mirror of https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git
Open Source Computer Vision Library
133 lines
3.6 KiB
133 lines
3.6 KiB
#! /usr/bin/env octave |
cv; |
highgui; |
global g; |
g.marker_mask = []; |
g.markers = []; |
g.img0 = [] |
g.img = [] |
g.img_gray = [] |
g.wshed = [] |
g.prev_pt = cvPoint(-1,-1); |
function on_mouse( event, x, y, flags, param ) |
global g; |
global cv; |
global highgui; |
if( !swig_this( g.img) ) |
return; |
endif |
if( event == highgui.CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP || ! bitand(flags,highgui.CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON) ) |
g.prev_pt = cvPoint(-1,-1); |
elseif( event == highgui.CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN ) |
g.prev_pt = cvPoint(x,y); |
elseif( event == highgui.CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE && bitand(flags,highgui.CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON) ) |
pt = cvPoint(x,y); |
if( g.prev_pt.x < 0 ) |
g.prev_pt = pt; |
endif |
cvLine( g.marker_mask, g.prev_pt, pt, cvScalarAll(255), 5, 8, 0 ); |
cvLine( g.img, g.prev_pt, pt, cvScalarAll(255), 5, 8, 0 ); |
g.prev_pt = pt; |
cvShowImage( "image", g.img ); |
endif |
endfunction |
filename = "../c/fruits.jpg"; |
if (size(argv, 1)>=1) |
filename = argv(){1}; |
endif |
rng = cvRNG(-1); |
g.img0 = cvLoadImage(filename,1); |
if (!swig_this(g.img0)) |
print "Error opening image '%s'" % filename |
exit(-1) |
endif |
printf("Hot keys:\n"); |
printf("\tESC - quit the program\n"); |
printf("\tr - restore the original image\n"); |
printf("\tw - run watershed algorithm\n"); |
printf("\t (before that, roughly outline several g.markers on the image)\n"); |
cvNamedWindow( "image", 1 ); |
cvNamedWindow( "watershed transform", 1 ); |
g.img = cvCloneImage( g.img0 ); |
g.img_gray = cvCloneImage( g.img0 ); |
g.wshed = cvCloneImage( g.img0 ); |
g.marker_mask = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(g.img), 8, 1 ); |
g.markers = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(g.img), IPL_DEPTH_32S, 1 ); |
cvCvtColor( g.img, g.marker_mask, CV_BGR2GRAY ); |
cvCvtColor( g.marker_mask, g.img_gray, CV_GRAY2BGR ); |
cvZero( g.marker_mask ); |
cvZero( g.wshed ); |
cvShowImage( "image", g.img ); |
cvShowImage( "watershed transform", g.wshed ); |
cvSetMouseCallback( "image", @on_mouse, [] ); |
while (true) |
c = cvWaitKey(0); |
if (c=='\x1b') |
break; |
endif |
if (c == 'r') |
cvZero( g.marker_mask ); |
cvCopy( g.img0, g.img ); |
cvShowImage( "image", g.img ); |
endif |
if (c == 'w') |
storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); |
comp_count = 0; |
##cvSaveImage( "g.wshed_mask.png", g.marker_mask ); |
##g.marker_mask = cvLoadImage( "g.wshed_mask.png", 0 ); |
[nb_cont, contours] = cvFindContours( g.marker_mask, storage, \ |
sizeof_CvContour, \ |
cvZero( g.markers ); |
swig_this(contours) |
while (swig_this(contours)) |
cvDrawContours( g.markers, contours, cvScalarAll(comp_count+1), \ |
cvScalarAll(comp_count+1), -1, -1, 8, cvPoint(0,0) ); |
contours=contours.h_next; |
comp_count+=1; |
endwhile |
comp_count |
color_tab = cvCreateMat( comp_count, 1, CV_8UC3 ); |
for i=0:comp_count-1, |
color_tab(i) = cvScalar( mod(cvRandInt(rng),180) + 50, \ |
mod(cvRandInt(rng),180) + 50, \ |
mod(cvRandInt(rng),180) + 50 ); |
endfor |
t = int32(cvGetTickCount()); |
cvWatershed( g.img0, g.markers ); |
t = int32(cvGetTickCount()) - t; |
##print "exec time = %f" % t/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.) |
cvSet( g.wshed, cvScalarAll(255) ); |
## paint the watershed image |
for j=0:g.markers.height-1, |
for i=0:g.markers.width-1, |
{j,i} |
idx = g.markers({j,i}); |
if (idx==-1) |
continue |
endif |
idx = idx-1; |
g.wshed({j,i}) = color_tab({idx,0}); |
endfor |
endfor |
cvAddWeighted( g.wshed, 0.5, g.img_gray, 0.5, 0, g.wshed ); |
cvShowImage( "watershed transform", g.wshed ); |
cvWaitKey(); |
endif |