Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <ade/util/algorithm.hpp>
#include <ade/util/range.hpp>
#include <ade/util/zip_range.hpp>
#include <ade/util/chain_range.hpp>
#include <ade/typed_graph.hpp>
#include "opencv2/gapi/gcommon.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/util/any.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gapi/gtype_traits.hpp"
#include "compiler/gobjref.hpp"
#include "compiler/gmodel.hpp"
#include "backends/gpu/ggpubackend.hpp"
#include "backends/gpu/ggpuimgproc.hpp"
#include "backends/gpu/ggpucore.hpp"
#include "api/gbackend_priv.hpp" // FIXME: Make it part of Backend SDK!
// FIXME: Is there a way to take a typed graph (our GModel),
// and create a new typed graph _ATOP_ of that (by extending with a couple of
// new types?).
// Alternatively, is there a way to compose types graphs?
// If not, we need to introduce that!
using GGPUModel = ade::TypedGraph
< cv::gimpl::Unit
, cv::gimpl::Protocol
// FIXME: Same issue with Typed and ConstTyped
using GConstGGPUModel = ade::ConstTypedGraph
< cv::gimpl::Unit
, cv::gimpl::Protocol
class GGPUBackendImpl final: public cv::gapi::GBackend::Priv
virtual void unpackKernel(ade::Graph &graph,
const ade::NodeHandle &op_node,
const cv::GKernelImpl &impl) override
GGPUModel gm(graph);
auto gpu_impl = cv::util::any_cast<cv::GGPUKernel>(impl.opaque);
virtual EPtr compile(const ade::Graph &graph,
const cv::GCompileArgs &,
const std::vector<ade::NodeHandle> &nodes) const override
return EPtr{new cv::gimpl::GGPUExecutable(graph, nodes)};
cv::gapi::GBackend cv::gapi::gpu::backend()
static cv::gapi::GBackend this_backend(std::make_shared<GGPUBackendImpl>());
return this_backend;
// GGPUExcecutable implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::gimpl::GGPUExecutable::GGPUExecutable(const ade::Graph &g,
const std::vector<ade::NodeHandle> &nodes)
: m_g(g), m_gm(m_g)
// Convert list of operations (which is topologically sorted already)
// into an execution script.
for (auto &nh : nodes)
switch (m_gm.metadata(nh).get<NodeType>().t)
case NodeType::OP: m_script.push_back({nh, GModel::collectOutputMeta(m_gm, nh)}); break;
case NodeType::DATA:
const auto &desc = m_gm.metadata(nh).get<Data>();
if ( == Data::Storage::CONST)
auto rc = RcDesc{desc.rc, desc.shape, desc.ctor};
magazine::bindInArg(m_res, rc, m_gm.metadata(nh).get<ConstValue>().arg);
//preallocate internal Mats in advance
if ( == Data::Storage::INTERNAL && desc.shape == GShape::GMAT)
const auto mat_desc = util::get<cv::GMatDesc>(desc.meta);
const auto type = CV_MAKETYPE(mat_desc.depth, mat_desc.chan);
m_res.slot<cv::UMat>()[desc.rc].create(mat_desc.size.width, mat_desc.size.height, type);
default: util::throw_error(std::logic_error("Unsupported NodeType type"));
// FIXME: Document what it does
cv::GArg cv::gimpl::GGPUExecutable::packArg(const GArg &arg)
// No API placeholders allowed at this point
// FIXME: this check has to be done somewhere in compilation stage.
GAPI_Assert( arg.kind != cv::detail::ArgKind::GMAT
&& arg.kind != cv::detail::ArgKind::GSCALAR
&& arg.kind != cv::detail::ArgKind::GARRAY);
if (arg.kind != cv::detail::ArgKind::GOBJREF)
// All other cases - pass as-is, with no transformations to GArg contents.
return arg;
GAPI_Assert(arg.kind == cv::detail::ArgKind::GOBJREF);
// Wrap associated CPU object (either host or an internal one)
// FIXME: object can be moved out!!! GExecutor faced that.
const cv::gimpl::RcDesc &ref = arg.get<cv::gimpl::RcDesc>();
switch (ref.shape)
case GShape::GMAT: return GArg(m_res.slot<cv::UMat>()[]);
case GShape::GSCALAR: return GArg(m_res.slot<cv::gapi::own::Scalar>()[]);
// Note: .at() is intentional for GArray as object MUST be already there
// (and constructed by either bindIn/Out or resetInternal)
case GShape::GARRAY: return GArg(m_res.slot<cv::detail::VectorRef>().at(;
util::throw_error(std::logic_error("Unsupported GShape type"));
void cv::gimpl::GGPUExecutable::run(std::vector<InObj> &&input_objs,
std::vector<OutObj> &&output_objs)
// Update resources with run-time information - what this Island
// has received from user (or from another Island, or mix...)
// FIXME: Check input/output objects against GIsland protocol
for (auto& it : input_objs) magazine::bindInArg (m_res, it.first, it.second, true);
for (auto& it : output_objs) magazine::bindOutArg(m_res, it.first, it.second, true);
// Initialize (reset) internal data nodes with user structures
// before processing a frame (no need to do it for external data structures)
GModel::ConstGraph gm(m_g);
for (auto nh : m_dataNodes)
const auto &desc = gm.metadata(nh).get<Data>();
if ( == Data::Storage::INTERNAL
&& !util::holds_alternative<util::monostate>(desc.ctor))
// FIXME: Note that compile-time constant data objects (like
// a value-initialized GArray<T>) also satisfy this condition
// and should be excluded, but now we just don't support it
magazine::resetInternalData(m_res, desc);
// OpenCV backend execution is not a rocket science at all.
// Simply invoke our kernels in the proper order.
GConstGGPUModel gcm(m_g);
for (auto &op_info : m_script)
const auto &op = m_gm.metadata(op_info.nh).get<Op>();
// Obtain our real execution unit
// TODO: Should kernels be copyable?
GGPUKernel k = gcm.metadata(op_info.nh).get<Unit>().k;
// Initialize kernel's execution context:
// - Input parameters
GGPUContext context;
using namespace std::placeholders;
std::bind(&GGPUExecutable::packArg, this, _1));
// - Output parameters.
// FIXME: pre-allocate internal Mats, etc, according to the known meta
for (const auto &out_it : ade::util::indexed(op.outs))
// FIXME: Can the same GArg type resolution mechanism be reused here?
const auto out_port = ade::util::index(out_it);
const auto out_desc = ade::util::value(out_it);
context.m_results[out_port] = magazine::getObjPtr(m_res, out_desc, true);
// Now trigger the executable unit
for (const auto &out_it : ade::util::indexed(op_info.expected_out_metas))
const auto out_index = ade::util::index(out_it);
const auto expected_meta = ade::util::value(out_it);
const auto out_meta = descr_of(context.m_results[out_index]);
if (expected_meta != out_meta)
("Output meta doesn't "
"coincide with the generated meta\n"
"Expected: " + ade::util::to_string(expected_meta) + "\n"
"Actual : " + ade::util::to_string(out_meta)));
} // for(m_script)
for (auto &it : output_objs) magazine::writeBack(m_res, it.first, it.second, true);