Open Source Computer Vision Library
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#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
class Test
explicit Test(const std::string& name): name_(name) {}
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
void gen(cv::Mat& mat, int rows, int cols, int type);
void gen(cv::Mat& mat, int rows, int cols, int type, double low, double high);
virtual void run() = 0;
std::string name_;
class TestSystem
static TestSystem* instance()
static TestSystem me;
return &me;
void add(Test* test) { tests_.push_back(test); }
void run();
void cpuOn() { cpu_started_ = cv::getTickCount(); }
void cpuOff()
int64 delta = cv::getTickCount() - cpu_started_;
cpu_elapsed_ += delta;
can_flush_ = true;
void gpuOn() { gpu_started_ = cv::getTickCount(); }
void gpuOff()
int64 delta = cv::getTickCount() - gpu_started_;
gpu_elapsed_ += delta;
can_flush_ = true;
// Ends current subtest and starts new one
std::stringstream& subtest()
return description_;
TestSystem(): can_flush_(false), cpu_elapsed_(0), gpu_elapsed_(0),
speedup_total_(0.0), num_subtests_called_(0) {};
void flush();
std::vector<Test*> tests_;
// Current test (subtest) description
std::stringstream description_;
bool can_flush_;
int64 cpu_started_, cpu_elapsed_;
int64 gpu_started_, gpu_elapsed_;
double speedup_total_;
int num_subtests_called_;
#define TEST(name) \
struct name##_test: Test \
{ \
name##_test(): Test(#name) { TestSystem::instance()->add(this); } \
void run(); \
} name##_test_instance; \
void name##_test::run()
#define CPU_ON TestSystem::instance()->cpuOn()
#define GPU_ON TestSystem::instance()->gpuOn()
#define CPU_OFF TestSystem::instance()->cpuOff()
#define GPU_OFF TestSystem::instance()->gpuOff()
#define SUBTEST TestSystem::instance()->subtest()
#define DESCRIPTION TestSystem::instance()->subtest()