Open Source Computer Vision Library
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Ethan Rublee 178899be8a testing commit permission 15 years ago
opencv added build scripts for Android, contributed by Ethan Rublee. The scripts are not quite usable yet. 15 years ago
src/com/opencv added build scripts for Android, contributed by Ethan Rublee. The scripts are not quite usable yet. 15 years ago
Makefile added build scripts for Android, contributed by Ethan Rublee. The scripts are not quite usable yet. 15 years ago testing commit permission 15 years ago added build scripts for Android, contributed by Ethan Rublee. The scripts are not quite usable yet. 15 years ago added build scripts for Android, contributed by Ethan Rublee. The scripts are not quite usable yet. 15 years ago added build scripts for Android, contributed by Ethan Rublee. The scripts are not quite usable yet. 15 years ago

#summary OpenCV build instructions
#labels Featured

Using the NDK, OpenCV may be built for the android platform.

The opencv port is in svn/trunk/opencv. It is essentially a snapshot of the opencv trunk - rev 3096. In the future this will be made compatible with trunk, but for
simplicity we are freezing opencv until this works consistantly.

= pre-req =

use crystax ndk 4 -

the crystax ndk supports the STL, expections, RTTI. opencv will not build with the standard android ndk!

= The way =
Using {{{r4}}} of the ndk, cd to the top level of opencv, and run


or build using the, which is just that line above...

Assuming the ndk directory is in your path of course.

this has advantages because it stores the library locally in the opencv folder. This is now the preferred method for building opencv. The libraries will all be build as static libs which may be linked to from an external ndk project(see samples).

== Using opencv in your applications ==
See the samples directory.

Two convenience makefiles have been created, one for the libraries and one for includes. They expect OPENCV_ROOT and OPENCV_LIBS_DIR
to be defined before including them.

A sample file for CVCamera follows, that requires opencv
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

#pass in OPENCV_ROOT or define it here
#OPENCV_ROOT := ~/android-opencv/opencv
#OPENCV_LIBS_DIR := $(OPENCV_ROOT)/bin/ndk/local/armeabi

include $(OPENCV_ROOT)/
include $(OPENCV_ROOT)/



LOCAL_MODULE := cvcamera

LOCAL_SRC_FILES := android_cv_wrap.cpp image_pool.cpp yuv420sp2rgb.c Processor.cpp


= old way (not supported) =
in {{{<ndk-dir>/apps}}} make a link to opencv
cd android-ndk-r4-crystax/apps
ln -s ~/android-opencv/opencv/
cd ..
make APP=opencv -j4
this should make everything as a static lib. These libs will be located in the android-ndk-r4-crystax/out/apps/opencv/armeabi

now in you ndk project do the following:

try building the samples/hello-jni project

a sample
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
OpenCV_Root := apps/opencv

OpenCVInclude := $(OpenCV_Root)/include/opencv $(OpenCV_Root)/3rdparty/include/ \
$(OpenCV_Root)/modules/core/include/ $(OpenCV_Root)/modules/highgui/include/ \
$(OpenCV_Root)/modules/imgproc/include $(OpenCV_Root)/modules/ml/include \
$(OpenCV_Root)/modules/features2d/include \
$(OpenCV_Root)/modules/legacy/include \
$(OpenCV_Root)/modules/calib3d/include \
$(OpenCV_Root)/modules/objdetect/include \
$(OpenCV_Root)/modules/contrib/include \

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE := my-project

LOCAL_SRC_FILES := test-opencv.cpp

LOCAL_LDLIBS := -L$(NDK_APP_OUT)/opencv/armeabi -lcalib3d -lfeatures2d \
-lobjdetect -lvideo -limgproc -lhighgui -lcore -llegacy -lml -lopencv_lapack -lflann \
-lzlib -L$(SYSROOT)/usr/lib -lstdc++ -lgcc -lsupc++ -lc -ldl

LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(OpenCVInclude)


The LOCAL_LDLIBS are very picky. {{{-L$(NDK_APP_OUT)/opencv/armeabi}}} is where the ndk builds opencv, usually in {{{<ndk>/out/apps/opencv/armeabi}}}. You can navigate there and see the static libraries that were built.

test edit