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// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) 2008-2013, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
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#include "test_precomp.hpp"
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::viz;
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_cloud_bluberry)
Mat dragon_cloud = readCloud(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0));
Viz3d viz("show_cloud_bluberry");
viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem());
viz.showWidget("dragon", WCloud(dragon_cloud, Color::bluberry()), pose);
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_cloud_random_color)
Mat dragon_cloud = readCloud(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
Mat colors(dragon_cloud.size(), CV_8UC3);
theRNG().fill(colors, RNG::UNIFORM, 0, 255);
Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0));
Viz3d viz("show_cloud_random_color");
viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem());
viz.showWidget("dragon", WCloud(dragon_cloud, colors), pose);
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_cloud_masked)
Mat dragon_cloud = readCloud(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
Vec3f qnan = Vec3f::all(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
for(size_t i = 0; i <; ++i)
if (i % 15 != 0)<Vec3f>(i) = qnan;
Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0));
Viz3d viz("show_cloud_masked");
viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem());
viz.showWidget("dragon", WCloud(dragon_cloud), pose);
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_cloud_collection)
Mat cloud = readCloud(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
WCloudCollection ccol;
ccol.addCloud(cloud, Color::white(), Affine3d().translate(Vec3d(0, 0, 0)).rotate(Vec3d(1.57, 0, 0)));
ccol.addCloud(cloud, Color::blue(), Affine3d().translate(Vec3d(1, 0, 0)));
ccol.addCloud(cloud, Color::red(), Affine3d().translate(Vec3d(2, 0, 0)));
Viz3d viz("show_cloud_collection");
viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem());
viz.showWidget("ccol", ccol);
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_mesh)
Mesh mesh = Mesh::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0));
Viz3d viz("show_mesh");
viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem());
viz.showWidget("mesh", WMesh(mesh), pose);
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_mesh_random_colors)
Mesh mesh = Mesh::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
theRNG().fill(mesh.colors, RNG::UNIFORM, 0, 255);
Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0));
Viz3d viz("show_mesh_random_color");
viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem());
viz.showWidget("mesh", WMesh(mesh), pose);
viz.setRenderingProperty("mesh", SHADING, SHADING_PHONG);
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_polyline)
Mat polyline(1, 32, CV_64FC3);
for(size_t i = 0; i <; ++i)<Vec3d>(i) = Vec3d(i/16.0, cos(i * CV_PI/6), sin(i * CV_PI/6));
Viz3d viz("show_polyline");
viz.showWidget("polyline", WPolyLine(Mat(polyline), Color::apricot()));
viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem());
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_sampled_normals)
Mesh mesh = Mesh::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
computeNormals(mesh, mesh.normals);
Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0));
Viz3d viz("show_sampled_normals");
viz.showWidget("mesh", WMesh(mesh), pose);
viz.showWidget("normals", WCloudNormals(, mesh.normals, 30, 0.1f, Color::green()), pose);
viz.setRenderingProperty("normals", LINE_WIDTH, 2.0);
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_trajectories)
std::vector<Affine3d> path = generate_test_trajectory<double>(), sub0, sub1, sub2, sub3, sub4, sub5;
Mat(path).rowRange(0, path.size()/10+1).copyTo(sub0);
Mat(path).rowRange(path.size()/10, path.size()/5+1).copyTo(sub1);
Mat(path).rowRange(path.size()/5, 11*path.size()/12).copyTo(sub2);
Mat(path).rowRange(11*path.size()/12, path.size()).copyTo(sub3);
Mat(path).rowRange(3*path.size()/4, 33*path.size()/40).copyTo(sub4);
Mat(path).rowRange(33*path.size()/40, 9*path.size()/10).copyTo(sub5);
Matx33d K(1024.0, 0.0, 320.0, 0.0, 1024.0, 240.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
Viz3d viz("show_trajectories");
viz.showWidget("coos", WCoordinateSystem());
viz.showWidget("sub0", WTrajectorySpheres(sub0, 0.25, 0.07));
viz.showWidget("sub1", WTrajectory(sub1, WTrajectory::PATH, 0.2, Color::brown()));
viz.showWidget("sub2", WTrajectory(sub2, WTrajectory::FRAMES, 0.2));
viz.showWidget("sub3", WTrajectory(sub3, WTrajectory::BOTH, 0.2, Color::green()));
viz.showWidget("sub4", WTrajectoryFrustums(sub4, K, 0.3));
viz.showWidget("sub5", WTrajectoryFrustums(sub5, Vec2d(0.78, 0.78), 0.15));
int i = 0;
double a = --i % 360;
Vec3d pose(sin(a * CV_PI/180), 0.7, cos(a * CV_PI/180));
viz.setViewerPose(makeCameraPose(pose * 7.5, Vec3d(0.0, 0.5, 0.0), Vec3d(0.0, 0.1, 0.0)));
viz.spinOnce(20, true);
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_trajectory_reposition)
std::vector<Affine3f> path = generate_test_trajectory<float>();
Viz3d viz("show_trajectory_reposition_to_origin");
viz.showWidget("coos", WCoordinateSystem());
viz.showWidget("sub3", WTrajectory(Mat(path).rowRange(0, path.size()/3), WTrajectory::BOTH, 0.2, Color::brown()), path.front().inv());
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_spin_twice_____________________________TODO_UI_BUG)
Mesh mesh = Mesh::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
Viz3d viz("spin_twice");
viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem());
viz.showWidget("mesh", WMesh(mesh));