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307 lines
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author: |
- Maksym Ivashechkin |
bibliography: 'bibs.bib' |
csl: 'acm-sigchi-proceedings.csl' |
date: August 2020 |
title: 'Google Summer of Code: Improvement of Random Sample Consensus in OpenCV' |
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Contribution |
============ |
The integrated part to OpenCV `calib3d` module is RANSAC-based universal |
framework USAC (`namespace usac`) written in C++. The framework includes |
different state-of-the-arts methods for sampling, verification or local |
optimization. The main advantage of the framework is its independence to |
any estimation problem and modular structure. Therefore, new solvers or |
methods can be added/removed easily. So far it includes the following |
components: |
1. Sampling method: |
1. Uniform – standard RANSAC sampling proposed in \[8\] which draw |
minimal subset independently uniformly at random. *The default |
option in proposed framework*. |
2. PROSAC – method \[4\] that assumes input data points sorted by |
quality so sampling can start from the most promising points. |
Correspondences for this method can be sorted e.g., by ratio of |
descriptor distances of the best to second match obtained from |
SIFT detector. *This is method is recommended to use because it |
can find good model and terminate much earlier*. |
3. NAPSAC – sampling method \[10\] which takes initial point |
uniformly at random and the rest of points for minimal sample in |
the neighborhood of initial point. This is method can be |
potentially useful when models are localized. For example, for |
plane fitting. However, in practise struggles from degenerate |
issues and defining optimal neighborhood size. |
4. Progressive-NAPSAC – sampler \[2\] which is similar to NAPSAC, |
although it starts from local and gradually converges to |
global sampling. This method can be quite useful if local models |
are expected but distribution of data can be arbitrary. The |
implemented version assumes data points to be sorted by quality |
as in PROSAC. |
2. Score Method. USAC as well as standard RANSAC finds model which |
minimizes total loss. Loss can be represented by following |
functions: |
1. RANSAC – binary 0 / 1 loss. 1 for outlier, 0 for inlier. *Good |
option if the goal is to find as many inliers as possible.* |
2. MSAC – truncated squared error distance of point to model. *The |
default option in framework*. The model might not have as many |
inliers as using RANSAC score, however will be more accurate. |
3. MAGSAC – threshold-free method \[3\] to compute score. Using, |
although, maximum sigma (standard deviation of noise) level to |
marginalize residual of point over sigma. Score of the point |
represents likelihood of point being inlier. *Recommended option |
when image noise is unknown since method does not require |
threshold*. However, it is still recommended to provide at least |
approximated threshold, because termination itself is based on |
number of points which error is less than threshold. By giving 0 |
threshold the method will output model after maximum number of |
iterations reached. |
4. LMeds – the least median of squared error distances. In the |
framework finding median is efficiently implement with $O(n)$ |
complexity using quick-sort algorithm. Note, LMeds does not have |
to work properly when inlier ratio is less than 50%, in other |
cases this method is robust and does not require threshold. |
3. Error metric which describes error distance of point to |
estimated model. |
1. Re-projection distance – used for affine, homography and |
projection matrices. For homography also symmetric re-projection |
distance can be used. |
2. Sampson distance – used for Fundamental matrix. |
3. Symmetric Geometric distance – used for Essential matrix. |
4. Degeneracy: |
1. DEGENSAC – method \[7\] which for Fundamental matrix estimation |
efficiently verifies and recovers model which has at least 5 |
points in minimal sample lying on the dominant plane. |
2. Collinearity test – for affine and homography matrix estimation |
checks if no 3 points lying on the line. For homography matrix |
since points are planar is applied test which checks if points |
in minimal sample lie on the same side w.r.t. to any line |
crossing any two points in sample (does not assume reflection). |
3. Oriented epipolar constraint – method \[6\] for epipolar |
geometry which verifies model (fundamental and essential matrix) |
to have points visible in the front of the camera. |
5. SPRT verification – method \[9\] which verifies model by its |
evaluation on randomly shuffled points using statistical properties |
given by probability of inlier, relative time for estimation, |
average number of output models etc. Significantly speeding up |
framework, because bad model can be rejected very quickly without |
explicitly computing error for every point. |
6. Local Optimization: |
1. Locally Optimized RANSAC – method \[5\] that iteratively |
improves so-far-the-best model by non-minimal estimation. *The |
default option in framework. This procedure is the fastest and |
not worse than others local optimization methods.* |
2. Graph-Cut RANSAC – method \[1\] that refine so-far-the-best |
model, however, it exploits spatial coherence of the |
data points. *This procedure is quite precise however |
computationally slower.* |
3. Sigma Consensus – method \[3\] which improves model by applying |
non-minimal weighted estimation, where weights are computed with |
the same logic as in MAGSAC score. This method is better to use |
together with MAGSAC score. |
7. Termination: |
1. Standard – standard equation for independent and |
uniform sampling. |
2. PROSAC – termination for PROSAC. |
3. SPRT – termination for SPRT. |
8. Solver. In the framework there are minimal and non-minimal solvers. |
In minimal solver standard methods for estimation is applied. In |
non-minimal solver usually the covariance matrix is built and the |
model is found as the eigen vector corresponding to the highest |
eigen value. |
1. Affine2D matrix |
2. Homography matrix – for minimal solver is used RHO |
(Gaussian elimination) algorithm from OpenCV. |
3. Fundamental matrix – for 7-points algorithm two null vectors are |
found using Gaussian elimination (eliminating to upper |
triangular matrix and back-substitution) instead of SVD and then |
solving 3-degrees polynomial. For 8-points solver Gaussian |
elimination is used too. |
4. Essential matrix – 4 null vectors are found using |
Gaussian elimination. Then the solver based on Gröbner basis |
described in \[11\] is used. Essential matrix can be computed |
only if <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">LAPACK</span> or |
<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Eigen</span> are |
installed as it requires eigen decomposition with complex |
eigen values. |
5. Perspective-n-Point – the minimal solver is classical 3 points |
with up to 4 solutions. For RANSAC the low number of sample size |
plays significant role as it requires less iterations, |
furthermore in average P3P solver has around 1.39 |
estimated models. Also, in new version of `solvePnPRansac(...)` |
with `UsacParams` there is an options to pass empty intrinsic |
matrix `InputOutputArray cameraMatrix`. If matrix is empty than |
using Direct Linear Transformation algorithm (PnP with 6 points) |
framework outputs not only rotation and translation vector but |
also calibration matrix. |
Also, the framework can be run in parallel. The parallelization is done |
in the way that multiple RANSACs are created and they share two atomic |
variables `bool success` and `int num_hypothesis_tested` which |
determines when all RANSACs must terminate. If one of RANSAC terminated |
successfully then all other RANSAC will terminate as well. In the end |
the best model is synchronized from all threads. If PROSAC sampler is |
used then threads must share the same sampler since sampling is done |
sequentially. However, using default options of framework parallel |
RANSAC is not deterministic since it depends on how often each thread is |
running. The easiest way to make it deterministic is using PROSAC |
sampler without SPRT and Local Optimization and not for Fundamental |
matrix, because they internally use random generators.\ |
\ |
For NAPSAC, Progressive NAPSAC or Graph-Cut methods is required to build |
a neighborhood graph. In framework there are 3 options to do it: |
1. `NEIGH_FLANN_KNN` – estimate neighborhood graph using OpenCV FLANN |
K nearest-neighbors. The default value for KNN is 7. KNN method may |
work good for sampling but not good for GC-RANSAC. |
2. `NEIGH_FLANN_RADIUS` – similarly as in previous case finds neighbor |
points which distance is less than 20 pixels. |
3. `NEIGH_GRID` – for finding points’ neighborhood tiles points in |
cells using hash-table. The method is described in \[2\]. Less |
accurate than `NEIGH_FLANN_RADIUS`, although significantly faster. |
Note, `NEIGH_FLANN_RADIUS` and `NEIGH_FLANN_RADIUS` are not able to PnP |
solver, since there are 3D object points.\ |
\ |
New flags: |
1. `USAC_DEFAULT` – has standard LO-RANSAC. |
2. `USAC_PARALLEL` – has LO-RANSAC and RANSACs run in parallel. |
4. `USAC_FAST` – has LO-RANSAC with smaller number iterations in local |
optimization step. Uses RANSAC score to maximize number of inliers |
and terminate earlier. |
5. `USAC_PROSAC` – has PROSAC sampling. Note, points must be sorted. |
6. `USAC_FM_8PTS` – has LO-RANSAC. Only valid for Fundamental matrix |
with 8-points solver. |
7. `USAC_MAGSAC` – has MAGSAC++. |
Every flag uses SPRT verification. And in the end the final |
so-far-the-best model is polished by non minimal estimation of all found |
inliers.\ |
\ |
A few other important parameters: |
1. `randomGeneratorState` – since every USAC solver is deterministic in |
OpenCV (i.e., for the same points and parameters returns the |
same result) by providing new state it will output new model. |
2. `loIterations` – number of iterations for Local Optimization method. |
*The default value is 10*. By increasing `loIterations` the output |
model could be more accurate, however, the computationial time may |
also increase. |
3. `loSampleSize` – maximum sample number for Local Optimization. *The |
default value is 14*. Note, that by increasing `loSampleSize` the |
accuracy of model can increase as well as the computational time. |
However, it is recommended to keep value less than 100, because |
estimation on low number of points is faster and more robust. |
Samples: |
There are three new sample files in opencv/samples directory. |
1. `epipolar_lines.cpp` – input arguments of `main` function are two |
pathes to images. Then correspondences are found using |
SIFT detector. Fundamental matrix is found using RANSAC from |
tentaive correspondences and epipolar lines are plot. |
2. `essential_mat_reconstr.cpp` – input arguments are path to data file |
containing image names and single intrinsic matrix and directory |
where these images located. Correspondences are found using SIFT. |
The essential matrix is estimated using RANSAC and decomposed to |
rotation and translation. Then by building two relative poses with |
projection matrices image points are triangulated to object points. |
By running RANSAC with 3D plane fitting object points as well as |
correspondences are clustered into planes. |
3. `` – the same functionality as in .cpp |
file, however instead of clustering points to plane the 3D map of |
object points is plot. |
References: |
1\. Daniel Barath and Jiří Matas. 2018. Graph-Cut RANSAC. In *Proceedings |
of the iEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition*, |
6733–6741. |
2\. Daniel Barath, Maksym Ivashechkin, and Jiri Matas. 2019. Progressive |
NAPSAC: Sampling from gradually growing neighborhoods. *arXiv preprint |
arXiv:1906.02295*. |
3\. Daniel Barath, Jana Noskova, Maksym Ivashechkin, and Jiri Matas. |
2020. MAGSAC++, a fast, reliable and accurate robust estimator. In |
*Proceedings of the iEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern |
recognition (cVPR)*. |
4\. O. Chum and J. Matas. 2005. Matching with PROSAC-progressive sample |
consensus. In *Computer vision and pattern recognition*. |
5\. O. Chum, J. Matas, and J. Kittler. 2003. Locally optimized RANSAC. In |
*Joint pattern recognition symposium*. |
6\. O. Chum, T. Werner, and J. Matas. 2004. Epipolar geometry estimation |
via RANSAC benefits from the oriented epipolar constraint. In |
*International conference on pattern recognition*. |
7\. Ondrej Chum, Tomas Werner, and Jiri Matas. 2005. Two-view geometry |
estimation unaffected by a dominant plane. In *2005 iEEE computer |
society conference on computer vision and pattern recognition |
(cVPR’05)*, 772–779. |
8\. M. A. Fischler and R. C. Bolles. 1981. Random sample consensus: A |
paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and |
automated cartography. *Communications of the ACM*. |
9\. Jiri Matas and Ondrej Chum. 2005. Randomized RANSAC with sequential |
probability ratio test. In *Tenth iEEE international conference on |
computer vision (iCCV’05) volume 1*, 1727–1732. |
10\. D. R. Myatt, P. H. S. Torr, S. J. Nasuto, J. M. Bishop, and R. |
Craddock. 2002. NAPSAC: High noise, high dimensional robust estimation. |
In *In bMVC02*, 458–467. |
11\. Henrik Stewénius, Christopher Engels, and David Nistér. 2006. Recent |
developments on direct relative orientation.