot(n1)) > MIN_COS_ANGLE) |
return false; |
return true; |
} |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> Chessboard::Board::getContour()const |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; |
if(isEmpty()) |
return points; |
//find start cell part of the contour |
Cell* start_cell = NULL; |
PointIter iter(top_left,TOP_LEFT); |
do |
{ |
PointIter iter2(iter); |
do |
{ |
if(!iter2.getCell()->empty()) |
{ |
start_cell = iter2.getCell(); |
iter = iter2; |
break; |
} |
}while(iter2.right()); |
}while(!start_cell && iter.bottom()); |
if(start_cell == NULL) |
return points; |
// trace contour |
const cv::Point2f *start_pt = *iter; |
int mode = 2; int last = -1; |
do |
{ |
PointIter current_iter(iter); |
switch(mode) |
{ |
case 1: // top |
if(iter.top(true)) |
{ |
if(last != 1) |
points.push_back(**current_iter); |
mode = 4; |
last = 1; |
break; |
} |
/* fallthrough */ |
case 2: // right |
if(iter.right(true)) |
{ |
if(last != 2) |
points.push_back(**current_iter); |
mode = 1; |
last = 2; |
break; |
} |
/* fallthrough */ |
case 3: // bottom |
if(iter.bottom(true)) |
{ |
if(last != 3) |
points.push_back(**current_iter); |
mode = 2; |
last = 3; |
break; |
} |
/* fallthrough */ |
case 4: // left |
if(iter.left(true)) |
{ |
if(last != 4) |
points.push_back(**current_iter); |
mode = 3; |
last = 4; |
break; |
} |
mode = 1; |
break; |
default: |
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal,"cannot retrieve contour"); |
} |
}while(*iter != start_pt); |
return points; |
} |
void Chessboard::Board::maskImage(cv::InputOutputArray img,const cv::Scalar &color)const |
{ |
Chessboard::Board temp(*this); |
temp.growLeft(); |
temp.growRight(); |
temp.growTop(); |
temp.growBottom(); |
cv::Mat contour; |
cv::Mat(temp.getContour()).convertTo(contour,CV_32S); |
std::vector<cv::Mat> contours; |
contours.push_back(contour); |
cv::drawContours(img,contours,0,color,-1); |
} |
cv::Mat Chessboard::Board::estimateHomography(cv::Rect rect,int field_size)const |
{ |
int _rows = int(rowCount()); |
int _cols = int(colCount()); |
if(_rows < 3 || _cols < 3) |
return cv::Mat(); |
if(rect.width <= 0) |
rect.width= _cols; |
if(rect.height <= 0) |
rect.height= _rows; |
int col_end = std::min(rect.x+rect.width,_cols); |
int row_end = std::min(rect.y+rect.height,_rows); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points = getCorners(true); |
// build src and dst |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> src,dst; |
for(int row =rect.y;row < row_end;++row) |
{ |
for(int col=rect.x;col <col_end;++col) |
{ |
const cv::Point2f &pt = points[row*_rows+col]; |
if(pt.x != pt.x) // NaN check |
continue; |
src.push_back(cv::Point2f(float(field_size)*(col+1),float(field_size)*(row+1))); |
dst.push_back(pt); |
} |
} |
if(dst.size() < 4) |
return cv::Mat(); |
return findHomography(src, dst,LMEDS); |
} |
cv::Mat Chessboard::Board::estimateHomography(int field_size)const |
{ |
int _rows = int(rowCount()); |
int _cols = int(colCount()); |
if(_rows < 3 || _cols < 3) |
return cv::Mat(); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> src,dst; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points = getCorners(true); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter = points.begin(); |
for(int row =0;row < _rows;++row) |
{ |
for(int col=0;col <_cols;++col,++iter) |
{ |
const cv::Point2f &pt = *iter; |
if(pt.x == pt.x) |
{ |
src.push_back(cv::Point2f(float(field_size)*(col+1),float(field_size)*(row+1))); |
dst.push_back(pt); |
} |
} |
} |
if(dst.size() < 4) |
return cv::Mat(); |
return findHomography(src, dst); |
} |
bool Chessboard::Board::findNextPoint(cv::flann::Index &index,const cv::Mat &data, |
const cv::Point2f &pt1,const cv::Point2f &pt2, const cv::Point2f &pt3, |
float white_angle,float black_angle,float min_response,cv::Point2f &point) |
{ |
Ellipse ellipse; |
if(!estimateSearchArea(pt1,pt2,pt3,0.4F,ellipse)) |
return false; |
if(min_response > fabs(findMaxPoint(index,data,ellipse,white_angle,black_angle,point))) |
return false; |
return true; |
} |
int Chessboard::Board::grow(const cv::Mat &map,cv::flann::Index &flann_index) |
{ |
if(isEmpty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal,"Board is empty"); |
bool bleft = true; |
bool btop = true; |
bool bright = true; |
bool bbottom= true; |
int count = 0; |
do |
{ |
if(btop) |
{ |
btop= growTop(map,flann_index); |
if(btop) |
{ |
++count; |
continue; |
} |
} |
if(bbottom) |
{ |
bbottom= growBottom(map,flann_index); |
if(bbottom) |
{ |
++count; |
continue; |
} |
} |
// grow to the left |
if(bleft) |
{ |
bleft = growLeft(map,flann_index); |
if(bleft) |
{ |
++count; |
continue; |
} |
} |
if(bright) |
{ |
bright= growRight(map,flann_index); |
if(bright) |
{ |
++count; |
continue; |
} |
} |
}while(bleft || btop || bright || bbottom ); |
return count; |
} |
std::map<int,int> Chessboard::Board::getMapping()const |
{ |
std::map<int,int> map; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points = getCorners(); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::iterator iter = points.begin(); |
for(int idx1=0,idx2=0;iter != points.end();++iter,++idx1) |
{ |
if(iter->x != iter->x) // NaN check |
continue; |
map[idx1] = idx2++; |
} |
return map; |
} |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> Chessboard::Board::getCorners(bool ball)const |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; |
if(isEmpty()) |
return points; |
// first row |
PointIter iter(top_left,TOP_LEFT); |
do |
{ |
if(ball || !iter.isNaN()) |
points.push_back(*(*iter)); |
}while(iter.right()); |
// all other rows |
Cell *row = top_left; |
do |
{ |
PointIter iter2(row,BOTTOM_LEFT); |
do |
{ |
if(ball || !iter2.isNaN()) |
points.push_back(*(*iter2)); |
}while(iter2.right()); |
row = row->bottom; |
}while(row); |
return points; |
} |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> Chessboard::Board::getKeyPoints(bool ball)const |
{ |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points = getCorners(ball); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter = points.begin(); |
for(;iter != points.end();++iter) |
keypoints.push_back(cv::KeyPoint(iter->x,iter->y,1)); |
return keypoints; |
} |
cv::Scalar Chessboard::Board::calcEdgeSharpness(cv::InputArray _img,float rise_distance,bool vertical,cv::OutputArray _sharpness) |
{ |
cv::Mat img = _img.getMat(); |
if(img.empty()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"image is empty"); |
if(img.type() != CV_8UC1) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"image type is not supported. Expect CV_8UC1"); |
int tcols = int(colCount()); |
int trows = int(rowCount()); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> centers = getCellCenters(); |
if(int(centers.size()) != trows*tcols) |
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal,"internal error - size mismatch"); |
// build horizontal lines |
std::vector<std::pair<cv::Point2f,cv::Point2f> > pairs; |
if(vertical) |
{ |
for(int row = 1;row < trows-1;++row) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter1 = centers.begin()+row*tcols; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter2 = iter1+1; |
for(int col= 0;col< tcols-1;++col,++iter1,++iter2) |
pairs.push_back(std::make_pair(*iter1,*iter2)); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// build vertical lines |
for(int col = 1;col< tcols-1;++col) |
{ |
// avoid using iterators to not trigger out of range |
int i1 = col; |
int i2 = i1 + tcols; |
for (int row = 0; row < trows - 1; ++row, i1 += tcols, i2 += tcols) |
{ |
pairs.push_back(std::make_pair(centers[i1], centers[i2])); |
} |
} |
} |
// calc edge response for each line |
cv::Rect rect(0,0,img.cols,img.rows); |
std::vector<std::pair<cv::Point2f,cv::Point2f> >::const_iterator iter = pairs.begin(); |
int count = 0; |
float sharpness = 0; |
float max_val= 0; |
float min_val= 0; |
double dmin,dmax; |
cv::Mat data = cv::Mat::zeros(int(pairs.size()),5,CV_32FC1); |
for(;iter != pairs.end();++iter) |
{ |
// get values from the image |
if(!rect.contains(iter->first) || !rect.contains(iter->second)) |
continue; |
int delta = int(cv::norm(iter->second-iter->first)); |
if(delta < 10) |
continue; |
float dx = (iter->second.x-iter->first.x)/delta; |
float dy = (iter->second.y-iter->first.y)/delta; |
std::vector<uint8_t> values; |
cv::Mat patch; |
for(int i=0;i<delta;++i) |
{ |
int count2 = 0; |
float value = 0; |
cv::Point2f p0(iter->first.x+dx*i,iter->first.y+dy*i); |
for(int num=-1;num < 2;++num) |
{ |
cv::Point2f p1(p0.x+dy*num,p0.y-dx*num); |
if(!rect.contains(p1)) |
continue; |
cv::getRectSubPix(img,cv::Size(1,1),p1,patch); |
value += patch.at<uint8_t>(0,0); |
++count2; |
} |
values.push_back(count2 > 0 ? uint8_t(value/count2) : 0); |
} |
float val = calcSharpness(values,rise_distance); |
sharpness += val; |
cv::minMaxLoc(values,&dmin,&dmax); |
max_val+= float(dmax); |
min_val += float(dmin); |
data.at<float>(count,0) = iter->first.x+(iter->second.x-iter->first.x)/2; |
data.at<float>(count,1) = iter->first.y+(iter->second.y-iter->first.y)/2; |
data.at<float>(count,2) = val; |
data.at<float>(count,3) = float(dmin); |
data.at<float>(count,4) = float(dmax); |
count +=1; |
} |
if(count == 0) |
{ |
std::cout <<"calcEdgeSharpness: checkerboard too small for calculation." << std::endl; |
return cv::Scalar::all(9999); |
} |
sharpness = sharpness/float(count); |
max_val = max_val/float(count); |
min_val = min_val/float(count); |
if(_sharpness.needed()) |
data.copyTo(_sharpness); |
return cv::Scalar(sharpness,min_val,max_val); |
} |
Chessboard::Chessboard(const Parameters ¶) |
{ |
reconfigure(para); |
} |
void Chessboard::reconfigure(const Parameters &config) |
{ |
parameters = config; |
} |
Chessboard::Parameters Chessboard::getPara()const |
{ |
return parameters; |
} |
Chessboard::~Chessboard() |
{ |
} |
void Chessboard::findKeyPoints(const cv::Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,std::vector<cv::Mat> &feature_maps, |
std::vector<std::vector<float> > &angles ,const cv::Mat& mask)const |
{ |
keypoints.clear(); |
angles.clear(); |
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_temp; |
FastX::Parameters para; |
para.branches = 2; // this is always the case for checssboard corners |
para.strength = 150; // minimal threshold |
para.resolution = float(CV_PI*0.25); // this gives the best results taking interpolation into account |
para.filter = 1; |
para.super_resolution = parameters.super_resolution; |
para.min_scale = parameters.min_scale; |
para.max_scale = parameters.max_scale; |
FastX detector(para); |
std::vector<cv::Mat> rotated_images; |
detector.detectImpl(image,rotated_images,feature_maps,mask); |
//calculate seed chessboard corners |
detector.findKeyPoints(feature_maps,keypoints_temp,mask); |
//sort points and limit number |
int max_seeds = std::min((int)keypoints_temp.size(),parameters.max_points); |
if(max_seeds < 9) |
return; |
std::partial_sort(keypoints_temp.begin(),keypoints_temp.begin()+max_seeds-1, |
keypoints_temp.end(),sortKeyPoint); |
keypoints_temp.resize(max_seeds); |
std::vector<std::vector<float> > angles_temp = detector.calcAngles(rotated_images,keypoints_temp); |
// filter out keypoints which are not symmetric |
std::vector<KeyPoint>::iterator iter1 = keypoints_temp.begin(); |
std::vector<std::vector<float> >::const_iterator iter2 = angles_temp.begin(); |
for(;iter1 != keypoints_temp.end();++iter1,++iter2) |
{ |
cv::KeyPoint &pt = *iter1; |
const std::vector<float> &angles_i3 = *iter2; |
if(angles_i3.size() != 2)// || pt.response < noise) |
continue; |
int result = testPointSymmetry(image,pt.pt,pt.size*0.7F,std::max(10.0F,sqrt(pt.response)+0.5F*pt.size)); |
if(result > MAX_SYMMETRY_ERRORS) |
continue; |
else if(result > 3) |
pt.response = - pt.response; |
angles.push_back(angles_i3); |
keypoints.push_back(pt); |
} |
} |
cv::Mat Chessboard::buildData(const std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints)const |
{ |
cv::Mat data(int(keypoints.size()),4,CV_32FC1); // x + y + angle + strength |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>::const_iterator iter = keypoints.begin(); |
float *val = reinterpret_cast<float*>(data.data); |
for(;iter != keypoints.end();++iter) |
{ |
(*val++) = iter->pt.x; |
(*val++) = iter->pt.y; |
(*val++) = float(2.0*CV_PI-iter->angle/180.0*CV_PI); |
(*val++) = iter->response; |
} |
return data; |
} |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> Chessboard::getInitialPoints(cv::flann::Index &flann_index,const cv::Mat &data,const cv::KeyPoint ¢er,float white_angle,float black_angle,float min_response)const |
{ |
CV_CheckTypeEQ(data.type(), CV_32FC1, "Unsupported source type"); |
if(data.cols != 4) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"wrong data format"); |
std::vector<float> query,dists; |
std::vector<int> indices; |
query.resize(2); query[0] = center.pt.x; query[1] = center.pt.y; |
flann_index.knnSearch(query,indices,dists,21,cv::flann::SearchParams(32)); |
// collect all points having a similar angle and response |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> points; |
std::vector<int>::const_iterator ids_iter = indices.begin()+1; // first point is center |
points.push_back(center); |
for(;ids_iter != indices.end();++ids_iter) |
{ |
// TODO do more angle tests |
// test only one angle against the stored one |
const float &response = data.at<float>(*ids_iter,3); |
if(fabs(response) < min_response) |
continue; |
const float &angle = data.at<float>(*ids_iter,2); |
float angle_temp = fabs(angle-white_angle); |
if(angle_temp > CV_PI*0.5) |
angle_temp = float(fabs(angle_temp-CV_PI)); |
if(angle_temp > MAX_ANGLE) |
{ |
angle_temp = fabs(angle-black_angle); |
if(angle_temp > CV_PI*0.5) |
angle_temp = float(fabs(angle_temp-CV_PI)); |
if(angle_temp >MAX_ANGLE) |
continue; |
} |
points.push_back(cv::KeyPoint(data.at<float>(*ids_iter,0),data.at<float>(*ids_iter,1),center.size,angle,response)); |
} |
return points; |
} |
Chessboard::BState Chessboard::generateBoards(cv::flann::Index &flann_index,const cv::Mat &data, |
const cv::KeyPoint ¢er,float white_angle,float black_angle,float min_response,const cv::Mat& img, |
std::vector<Chessboard::Board> &boards)const |
{ |
// collect all points having a similar angle |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> kpoints= getInitialPoints(flann_index,data,center,white_angle,black_angle,min_response); |
if(kpoints.size() < 5) |
if(!img.empty()) |
{ |
cv::Mat out; |
cv::drawKeypoints(img,kpoints,out,cv::Scalar(0,0,255,255),4); |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> temp; |
temp.push_back(kpoints.front()); |
cv::drawKeypoints(out,temp,out,cv::Scalar(0,255,0,255),4); |
cv::imshow("chessboard",out); |
cv::waitKey(-1); |
#endif |
} |
// use angles to filter out points |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> points; |
cv::Vec2f n1(std::cos(white_angle),-std::sin(white_angle)); |
cv::Vec2f n2(std::cos(black_angle),-std::sin(black_angle)); |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>::const_iterator iter1 = kpoints.begin()+1; // first point is center |
for(;iter1 != kpoints.end();++iter1) |
{ |
// calc angle |
cv::Vec2f vec(iter1->pt-center.pt); |
vec = vec/cv::norm(vec); |
if(fabs(vec.dot(n1)) < 0.96 && fabs(vec.dot(n2)) < 0.96) //check that angle is bigger than 15° |
points.push_back(*iter1); |
} |
// generate pairs those connection goes through the center |
std::vector<std::pair<cv::KeyPoint,cv::KeyPoint> > pairs; |
iter1 = points.begin(); |
for(;iter1 != points.end();++iter1) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>::const_iterator iter2 = iter1+1; |
for(;iter2 != points.end();++iter2) |
{ |
if(isPointOnLine(iter1->pt,iter2->pt,center.pt,0.97F)) |
{ |
if(cv::norm(iter1->pt) < cv::norm(iter2->pt)) |
pairs.push_back(std::make_pair(*iter1,*iter2)); |
else |
pairs.push_back(std::make_pair(*iter2,*iter1)); |
} |
} |
} |
// generate all possible combinations consisting of two pairs |
if(pairs.size() < 2) |
std::vector<std::pair<cv::KeyPoint,cv::KeyPoint> >::iterator iter_pair1 = pairs.begin(); |
BState best_state = MISSING_PAIRS; |
for(;iter_pair1 != pairs.end();++iter_pair1) |
{ |
cv::Point2f p1 = iter_pair1->second.pt-iter_pair1->first.pt; |
p1 = p1/cv::norm(p1); |
std::vector<std::pair<cv::KeyPoint,cv::KeyPoint> >::iterator iter_pair2 = iter_pair1+1; |
for(;iter_pair2 != pairs.end();++iter_pair2) |
{ |
cv::Point2f p2 = iter_pair2->second.pt-iter_pair2->first.pt; |
p2 = p2/cv::norm(p2); |
if(p2.dot(p1) > 0.95) |
{ |
if(best_state < WRONG_PAIR_ANGLE) |
best_state = WRONG_PAIR_ANGLE; |
} |
else |
{ |
// check orientations |
if(checkOrientation(iter_pair1->first.pt,iter_pair1->second.pt,iter_pair2->first.pt,iter_pair2->second.pt)) |
std::swap(iter_pair2->first,iter_pair2->second); |
// minimal case |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> board_points; |
board_points.resize(9,cv::Point2f(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), |
std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN())); |
board_points[1] = iter_pair2->first.pt; |
board_points[3] = iter_pair1->first.pt; |
board_points[4] = center.pt; |
board_points[5] = iter_pair1->second.pt; |
board_points[7] = iter_pair2->second.pt; |
boards.push_back(Board(cv::Size(3,3),board_points,white_angle,black_angle)); |
Board &board = boards.back(); |
if(board.isEmpty()) |
{ |
if(best_state < WRONG_CONFIGURATION) |
boards.pop_back(); // MAKE SURE board is no longer used !!!! |
continue; |
} |
best_state = FOUND_BOARD; |
} |
} |
} |
return best_state; |
} |
void Chessboard::detectImpl(const Mat& image, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,std::vector<Mat> &feature_maps,const Mat& mask)const |
{ |
keypoints.clear(); |
Board board = detectImpl(image,feature_maps,mask); |
keypoints = board.getKeyPoints(); |
return; |
} |
Chessboard::Board Chessboard::detectImpl(const Mat& gray,std::vector<cv::Mat> &feature_maps,const Mat& mask)const |
{ |
debug_image = gray; |
#endif |
CV_CheckTypeEQ(gray.type(),CV_8UC1, "Unsupported image type"); |
cv::Size chessboard_size2(parameters.chessboard_size.height,parameters.chessboard_size.width); |
std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_seed; |
std::vector<std::vector<float> > angles; |
findKeyPoints(gray,keypoints_seed,feature_maps,angles,mask); |
if(int(keypoints_seed.size()) < parameters.chessboard_size.width * parameters.chessboard_size.height) |
return Chessboard::Board(); |
// check how many points are likely a checkerboard corner |
float response = fabs(keypoints_seed.front().response*MIN_RESPONSE_RATIO); |
std::vector<KeyPoint>::const_iterator seed_iter = keypoints_seed.begin(); |
int count = 0; |
int inum = chessboard_size2.width*chessboard_size2.height; |
for(;seed_iter != keypoints_seed.end() && count < inum;++seed_iter,++count) |
{ |
// points are sorted based on response |
if(fabs(seed_iter->response) < response) |
{ |
seed_iter = keypoints_seed.end(); |
return Chessboard::Board(); |
} |
} |
// just add dummy points or flann will fail during knnSearch |
if(keypoints_seed.size() < 21) |
keypoints_seed.resize(21, cv::KeyPoint(-99999.0F,-99999.0F,0.0F,0.0F,0.0F)); |
//build kd tree |
cv::Mat data = buildData(keypoints_seed); |
cv::Mat flann_data(data.rows,2,CV_32FC1); |
data(cv::Rect(0,0,2,data.rows)).copyTo(flann_data); |
cv::flann::Index flann_index(flann_data,cv::flann::KDTreeIndexParams(1),cvflann::FLANN_DIST_EUCLIDEAN); |
// for each point |
std::vector<std::vector<float> >::const_iterator angles_iter = angles.begin(); |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>::const_iterator points_iter = keypoints_seed.begin(); |
cv::Rect bounding_box(5,5,gray.cols-10,gray.rows-10); |
int max_tests = std::min(parameters.max_tests,int(keypoints_seed.size())); |
for(count=0;count < max_tests;++angles_iter,++points_iter,++count) |
{ |
// regard current point as center point |
// which must have two angles!!! (this was already checked) |
float min_response = points_iter->response*MIN_RESPONSE_RATIO; |
if(min_response <= 0) |
{ |
if(max_tests+1 < int(keypoints_seed.size())) |
++max_tests; |
continue; |
} |
const std::vector<float> &angles_i = *angles_iter; |
float white_angle = fabs(angles_i.front()); // angle is negative if black --> clockwise |
float black_angle = fabs(angles_i.back()); // angle is negative if black --> clockwise |
if(angles_i.front() < 0) // ensure white angle is first |
swap(white_angle,black_angle); |
std::vector<Board> boards; |
generateBoards(flann_index, data,*points_iter,white_angle,black_angle,min_response,gray,boards); |
parallel_for_(Range(0,(int)boards.size()),[&](const Range& range){ |
for(int i=range.start;i <range.end;++i) |
{ |
auto iter_boards = boards.begin()+i; |
cv::Mat h = iter_boards->estimateHomography(); |
int size = iter_boards->validateCorners(data,flann_index,h,min_response); |
if(size != 9 || !iter_boards->validateContour()) |
{ |
iter_boards->clear(); |
continue; |
} |
//grow based on kd-tree |
iter_boards->grow(data,flann_index); |
if(!iter_boards->checkUnique()) |
{ |
iter_boards->clear(); |
continue; |
} |
// check bounding box |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> contour = iter_boards->getContour(); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter = contour.begin(); |
for(;iter != contour.end();++iter) |
{ |
if(!bounding_box.contains(*iter)) |
break; |
} |
if(iter != contour.end()) |
{ |
iter_boards->clear(); |
continue; |
} |
if(iter_boards->getSize() == parameters.chessboard_size || |
iter_boards->getSize() == chessboard_size2) |
{ |
iter_boards->normalizeOrientation(false); |
if(iter_boards->getSize() != parameters.chessboard_size) |
{ |
if(iter_boards->isCellBlack(0,0) == iter_boards->isCellBlack(0,int(iter_boards->colCount())-1)) |
iter_boards->rotateLeft(); |
else |
iter_boards->rotateRight(); |
} |
cv::Mat img; |
iter_boards->draw(debug_image,img); |
cv::imshow("chessboard",img); |
cv::waitKey(-1); |
#endif |
} |
else |
{ |
if(iter_boards->getSize().width < chessboard_size2.width || iter_boards->getSize().height < chessboard_size2.height) |
iter_boards->clear(); |
else if(!parameters.larger) |
iter_boards->clear(); |
else |
{ |
// try to optimize board |
while(true) |
{ |
Board temp(*iter_boards); |
temp.shrinkRight(); |
temp.shrinkLeft(); |
temp.shrinkRight(); |
temp.shrinkLeft(); |
temp.growTop(data,flann_index); |
temp.growBottom(data,flann_index); |
temp.grow(data,flann_index); |
if(temp.rowCount()*temp.colCount() > iter_boards->rowCount()*iter_boards->colCount()) |
{ |
*iter_boards = temp; |
continue; |
} |
temp = (*iter_boards); |
temp = (*iter_boards); |
temp.shrinkTop(); |
temp.shrinkBottom(); |
temp.shrinkTop(); |
temp.shrinkBottom(); |
temp.growLeft(data,flann_index); |
temp.growRight(data,flann_index); |
temp.grow(data,flann_index); |
if(temp.rowCount()*temp.colCount() > iter_boards->rowCount()*iter_boards->colCount()) |
{ |
*iter_boards = temp; |
continue; |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// check for markers |
if(!iter_boards->isEmpty() && parameters.marker) |
{ |
auto icount = iter_boards->detectMarkers(gray); |
if(3 != icount || !iter_boards->normalizeMarkerOrientation()) |
iter_boards->clear(); |
} |
} |
}); |
// check if a good board was found |
// check if a good board was found and return largest one |
const Board *best_board = NULL; |
for(const auto &board : boards) |
{ |
if(!board.isEmpty()) |
{ |
if(!best_board || best_board->rowCount() * best_board->colCount() < board.colCount()*board.rowCount()) |
best_board = &board; |
} |
} |
if(best_board) |
return *best_board; |
} |
return Chessboard::Board(); |
} |
void Chessboard::detectAndCompute(cv::InputArray image,cv::InputArray mask,std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints, |
cv::OutputArray descriptors,bool useProvidedKeyPoints) |
{ |
descriptors.clear(); |
useProvidedKeyPoints=false; |
std::vector<cv::Mat> maps; |
detectImpl(image.getMat(),keypoints,maps,mask.getMat()); |
if(!useProvidedKeyPoints) // suppress compiler warning |
return; |
return; |
} |
void Chessboard::detectImpl(const Mat& image, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,const Mat& mask)const |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Mat> maps; |
detectImpl(image,keypoints,maps,mask); |
} |
void Chessboard::detectImpl(InputArray image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, InputArray mask)const |
{ |
detectImpl(image.getMat(),keypoints,mask.getMat()); |
} |
}} // end namespace details |
// public API |
bool cv::findChessboardCornersSB(InputArray image_, Size pattern_size, |
OutputArray corners_, int flags, OutputArray meta_) |
{ |
int type = image_.type(), depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type), cn = CV_MAT_CN(type); |
CV_CheckType(type, depth == CV_8U && (cn == 1 || cn == 3), |
"Only 8-bit grayscale or color images are supported"); |
if(pattern_size.width <= 2 || pattern_size.height <= 2) |
{ |
CV_Error(Error::StsOutOfRange, "Both width and height of the pattern should have bigger than 2"); |
} |
if (!corners_.needed()) |
CV_Error(Error::StsNullPtr, "Null pointer to corners"); |
Mat img; |
if (image_.channels() != 1) |
cvtColor(image_, img, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
else |
img = image_.getMat(); |
details::Chessboard::Parameters para; |
para.chessboard_size = pattern_size; |
para.min_scale = 2; |
para.max_scale = 4; |
para.max_tests = 30; |
para.max_points = std::max(100,pattern_size.width*pattern_size.height*2); |
para.super_resolution = false; |
// setup search based on flags |
{ |
Mat tmp; |
cv::equalizeHist(img, tmp); |
swap(img, tmp); |
} |
{ |
para.max_tests = 100; |
para.max_points = std::max(1000,pattern_size.width*pattern_size.height*2); |
} |
if(flags & CALIB_CB_ACCURACY) |
{ |
para.super_resolution = true; |
} |
if(flags & CALIB_CB_LARGER) |
{ |
para.larger = true; |
flags ^= CALIB_CB_LARGER; |
} |
if(flags & CALIB_CB_MARKER) |
{ |
para.marker = true; |
para.max_points *= 4; |
flags ^= CALIB_CB_MARKER; |
} |
if(flags) |
CV_Error(Error::StsOutOfRange, cv::format("Invalid remaining flags %d", (int)flags)); |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> corners; |
details::Chessboard detector(para); |
std::vector<cv::Mat> maps; |
details::Chessboard::Board board = detector.detectImpl(img,maps,cv::Mat()); |
corners = board.getKeyPoints(); |
if(corners.empty()) |
{ |
corners_.release(); |
if(meta_.needed()) |
meta_.release(); |
return false; |
} |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; |
KeyPoint::convert(corners,points); |
Mat(points).copyTo(corners_); |
// export meta data |
if(meta_.needed()) |
{ |
meta_.create(int(board.rowCount()),int(board.colCount()),CV_8UC1); |
cv::Mat meta = meta_.getMat(); |
meta.setTo(cv::Scalar::all(0)); |
for(int row =0;row < meta.rows-1;++row) |
{ |
for(int col=0;col< meta.cols-1;++col) |
{ |
if(board.isCellBlack(row,col)) |
{ |
if(board.hasCellMarker(row,col)) |
meta.at<uint8_t>(row,col) = 3; |
else |
meta.at<uint8_t>(row,col) = 1; |
} |
else |
{ |
if(board.hasCellMarker(row,col)) |
meta.at<uint8_t>(row,col) = 4; // origin |
else |
meta.at<uint8_t>(row,col) = 2; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
// public API |
cv::Scalar cv::estimateChessboardSharpness(InputArray image_, Size patternSize, InputArray corners_, |
float rise_distance,bool vertical, cv::OutputArray sharpness) |
{ |
int type = image_.type(), depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type), cn = CV_MAT_CN(type); |
CV_CheckType(type, depth == CV_8U && (cn == 1 || cn == 3), |
"Only 8-bit grayscale or color images are supported"); |
if(patternSize.width <= 2 || patternSize.height <= 2) |
CV_Error(Error::StsOutOfRange, "Both width and height of the pattern should have bigger than 2"); |
cv::Mat corners = details::normalizeVector(corners_); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; |
corners.reshape(2,corners.rows).convertTo(points,CV_32FC2); |
if(int(points.size()) != patternSize.width * patternSize.height) |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Size mismatch between patternSize and number of provided corners."); |
Mat img; |
if (image_.channels() != 1) |
cvtColor(image_, img, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
else |
img = image_.getMat(); |
details::Chessboard::Board board(patternSize,points); |
return board.calcEdgeSharpness(img,rise_distance,vertical,sharpness); |