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Open Source Computer Vision Library
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58 lines
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58 lines
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<project> |
<path id="master-classpath"> |
<fileset dir="lib"> |
<include name="*.jar"/> |
</fileset> |
<fileset dir="bin"> |
<include name="*.jar"/> |
</fileset> |
</path> |
<target name="clean"> |
<delete dir="build"/> |
<delete dir="testResults"/> |
</target> |
<target name="compile"> |
<mkdir dir="build/classes"/> |
<javac sourcepath="" srcdir="src" destdir="build/classes" > |
<include name="**/*.java"/> |
<classpath refid="master-classpath"/> |
</javac> |
</target> |
<target name="jar"> |
<mkdir dir="build/jar"/> |
<jar destfile="build/jar/opencv-test.jar" basedir="build/classes"> |
<manifest> |
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.opencv.test.OpenCVTestRunner"/> |
</manifest> |
</jar> |
</target> |
<target name="test"> |
<mkdir dir="testResults"/> |
<junit printsummary="false" haltonfailure="false" haltonerror="false" showoutput="false" logfailedtests="true" maxmemory="256m"> |
<sysproperty key="java.library.path" path="${javaLibraryPath}"/> |
<classpath refid="master-classpath"/> |
<classpath> |
<pathelement location="build/classes"/> |
</classpath> |
<formatter type="xml"/> |
<batchtest fork="yes" todir="testResults"> |
<zipfileset src="build/jar/opencv-test.jar" includes="**/*.class" excludes="**/OpenCVTest*"> |
<exclude name="**/*$*.class"/> |
</zipfileset> |
</batchtest> |
</junit> |
</target> |
<target name="buildAndTest"> |
<antcall target="compile"/> |
<antcall target="jar"/> |
<antcall target="test"/> |
</target> |
</project> |