Open Source Computer Vision Library

123 lines
6.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
This script builds OpenCV into an xcframework compatible with the platforms
of your choice. Just run it and grab a snack; you'll be waiting a while.
import sys, os, argparse, pathlib, traceback
from cv_build_utils import execute, print_error, print_header, get_xcode_version, get_cmake_version
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Check for dependencies
assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6), f"Python 3.6 or later is required! Current version is {sys.version_info}"
# Need CMake 3.18.5/3.19 or later for a Silicon-related fix to building for the iOS Simulator.
# See for context.
assert get_cmake_version() >= (3, 18, 5), f"CMake 3.18.5 or later is required. Current version is {get_cmake_version()}"
# Need Xcode 12.2 for Apple Silicon support
assert get_xcode_version() >= (12, 2), f"Xcode 12.2 command line tools or later are required! Current version is {get_xcode_version()}. \
Run xcode-select to switch if you have multiple Xcode installs."
# Parse arguments
description = """
This script builds OpenCV into an xcframework supporting the Apple platforms of your choice.
epilog = """
Any arguments that are not recognized by this script are passed through to the ios/osx scripts.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog)
parser.add_argument('out', metavar='OUTDIR', help='The directory where the xcframework will be created')
parser.add_argument('--framework_name', default='opencv2', help='Name of OpenCV xcframework (default: opencv2, will change to OpenCV in future version)')
parser.add_argument('--iphoneos_archs', default=None, help='select iPhoneOS target ARCHS. Default is "armv7,arm64"')
parser.add_argument('--iphonesimulator_archs', default=None, help='select iPhoneSimulator target ARCHS. Default is "x86_64,arm64"')
parser.add_argument('--macos_archs', default=None, help='Select MacOS ARCHS. Default is "x86_64,arm64"')
parser.add_argument('--catalyst_archs', default=None, help='Select Catalyst ARCHS. Default is "x86_64,arm64"')
parser.add_argument('--build_only_specified_archs', default=False, action='store_true', help='if enabled, only directly specified archs are built and defaults are ignored')
args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args()
if unknown_args:
print(f"The following args are not recognized by this script and will be passed through to the ios/osx scripts: {unknown_args}")
# Parse architectures from args
iphoneos_archs = args.iphoneos_archs
if not iphoneos_archs and not args.build_only_specified_archs:
# Supply defaults
iphoneos_archs = "armv7,arm64"
print(f'Using iPhoneOS ARCHS={iphoneos_archs}')
iphonesimulator_archs = args.iphonesimulator_archs
if not iphonesimulator_archs and not args.build_only_specified_archs:
# Supply defaults
iphonesimulator_archs = "x86_64,arm64"
print(f'Using iPhoneSimulator ARCHS={iphonesimulator_archs}')
macos_archs = args.macos_archs
if not macos_archs and not args.build_only_specified_archs:
# Supply defaults
macos_archs = "x86_64,arm64"
print(f'Using MacOS ARCHS={macos_archs}')
catalyst_archs = args.macos_archs
if not catalyst_archs and not args.build_only_specified_archs:
# Supply defaults
catalyst_archs = "x86_64,arm64"
print(f'Using Catalyst ARCHS={catalyst_archs}')
# Build phase
# Build .frameworks for each platform
osx_script_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))+'/../osx/')
ios_script_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))+'/../ios/')
build_folders = []
def get_or_create_build_folder(base_dir, platform):
build_folder = f"./{base_dir}/{platform}".replace(" ", "\\ ") # Escape spaces in output path
pathlib.Path(build_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
return build_folder
if iphoneos_archs:
build_folder = get_or_create_build_folder(args.out, "iphoneos")
command = ["python3", ios_script_path, "--iphoneos_archs", iphoneos_archs, "--framework_name", args.framework_name, "--build_only_specified_archs", build_folder] + unknown_args
print_header("Building iPhoneOS frameworks")
execute(command, cwd=os.getcwd())
if iphonesimulator_archs:
build_folder = get_or_create_build_folder(args.out, "iphonesimulator")
command = ["python3", ios_script_path, "--iphonesimulator_archs", iphonesimulator_archs, "--framework_name", args.framework_name, "--build_only_specified_archs", build_folder] + unknown_args
print_header("Building iPhoneSimulator frameworks")
execute(command, cwd=os.getcwd())
if macos_archs:
build_folder = get_or_create_build_folder(args.out, "macos")
command = ["python3", osx_script_path, "--macos_archs", macos_archs, "--framework_name", args.framework_name, "--build_only_specified_archs", build_folder] + unknown_args
print_header("Building MacOS frameworks")
execute(command, cwd=os.getcwd())
if catalyst_archs:
build_folder = get_or_create_build_folder(args.out, "catalyst")
command = ["python3", osx_script_path, "--catalyst_archs", catalyst_archs, "--framework_name", args.framework_name, "--build_only_specified_archs", build_folder] + unknown_args
print_header("Building Catalyst frameworks")
execute(command, cwd=os.getcwd())
# Put all the built .frameworks together into a .xcframework
print_header("Building xcframework")
xcframework_build_command = [
for folder in build_folders:
xcframework_build_command += ["-framework", f"{folder}/{args.framework_name}.framework"]
execute(xcframework_build_command, cwd=os.getcwd())
print_header(f"Finished building {args.out}/{args.framework_name}.xcframework")
except Exception as e: