Open Source Computer Vision Library
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754 lines
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#include <stdint.h> |
#include <cstdarg> |
#include <string> |
#include <vector> |
#include <algorithm> |
#include <sstream> |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
#if __cplusplus > 201103 |
#include <unordered_set> |
typedef std::unordered_set<std::string> StringSet; |
#else |
#include <set> |
typedef std::set<std::string> StringSet; |
#endif |
#include "mex.h" |
#include "transpose.hpp" |
/* |
* All recent versions of Matlab ship with the MKL library which contains |
* a blas extension called mkl_?omatcopy(). This defines an out-of-place |
* copy and transpose operation. |
* |
* The mkl library is in ${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin/${MATLAB_MEXEXT}/libmkl... |
* Matlab does not ship headers for the mkl functions, so we define them |
* here. |
* |
* This operation is used extensively to copy between Matlab's column-major |
* format and OpenCV's row-major format. |
*/ |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
/*! |
* @brief raise error if condition fails |
* |
* This is a conditional wrapper for mexErrMsgTxt. If the conditional |
* expression fails, an error is raised and the mex function returns |
* to Matlab, otherwise this function does nothing |
*/ |
static void conditionalError(bool expr, const std::string& str) { |
if (!expr) mexErrMsgTxt(std::string("condition failed: ").append(str).c_str()); |
} |
/*! |
* @brief raise an error |
* |
* This function is a wrapper around mexErrMsgTxt |
*/ |
static void error(const std::string& str) { |
mexErrMsgTxt(str.c_str()); |
} |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
class MxArray; |
template <typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar> |
void deepCopyAndTranspose(const cv::Mat& src, MxArray& dst); |
template <typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar> |
void deepCopyAndTranspose(const MxArray& src, cv::Mat& dst); |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
namespace Matlab { |
class DefaultTraits {}; |
class InheritType {}; |
static const int Dynamic = -1; |
template<typename _Tp = DefaultTraits> class Traits { |
public: |
static const mxClassID ScalarType = mxUNKNOWN_CLASS; |
static const mxComplexity Complex = mxCOMPLEX; |
static const mxComplexity Real = mxCOMPLEX; |
static std::string ToString() { return "Unknown/Unsupported"; } |
}; |
// bool |
template<> class Traits<bool> { |
public: |
static const mxClassID ScalarType = mxLOGICAL_CLASS; |
static std::string ToString() { return "boolean"; } |
}; |
// uint8_t |
template<> class Traits<uint8_t> { |
public: |
static const mxClassID ScalarType = mxUINT8_CLASS; |
static std::string ToString() { return "uint8_t"; } |
}; |
// int8_t |
template<> class Traits<int8_t> { |
public: |
static const mxClassID ScalarType = mxINT8_CLASS; |
static std::string ToString() { return "int8_t"; } |
}; |
// uint16_t |
template<> class Traits<uint16_t> { |
public: |
static const mxClassID ScalarType = mxUINT16_CLASS; |
static std::string ToString() { return "uint16_t"; } |
}; |
// int16_t |
template<> class Traits<int16_t> { |
public: |
static const mxClassID ScalarType = mxINT16_CLASS; |
static std::string ToString() { return "int16_t"; } |
}; |
// uint32_t |
template<> class Traits<uint32_t> { |
public: |
static const mxClassID ScalarType = mxUINT32_CLASS; |
static std::string ToString() { return "uint32_t"; } |
}; |
// int32_t |
template<> class Traits<int32_t> { |
public: |
static const mxClassID ScalarType = mxINT32_CLASS; |
static std::string ToString() { return "int32_t"; } |
}; |
// uint64_t |
template<> class Traits<uint64_t> { |
public: |
static const mxClassID ScalarType = mxUINT64_CLASS; |
static std::string ToString() { return "uint64_t"; } |
}; |
// int64_t |
template<> class Traits<int64_t> { |
public: |
static const mxClassID ScalarType = mxINT64_CLASS; |
static std::string ToString() { return "int64_t"; } |
}; |
// float |
template<> class Traits<float> { |
public: |
static const mxClassID ScalarType = mxSINGLE_CLASS; |
static std::string ToString() { return "float"; } |
}; |
// double |
template<> class Traits<double> { |
public: |
static const mxClassID ScalarType = mxDOUBLE_CLASS; |
static std::string ToString() { return "double"; } |
}; |
// char |
template<> class Traits<char> { |
public: |
static const mxClassID ScalarType = mxCHAR_CLASS; |
static std::string ToString() { return "char"; } |
}; |
// inherited type |
template<> class Traits<Matlab::InheritType> { |
public: |
static std::string ToString() { return "Inherited type"; } |
}; |
} |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/*! |
* @class MxArray |
* @brief A thin wrapper around Matlab's mxArray types |
* |
* MxArray provides a thin object oriented wrapper around Matlab's |
* native mxArray type which exposes most of the functionality of the |
* Matlab interface, but in a more C++ manner. MxArray objects are scoped, |
* so you can freely create and destroy them without worrying about memory |
* management. If you wish to pass the underlying mxArray* representation |
* back to Matlab as an lvalue, see the releaseOwnership() method |
* |
* MxArrays can be directly converted into OpenCV mat objects and std::string |
* objects, since there is a natural mapping between these types. More |
* complex types are mapped through the Bridge which does custom conversions |
* such as MxArray --> cv::Keypoints, etc |
*/ |
class MxArray { |
private: |
mxArray* ptr_; |
bool owns_; |
/*! |
* @brief swap all members of this and other |
* |
* the swap method is used by the assignment and move constructors |
* to swap the members of two MxArrays, leaving both in destructible states |
*/ |
friend void swap(MxArray& first, MxArray& second) { |
using std::swap; |
swap(first.ptr_, second.ptr_); |
swap(first.owns_, second.owns_); |
} |
void dealloc() { |
if (owns_ && ptr_) { mxDestroyArray(ptr_); ptr_ = NULL; owns_ = false; } |
} |
public: |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/*! |
* @brief default constructor |
* |
* Construct a valid 0x0 matrix (so all other methods do not need validity checks |
*/ |
MxArray() : ptr_(mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, Matlab::Traits<>::Real)), owns_(true) {} |
/*! |
* @brief inheriting constructor |
* |
* Inherit an mxArray from Matlab. Don't claim ownership of the array, |
* just encapsulate it |
*/ |
MxArray(const mxArray* ptr) : ptr_(const_cast<mxArray *>(ptr)), owns_(false) {} |
MxArray& operator=(const mxArray* ptr) { |
dealloc(); |
ptr_ = const_cast<mxArray *>(ptr); |
owns_ = false; |
return *this; |
} |
/*! |
* @brief explicit typed constructor |
* |
* This constructor explicitly creates an MxArray of the given size and type. |
*/ |
MxArray(size_t m, size_t n, size_t k, mxClassID id, mxComplexity com = Matlab::Traits<>::Real) : owns_(true) { |
mwSize dims[] = { static_cast<mwSize>(m), static_cast<mwSize>(n), static_cast<mwSize>(k) }; |
ptr_ = mxCreateNumericArray(3, dims, id, com); |
} |
/*! |
* @brief explicit tensor constructor |
* |
* Explicitly construct a tensor of given size and type. Since constructors cannot |
* be explicitly templated, this is a static factory method |
*/ |
template <typename Scalar> |
static MxArray Tensor(size_t m, size_t n, size_t k=1) { |
return MxArray(m, n, k, Matlab::Traits<Scalar>::ScalarType); |
} |
/*! |
* @brief explicit matrix constructor |
* |
* Explicitly construct a matrix of given size and type. Since constructors cannot |
* be explicitly templated, this is a static factory method |
*/ |
template <typename Scalar> |
static MxArray Matrix(size_t m, size_t n) { |
return MxArray(m, n, 1, Matlab::Traits<Scalar>::ScalarType); |
} |
/*! |
* @brief explicit vector constructor |
* |
* Explicitly construct a vector of given size and type. Since constructors cannot |
* be explicitly templated, this is a static factory method |
*/ |
template <typename Scalar> |
static MxArray Vector(size_t m) { |
return MxArray(m, 1, 1, Matlab::Traits<Scalar>::ScalarType); |
} |
/*! |
* @brief explicit scalar constructor |
* |
* Explicitly construct a scalar of given type. Since constructors cannot |
* be explicitly templated, this is a static factory method |
*/ |
template <typename ScalarType> |
static MxArray Scalar(ScalarType value = 0) { |
MxArray s(1, 1, 1, Matlab::Traits<ScalarType>::ScalarType); |
s.real<ScalarType>()[0] = value; |
return s; |
} |
/*! |
* @brief destructor |
* |
* The destructor deallocates any data allocated by mxCreate* methods only |
* if the object is owned |
*/ |
virtual ~MxArray() { |
dealloc(); |
} |
/*! |
* @brief copy constructor |
* |
* All copies are deep copies. If you have a C++11 compatible compiler, prefer |
* move construction to copy construction |
*/ |
MxArray(const MxArray& other) : ptr_(mxDuplicateArray(other.ptr_)), owns_(true) {} |
/*! |
* @brief copy-and-swap assignment |
* |
* This assignment operator uses the copy and swap idiom to provide a strong |
* exception guarantee when swapping two objects. |
* |
* Note in particular that the other MxArray is passed by value, thus invoking |
* the copy constructor which performs a deep copy of the input. The members of |
* this and other are then swapped |
*/ |
MxArray& operator=(MxArray other) { |
swap(*this, other); |
return *this; |
} |
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L |
/* |
* @brief C++11 move constructor |
* |
* When C++11 support is available, move construction is used to move returns |
* out of functions, etc. This is much fast than copy construction, since the |
* move constructed object replaced itself with a default constructed MxArray, |
* which is of size 0 x 0. |
*/ |
MxArray(MxArray&& other) : MxArray() { |
swap(*this, other); |
} |
#endif |
/* |
* @brief release ownership to allow return into Matlab workspace |
* |
* MxArray is not directly convertible back to mxArray types through assignment |
* because the MxArray may have been allocated on the free store, making it impossible |
* to know whether the returned pointer will be released by someone else or not. |
* |
* Since Matlab requires mxArrays be passed back into the workspace, the only way |
* to achieve that is through this function, which explicitly releases ownership |
* of the object, assuming the Matlab interpreter receving the object will delete |
* it at a later time |
* |
* e.g. |
* { |
* MxArray A<double>(5, 5); // allocates memory |
* MxArray B<double>(5, 5); // ditto |
* plhs[0] = A; // not allowed!! |
* plhs[0] = A.releaseOwnership(); // makes explicit that ownership is being released |
* } // end of scope. B is released, A isn't |
* |
*/ |
mxArray* releaseOwnership() { |
owns_ = false; |
return ptr_; |
} |
template <typename Scalar> |
static MxArray FromMat(const cv::Mat& mat) { |
MxArray arr(mat.rows, mat.cols, mat.channels(), Matlab::Traits<Scalar>::ScalarType); |
switch (mat.depth()) { |
case CV_8U: deepCopyAndTranspose<uint8_t, Scalar>(mat, arr); break; |
case CV_8S: deepCopyAndTranspose<int8_t, Scalar>(mat, arr); break; |
case CV_16U: deepCopyAndTranspose<uint16_t, Scalar>(mat, arr); break; |
case CV_16S: deepCopyAndTranspose<int16_t, Scalar>(mat, arr); break; |
case CV_32S: deepCopyAndTranspose<int32_t, Scalar>(mat, arr); break; |
case CV_32F: deepCopyAndTranspose<float, Scalar>(mat, arr); break; |
case CV_64F: deepCopyAndTranspose<double, Scalar>(mat, arr); break; |
default: error("Attempted to convert from unknown class"); |
} |
return arr; |
} |
template <typename Scalar> |
cv::Mat toMat() const { |
cv::Mat mat(rows(), cols(), CV_MAKETYPE(cv::DataType<Scalar>::type, channels())); |
switch (ID()) { |
case mxINT8_CLASS: deepCopyAndTranspose<int8_t, Scalar>(*this, mat); break; |
case mxUINT8_CLASS: deepCopyAndTranspose<uint8_t, Scalar>(*this, mat); break; |
case mxINT16_CLASS: deepCopyAndTranspose<int16_t, Scalar>(*this, mat); break; |
case mxUINT16_CLASS: deepCopyAndTranspose<uint16_t, Scalar>(*this, mat); break; |
case mxINT32_CLASS: deepCopyAndTranspose<int32_t, Scalar>(*this, mat); break; |
case mxUINT32_CLASS: deepCopyAndTranspose<uint32_t, Scalar>(*this, mat); break; |
case mxINT64_CLASS: deepCopyAndTranspose<int64_t, Scalar>(*this, mat); break; |
case mxUINT64_CLASS: deepCopyAndTranspose<uint64_t, Scalar>(*this, mat); break; |
case mxSINGLE_CLASS: deepCopyAndTranspose<float, Scalar>(*this, mat); break; |
case mxDOUBLE_CLASS: deepCopyAndTranspose<double, Scalar>(*this, mat); break; |
case mxCHAR_CLASS: deepCopyAndTranspose<char, Scalar>(*this, mat); break; |
case mxLOGICAL_CLASS: deepCopyAndTranspose<int8_t, Scalar>(*this, mat); break; |
default: error("Attempted to convert from unknown class"); |
} |
return mat; |
} |
MxArray field(const std::string& name) { return MxArray(mxGetField(ptr_, 0, name.c_str())); } |
template <typename Scalar> |
Scalar* real() { return static_cast<Scalar *>(mxGetData(ptr_)); } |
template <typename Scalar> |
Scalar* imag() { return static_cast<Scalar *>(mxGetImagData(ptr_)); } |
template <typename Scalar> |
const Scalar* real() const { return static_cast<const Scalar *>(mxGetData(ptr_)); } |
template <typename Scalar> |
const Scalar* imag() const { return static_cast<const Scalar *>(mxGetData(ptr_)); } |
template <typename Scalar> |
Scalar scalar() const { return static_cast<Scalar *>(mxGetData(ptr_))[0]; } |
std::string toString() const { |
conditionalError(isString(), "Attempted to convert non-string type to string"); |
std::string str(size(), '\0'); |
mxGetString(ptr_, const_cast<char *>(, str.size()+1); |
return str; |
} |
size_t size() const { return mxGetNumberOfElements(ptr_); } |
size_t rows() const { return mxGetDimensions(ptr_)[0]; } |
size_t cols() const { return mxGetDimensions(ptr_)[1]; } |
size_t channels() const { return (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(ptr_) > 2) ? mxGetDimensions(ptr_)[2] : 1; } |
bool isComplex() const { return mxIsComplex(ptr_); } |
bool isNumeric() const { return mxIsNumeric(ptr_); } |
bool isLogical() const { return mxIsLogical(ptr_); } |
bool isString() const { return mxIsChar(ptr_); } |
bool isCell() const { return mxIsCell(ptr_); } |
bool isStructure() const { return mxIsStruct(ptr_); } |
bool isClass(const std::string& name) const { return mxIsClass(ptr_, name.c_str()); } |
std::string className() const { return std::string(mxGetClassName(ptr_)); } |
mxClassID ID() const { return mxGetClassID(ptr_); } |
}; |
/*! @class ArgumentParser |
* @brief parses inputs to a method and resolves the argument names. |
* |
* The ArgumentParser resolves the inputs to a method. It checks that all |
* required arguments are specified and also allows named optional arguments. |
* For example, the C++ function: |
* void randn(Mat& mat, Mat& mean=Mat(), Mat& std=Mat()); |
* could be called in Matlab using any of the following signatures: |
* \code |
* out = randn(in); |
* out = randn(in, 0, 1); |
* out = randn(in, 'mean', 0, 'std', 1); |
* \endcode |
* |
* ArgumentParser also enables function overloading by allowing users |
* to add variants to a method. For example, there may be two C++ sum() methods: |
* \code |
* double sum(Mat& mat); % sum elements of a matrix |
* Mat sum(Mat& A, Mat& B); % add two matrices |
* \endcode |
* |
* by adding two variants to ArgumentParser, the correct underlying sum |
* method can be called. If the function call is ambiguous, the |
* ArgumentParser will fail with an error message. |
* |
* The previous example could be parsed as: |
* \code |
* // set up the Argument parser |
* ArgumentParser arguments; |
* arguments.addVariant("elementwise", 1); |
* arguments.addVariant("matrix", 2); |
* |
* // parse the arguments |
* std::vector<MxArray> inputs; |
* inputs = arguments.parse(std::vector<MxArray>(prhs, prhs+nrhs)); |
* |
* // if we get here, one unique variant is valid |
* if (arguments.variantIs("elementwise")) { |
* // call elementwise sum() |
* } |
*/ |
class ArgumentParser { |
private: |
struct Variant; |
typedef std::string String; |
typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector; |
typedef std::vector<MxArray> MxArrayVector; |
typedef std::vector<Variant> VariantVector; |
/* @class Variant |
* @brief Describes a variant of arguments to a method |
* |
* When addVariant() is called on an instance to ArgumentParser, this class |
* holds the the information that decribes that variant. The parse() method |
* of ArgumentParser then attempts to match a Variant, given a set of |
* inputs for a method invocation. |
*/ |
class Variant { |
public: |
Variant(const String& _name, size_t _nreq, size_t _nopt, const StringVector& _keys) |
: name(_name), nreq(_nreq), nopt(_nopt), keys(_keys), using_named(false) {} |
String name; |
size_t nreq; |
size_t nopt; |
StringVector keys; |
bool using_named; |
/*! @brief return true if the named-argument is in the Variant */ |
bool count(const String& key) { return std::find(keys.begin(), keys.end(), key) != keys.end(); } |
/*! @brief remove a key by index from the Variant */ |
void erase(const size_t idx) { keys.erase(keys.begin()+idx); } |
/*! @brief remove a key by name from the Variant */ |
void erase(const String& key) { keys.erase(std::find(keys.begin(), keys.end(), key)); } |
/*! @brief convert a Variant to a string representation */ |
String toString(const String& method_name=String("f")) const { |
std::ostringstream s; |
s << method_name << "("; |
for (size_t n = 0; n < nreq; ++n) { |
s << "src" << n+1; if (n != nreq-1) s << ", "; |
} |
if (nreq && nopt) s << ", "; |
for (size_t n = 0; n < keys.size(); ++n) { |
s << "'" << keys[n] << "', " << keys[n]; |
if (n != keys.size()-1) s << ", "; |
} |
s << ");"; |
return s.str(); |
} |
}; |
MxArrayVector filled_; |
VariantVector variants_; |
String valid_; |
String method_name_; |
public: |
ArgumentParser(const String& method_name) : method_name_(method_name) {} |
/*! @brief add a function call variant to the parser |
* |
* Adds a function-call signature to the parser. The function call *must* be |
* unique either in its number of arguments, or in the named-syntax. |
* Currently this function does not check whether that invariant stands true. |
* |
* This function is variadic. If should be called as follows: |
* addVariant(2, 2, 'opt_1_name', 'opt_2_name'); |
*/ |
void addVariant(const String& name, size_t nreq, size_t nopt = 0, ...) { |
StringVector keys; |
va_list opt; |
va_start(opt, nopt); |
for (size_t n = 0; n < nopt; ++n) keys.push_back(va_arg(opt, const char*)); |
addVariant(name, nreq, nopt, keys); |
} |
void addVariant(const String& name, size_t nreq, size_t nopt, StringVector keys) { |
variants_.push_back(Variant(name, nreq, nopt, keys)); |
} |
/*! @brief check if the valid variant is the key name */ |
bool variantIs(const String& name) { |
return == 0; |
} |
/*! @brief parse a vector of input arguments |
* |
* This method parses a vector of input arguments, attempting to match them |
* to a Variant spec. For each input, the method attempts to cull any |
* Variants which don't match the given inputs so far. |
* |
* Once all inputs have been parsed, if there is one unique spec remaining, |
* the output MxArray vector gets populated with the arguments, with named |
* arguments removed. Any optional arguments that have not been encountered |
* are set to an empty array. |
* |
* If multiple variants or no variants match the given call, an error |
* message is emitted |
*/ |
MxArrayVector parse(const MxArrayVector& inputs) { |
// allocate the outputs |
MxArrayVector outputs; |
VariantVector candidates = variants_; |
// iterate over the inputs, attempting to match a variant |
for (MxArrayVector::const_iterator input = inputs.begin(); input != inputs.end(); ++input) { |
String name = input->isString() ? input->toString() : String(); |
for (VariantVector::iterator candidate = candidates.begin(); candidate < candidates.end(); ++candidate) { |
// check if the input is a key |
bool key = candidate->count(name); |
/* |
* 1. too many inputs, or |
* 2. name is not a key and we're expecting a key |
* 3. name is a key, and |
* we're still expecting required arguments, or |
* we're expecting an argument for a previous key |
*/ |
if ((!candidate->nreq && !candidate->nopt) || |
(!key && !candidate->nreq && candidate->keys.size() == candidate->nopt && candidate->using_named) || |
(key && (candidate->nreq || candidate->keys.size() < candidate->nopt))) { |
candidate = candidates.erase(candidate)--; |
} |
// Still parsing required argments (input is not a key) |
else if (!key && candidate->nreq) { |
candidate->nreq--; |
} |
// Parsing optional arguments and a named argument is encountered |
else if (key && !candidate->nreq && candidate->nopt > 0 && candidate->keys.size() == candidate->nopt) { |
candidate->erase(name); |
candidate->using_named = true; |
} |
// Parsing input for a named argument |
else if (!key && candidate->keys.size() < candidate->nopt) { |
candidate->nopt--; |
} |
// Parsing un-named optional arguments |
else if (!key && !candidate->nreq && candidate->nopt && candidate->keys.size() && !candidate->using_named) { |
candidate->erase(0); |
candidate->nopt--; |
} |
} |
} |
// if any candidates remain, check that they have been fully parsed |
for (VariantVector::iterator candidate = candidates.begin(); candidate < candidates.end(); ++candidate) { |
if (candidate->nreq || candidate->keys.size() < candidate->nopt) { |
candidate = candidates.erase(candidate)--; |
} |
} |
// if there is not a unique candidate, throw an error |
String variant_string; |
for (VariantVector::iterator variant = variants_.begin(); variant != variants_.end(); ++variant) { |
variant_string += "\n" + variant->toString(method_name_); |
} |
// if there is not a unique candidate, throw an error |
if (candidates.size() > 1) { |
error(String("Call to method is ambiguous. Valid variants are:") |
.append(variant_string).append("\nUse named arguments to disambiguate call")); |
} |
if (candidates.size() == 0) { |
error(String("No matching method signatures for given arguments. Valid variants are:").append(variant_string)); |
} |
return outputs; |
} |
}; |
/*! |
* @brief template specialization for inheriting types |
* |
* This template specialization attempts to preserve the best mapping |
* between OpenCV and Matlab types. Matlab uses double types almost universally, so |
* all floating float types are converted to doubles. |
* Unfortunately OpenCV does not have a native logical type, so |
* that gets mapped to an unsigned 8-bit value |
*/ |
template <> |
MxArray MxArray::FromMat<Matlab::InheritType>(const cv::Mat& mat) { |
switch (mat.depth()) { |
case CV_8U: return FromMat<uint8_t>(mat); |
case CV_8S: return FromMat<int8_t>(mat); |
case CV_16U: return FromMat<uint16_t>(mat); |
case CV_16S: return FromMat<int16_t>(mat); |
case CV_32S: return FromMat<int32_t>(mat); |
case CV_32F: return FromMat<double>(mat); //NOTE: Matlab uses double as native type! |
case CV_64F: return FromMat<double>(mat); |
default: error("Attempted to convert from unknown class"); |
} |
return MxArray(); |
} |
/*! |
* @brief template specialization for inheriting types |
* |
* This template specialization attempts to preserve the best mapping |
* between Matlab and OpenCV types. OpenCV has poor support for double precision |
* types, so all floating point types are cast to float. Logicals get cast |
* to unsignd 8-bit value. |
*/ |
template <> |
cv::Mat MxArray::toMat<Matlab::InheritType>() const { |
switch (ID()) { |
case mxINT8_CLASS: return toMat<int8_t>(); |
case mxUINT8_CLASS: return toMat<uint8_t>(); |
case mxINT16_CLASS: return toMat<int16_t>(); |
case mxUINT16_CLASS: return toMat<uint16_t>(); |
case mxINT32_CLASS: return toMat<int32_t>(); |
case mxUINT32_CLASS: return toMat<int32_t>(); |
case mxINT64_CLASS: return toMat<int64_t>(); |
case mxUINT64_CLASS: return toMat<int64_t>(); |
case mxSINGLE_CLASS: return toMat<float>(); |
case mxDOUBLE_CLASS: return toMat<float>(); //NOTE: OpenCV uses float as native type! |
case mxCHAR_CLASS: return toMat<int8_t>(); |
case mxLOGICAL_CLASS: return toMat<int8_t>(); |
default: error("Attempted to convert from unknown class"); |
} |
return cv::Mat(); |
} |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
template <typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar> |
void deepCopyAndTranspose(const cv::Mat& in, MxArray& out) { |
conditionalError(static_cast<size_t>(in.rows) == out.rows(), "Matrices must have the same number of rows"); |
conditionalError(static_cast<size_t>(in.cols) == out.cols(), "Matrices must have the same number of cols"); |
conditionalError(static_cast<size_t>(in.channels()) == out.channels(), "Matrices must have the same number of channels"); |
std::vector<cv::Mat> channels; |
cv::split(in, channels); |
for (size_t c = 0; c < out.channels(); ++c) { |
cv::transpose(channels[c], channels[c]); |
cv::Mat outmat(out.cols(), out.rows(), cv::DataType<OutputScalar>::type, |
static_cast<void *>(out.real<OutputScalar>() + out.cols()*out.rows()*c)); |
channels[c].convertTo(outmat, cv::DataType<OutputScalar>::type); |
} |
//const InputScalar* inp = in.ptr<InputScalar>(0); |
//OutputScalar* outp = out.real<OutputScalar>(); |
//gemt('R', out.rows(), out.cols(), inp, in.step1(), outp, out.rows()); |
} |
template <typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar> |
void deepCopyAndTranspose(const MxArray& in, cv::Mat& out) { |
conditionalError(in.rows() == static_cast<size_t>(out.rows), "Matrices must have the same number of rows"); |
conditionalError(in.cols() == static_cast<size_t>(out.cols), "Matrices must have the same number of cols"); |
conditionalError(in.channels() == static_cast<size_t>(out.channels()), "Matrices must have the same number of channels"); |
std::vector<cv::Mat> channels; |
for (size_t c = 0; c < in.channels(); ++c) { |
cv::Mat outmat; |
cv::Mat inmat(in.cols(), in.rows(), cv::DataType<InputScalar>::type, |
static_cast<void *>(const_cast<InputScalar *>(in.real<InputScalar>() + in.cols()*in.rows()*c))); |
inmat.convertTo(outmat, cv::DataType<OutputScalar>::type); |
cv::transpose(outmat, outmat); |
channels.push_back(outmat); |
} |
cv::merge(channels, out); |
//const InputScalar* inp = in.real<InputScalar>(); |
//OutputScalar* outp = out.ptr<OutputScalar>(0); |
//gemt('C', in.rows(), in.cols(), inp, in.rows(), outp, out.step1()); |
} |