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Feature Detection and Description |
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.. ocv:class:: SIFT : public Feature2D |
Class for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors using the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm by D. Lowe [Lowe04]_. |
.. [Lowe04] Lowe, D. G., “Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints”, International Journal of Computer Vision, 60, 2, pp. 91-110, 2004. |
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The SIFT constructors. |
.. ocv:function:: SIFT::SIFT( int nfeatures=0, int nOctaveLayers=3, double contrastThreshold=0.04, double edgeThreshold=10, double sigma=1.6) |
:param nfeatures: The number of best features to retain. The features are ranked by their scores (measured in SIFT algorithm as the local contrast) |
:param nOctaveLayers: The number of layers in each octave. 3 is the value used in D. Lowe paper. The number of octaves is computed automatically from the image resolution. |
:param contrastThreshold: The contrast threshold used to filter out weak features in semi-uniform (low-contrast) regions. The larger the threshold, the less features are produced by the detector. |
:param edgeThreshold: The threshold used to filter out edge-like features. Note that the its meaning is different from the contrastThreshold, i.e. the larger the ``edgeThreshold``, the less features are filtered out (more features are retained). |
:param sigma: The sigma of the Gaussian applied to the input image at the octave #0. If your image is captured with a weak camera with soft lenses, you might want to reduce the number. |
SIFT::operator () |
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Extract features and computes their descriptors using SIFT algorithm |
.. ocv:function:: void SIFT::operator()(InputArray img, InputArray mask, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, OutputArray descriptors, bool useProvidedKeypoints=false) |
:param img: Input 8-bit grayscale image |
:param mask: Optional input mask that marks the regions where we should detect features. |
:param keypoints: The input/output vector of keypoints |
:param descriptors: The output matrix of descriptors. Pass ``cv::noArray()`` if you do not need them. |
:param useProvidedKeypoints: Boolean flag. If it is true, the keypoint detector is not run. Instead, the provided vector of keypoints is used and the algorithm just computes their descriptors. |
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.. ocv:class:: SURF : public Feature2D |
Class for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features from an image [Bay06]_. The class is derived from ``CvSURFParams`` structure, which specifies the algorithm parameters: |
.. ocv:member:: int extended |
* 0 means that the basic descriptors (64 elements each) shall be computed |
* 1 means that the extended descriptors (128 elements each) shall be computed |
.. ocv:member:: int upright |
* 0 means that detector computes orientation of each feature. |
* 1 means that the orientation is not computed (which is much, much faster). For example, if you match images from a stereo pair, or do image stitching, the matched features likely have very similar angles, and you can speed up feature extraction by setting ``upright=1``. |
.. ocv:member:: double hessianThreshold |
Threshold for the keypoint detector. Only features, whose hessian is larger than ``hessianThreshold`` are retained by the detector. Therefore, the larger the value, the less keypoints you will get. A good default value could be from 300 to 500, depending from the image contrast. |
.. ocv:member:: int nOctaves |
The number of a gaussian pyramid octaves that the detector uses. It is set to 4 by default. If you want to get very large features, use the larger value. If you want just small features, decrease it. |
.. ocv:member:: int nOctaveLayers |
The number of images within each octave of a gaussian pyramid. It is set to 2 by default. |
.. [Bay06] Bay, H. and Tuytelaars, T. and Van Gool, L. "SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features", 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, 2006 |
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The SURF extractor constructors. |
.. ocv:function:: SURF::SURF() |
.. ocv:function:: SURF::SURF( double hessianThreshold, int nOctaves=4, int nOctaveLayers=2, bool extended=true, bool upright=false ) |
.. ocv:pyfunction:: cv2.SURF([hessianThreshold[, nOctaves[, nOctaveLayers[, extended[, upright]]]]]) -> <SURF object> |
:param hessianThreshold: Threshold for hessian keypoint detector used in SURF. |
:param nOctaves: Number of pyramid octaves the keypoint detector will use. |
:param nOctaveLayers: Number of octave layers within each octave. |
:param extended: Extended descriptor flag (true - use extended 128-element descriptors; false - use 64-element descriptors). |
:param upright: Up-right or rotated features flag (true - do not compute orientation of features; false - compute orientation). |
SURF::operator() |
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Detects keypoints and computes SURF descriptors for them. |
.. ocv:function:: void SURF::operator()(InputArray img, InputArray mask, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints) const |
.. ocv:function:: void SURF::operator()(InputArray img, InputArray mask, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, OutputArray descriptors, bool useProvidedKeypoints=false) |
.. ocv:pyfunction:: cv2.SURF.detect(image[, mask]) -> keypoints |
.. ocv:cfunction:: void cvExtractSURF( const CvArr* image, const CvArr* mask, CvSeq** keypoints, CvSeq** descriptors, CvMemStorage* storage, CvSURFParams params ) |
.. ocv:pyoldfunction:: cv.ExtractSURF(image, mask, storage, params)-> (keypoints, descriptors) |
:param image: Input 8-bit grayscale image |
:param mask: Optional input mask that marks the regions where we should detect features. |
:param keypoints: The input/output vector of keypoints |
:param descriptors: The output matrix of descriptors. Pass ``cv::noArray()`` if you do not need them. |
:param useProvidedKeypoints: Boolean flag. If it is true, the keypoint detector is not run. Instead, the provided vector of keypoints is used and the algorithm just computes their descriptors. |
:param storage: Memory storage for the output keypoints and descriptors in OpenCV 1.x API. |
:param params: SURF algorithm parameters in OpenCV 1.x API. |
The function is parallelized with the TBB library. |
If you are using the C version, make sure you call ``cv::initModule_nonfree()`` from ``nonfree/nonfree.hpp``. |
gpu::SURF_GPU |
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.. ocv:class:: gpu::SURF_GPU |
Class used for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) from an image. :: |
class SURF_GPU |
{ |
public: |
enum KeypointLayout |
{ |
X_ROW = 0, |
Y_ROW, |
}; |
//! the default constructor |
//! the full constructor taking all the necessary parameters |
explicit SURF_GPU(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves=4, |
int _nOctaveLayers=2, bool _extended=false, float _keypointsRatio=0.01f); |
//! returns the descriptor size in float's (64 or 128) |
int descriptorSize() const; |
//! upload host keypoints to device memory |
void uploadKeypoints(const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, |
GpuMat& keypointsGPU); |
//! download keypoints from device to host memory |
void downloadKeypoints(const GpuMat& keypointsGPU, |
vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints); |
//! download descriptors from device to host memory |
void downloadDescriptors(const GpuMat& descriptorsGPU, |
vector<float>& descriptors); |
void operator()(const GpuMat& img, const GpuMat& mask, |
GpuMat& keypoints); |
void operator()(const GpuMat& img, const GpuMat& mask, |
GpuMat& keypoints, GpuMat& descriptors, |
bool useProvidedKeypoints = false, |
bool calcOrientation = true); |
void operator()(const GpuMat& img, const GpuMat& mask, |
std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints); |
void operator()(const GpuMat& img, const GpuMat& mask, |
std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, GpuMat& descriptors, |
bool useProvidedKeypoints = false, |
bool calcOrientation = true); |
void operator()(const GpuMat& img, const GpuMat& mask, |
std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, |
std::vector<float>& descriptors, |
bool useProvidedKeypoints = false, |
bool calcOrientation = true); |
void releaseMemory(); |
// SURF parameters |
double hessianThreshold; |
int nOctaves; |
int nOctaveLayers; |
bool extended; |
bool upright; |
//! max keypoints = keypointsRatio * img.size().area() |
float keypointsRatio; |
GpuMat sum, mask1, maskSum, intBuffer; |
GpuMat det, trace; |
GpuMat maxPosBuffer; |
}; |
The class ``SURF_GPU`` implements Speeded Up Robust Features descriptor. There is a fast multi-scale Hessian keypoint detector that can be used to find the keypoints (which is the default option). But the descriptors can also be computed for the user-specified keypoints. Only 8-bit grayscale images are supported. |
The class ``SURF_GPU`` can store results in the GPU and CPU memory. It provides functions to convert results between CPU and GPU version ( ``uploadKeypoints``, ``downloadKeypoints``, ``downloadDescriptors`` ). The format of CPU results is the same as ``SURF`` results. GPU results are stored in ``GpuMat``. The ``keypoints`` matrix is :math:`\texttt{nFeatures} \times 7` matrix with the ``CV_32FC1`` type. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(X_ROW)[i]`` contains x coordinate of the i-th feature. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(Y_ROW)[i]`` contains y coordinate of the i-th feature. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(LAPLACIAN_ROW)[i]`` contains the laplacian sign of the i-th feature. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(OCTAVE_ROW)[i]`` contains the octave of the i-th feature. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(SIZE_ROW)[i]`` contains the size of the i-th feature. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(ANGLE_ROW)[i]`` contain orientation of the i-th feature. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(HESSIAN_ROW)[i]`` contains the response of the i-th feature. |
The ``descriptors`` matrix is :math:`\texttt{nFeatures} \times \texttt{descriptorSize}` matrix with the ``CV_32FC1`` type. |
The class ``SURF_GPU`` uses some buffers and provides access to it. All buffers can be safely released between function calls. |
.. seealso:: :ocv:class:`SURF` |
ocl::SURF_OCL |
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.. ocv:class:: ocl::SURF_OCL |
Class used for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) from an image. :: |
class SURF_OCL |
{ |
public: |
enum KeypointLayout |
{ |
X_ROW = 0, |
Y_ROW, |
}; |
//! the default constructor |
//! the full constructor taking all the necessary parameters |
explicit SURF_OCL(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves=4, |
int _nOctaveLayers=2, bool _extended=false, float _keypointsRatio=0.01f, bool _upright = false); |
//! returns the descriptor size in float's (64 or 128) |
int descriptorSize() const; |
//! upload host keypoints to device memory |
void uploadKeypoints(const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, |
oclMat& keypointsocl); |
//! download keypoints from device to host memory |
void downloadKeypoints(const oclMat& keypointsocl, |
vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints); |
//! download descriptors from device to host memory |
void downloadDescriptors(const oclMat& descriptorsocl, |
vector<float>& descriptors); |
void operator()(const oclMat& img, const oclMat& mask, |
oclMat& keypoints); |
void operator()(const oclMat& img, const oclMat& mask, |
oclMat& keypoints, oclMat& descriptors, |
bool useProvidedKeypoints = false); |
void operator()(const oclMat& img, const oclMat& mask, |
std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints); |
void operator()(const oclMat& img, const oclMat& mask, |
std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, oclMat& descriptors, |
bool useProvidedKeypoints = false); |
void operator()(const oclMat& img, const oclMat& mask, |
std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, |
std::vector<float>& descriptors, |
bool useProvidedKeypoints = false); |
void releaseMemory(); |
// SURF parameters |
double hessianThreshold; |
int nOctaves; |
int nOctaveLayers; |
bool extended; |
bool upright; |
//! max keypoints = min(keypointsRatio * img.size().area(), 65535) |
float keypointsRatio; |
oclMat sum, mask1, maskSum, intBuffer; |
oclMat det, trace; |
oclMat maxPosBuffer; |
}; |
The class ``SURF_OCL`` implements Speeded Up Robust Features descriptor. There is a fast multi-scale Hessian keypoint detector that can be used to find the keypoints (which is the default option). But the descriptors can also be computed for the user-specified keypoints. Only 8-bit grayscale images are supported. |
The class ``SURF_OCL`` can store results in the GPU and CPU memory. It provides functions to convert results between CPU and GPU version ( ``uploadKeypoints``, ``downloadKeypoints``, ``downloadDescriptors`` ). The format of CPU results is the same as ``SURF`` results. GPU results are stored in ``oclMat``. The ``keypoints`` matrix is :math:`\texttt{nFeatures} \times 7` matrix with the ``CV_32FC1`` type. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(X_ROW)[i]`` contains x coordinate of the i-th feature. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(Y_ROW)[i]`` contains y coordinate of the i-th feature. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(LAPLACIAN_ROW)[i]`` contains the laplacian sign of the i-th feature. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(OCTAVE_ROW)[i]`` contains the octave of the i-th feature. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(SIZE_ROW)[i]`` contains the size of the i-th feature. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(ANGLE_ROW)[i]`` contain orientation of the i-th feature. |
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(HESSIAN_ROW)[i]`` contains the response of the i-th feature. |
The ``descriptors`` matrix is :math:`\texttt{nFeatures} \times \texttt{descriptorSize}` matrix with the ``CV_32FC1`` type. |
The class ``SURF_OCL`` uses some buffers and provides access to it. All buffers can be safely released between function calls. |
.. seealso:: :ocv:class:`SURF` |