Open Source Computer Vision Library
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#$(error please define to something like: OPENCV_LIBS_DIR=$(OPENCV_ROOT)/bin/ndk/local/armeabi )
#$(info the opencv libs are here: $(OPENCV_LIBS_DIR) )
#newest ndk from crystax stores the libs in the obj folder????
OPENCV_LIB_DIRS := -L$(OPENCV_ROOT)/bin/ndk/local/armeabi-v7a -L$(OPENCV_ROOT)/bin/ndk/local/armeabi -L$(OPENCV_ROOT)/obj/local/armeabi-v7a -L$(OPENCV_ROOT)/obj/local/armeabi
#order of linking very important ---- may have stuff out of order here, but
#important that modules that are more dependent come first...
OPENCV_LIBS := $(OPENCV_LIB_DIRS) -lfeatures2d -lcalib3d -limgproc -lobjdetect \
-lvideo -lhighgui -lml -llegacy -lcore -lopencv_lapack -lflann \
-lzlib -lpng -ljpeg -ljasper
ANDROID_OPENCV_LIBS := -L$(OPENCV_ROOT)/android/libs/armeabi -L$(OPENCV_ROOT)/android/libs/armeabi-v7a -landroid-opencv