Open Source Computer Vision Library
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Loader Callback Interface
.. highlight:: java
.. class:: LoaderCallbackInterface
Interface for a callback object in case of asynchronous initialization of OpenCV.
void onManagerConnected()
.. method:: void onManagerConnected(int status)
Callback method that is called after OpenCV library initialization.
:param status: status of initialization (see "Initialization Status Constants" section below).
void onPackageInstall()
.. method:: void onPackageInstall(InstallCallbackInterface Callback)
Callback method that is called in case when package installation is needed.
:param callback: answer object with ``install`` and ``cancel`` methods and package description.
Initialization status constants
.. data:: SUCCESS
OpenCV initialization finished successfully
.. data:: MARKET_ERROR
Google Play (Android Market) application cannot be invoked
OpenCV library installation was cancelled by user
Version of OpenCV Manager is incompatible with this app. Manager update is needed.
.. data:: INIT_FAILED
OpenCV library initialization failed