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Cascade Classification |
====================== |
.. highlight:: cpp |
.. index:: FeatureEvaluator |
.. _FeatureEvaluator: |
FeatureEvaluator |
---------------- |
.. c:type:: FeatureEvaluator |
Base class for computing feature values in cascade classifiers. :: |
class CV_EXPORTS FeatureEvaluator |
{ |
public: |
enum { HAAR = 0, LBP = 1 }; // supported feature types |
virtual ~FeatureEvaluator(); // destructor |
virtual bool read(const FileNode& node); |
virtual Ptr<FeatureEvaluator> clone() const; |
virtual int getFeatureType() const; |
virtual bool setImage(const Mat& img, Size origWinSize); |
virtual bool setWindow(Point p); |
virtual double calcOrd(int featureIdx) const; |
virtual int calcCat(int featureIdx) const; |
static Ptr<FeatureEvaluator> create(int type); |
}; |
.. |
.. index:: FeatureEvaluator::read |
FeatureEvaluator::read |
-------------------------- |
.. c:function:: bool FeatureEvaluator::read(const FileNode\& node) |
Reads parameters of the features from a FileStorage node. |
:param node: File node from which the feature parameters are read. |
.. index:: FeatureEvaluator::clone |
FeatureEvaluator::clone |
--------------------------- |
.. c:function:: Ptr<FeatureEvaluator> FeatureEvaluator::clone() const |
Returns a full copy of the feature evaluator. |
.. index:: FeatureEvaluator::getFeatureType |
FeatureEvaluator::getFeatureType |
------------------------------------ |
.. c:function:: int FeatureEvaluator::getFeatureType() const |
Returns the feature type (HAAR or LBP for now). |
.. index:: FeatureEvaluator::setImage |
FeatureEvaluator::setImage |
------------------------------ |
.. c:function:: bool FeatureEvaluator::setImage(const Mat\& img, Size origWinSize) |
Sets the image in which to compute the features. |
:param img: Matrix of type ``CV_8UC1`` containing the image in which to compute the features. |
:param origWinSize: Size of training images. |
.. index:: FeatureEvaluator::setWindow |
FeatureEvaluator::setWindow |
------------------------------- |
:func:`CascadeClassifier::runAt` |
.. c:function:: bool FeatureEvaluator::setWindow(Point p) |
Sets window in the current image in which the features will be computed (called by ). |
:param p: The upper left point of window in which the features will be computed. Size of the window is equal to size of training images. |
.. index:: FeatureEvaluator::calcOrd |
FeatureEvaluator::calcOrd |
----------------------------- |
.. c:function:: double FeatureEvaluator::calcOrd(int featureIdx) const |
Computes value of an ordered (numerical) feature. |
:param featureIdx: Index of feature whose value will be computed. |
Returns computed value of ordered feature. |
.. index:: FeatureEvaluator::calcCat |
FeatureEvaluator::calcCat |
----------------------------- |
.. c:function:: int FeatureEvaluator::calcCat(int featureIdx) const |
Computes value of a categorical feature. |
:param featureIdx: Index of feature whose value will be computed. |
Returns computed label of categorical feature, i.e. value from [0,... (number of categories - 1)]. |
.. index:: FeatureEvaluator::create |
FeatureEvaluator::create |
---------------------------- |
.. c:function:: static Ptr<FeatureEvaluator> FeatureEvaluator::create(int type) |
Constructs feature evaluator. |
:param type: Type of features evaluated by cascade (HAAR or LBP for now). |
.. index:: CascadeClassifier |
.. _CascadeClassifier: |
CascadeClassifier |
----------------- |
.. c:type:: CascadeClassifier |
The cascade classifier class for object detection. :: |
class CascadeClassifier |
{ |
public: |
// structure for storing tree node |
struct CV_EXPORTS DTreeNode |
{ |
int featureIdx; // feature index on which is a split |
float threshold; // split threshold of ordered features only |
int left; // left child index in the tree nodes array |
int right; // right child index in the tree nodes array |
}; |
// structure for storing desision tree |
struct CV_EXPORTS DTree |
{ |
int nodeCount; // nodes count |
}; |
// structure for storing cascade stage (BOOST only for now) |
struct CV_EXPORTS Stage |
{ |
int first; // first tree index in tree array |
int ntrees; // number of trees |
float threshold; // treshold of stage sum |
}; |
enum { BOOST = 0 }; // supported stage types |
// mode of detection (see parameter flags in function HaarDetectObjects) |
CascadeClassifier(); // default constructor |
CascadeClassifier(const string& filename); |
~CascadeClassifier(); // destructor |
bool empty() const; |
bool load(const string& filename); |
bool read(const FileNode& node); |
void detectMultiScale( const Mat& image, vector<Rect>& objects, |
double scaleFactor=1.1, int minNeighbors=3, |
int flags=0, Size minSize=Size()); |
bool setImage( Ptr<FeatureEvaluator>&, const Mat& ); |
int runAt( Ptr<FeatureEvaluator>&, Point ); |
bool is_stump_based; // true, if the trees are stumps |
int stageType; // stage type (BOOST only for now) |
int featureType; // feature type (HAAR or LBP for now) |
int ncategories; // number of categories (for categorical features only) |
Size origWinSize; // size of training images |
vector<Stage> stages; // vector of stages (BOOST for now) |
vector<DTree> classifiers; // vector of decision trees |
vector<DTreeNode> nodes; // vector of tree nodes |
vector<float> leaves; // vector of leaf values |
vector<int> subsets; // subsets of split by categorical feature |
Ptr<FeatureEvaluator> feval; // pointer to feature evaluator |
Ptr<CvHaarClassifierCascade> oldCascade; // pointer to old cascade |
}; |
.. |
.. index:: CascadeClassifier::CascadeClassifier |
CascadeClassifier::CascadeClassifier |
---------------------------------------- |
.. c:function:: CascadeClassifier::CascadeClassifier(const string\& filename) |
Loads the classifier from file. |
:param filename: Name of file from which classifier will be load. |
.. index:: CascadeClassifier::empty |
CascadeClassifier::empty |
---------------------------- |
.. c:function:: bool CascadeClassifier::empty() const |
Checks if the classifier has been loaded or not. |
.. index:: CascadeClassifier::load |
CascadeClassifier::load |
--------------------------- |
.. c:function:: bool CascadeClassifier::load(const string\& filename) |
Loads the classifier from file. The previous content is destroyed. |
:param filename: Name of file from which classifier will be load. File may contain as old haar classifier (trained by haartraining application) or new cascade classifier (trained traincascade application). |
.. index:: CascadeClassifier::read |
CascadeClassifier::read |
--------------------------- |
.. c:function:: bool CascadeClassifier::read(const FileNode\& node) |
Reads the classifier from a FileStorage node. File may contain a new cascade classifier (trained traincascade application) only. |
.. index:: CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScale |
CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScale |
--------------------------------------- |
.. c:function:: void CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScale( const Mat\& image, vector<Rect>\& objects, double scaleFactor=1.1, int minNeighbors=3, int flags=0, Size minSize=Size()) |
Detects objects of different sizes in the input image. The detected objects are returned as a list of rectangles. |
:param image: Matrix of type ``CV_8U`` containing the image in which to detect objects. |
:param objects: Vector of rectangles such that each rectangle contains the detected object. |
:param scaleFactor: Specifies how much the image size is reduced at each image scale. |
:param minNeighbors: Speficifes how many neighbors should each candiate rectangle have to retain it. |
:param flags: This parameter is not used for new cascade and have the same meaning for old cascade as in function cvHaarDetectObjects. |
:param minSize: The minimum possible object size. Objects smaller than that are ignored. |
.. index:: CascadeClassifier::setImage |
CascadeClassifier::setImage |
------------------------------- |
.. c:function:: bool CascadeClassifier::setImage( Ptr<FeatureEvaluator>\& feval, const Mat\& image ) |
Sets the image for detection (called by detectMultiScale at each image level). |
:param feval: Pointer to feature evaluator which is used for computing features. |
:param image: Matrix of type ``CV_8UC1`` containing the image in which to compute the features. |
.. index:: CascadeClassifier::runAt |
CascadeClassifier::runAt |
---------------------------- |
.. c:function:: int CascadeClassifier::runAt( Ptr<FeatureEvaluator>\& feval, Point pt ) |
Runs the detector at the specified point (the image that the detector is working with should be set by setImage). |
:param feval: Feature evaluator which is used for computing features. |
:param pt: The upper left point of window in which the features will be computed. Size of the window is equal to size of training images. |
Returns: |
1 - if cascade classifier detects object in the given location. |
-si - otherwise. si is an index of stage which first predicted that given window is a background image. |
.. index:: groupRectangles |
groupRectangles |
------------------- |
.. c:function:: void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>\& rectList, int groupThreshold, double eps=0.2) |
Groups the object candidate rectangles |
:param rectList: The input/output vector of rectangles. On output there will be retained and grouped rectangles |
:param groupThreshold: The minimum possible number of rectangles, minus 1, in a group of rectangles to retain it. |
:param eps: The relative difference between sides of the rectangles to merge them into a group |
The function is a wrapper for a generic function |
:func:`partition` . It clusters all the input rectangles using the rectangle equivalence criteria, that combines rectangles that have similar sizes and similar locations (the similarity is defined by ``eps`` ). When ``eps=0`` , no clustering is done at all. If |
:math:`\texttt{eps}\rightarrow +\inf` , all the rectangles will be put in one cluster. Then, the small clusters, containing less than or equal to ``groupThreshold`` rectangles, will be rejected. In each other cluster the average rectangle will be computed and put into the output rectangle list.