Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
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./opencv_annotation -images <folder location> -annotations <ouput file>
Created by: Puttemans Steven - February 2015
Adapted by: Puttemans Steven - April 2016 - Vectorize the process to enable better processing
+ early leave and store by pressing an ESC key
+ enable delete `d` button, to remove last annotation
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
#include <opencv2/videoio.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <direct.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
// Function prototypes
void on_mouse(int, int, int, int, void*);
vector<Rect> get_annotations(Mat);
// Public parameters
Mat image;
int roi_x0 = 0, roi_y0 = 0, roi_x1 = 0, roi_y1 = 0, num_of_rec = 0;
bool start_draw = false, stop = false;
// Window name for visualisation purposes
const string window_name = "OpenCV Based Annotation Tool";
// FUNCTION : Mouse response for selecting objects in images
// If left button is clicked, start drawing a rectangle as long as mouse moves
// Stop drawing once a new left click is detected by the on_mouse function
void on_mouse(int event, int x, int y, int , void * )
// Action when left button is clicked
roi_x0 = x;
roi_y0 = y;
start_draw = true;
} else {
roi_x1 = x;
roi_y1 = y;
start_draw = false;
// Action when mouse is moving and drawing is enabled
if((event == EVENT_MOUSEMOVE) && start_draw)
// Redraw bounding box for annotation
Mat current_view;
rectangle(current_view, Point(roi_x0,roi_y0), Point(x,y), Scalar(0,0,255));
imshow(window_name, current_view);
// FUNCTION : returns a vector of Rect objects given an image containing positive object instances
vector<Rect> get_annotations(Mat input_image)
vector<Rect> current_annotations;
// Make it possible to exit the annotation process
stop = false;
// Init window interface and couple mouse actions
namedWindow(window_name, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
setMouseCallback(window_name, on_mouse);
image = input_image;
imshow(window_name, image);
int key_pressed = 0;
// Get a temporary image clone
Mat temp_image = input_image.clone();
Rect currentRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Keys for processing
// You need to select one for confirming a selection and one to continue to the next image
// Based on the universal ASCII code of the keystroke:
// c = 99 add rectangle to current image
// n = 110 save added rectangles and show next image
// d = 100 delete the last annotation made
// <ESC> = 27 exit program
key_pressed = 0xFF & waitKey(0);
switch( key_pressed )
case 27:
stop = true;
case 99:
// Draw initiated from top left corner
if(roi_x0<roi_x1 && roi_y0<roi_y1)
currentRect.x = roi_x0;
currentRect.y = roi_y0;
currentRect.width = roi_x1-roi_x0;
currentRect.height = roi_y1-roi_y0;
// Draw initiated from bottom right corner
if(roi_x0>roi_x1 && roi_y0>roi_y1)
currentRect.x = roi_x1;
currentRect.y = roi_y1;
currentRect.width = roi_x0-roi_x1;
currentRect.height = roi_y0-roi_y1;
// Draw initiated from top right corner
if(roi_x0>roi_x1 && roi_y0<roi_y1)
currentRect.x = roi_x1;
currentRect.y = roi_y0;
currentRect.width = roi_x0-roi_x1;
currentRect.height = roi_y1-roi_y0;
// Draw initiated from bottom left corner
if(roi_x0<roi_x1 && roi_y0>roi_y1)
currentRect.x = roi_x0;
currentRect.y = roi_y1;
currentRect.width = roi_x1-roi_x0;
currentRect.height = roi_y0-roi_y1;
// Draw the rectangle on the canvas
// Add the rectangle to the vector of annotations
case 100:
// Remove the last annotation
if(current_annotations.size() > 0){
// Default case --> do nothing at all
// Other keystrokes can simply be ignored
// Check if escape has been pressed
// Draw all the current rectangles onto the top image and make sure that the global image is linked
for(int i=0; i < (int)current_annotations.size(); i++){
rectangle(temp_image, current_annotations[i], Scalar(0,255,0), 1);
image = temp_image;
// Force an explicit redraw of the canvas --> necessary to visualize delete correctly
imshow(window_name, image);
// Continue as long as the next image key has not been pressed
while(key_pressed != 110);
// Close down the window
// Return the data
return current_annotations;
int main( int argc, const char** argv )
// If no arguments are given, then supply some information on how this tool works
if( argc == 1 ){
cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << endl;
cout << " -images <folder_location> [example - /data/testimages/]" << endl;
cout << " -annotations <ouput_file> [example - /data/annotations.txt]" << endl;
cout << "TIP: Use absolute paths to avoid any problems with the software!" << endl;
return -1;
// Read in the input arguments
string image_folder;
string annotations_file;
for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
if( !strcmp( argv[i], "-images" ) )
image_folder = argv[++i];
else if( !strcmp( argv[i], "-annotations" ) )
annotations_file = argv[++i];
// Check if the folder actually exists
// If -1 is returned then the folder actually exists, and thus you can continue
// In all other cases there was a folder creation and thus the folder did not exist
#if defined(_WIN32)
if(_mkdir(image_folder.c_str()) != -1){
// Generate an error message
cerr << "The image folder given does not exist. Please check again!" << endl;
// Remove the created folder again, to ensure a second run with same code fails again
return 0;
if(mkdir(image_folder.c_str(), 0777) != -1){
// Generate an error message
cerr << "The image folder given does not exist. Please check again!" << endl;
// Remove the created folder again, to ensure a second run with same code fails again
return 0;
// Start by processing the data
// Return the image filenames inside the image folder
vector< vector<Rect> > annotations;
vector<String> filenames;
String folder(image_folder);
glob(folder, filenames);
// Loop through each image stored in the images folder
// Create and temporarily store the annotations
// At the end write everything to the annotations file
for (size_t i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++){
// Read in an image
Mat current_image = imread(filenames[i]);
// Check if the image is actually read - avoid other files in the folder, because glob() takes them all
// If not then simply skip this iteration
// Perform annotations & store the result inside the vectorized structure
vector<Rect> current_annotations = get_annotations(current_image);
// Check if the ESC key was hit, then exit earlier then expected
// When all data is processed, store the data gathered inside the proper file
// This now even gets called when the ESC button was hit to store preliminary results
ofstream output(annotations_file.c_str());
if ( !output.is_open() ){
cerr << "The path for the output file contains an error and could not be opened. Please check again!" << endl;
return 0;
// Store the annotations, write to the output file
for(int i = 0; i < (int)annotations.size(); i++){
output << filenames[i] << " " << annotations[i].size();
for(int j=0; j < (int)annotations[i].size(); j++){
Rect temp = annotations[i][j];
output << " " << temp.x << " " << temp.y << " " << temp.width << " " << temp.height;
output << endl;
return 0;