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473 lines
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// This file is part of OpenCV project. |
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory |
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. |
// |
// Copyright (C) 2020 Intel Corporation |
#include "../test_precomp.hpp" |
#ifdef HAVE_ONNX |
#include <stdexcept> |
#include <onnxruntime_cxx_api.h> |
#include <ade/util/iota_range.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/gapi/own/convert.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/gapi/infer/onnx.hpp> |
namespace { |
struct ONNXInitPath { |
ONNXInitPath() { |
const char* env_path = getenv("OPENCV_GAPI_ONNX_MODEL_PATH"); |
if (env_path) { |
cvtest::addDataSearchPath(env_path); |
} |
} |
}; |
static ONNXInitPath g_init_path; |
cv::Mat initMatrixRandU(const int type, const cv::Size& sz_in) { |
const cv::Mat in_mat1 = cv::Mat(sz_in, type); |
if (CV_MAT_DEPTH(type) < CV_32F) { |
cv::randu(in_mat1, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(255)); |
} else { |
const int fscale = 256; // avoid bits near ULP, generate stable test input |
cv::Mat in_mat32s(in_mat1.size(), CV_MAKE_TYPE(CV_32S, CV_MAT_CN(type))); |
cv::randu(in_mat32s, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(255 * fscale)); |
in_mat32s.convertTo(in_mat1, type, 1.0f / fscale, 0); |
} |
return in_mat1; |
} |
} // anonymous namespace |
namespace opencv_test |
{ |
namespace { |
// FIXME: taken from the DNN module |
void normAssert(const cv::InputArray& ref, const cv::InputArray& test, |
const char *comment /*= ""*/, |
const double l1 = 0.00001, const double lInf = 0.0001) { |
const double normL1 = cvtest::norm(ref, test, cv::NORM_L1) / ref.getMat().total(); |
EXPECT_LE(normL1, l1) << comment; |
const double normInf = cvtest::norm(ref, test, cv::NORM_INF); |
EXPECT_LE(normInf, lInf) << comment; |
} |
inline std::string findModel(const std::string &model_name) { |
return findDataFile("vision/" + model_name + ".onnx", false); |
} |
inline void toCHW(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst) { |
dst.create(cv::Size(src.cols, src.rows * src.channels()), CV_32F); |
std::vector<cv::Mat> planes; |
for (int i = 0; i < src.channels(); ++i) { |
planes.push_back(dst.rowRange(i * src.rows, (i + 1) * src.rows)); |
} |
cv::split(src, planes); |
} |
inline int toCV(const ONNXTensorElementDataType prec) { |
switch (prec) { |
default: GAPI_Assert(false && "Unsupported data type"); |
} |
return -1; |
} |
inline std::vector<int64_t> toORT(const cv::MatSize &sz) { |
return cv::to_own<int64_t>(sz); |
} |
inline std::vector<const char*> getCharNames(const std::vector<std::string>& names) { |
std::vector<const char*> out_vec; |
for (const auto& el : names) { |
out_vec.push_back(el.data()); |
} |
return out_vec; |
} |
inline void copyToOut(const cv::Mat& in, cv::Mat& out) { |
GAPI_Assert(in.depth() == CV_32F); |
GAPI_Assert(in.size == out.size); |
const float* const inptr = in.ptr<float>(); |
float* const optr = out.ptr<float>(); |
const int size = in.total(); |
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { |
optr[i] = inptr[i]; |
} |
} |
void remapYolo(const std::unordered_map<std::string, cv::Mat> &onnx, |
std::unordered_map<std::string, cv::Mat> &gapi) { |
GAPI_Assert(onnx.size() == 1u); |
GAPI_Assert(gapi.size() == 1u); |
// Result from Run method |
const cv::Mat& in = onnx.begin()->second; |
// Configured output |
cv::Mat& out = gapi.begin()->second; |
// Simple copy |
copyToOut(in, out); |
} |
void remapSsdPorts(const std::unordered_map<std::string, cv::Mat> &onnx, |
std::unordered_map<std::string, cv::Mat> &gapi) { |
// Result from Run method |
const cv::Mat& in_num = onnx.at("num_detections:0"); |
const cv::Mat& in_boxes = onnx.at("detection_boxes:0"); |
const cv::Mat& in_scores = onnx.at("detection_scores:0"); |
const cv::Mat& in_classes = onnx.at("detection_classes:0"); |
// Configured outputs |
cv::Mat& out_boxes = gapi.at("out1"); |
cv::Mat& out_classes = gapi.at("out2"); |
cv::Mat& out_scores = gapi.at("out3"); |
cv::Mat& out_num = gapi.at("out4"); |
// Simple copy for outputs |
copyToOut(in_num, out_num); |
copyToOut(in_boxes, out_boxes); |
copyToOut(in_scores, out_scores); |
copyToOut(in_classes, out_classes); |
} |
class ONNXtest : public ::testing::Test { |
public: |
std::string model_path; |
size_t num_in, num_out; |
std::vector<cv::Mat> out_gapi; |
std::vector<cv::Mat> out_onnx; |
cv::Mat in_mat1; |
ONNXtest() { |
env = Ort::Env(ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_WARNING, "test"); |
memory_info = Ort::MemoryInfo::CreateCpu(OrtArenaAllocator, OrtMemTypeDefault); |
out_gapi.resize(1); |
out_onnx.resize(1); |
// FIXME: All tests chek "random" image |
// Ideally it should be a real image |
in_mat1 = initMatrixRandU(CV_8UC3, cv::Size{640, 480}); |
} |
template<typename T> |
void infer(const std::vector<cv::Mat>& ins, |
std::vector<cv::Mat>& outs) { |
// Prepare session |
session = Ort::Session(env, model_path.data(), session_options); |
num_in = session.GetInputCount(); |
num_out = session.GetOutputCount(); |
GAPI_Assert(num_in == ins.size()); |
in_node_names.clear(); |
out_node_names.clear(); |
// Inputs Run params |
std::vector<Ort::Value> in_tensors; |
for(size_t i = 0; i < num_in; ++i) { |
char* in_node_name_p = session.GetInputName(i, allocator); |
in_node_names.push_back(std::string(in_node_name_p)); |
allocator.Free(in_node_name_p); |
in_node_dims = toORT(ins[i].size); |
in_tensors.emplace_back(Ort::Value::CreateTensor<T>(memory_info, |
const_cast<T*>(ins[i].ptr<T>()), |
ins[i].total(), |
in_node_dims.data(), |
in_node_dims.size())); |
} |
// Outputs Run params |
for(size_t i = 0; i < num_out; ++i) { |
char* out_node_name_p = session.GetOutputName(i, allocator); |
out_node_names.push_back(std::string(out_node_name_p)); |
allocator.Free(out_node_name_p); |
} |
// Input/output order by names |
const auto in_run_names = getCharNames(in_node_names); |
const auto out_run_names = getCharNames(out_node_names); |
// Run |
auto result = session.Run(Ort::RunOptions{nullptr}, |
in_run_names.data(), |
&in_tensors.front(), |
num_in, |
out_run_names.data(), |
num_out); |
// Copy outputs |
GAPI_Assert(result.size() == num_out); |
outs.resize(num_out); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_out; ++i) { |
const auto info = result[i].GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo(); |
const auto shape = info.GetShape(); |
const auto type = info.GetElementType(); |
cv::Mat mt(std::vector<int>(shape.begin(), shape.end()), toCV(type), |
reinterpret_cast<void*>(result[i].GetTensorMutableData<uint8_t*>())); |
mt.copyTo(outs[i]); |
} |
} |
// One input/output overload |
template<typename T> |
void infer(const cv::Mat& in, cv::Mat& out) { |
std::vector<cv::Mat> result; |
infer<T>({in}, result); |
GAPI_Assert(result.size() == 1u); |
out = result.front(); |
} |
void validate() { |
GAPI_Assert(!out_gapi.empty() && !out_onnx.empty()); |
ASSERT_EQ(out_gapi.size(), out_onnx.size()); |
const auto size = out_gapi.size(); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { |
normAssert(out_onnx[i], out_gapi[i], "Test outputs"); |
} |
} |
void useModel(const std::string& model_name) { |
model_path = findModel(model_name); |
} |
private: |
Ort::Env env{nullptr}; |
Ort::MemoryInfo memory_info{nullptr}; |
Ort::AllocatorWithDefaultOptions allocator; |
Ort::SessionOptions session_options; |
Ort::Session session{nullptr}; |
std::vector<int64_t> in_node_dims; |
std::vector<std::string> in_node_names; |
std::vector<std::string> out_node_names; |
}; |
class ONNXClassificationTest : public ONNXtest { |
public: |
const cv::Scalar mean = { 0.485, 0.456, 0.406 }; |
const cv::Scalar std = { 0.229, 0.224, 0.225 }; |
void preprocess(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst) { |
const int new_h = 224; |
const int new_w = 224; |
cv::Mat tmp, cvt, rsz; |
cv::resize(src, rsz, cv::Size(new_w, new_h)); |
rsz.convertTo(cvt, CV_32F, 1.f / 255); |
tmp = (cvt - mean) / std; |
toCHW(tmp, dst); |
dst = dst.reshape(1, {1, 3, new_h, new_w}); |
} |
}; |
class ONNXGRayScaleTest : public ONNXtest { |
public: |
void preprocess(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst) { |
const int new_h = 64; |
const int new_w = 64; |
cv::Mat cvc, rsz, cvt; |
cv::cvtColor(src, cvc, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
cv::resize(cvc, rsz, cv::Size(new_w, new_h)); |
rsz.convertTo(cvt, CV_32F); |
toCHW(cvt, dst); |
dst = dst.reshape(1, {1, 1, new_h, new_w}); |
} |
}; |
} // anonymous namespace |
TEST_F(ONNXClassificationTest, Infer) |
{ |
useModel("classification/squeezenet/model/squeezenet1.0-9"); |
// ONNX_API code |
cv::Mat processed_mat; |
preprocess(in_mat1, processed_mat); |
infer<float>(processed_mat, out_onnx.front()); |
// G_API code |
G_API_NET(SqueezNet, <cv::GMat(cv::GMat)>, "squeeznet"); |
cv::GMat in; |
cv::GMat out = cv::gapi::infer<SqueezNet>(in); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(out)); |
// NOTE: We have to normalize U8 tensor |
// so cfgMeanStd() is here |
auto net = cv::gapi::onnx::Params<SqueezNet> { model_path }.cfgMeanStd({ mean }, { std }); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1), |
cv::gout(out_gapi.front()), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(net))); |
// Validate |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(ONNXtest, InferTensor) |
{ |
useModel("classification/squeezenet/model/squeezenet1.0-9"); |
// Create tensor |
// FIXME: Test cheks "random" image |
// Ideally it should be a real image |
const cv::Mat rand_mat = initMatrixRandU(CV_32FC3, cv::Size{224, 224}); |
const std::vector<int> dims = {1, rand_mat.channels(), rand_mat.rows, rand_mat.cols}; |
const cv::Mat tensor(dims, CV_32F, rand_mat.data); |
// ONNX_API code |
infer<float>(tensor, out_onnx.front()); |
// G_API code |
G_API_NET(SqueezNet, <cv::GMat(cv::GMat)>, "squeeznet"); |
cv::GMat in; |
cv::GMat out = cv::gapi::infer<SqueezNet>(in); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(out)); |
auto net = cv::gapi::onnx::Params<SqueezNet> { model_path }; |
comp.apply(cv::gin(tensor), |
cv::gout(out_gapi.front()), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(net))); |
// Validate |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(ONNXClassificationTest, InferROI) |
{ |
useModel("classification/squeezenet/model/squeezenet1.0-9"); |
const cv::Rect ROI(cv::Point{0, 0}, cv::Size{250, 250}); |
// ONNX_API code |
cv::Mat roi_mat; |
preprocess(in_mat1(ROI), roi_mat); |
infer<float>(roi_mat, out_onnx.front()); |
// G_API code |
G_API_NET(SqueezNet, <cv::GMat(cv::GMat)>, "squeeznet"); |
cv::GMat in; |
cv::GOpaque<cv::Rect> rect; |
cv::GMat out = cv::gapi::infer<SqueezNet>(rect, in); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in, rect), cv::GOut(out)); |
// NOTE: We have to normalize U8 tensor |
// so cfgMeanStd() is here |
auto net = cv::gapi::onnx::Params<SqueezNet> { model_path }.cfgMeanStd({ mean }, { std }); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1, ROI), |
cv::gout(out_gapi.front()), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(net))); |
// Validate |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(ONNXClassificationTest, InferROIList) |
{ |
useModel("classification/squeezenet/model/squeezenet1.0-9"); |
const std::vector<cv::Rect> rois = { |
cv::Rect(cv::Point{ 0, 0}, cv::Size{80, 120}), |
cv::Rect(cv::Point{50, 100}, cv::Size{250, 360}), |
}; |
// ONNX_API code |
out_onnx.resize(rois.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < rois.size(); ++i) { |
cv::Mat roi_mat; |
preprocess(in_mat1(rois[i]), roi_mat); |
infer<float>(roi_mat, out_onnx[i]); |
} |
// G_API code |
G_API_NET(SqueezNet, <cv::GMat(cv::GMat)>, "squeeznet"); |
cv::GMat in; |
cv::GArray<cv::Rect> rr; |
cv::GArray<cv::GMat> out = cv::gapi::infer<SqueezNet>(rr, in); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in, rr), cv::GOut(out)); |
// NOTE: We have to normalize U8 tensor |
// so cfgMeanStd() is here |
auto net = cv::gapi::onnx::Params<SqueezNet> { model_path }.cfgMeanStd({ mean }, { std }); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1, rois), |
cv::gout(out_gapi), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(net))); |
// Validate |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(ONNXClassificationTest, Infer2ROIList) |
{ |
useModel("classification/squeezenet/model/squeezenet1.0-9"); |
const std::vector<cv::Rect> rois = { |
cv::Rect(cv::Point{ 0, 0}, cv::Size{80, 120}), |
cv::Rect(cv::Point{50, 100}, cv::Size{250, 360}), |
}; |
// ONNX_API code |
out_onnx.resize(rois.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < rois.size(); ++i) { |
cv::Mat roi_mat; |
preprocess(in_mat1(rois[i]), roi_mat); |
infer<float>(roi_mat, out_onnx[i]); |
} |
// G_API code |
G_API_NET(SqueezNet, <cv::GMat(cv::GMat)>, "squeeznet"); |
cv::GMat in; |
cv::GArray<cv::Rect> rr; |
cv::GArray<cv::GMat> out = cv::gapi::infer2<SqueezNet>(in, rr); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in, rr), cv::GOut(out)); |
// NOTE: We have to normalize U8 tensor |
// so cfgMeanStd() is here |
auto net = cv::gapi::onnx::Params<SqueezNet> { model_path }.cfgMeanStd({ mean }, { std }); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1, rois), |
cv::gout(out_gapi), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(net))); |
// Validate |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(ONNXtest, InferDynamicInputTensor) |
{ |
useModel("object_detection_segmentation/tiny-yolov2/model/tinyyolov2-8"); |
// Create tensor |
// FIXME: Test cheks "random" image |
// Ideally it should be a real image |
const cv::Mat rand_mat = initMatrixRandU(CV_32FC3, cv::Size{416, 416}); |
const std::vector<int> dims = {1, rand_mat.channels(), rand_mat.rows, rand_mat.cols}; |
cv::Mat tensor(dims, CV_32F, rand_mat.data); |
const cv::Mat in_tensor = tensor / 255.f; |
// ONNX_API code |
infer<float>(in_tensor, out_onnx.front()); |
// G_API code |
G_API_NET(YoloNet, <cv::GMat(cv::GMat)>, "YoloNet"); |
cv::GMat in; |
cv::GMat out = cv::gapi::infer<YoloNet>(in); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(out)); |
auto net = cv::gapi::onnx::Params<YoloNet>{model_path} |
.cfgPostProc({cv::GMatDesc{CV_32F, {1, 125, 13, 13}}}, remapYolo) |
.cfgOutputLayers({"out"}); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(in_tensor), |
cv::gout(out_gapi.front()), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(net))); |
// Validate |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(ONNXGRayScaleTest, InferImage) |
{ |
useModel("body_analysis/emotion_ferplus/model/emotion-ferplus-8"); |
// ONNX_API code |
cv::Mat prep_mat; |
preprocess(in_mat1, prep_mat); |
infer<float>(prep_mat, out_onnx.front()); |
// G_API code |
G_API_NET(EmotionNet, <cv::GMat(cv::GMat)>, "emotion-ferplus"); |
cv::GMat in; |
cv::GMat out = cv::gapi::infer<EmotionNet>(in); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(out)); |
auto net = cv::gapi::onnx::Params<EmotionNet> { model_path } |
.cfgNormalize({ false }); // model accepts 0..255 range in FP32; |
comp.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1), |
cv::gout(out_gapi.front()), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(net))); |
// Validate |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(ONNXtest, InferMultOutput) |
{ |
useModel("object_detection_segmentation/ssd-mobilenetv1/model/ssd_mobilenet_v1_10"); |
// ONNX_API code |
const auto prep_mat = in_mat1.reshape(1, {1, in_mat1.rows, in_mat1.cols, in_mat1.channels()}); |
infer<uint8_t>({prep_mat}, out_onnx); |
// G_API code |
using SSDOut = std::tuple<cv::GMat, cv::GMat, cv::GMat, cv::GMat>; |
G_API_NET(MobileNet, <SSDOut(cv::GMat)>, "ssd_mobilenet"); |
cv::GMat in; |
cv::GMat out1, out2, out3, out4; |
std::tie(out1, out2, out3, out4) = cv::gapi::infer<MobileNet>(in); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in), cv::GOut(out1, out2, out3, out4)); |
auto net = cv::gapi::onnx::Params<MobileNet>{model_path} |
.cfgOutputLayers({"out1", "out2", "out3", "out4"}) |
.cfgPostProc({cv::GMatDesc{CV_32F, {1, 100, 4}}, |
cv::GMatDesc{CV_32F, {1, 100}}, |
cv::GMatDesc{CV_32F, {1, 100}}, |
cv::GMatDesc{CV_32F, {1, 1}}}, remapSsdPorts); |
out_gapi.resize(num_out); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1), |
cv::gout(out_gapi[0], out_gapi[1], out_gapi[2], out_gapi[3]), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(net))); |
// Validate |
validate(); |
} |
} // namespace opencv_test |
#endif // HAVE_ONNX