Open Source Computer Vision Library
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Viz |
=== |
.. highlight:: cpp |
This section describes 3D visualization window as well as classes and methods |
that are used to interact with it. |
3D visualization window (see :ocv:class:`Viz3d`) is used to display widgets (see :ocv:class:`Widget`), and it provides |
several methods to interact with scene and widgets. |
viz::makeTransformToGlobal |
-------------------------- |
Takes coordinate frame data and builds transform to global coordinate frame. |
.. ocv:function:: Affine3d viz::makeTransformToGlobal(const Vec3f& axis_x, const Vec3f& axis_y, const Vec3f& axis_z, const Vec3f& origin = Vec3f::all(0)) |
:param axis_x: X axis vector in global coordinate frame. |
:param axis_y: Y axis vector in global coordinate frame. |
:param axis_z: Z axis vector in global coordinate frame. |
:param origin: Origin of the coordinate frame in global coordinate frame. |
This function returns affine transform that describes transformation between global coordinate frame and a given coordinate frame. |
viz::makeCameraPose |
------------------- |
Constructs camera pose from position, focal_point and up_vector (see gluLookAt() for more infromation). |
.. ocv:function:: Affine3d makeCameraPose(const Vec3f& position, const Vec3f& focal_point, const Vec3f& y_dir) |
:param position: Position of the camera in global coordinate frame. |
:param focal_point: Focal point of the camera in global coordinate frame. |
:param y_dir: Up vector of the camera in global coordinate frame. |
This function returns pose of the camera in global coordinate frame. |
viz::getWindowByName |
-------- |
Retrieves a window by its name. |
.. ocv:function:: Viz3d getWindowByName(const String &window_name) |
:param window_name: Name of the window that is to be retrieved. |
This function returns a :ocv:class:`Viz3d` object with the given name. |
.. note:: If the window with that name already exists, that window is returned. Otherwise, new window is created with the given name, and it is returned. |
.. note:: Window names are automatically prefixed by "Viz - " if it is not done by the user. |
.. code-block:: cpp |
/// window and window_2 are the same windows. |
viz::Viz3d window = viz::getWindowByName("myWindow"); |
viz::Viz3d window_2 = viz::getWindowByName("Viz - myWindow"); |
viz::isNan |
---------- |
Checks **float/double** value for nan. |
.. ocv:function:: bool isNan(float x) |
.. ocv:function:: bool isNan(double x) |
:param x: return true if nan. |
Checks **vector** for nan. |
.. ocv:function:: bool isNan(const Vec<_Tp, cn>& v) |
:param v: return true if **any** of the elements of the vector is *nan*. |
Checks **point** for nan |
.. ocv:function:: bool isNan(const Point3_<_Tp>& p) |
:param p: return true if **any** of the elements of the point is *nan*. |
viz::Viz3d |
---------- |
.. ocv:class:: Viz3d |
The Viz3d class represents a 3D visualizer window. This class is implicitly shared. :: |
class CV_EXPORTS Viz3d |
{ |
public: |
typedef cv::Ptr<Viz3d> Ptr; |
typedef void (*KeyboardCallback)(const KeyboardEvent&, void*); |
typedef void (*MouseCallback)(const MouseEvent&, void*); |
Viz3d(const String& window_name = String()); |
Viz3d(const Viz3d&); |
Viz3d& operator=(const Viz3d&); |
~Viz3d(); |
void showWidget(const String &id, const Widget &widget, const Affine3d &pose = Affine3d::Identity()); |
void removeWidget(const String &id); |
Widget getWidget(const String &id) const; |
void removeAllWidgets(); |
void setWidgetPose(const String &id, const Affine3d &pose); |
void updateWidgetPose(const String &id, const Affine3d &pose); |
Affine3d getWidgetPose(const String &id) const; |
void setCamera(const Camera &camera); |
Camera getCamera() const; |
Affine3d getViewerPose(); |
void setViewerPose(const Affine3d &pose); |
void resetCameraViewpoint (const String &id); |
void resetCamera(); |
void convertToWindowCoordinates(const Point3d &pt, Point3d &window_coord); |
void converTo3DRay(const Point3d &window_coord, Point3d &origin, Vec3d &direction); |
Size getWindowSize() const; |
void setWindowSize(const Size &window_size); |
String getWindowName() const; |
void saveScreenshot (const String &file); |
void setWindowPosition (int x, int y); |
void setFullScreen (bool mode); |
void setBackgroundColor(const Color& color = Color::black()); |
void spin(); |
void spinOnce(int time = 1, bool force_redraw = false); |
bool wasStopped() const; |
void registerKeyboardCallback(KeyboardCallback callback, void* cookie = 0); |
void registerMouseCallback(MouseCallback callback, void* cookie = 0); |
void setRenderingProperty(const String &id, int property, double value); |
double getRenderingProperty(const String &id, int property); |
void setDesiredUpdateRate(double rate); |
double getDesiredUpdateRate(); |
void setRepresentation(int representation); |
private: |
/* hidden */ |
}; |
viz::Viz3d::Viz3d |
----------------- |
The constructors. |
.. ocv:function:: Viz3d::Viz3d(const String& window_name = String()) |
:param window_name: Name of the window. |
viz::Viz3d::showWidget |
---------------------- |
Shows a widget in the window. |
.. ocv:function:: void Viz3d::showWidget(const String &id, const Widget &widget, const Affine3d &pose = Affine3d::Identity()) |
:param id: A unique id for the widget. |
:param widget: The widget to be displayed in the window. |
:param pose: Pose of the widget. |
viz::Viz3d::removeWidget |
------------------------ |
Removes a widget from the window. |
.. ocv:function:: void removeWidget(const String &id) |
:param id: The id of the widget that will be removed. |
viz::Viz3d::getWidget |
--------------------- |
Retrieves a widget from the window. A widget is implicitly shared; |
that is, if the returned widget is modified, the changes will be |
immediately visible in the window. |
.. ocv:function:: Widget getWidget(const String &id) const |
:param id: The id of the widget that will be returned. |
viz::Viz3d::removeAllWidgets |
---------------------------- |
Removes all widgets from the window. |
.. ocv:function:: void removeAllWidgets() |
viz::Viz3d::setWidgetPose |
------------------------- |
Sets pose of a widget in the window. |
.. ocv:function:: void setWidgetPose(const String &id, const Affine3d &pose) |
:param id: The id of the widget whose pose will be set. |
:param pose: The new pose of the widget. |
viz::Viz3d::updateWidgetPose |
---------------------------- |
Updates pose of a widget in the window by pre-multiplying its current pose. |
.. ocv:function:: void updateWidgetPose(const String &id, const Affine3d &pose) |
:param id: The id of the widget whose pose will be updated. |
:param pose: The pose that the current pose of the widget will be pre-multiplied by. |
viz::Viz3d::getWidgetPose |
------------------------- |
Returns the current pose of a widget in the window. |
.. ocv:function:: Affine3d getWidgetPose(const String &id) const |
:param id: The id of the widget whose pose will be returned. |
viz::Viz3d::setCamera |
--------------------- |
Sets the intrinsic parameters of the viewer using Camera. |
.. ocv:function:: void setCamera(const Camera &camera) |
:param camera: Camera object wrapping intrinsinc parameters. |
viz::Viz3d::getCamera |
--------------------- |
Returns a camera object that contains intrinsic parameters of the current viewer. |
.. ocv:function:: Camera getCamera() const |
viz::Viz3d::getViewerPose |
------------------------- |
Returns the current pose of the viewer. |
..ocv:function:: Affine3d getViewerPose() |
viz::Viz3d::setViewerPose |
------------------------- |
Sets pose of the viewer. |
.. ocv:function:: void setViewerPose(const Affine3d &pose) |
:param pose: The new pose of the viewer. |
viz::Viz3d::resetCameraViewpoint |
-------------------------------- |
Resets camera viewpoint to a 3D widget in the scene. |
.. ocv:function:: void resetCameraViewpoint (const String &id) |
:param pose: Id of a 3D widget. |
viz::Viz3d::resetCamera |
----------------------- |
Resets camera. |
.. ocv:function:: void resetCamera() |
viz::Viz3d::convertToWindowCoordinates |
-------------------------------------- |
Transforms a point in world coordinate system to window coordinate system. |
.. ocv:function:: void convertToWindowCoordinates(const Point3d &pt, Point3d &window_coord) |
:param pt: Point in world coordinate system. |
:param window_coord: Output point in window coordinate system. |
viz::Viz3d::converTo3DRay |
------------------------- |
Transforms a point in window coordinate system to a 3D ray in world coordinate system. |
.. ocv:function:: void converTo3DRay(const Point3d &window_coord, Point3d &origin, Vec3d &direction) |
:param window_coord: Point in window coordinate system. |
:param origin: Output origin of the ray. |
:param direction: Output direction of the ray. |
viz::Viz3d::getWindowSize |
------------------------- |
Returns the current size of the window. |
.. ocv:function:: Size getWindowSize() const |
viz::Viz3d::setWindowSize |
------------------------- |
Sets the size of the window. |
.. ocv:function:: void setWindowSize(const Size &window_size) |
:param window_size: New size of the window. |
viz::Viz3d::getWindowName |
------------------------- |
Returns the name of the window which has been set in the constructor. |
.. ocv:function:: String getWindowName() const |
viz::Viz3d::saveScreenshot |
-------------------------- |
Saves screenshot of the current scene. |
.. ocv:function:: void saveScreenshot(const String &file) |
:param file: Name of the file. |
viz::Viz3d::setWindowPosition |
----------------------------- |
Sets the position of the window in the screen. |
.. ocv:function:: void setWindowPosition(int x, int y) |
:param x: x coordinate of the window |
:param y: y coordinate of the window |
viz::Viz3d::setFullScreen |
------------------------- |
Sets or unsets full-screen rendering mode. |
.. ocv:function:: void setFullScreen(bool mode) |
:param mode: If true, window will use full-screen mode. |
viz::Viz3d::setBackgroundColor |
------------------------------ |
Sets background color. |
.. ocv:function:: void setBackgroundColor(const Color& color = Color::black()) |
viz::Viz3d::spin |
---------------- |
The window renders and starts the event loop. |
.. ocv:function:: void spin() |
viz::Viz3d::spinOnce |
-------------------- |
Starts the event loop for a given time. |
.. ocv:function:: void spinOnce(int time = 1, bool force_redraw = false) |
:param time: Amount of time in milliseconds for the event loop to keep running. |
:param force_draw: If true, window renders. |
viz::Viz3d::wasStopped |
---------------------- |
Returns whether the event loop has been stopped. |
.. ocv:function:: bool wasStopped() |
viz::Viz3d::registerKeyboardCallback |
------------------------------------ |
Sets keyboard handler. |
.. ocv:function:: void registerKeyboardCallback(KeyboardCallback callback, void* cookie = 0) |
:param callback: Keyboard callback ``(void (*KeyboardCallbackFunction(const KeyboardEvent&, void*))``. |
:param cookie: The optional parameter passed to the callback. |
viz::Viz3d::registerMouseCallback |
--------------------------------- |
Sets mouse handler. |
.. ocv:function:: void registerMouseCallback(MouseCallback callback, void* cookie = 0) |
:param callback: Mouse callback ``(void (*MouseCallback)(const MouseEvent&, void*))``. |
:param cookie: The optional parameter passed to the callback. |
viz::Viz3d::setRenderingProperty |
-------------------------------- |
Sets rendering property of a widget. |
.. ocv:function:: void setRenderingProperty(const String &id, int property, double value) |
:param id: Id of the widget. |
:param property: Property that will be modified. |
:param value: The new value of the property. |
**Rendering property** can be one of the following: |
* **POINT_SIZE** |
* **OPACITY** |
* **LINE_WIDTH** |
* **FONT_SIZE** |
* **REPRESENTATION**: Expected values are |
* Turn on immediate rendering by setting the value to ``1``. |
* Turn off immediate rendering by setting the value to ``0``. |
* **SHADING**: Expected values are |
viz::Viz3d::getRenderingProperty |
-------------------------------- |
Returns rendering property of a widget. |
.. ocv:function:: double getRenderingProperty(const String &id, int property) |
:param id: Id of the widget. |
:param property: Property. |
**Rendering property** can be one of the following: |
* **POINT_SIZE** |
* **OPACITY** |
* **LINE_WIDTH** |
* **FONT_SIZE** |
* **REPRESENTATION**: Expected values are |
* Turn on immediate rendering by setting the value to ``1``. |
* Turn off immediate rendering by setting the value to ``0``. |
* **SHADING**: Expected values are |
viz::Viz3d::setDesiredUpdateRate |
-------------------------------- |
Sets desired update rate of the window. |
.. ocv:function:: void setDesiredUpdateRate(double rate) |
:param rate: Desired update rate. The default is 30. |
viz::Viz3d::getDesiredUpdateRate |
-------------------------------- |
Returns desired update rate of the window. |
.. ocv:function:: double getDesiredUpdateRate() |
viz::Viz3d::setRepresentation |
----------------------------- |
Sets geometry representation of the widgets to surface, wireframe or points. |
.. ocv:function:: void setRepresentation(int representation) |
:param representation: Geometry representation which can be one of the following: |
viz::Color |
---------- |
.. ocv:class:: Color |
This class a represents BGR color. :: |
class CV_EXPORTS Color : public Scalar |
{ |
public: |
Color(); |
Color(double gray); |
Color(double blue, double green, double red); |
Color(const Scalar& color); |
static Color black(); |
static Color blue(); |
static Color green(); |
static Color cyan(); |
static Color red(); |
static Color magenta(); |
static Color yellow(); |
static Color white(); |
static Color gray(); |
}; |
viz::Mesh |
----------- |
.. ocv:class:: Mesh |
This class wraps mesh attributes, and it can load a mesh from a ``ply`` file. :: |
class CV_EXPORTS Mesh |
{ |
public: |
Mat cloud, colors, normals; |
//! Raw integer list of the form: (n,id1,id2,...,idn, n,id1,id2,...,idn, ...) |
//! where n is the number of points in the poligon, and id is a zero-offset index into an associated cloud. |
Mat polygons; |
//! Loads mesh from a given ply file |
static Mesh load(const String& file); |
}; |
viz::Mesh::load |
--------------------- |
Loads a mesh from a ``ply`` file. |
.. ocv:function:: static Mesh load(const String& file) |
:param file: File name (for no only PLY is supported) |
viz::KeyboardEvent |
------------------ |
.. ocv:class:: KeyboardEvent |
This class represents a keyboard event. :: |
class CV_EXPORTS KeyboardEvent |
{ |
public: |
enum { ALT = 1, CTRL = 2, SHIFT = 4 }; |
enum Action { KEY_UP = 0, KEY_DOWN = 1 }; |
KeyboardEvent(Action action, const String& symbol, unsigned char code, int modifiers); |
Action action; |
String symbol; |
unsigned char code; |
int modifiers; |
}; |
viz::KeyboardEvent::KeyboardEvent |
--------------------------------- |
Constructs a KeyboardEvent. |
.. ocv:function:: KeyboardEvent (Action action, const String& symbol, unsigned char code, Modifiers modifiers) |
:param action: Signals if key is pressed or released. |
:param symbol: Name of the key. |
:param code: Code of the key. |
:param modifiers: Signals if ``alt``, ``ctrl`` or ``shift`` are pressed or their combination. |
viz::MouseEvent |
--------------- |
.. ocv:class:: MouseEvent |
This class represents a mouse event. :: |
class CV_EXPORTS MouseEvent |
{ |
public: |
enum Type { MouseMove = 1, MouseButtonPress, MouseButtonRelease, MouseScrollDown, MouseScrollUp, MouseDblClick } ; |
enum MouseButton { NoButton = 0, LeftButton, MiddleButton, RightButton, VScroll } ; |
MouseEvent(const Type& type, const MouseButton& button, const Point& pointer, int modifiers); |
Type type; |
MouseButton button; |
Point pointer; |
int modifiers; |
}; |
viz::MouseEvent::MouseEvent |
--------------------------- |
Constructs a MouseEvent. |
.. ocv:function:: MouseEvent (const Type& type, const MouseButton& button, const Point& p, Modifiers modifiers) |
:param type: Type of the event. This can be **MouseMove**, **MouseButtonPress**, **MouseButtonRelease**, **MouseScrollDown**, **MouseScrollUp**, **MouseDblClick**. |
:param button: Mouse button. This can be **NoButton**, **LeftButton**, **MiddleButton**, **RightButton**, **VScroll**. |
:param p: Position of the event. |
:param modifiers: Signals if ``alt``, ``ctrl`` or ``shift`` are pressed or their combination. |
viz::Camera |
----------- |
.. ocv:class:: Camera |
This class wraps intrinsic parameters of a camera. It provides several constructors |
that can extract the intrinsic parameters from ``field of view``, ``intrinsic matrix`` and |
``projection matrix``. :: |
class CV_EXPORTS Camera |
{ |
public: |
Camera(double f_x, double f_y, double c_x, double c_y, const Size &window_size); |
Camera(const Vec2d &fov, const Size &window_size); |
Camera(const Matx33d &K, const Size &window_size); |
Camera(const Matx44d &proj, const Size &window_size); |
inline const Vec2d & getClip() const; |
inline void setClip(const Vec2d &clip); |
inline const Size & getWindowSize() const; |
void setWindowSize(const Size &window_size); |
inline const Vec2d & getFov() const; |
inline void setFov(const Vec2d & fov); |
inline const Vec2d & getPrincipalPoint() const; |
inline const Vec2d & getFocalLength() const; |
void computeProjectionMatrix(Matx44d &proj) const; |
static Camera KinectCamera(const Size &window_size); |
private: |
/* hidden */ |
}; |
viz::Camera::Camera |
------------------- |
Constructs a Camera. |
.. ocv:function:: Camera(double f_x, double f_y, double c_x, double c_y, const Size &window_size) |
:param f_x: Horizontal focal length. |
:param f_y: Vertical focal length. |
:param c_x: x coordinate of the principal point. |
:param c_y: y coordinate of the principal point. |
:param window_size: Size of the window. This together with focal length and principal point determines the field of view. |
.. ocv:function:: Camera(const Vec2d &fov, const Size &window_size) |
:param fov: Field of view (horizontal, vertical) |
:param window_size: Size of the window. |
Principal point is at the center of the window by default. |
.. ocv:function:: Camera(const Matx33d &K, const Size &window_size) |
:param K: Intrinsic matrix of the camera. |
:param window_size: Size of the window. This together with intrinsic matrix determines the field of view. |
.. ocv:function:: Camera(const Matx44d &proj, const Size &window_size) |
:param proj: Projection matrix of the camera. |
:param window_size: Size of the window. This together with projection matrix determines the field of view. |
viz::Camera::computeProjectionMatrix |
------------------------------------ |
Computes projection matrix using intrinsic parameters of the camera. |
.. ocv:function:: void computeProjectionMatrix(Matx44d &proj) const |
:param proj: Output projection matrix. |
viz::Camera::KinectCamera |
------------------------- |
Creates a Kinect Camera. |
.. ocv:function:: static Camera KinectCamera(const Size &window_size) |
:param window_size: Size of the window. This together with intrinsic matrix of a Kinect Camera determines the field of view.