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173 lines
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// This file is part of OpenCV project. |
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory |
// of this distribution and at |
#include <vector> |
#include <string> |
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <fstream> |
// ! [detectPointsAndCalibrate_signature] |
static void detectPointsAndCalibrate (cv::Size pattern_size, float pattern_scale, const std::string &pattern_type, |
const std::vector<bool> &is_fisheye, const std::vector<std::string> &filenames) |
// ! [detectPointsAndCalibrate_signature] |
{ |
// ! [calib_init] |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> board (pattern_size.area()); |
const int num_cameras = (int)is_fisheye.size(); |
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Mat>> image_points_all; |
std::vector<cv::Size> image_sizes; |
std::vector<cv::Mat> Ks, distortions, Ts, Rs; |
cv::Mat rvecs0, tvecs0, errors_mat, output_pairs; |
if (pattern_type == "checkerboard") { |
for (int i = 0; i < pattern_size.height; i++) { |
for (int j = 0; j < pattern_size.width; j++) { |
board[i*pattern_size.width+j] = cv::Point3f((float)j, (float)i, 0.f) * pattern_scale; |
} |
} |
} else if (pattern_type == "circles") { |
for (int i = 0; i < pattern_size.height; i++) { |
for (int j = 0; j < pattern_size.width; j++) { |
board[i*pattern_size.width+j] = cv::Point3f((float)j, (float)i, 0.f) * pattern_scale; |
} |
} |
} else if (pattern_type == "acircles") { |
for (int i = 0; i < pattern_size.height; i++) { |
for (int j = 0; j < pattern_size.width; j++) { |
if (i % 2 == 1) { |
board[i*pattern_size.width+j] = cv::Point3f((j + .5f)*pattern_scale, (i/2 + .5f) * pattern_scale, 0.f); |
} else{ |
board[i*pattern_size.width+j] = cv::Point3f(j*pattern_scale, (i/2)*pattern_scale, 0); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, "pattern_type is not implemented!"); |
} |
// ! [calib_init] |
// ! [detect_pattern] |
int num_frames = -1; |
for (const auto &filename : filenames) { |
std::fstream file(filename); |
CV_Assert(file.is_open()); |
std::string img_file; |
std::vector<cv::Mat> image_points_cameras; |
bool save_img_size = true; |
while (std::getline(file, img_file)) { |
if (img_file.empty()) |
break; |
std::cout << img_file << "\n"; |
cv::Mat img = cv::imread(img_file), corners; |
if (save_img_size) { |
image_sizes.emplace_back(cv::Size(img.cols, img.rows)); |
save_img_size = false; |
} |
bool success = false; |
if (pattern_type == "checkerboard") { |
cv::cvtColor(img, img, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
success = cv::findChessboardCorners(img, pattern_size, corners); |
} |
else if (pattern_type == "circles") |
{ |
success = cv::findCirclesGrid(img, pattern_size, corners, cv::CALIB_CB_SYMMETRIC_GRID); |
} |
else if (pattern_type == "acircles") |
{ |
success = cv::findCirclesGrid(img, pattern_size, corners, cv::CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID); |
} |
cv::Mat corners2; |
corners.convertTo(corners2, CV_32FC2); |
if (success && corners.rows == pattern_size.area()) |
image_points_cameras.emplace_back(corners2); |
else |
image_points_cameras.emplace_back(cv::Mat()); |
} |
if (num_frames == -1) |
num_frames = (int)image_points_cameras.size(); |
else |
CV_Assert(num_frames == (int)image_points_cameras.size()); |
image_points_all.emplace_back(image_points_cameras); |
} |
// ! [detect_pattern] |
// ! [detection_matrix] |
cv::Mat visibility(num_cameras, num_frames, CV_8UC1); |
for (int i = 0; i < num_cameras; i++) { |
for (int j = 0; j < num_frames; j++) { |
|<unsigned char>(i,j) = image_points_all[i][j].empty() ? 0 : 1; |
} |
} |
// ! [detection_matrix] |
CV_Assert(num_frames != -1); |
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point3f>> objPoints(num_frames, board); |
// ! [multiview_calib] |
const double rmse = calibrateMultiview(objPoints, image_points_all, image_sizes, visibility, |
Rs, Ts, Ks, distortions, cv::noArray(), cv::noArray(), |
is_fisheye, errors_mat, output_pairs); |
// ! [multiview_calib] |
std::cout << "average RMSE over detection mask " << rmse << "\n"; |
for (int c = 0; c < (int)Rs.size(); c++) { |
std::cout << "camera " << c << '\n'; |
std::cout << Rs[c] << " rotation\n"; |
std::cout << Ts[c] << " translation\n"; |
std::cout << Ks[c] << " intrinsic matrix\n"; |
std::cout << distortions[c] << " distortion\n"; |
} |
} |
int main (int argc, char **argv) { |
cv::String keys = |
"{help h usage ? || print help }" |
"{pattern_width || pattern grid width}" |
"{pattern_height || pattern grid height}" |
"{pattern_scale || pattern scale}" |
"{pattern_type | checkerboard | pattern type, e.g., checkerboard or acircles}" |
"{is_fisheye || cameras type fisheye (1), pinhole(0), separated by comma (no space)}" |
"{files_with_images || files containing path to image names separated by comma (no space)}"; |
cv::CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys); |
if (parser.has("help")) { |
parser.printMessage(); |
return 0; |
} |
CV_Assert(parser.has("pattern_width") && parser.has("pattern_height") && parser.has("pattern_type") && |
parser.has("is_fisheye") && parser.has("files_with_images")); |
CV_Assert(parser.get<cv::String>("pattern_type") == "checkerboard" || |
parser.get<cv::String>("pattern_type") == "circles" || |
parser.get<cv::String>("pattern_type") == "acircles"); |
const cv::Size pattern_size (parser.get<int>("pattern_width"), parser.get<int>("pattern_height")); |
std::vector<bool> is_fisheye; |
const cv::String is_fisheye_str = parser.get<cv::String>("is_fisheye"); |
for (char i : is_fisheye_str) { |
if (i == '0') { |
is_fisheye.push_back(false); |
} else if (i == '1') { |
is_fisheye.push_back(true); |
} |
} |
const cv::String files_with_images_str = parser.get<cv::String>("files_with_images"); |
std::vector<std::string> filenames; |
std::string temp_str; |
for (char i : files_with_images_str) { |
if (i == ',') { |
filenames.emplace_back(temp_str); |
temp_str = ""; |
} else { |
temp_str += i; |
} |
} |
filenames.emplace_back(temp_str); |
CV_CheckEQ(filenames.size(), is_fisheye.size(), "filenames size must be equal to number of cameras!"); |
detectPointsAndCalibrate (pattern_size, parser.get<float>("pattern_scale"), parser.get<cv::String>("pattern_type"), is_fisheye, filenames); |
return 0; |