Open Source Computer Vision Library
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687 lines
22 KiB
687 lines
22 KiB
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" |
#include <map> |
#include <ctype.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
using namespace cv; |
using namespace std; |
void help() |
{ |
printf("\nSigh: This program is not complete/will be replaced. \n" |
"So: Use this just to see hints of how to use things like Rodrigues\n" |
" conversions, finding the fundamental matrix, using descriptor\n" |
" finding and matching in features2d and using camera parameters\n" |
"Usage: build3dmodel -i <intrinsics_filename>\n" |
"\t[-d <detector>] [-de <descriptor_extractor>] -m <model_name>\n\n"); |
return; |
} |
static bool readCameraMatrix(const string& filename, |
Mat& cameraMatrix, Mat& distCoeffs, |
Size& calibratedImageSize ) |
{ |
FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ); |
fs["image_width"] >> calibratedImageSize.width; |
fs["image_height"] >> calibratedImageSize.height; |
fs["distortion_coefficients"] >> distCoeffs; |
fs["camera_matrix"] >> cameraMatrix; |
if( distCoeffs.type() != CV_64F ) |
distCoeffs = Mat_<double>(distCoeffs); |
if( cameraMatrix.type() != CV_64F ) |
cameraMatrix = Mat_<double>(cameraMatrix); |
return true; |
} |
static bool readModelViews( const string& filename, vector<Point3f>& box, |
vector<string>& imagelist, |
vector<Rect>& roiList, vector<Vec6f>& poseList ) |
{ |
imagelist.resize(0); |
roiList.resize(0); |
poseList.resize(0); |
box.resize(0); |
FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ); |
if( !fs.isOpened() ) |
return false; |
fs["box"] >> box; |
FileNode all = fs["views"]; |
if( all.type() != FileNode::SEQ ) |
return false; |
FileNodeIterator it = all.begin(), it_end = all.end(); |
for(; it != it_end; ++it) |
{ |
FileNode n = *it; |
imagelist.push_back((string)n["image"]); |
FileNode nr = n["roi"]; |
roiList.push_back(Rect((int)nr[0], (int)nr[1], (int)nr[2], (int)nr[3])); |
FileNode np = n["pose"]; |
poseList.push_back(Vec6f((float)np[0], (float)np[1], (float)np[2], |
(float)np[3], (float)np[4], (float)np[5])); |
} |
return true; |
} |
struct PointModel |
{ |
vector<Point3f> points; |
vector<vector<int> > didx; |
Mat descriptors; |
string name; |
}; |
static void writeModel(const string& modelFileName, const string& modelname, |
const PointModel& model) |
{ |
FileStorage fs(modelFileName, FileStorage::WRITE); |
fs << modelname << "{" << |
"points" << "[:" << model.points << "]" << |
"idx" << "[:"; |
for( size_t i = 0; i < model.didx.size(); i++ ) |
fs << "[:" << model.didx[i] << "]"; |
fs << "]" << "descriptors" << model.descriptors; |
} |
static void unpackPose(const Vec6f& pose, Mat& R, Mat& t) |
{ |
Mat rvec = (Mat_<double>(3,1) << pose[0], pose[1], pose[2]); |
t = (Mat_<double>(3,1) << pose[3], pose[4], pose[5]); |
Rodrigues(rvec, R); |
} |
static Mat getFundamentalMat( const Mat& R1, const Mat& t1, |
const Mat& R2, const Mat& t2, |
const Mat& cameraMatrix ) |
{ |
Mat_<double> R = R2*R1.t(), t = t2 - R*t1; |
double tx =<double>(0,0), ty =<double>(1,0), tz =<double>(2,0); |
Mat E = (Mat_<double>(3,3) << 0, -tz, ty, tz, 0, -tx, -ty, tx, 0)*R; |
Mat iK = cameraMatrix.inv(); |
Mat F = iK.t()*E*iK; |
#if 0 |
static bool checked = false; |
if(!checked) |
{ |
vector<Point3f> objpoints(100); |
Mat O(objpoints); |
randu(O, Scalar::all(-10), Scalar::all(10)); |
vector<Point2f> imgpoints1, imgpoints2; |
projectPoints(Mat(objpoints), R1, t1, cameraMatrix, Mat(), imgpoints1); |
projectPoints(Mat(objpoints), R2, t2, cameraMatrix, Mat(), imgpoints2); |
double* f = (double*); |
for( size_t i = 0; i < objpoints.size(); i++ ) |
{ |
Point2f p1 = imgpoints1[i], p2 = imgpoints2[i]; |
double diff = p2.x*(f[0]*p1.x + f[1]*p1.y + f[2]) + |
p2.y*(f[3]*p1.x + f[4]*p1.y + f[5]) + |
f[6]*p1.x + f[7]*p1.y + f[8]; |
CV_Assert(fabs(diff) < 1e-3); |
} |
checked = true; |
} |
#endif |
return F; |
} |
static void findConstrainedCorrespondences(const Mat& _F, |
const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints1, |
const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints2, |
const Mat& descriptors1, |
const Mat& descriptors2, |
vector<Vec2i>& matches, |
double eps, double ratio) |
{ |
float F[9]={0}; |
int dsize = descriptors1.cols; |
Mat Fhdr = Mat(3, 3, CV_32F, F); |
_F.convertTo(Fhdr, CV_32F); |
matches.clear(); |
for( int i = 0; i < (int)keypoints1.size(); i++ ) |
{ |
Point2f p1 = keypoints1[i].pt; |
double bestDist1 = DBL_MAX, bestDist2 = DBL_MAX; |
int bestIdx1 = -1, bestIdx2 = -1; |
const float* d1 = descriptors1.ptr<float>(i); |
for( int j = 0; j < (int)keypoints2.size(); j++ ) |
{ |
Point2f p2 = keypoints2[j].pt; |
double e = p2.x*(F[0]*p1.x + F[1]*p1.y + F[2]) + |
p2.y*(F[3]*p1.x + F[4]*p1.y + F[5]) + |
F[6]*p1.x + F[7]*p1.y + F[8]; |
if( fabs(e) > eps ) |
continue; |
const float* d2 = descriptors2.ptr<float>(j); |
double dist = 0; |
int k = 0; |
for( ; k <= dsize - 8; k += 8 ) |
{ |
float t0 = d1[k] - d2[k], t1 = d1[k+1] - d2[k+1]; |
float t2 = d1[k+2] - d2[k+2], t3 = d1[k+3] - d2[k+3]; |
float t4 = d1[k+4] - d2[k+4], t5 = d1[k+5] - d2[k+5]; |
float t6 = d1[k+6] - d2[k+6], t7 = d1[k+7] - d2[k+7]; |
dist += t0*t0 + t1*t1 + t2*t2 + t3*t3 + |
t4*t4 + t5*t5 + t6*t6 + t7*t7; |
if( dist >= bestDist2 ) |
break; |
} |
if( dist < bestDist2 ) |
{ |
for( ; k < dsize; k++ ) |
{ |
float t = d1[k] - d2[k]; |
dist += t*t; |
} |
if( dist < bestDist1 ) |
{ |
bestDist2 = bestDist1; |
bestIdx2 = bestIdx1; |
bestDist1 = dist; |
bestIdx1 = (int)j; |
} |
else if( dist < bestDist2 ) |
{ |
bestDist2 = dist; |
bestIdx2 = (int)j; |
} |
} |
} |
if( bestIdx1 >= 0 && bestDist1 < bestDist2*ratio ) |
{ |
Point2f p2 = keypoints1[bestIdx1].pt; |
double e = p2.x*(F[0]*p1.x + F[1]*p1.y + F[2]) + |
p2.y*(F[3]*p1.x + F[4]*p1.y + F[5]) + |
F[6]*p1.x + F[7]*p1.y + F[8]; |
if( e > eps*0.25 ) |
continue; |
double threshold = bestDist1/ratio; |
const float* d22 = descriptors2.ptr<float>(bestIdx1); |
int i1 = 0; |
for( ; i1 < (int)keypoints1.size(); i1++ ) |
{ |
if( i1 == i ) |
continue; |
Point2f p1 = keypoints1[i1].pt; |
const float* d11 = descriptors1.ptr<float>(i1); |
double dist = 0; |
e = p2.x*(F[0]*p1.x + F[1]*p1.y + F[2]) + |
p2.y*(F[3]*p1.x + F[4]*p1.y + F[5]) + |
F[6]*p1.x + F[7]*p1.y + F[8]; |
if( fabs(e) > eps ) |
continue; |
for( int k = 0; k < dsize; k++ ) |
{ |
float t = d11[k] - d22[k]; |
dist += t*t; |
if( dist >= threshold ) |
break; |
} |
if( dist < threshold ) |
break; |
} |
if( i1 == (int)keypoints1.size() ) |
matches.push_back(Vec2i(i,bestIdx1)); |
} |
} |
} |
static Point3f findRayIntersection(Point3f k1, Point3f b1, Point3f k2, Point3f b2) |
{ |
float a[4], b[2], x[2]; |
a[0] =; |
a[1] = a[2] =; |
a[3] =; |
b[0] = - b1); |
b[1] = - b2); |
Mat_<float> A(2, 2, a), B(2, 1, b), X(2, 1, x); |
solve(A, B, X); |
float s1 =<float>(0, 0); |
float s2 =<float>(1, 0); |
return (k1*s1 + b1 + k2*s2 + b2)*0.5f; |
} |
static Point3f triangulatePoint(const vector<Point2f>& ps, |
const vector<Mat>& Rs, |
const vector<Mat>& ts, |
const Mat& cameraMatrix) |
{ |
Mat_<double> K(cameraMatrix); |
/*if( ps.size() > 2 ) |
{ |
Mat_<double> L(ps.size()*3, 4), U, evalues; |
Mat_<double> P(3,4), Rt(3,4), Rt_part1=Rt.colRange(0,3), Rt_part2=Rt.colRange(3,4); |
for( size_t i = 0; i < ps.size(); i++ ) |
{ |
double x = ps[i].x, y = ps[i].y; |
Rs[i].convertTo(Rt_part1, Rt_part1.type()); |
ts[i].convertTo(Rt_part2, Rt_part2.type()); |
P = K*Rt; |
for( int k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) |
{ |
L(i*3, k) = x*P(2,k) - P(0,k); |
L(i*3+1, k) = y*P(2,k) - P(1,k); |
L(i*3+2, k) = x*P(1,k) - y*P(0,k); |
} |
} |
eigen(L.t()*L, evalues, U); |
CV_Assert(evalues(0,0) >= evalues(3,0)); |
double W = fabs(U(3,3)) > FLT_EPSILON ? 1./U(3,3) : 0; |
return Point3f((float)(U(3,0)*W), (float)(U(3,1)*W), (float)(U(3,2)*W)); |
} |
else*/ |
{ |
Mat_<float> iK = K.inv(); |
Mat_<float> R1t = Mat_<float>(Rs[0]).t(); |
Mat_<float> R2t = Mat_<float>(Rs[1]).t(); |
Mat_<float> m1 = (Mat_<float>(3,1) << ps[0].x, ps[0].y, 1); |
Mat_<float> m2 = (Mat_<float>(3,1) << ps[1].x, ps[1].y, 1); |
Mat_<float> K1 = R1t*(iK*m1), K2 = R2t*(iK*m2); |
Mat_<float> B1 = -R1t*Mat_<float>(ts[0]); |
Mat_<float> B2 = -R2t*Mat_<float>(ts[1]); |
return findRayIntersection(*K1.ptr<Point3f>(), *B1.ptr<Point3f>(), |
*K2.ptr<Point3f>(), *B2.ptr<Point3f>()); |
} |
} |
void triangulatePoint_test(void) |
{ |
int i, n = 100; |
vector<Point3f> objpt(n), delta1(n), delta2(n); |
Mat rvec1(3,1,CV_32F), tvec1(3,1,CV_64F); |
Mat rvec2(3,1,CV_32F), tvec2(3,1,CV_64F); |
Mat objptmat(objpt), deltamat1(delta1), deltamat2(delta2); |
randu(rvec1, Scalar::all(-10), Scalar::all(10)); |
randu(tvec1, Scalar::all(-10), Scalar::all(10)); |
randu(rvec2, Scalar::all(-10), Scalar::all(10)); |
randu(tvec2, Scalar::all(-10), Scalar::all(10)); |
randu(objptmat, Scalar::all(-10), Scalar::all(10)); |
double eps = 1e-2; |
randu(deltamat1, Scalar::all(-eps), Scalar::all(eps)); |
randu(deltamat2, Scalar::all(-eps), Scalar::all(eps)); |
vector<Point2f> imgpt1, imgpt2; |
Mat_<float> cameraMatrix(3,3); |
double fx = 1000., fy = 1010., cx = 400.5, cy = 300.5; |
cameraMatrix << fx, 0, cx, 0, fy, cy, 0, 0, 1; |
projectPoints(Mat(objpt)+Mat(delta1), rvec1, tvec1, cameraMatrix, Mat(), imgpt1); |
projectPoints(Mat(objpt)+Mat(delta2), rvec2, tvec2, cameraMatrix, Mat(), imgpt2); |
vector<Point3f> objptt(n); |
vector<Point2f> pts(2); |
vector<Mat> Rv(2), tv(2); |
Rodrigues(rvec1, Rv[0]); |
Rodrigues(rvec2, Rv[1]); |
tv[0] = tvec1; tv[1] = tvec2; |
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) |
{ |
pts[0] = imgpt1[i]; pts[1] = imgpt2[i]; |
objptt[i] = triangulatePoint(pts, Rv, tv, cameraMatrix); |
} |
double err = norm(Mat(objpt), Mat(objptt), CV_C); |
CV_Assert(err < 1e-1); |
} |
typedef pair<int, int> Pair2i; |
typedef map<Pair2i, int> Set2i; |
struct EqKeypoints |
{ |
EqKeypoints(const vector<int>* _dstart, const Set2i* _pairs) |
: dstart(_dstart), pairs(_pairs) {} |
bool operator()(const Pair2i& a, const Pair2i& b) const |
{ |
return pairs->find(Pair2i(dstart->at(a.first) + a.second, |
dstart->at(b.first) + b.second)) != pairs->end(); |
} |
const vector<int>* dstart; |
const Set2i* pairs; |
}; |
static void build3dmodel( const Ptr<FeatureDetector>& detector, |
const Ptr<DescriptorExtractor>& descriptorExtractor, |
const vector<Point3f>& /*modelBox*/, |
const vector<string>& imageList, |
const vector<Rect>& roiList, |
const vector<Vec6f>& poseList, |
const Mat& cameraMatrix, |
PointModel& model ) |
{ |
int progressBarSize = 10; |
const double Feps = 5; |
const double DescriptorRatio = 0.7; |
vector<vector<KeyPoint> > allkeypoints; |
vector<int> dstart; |
vector<float> alldescriptorsVec; |
vector<Vec2i> pairwiseMatches; |
vector<Mat> Rs, ts; |
int descriptorSize = 0; |
Mat descriptorbuf; |
Set2i pairs, keypointsIdxMap; |
model.points.clear(); |
model.didx.clear(); |
dstart.push_back(0); |
size_t nimages = imageList.size(); |
size_t nimagePairs = (nimages - 1)*nimages/2 - nimages; |
printf("\nComputing descriptors "); |
// 1. find all the keypoints and all the descriptors |
for( size_t i = 0; i < nimages; i++ ) |
{ |
Mat img = imread(imageList[i], 1), gray; |
cvtColor(img, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); |
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints; |
detector->detect(gray, keypoints); |
descriptorExtractor->compute(gray, keypoints, descriptorbuf); |
Point2f roiofs = roiList[i].tl(); |
for( size_t k = 0; k < keypoints.size(); k++ ) |
keypoints[k].pt += roiofs; |
allkeypoints.push_back(keypoints); |
Mat buf = descriptorbuf; |
if( !buf.isContinuous() || buf.type() != CV_32F ) |
{ |
buf.release(); |
descriptorbuf.convertTo(buf, CV_32F); |
} |
descriptorSize = buf.cols; |
size_t prev = alldescriptorsVec.size(); |
size_t delta = buf.rows*buf.cols; |
alldescriptorsVec.resize(prev + delta); |
std::copy(buf.ptr<float>(), buf.ptr<float>() + delta, |
alldescriptorsVec.begin() + prev); |
dstart.push_back(dstart.back() + (int)keypoints.size()); |
Mat R, t; |
unpackPose(poseList[i], R, t); |
Rs.push_back(R); |
ts.push_back(t); |
if( (i+1)*progressBarSize/nimages > i*progressBarSize/nimages ) |
{ |
putchar('.'); |
fflush(stdout); |
} |
} |
Mat alldescriptors((int)alldescriptorsVec.size()/descriptorSize, descriptorSize, CV_32F, |
&alldescriptorsVec[0]); |
printf("\nOk. total images = %d. total keypoints = %d\n", |
(int)nimages, alldescriptors.rows); |
printf("\nFinding correspondences "); |
int pairsFound = 0; |
vector<Point2f> pts_k(2); |
vector<Mat> Rs_k(2), ts_k(2); |
//namedWindow("img1", 1); |
//namedWindow("img2", 1); |
// 2. find pairwise correspondences |
for( size_t i = 0; i < nimages; i++ ) |
for( size_t j = i+1; j < nimages; j++ ) |
{ |
const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints1 = allkeypoints[i]; |
const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints2 = allkeypoints[j]; |
Mat descriptors1 = alldescriptors.rowRange(dstart[i], dstart[i+1]); |
Mat descriptors2 = alldescriptors.rowRange(dstart[j], dstart[j+1]); |
Mat F = getFundamentalMat(Rs[i], ts[i], Rs[j], ts[j], cameraMatrix); |
findConstrainedCorrespondences( F, keypoints1, keypoints2, |
descriptors1, descriptors2, |
pairwiseMatches, Feps, DescriptorRatio ); |
//pairsFound += (int)pairwiseMatches.size(); |
//Mat img1 = imread(format("%s/frame%04d.jpg",, (int)i), 1); |
//Mat img2 = imread(format("%s/frame%04d.jpg",, (int)j), 1); |
//double avg_err = 0; |
for( size_t k = 0; k < pairwiseMatches.size(); k++ ) |
{ |
int i1 = pairwiseMatches[k][0], i2 = pairwiseMatches[k][1]; |
pts_k[0] = keypoints1[i1].pt; |
pts_k[1] = keypoints2[i2].pt; |
Rs_k[0] = Rs[i]; Rs_k[1] = Rs[j]; |
ts_k[0] = ts[i]; ts_k[1] = ts[j]; |
Point3f objpt = triangulatePoint(pts_k, Rs_k, ts_k, cameraMatrix); |
vector<Point3f> objpts; |
objpts.push_back(objpt); |
vector<Point2f> imgpts1, imgpts2; |
projectPoints(Mat(objpts), Rs_k[0], ts_k[0], cameraMatrix, Mat(), imgpts1); |
projectPoints(Mat(objpts), Rs_k[1], ts_k[1], cameraMatrix, Mat(), imgpts2); |
double e1 = norm(imgpts1[0] - keypoints1[i1].pt); |
double e2 = norm(imgpts2[0] - keypoints2[i2].pt); |
if( e1 + e2 > 5 ) |
continue; |
pairsFound++; |
//model.points.push_back(objpt); |
pairs[Pair2i(i1+dstart[i], i2+dstart[j])] = 1; |
pairs[Pair2i(i2+dstart[j], i1+dstart[i])] = 1; |
keypointsIdxMap[Pair2i((int)i,i1)] = 1; |
keypointsIdxMap[Pair2i((int)j,i2)] = 1; |
//CV_Assert(e1 < 5 && e2 < 5); |
//Scalar color(rand()%256,rand()%256, rand()%256); |
//circle(img1, keypoints1[i1].pt, 2, color, -1, CV_AA); |
//circle(img2, keypoints2[i2].pt, 2, color, -1, CV_AA); |
} |
//printf("avg err = %g\n", pairwiseMatches.size() ? avg_err/(2*pairwiseMatches.size()) : 0.); |
//imshow("img1", img1); |
//imshow("img2", img2); |
//waitKey(); |
if( (i+1)*progressBarSize/nimagePairs > i*progressBarSize/nimagePairs ) |
{ |
putchar('.'); |
fflush(stdout); |
} |
} |
printf("\nOk. Total pairs = %d\n", pairsFound ); |
// 3. build the keypoint clusters |
vector<Pair2i> keypointsIdx; |
Set2i::iterator kpidx_it = keypointsIdxMap.begin(), kpidx_end = keypointsIdxMap.end(); |
for( ; kpidx_it != kpidx_end; ++kpidx_it ) |
keypointsIdx.push_back(kpidx_it->first); |
printf("\nClustering correspondences "); |
vector<int> labels; |
int nclasses = partition( keypointsIdx, labels, EqKeypoints(&dstart, &pairs) ); |
printf("\nOk. Total classes (i.e. 3d points) = %d\n", nclasses ); |
model.descriptors.create((int)keypointsIdx.size(), descriptorSize, CV_32F); |
model.didx.resize(nclasses); |
model.points.resize(nclasses); |
vector<vector<Pair2i> > clusters(nclasses); |
for( size_t i = 0; i < keypointsIdx.size(); i++ ) |
clusters[labels[i]].push_back(keypointsIdx[i]); |
// 4. now compute 3D points corresponding to each cluster and fill in the model data |
printf("\nComputing 3D coordinates "); |
int globalDIdx = 0; |
for( int k = 0; k < nclasses; k++ ) |
{ |
int i, n = (int)clusters[k].size(); |
pts_k.resize(n); |
Rs_k.resize(n); |
ts_k.resize(n); |
model.didx[k].resize(n); |
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) |
{ |
int imgidx = clusters[k][i].first, ptidx = clusters[k][i].second; |
Mat dstrow = model.descriptors.row(globalDIdx); |
alldescriptors.row(dstart[imgidx] + ptidx).copyTo(dstrow); |
model.didx[k][i] = globalDIdx++; |
pts_k[i] = allkeypoints[imgidx][ptidx].pt; |
Rs_k[i] = Rs[imgidx]; |
ts_k[i] = ts[imgidx]; |
} |
Point3f objpt = triangulatePoint(pts_k, Rs_k, ts_k, cameraMatrix); |
model.points[k] = objpt; |
if( (i+1)*progressBarSize/nclasses > i*progressBarSize/nclasses ) |
{ |
putchar('.'); |
fflush(stdout); |
} |
} |
Mat img(768, 1024, CV_8UC3); |
vector<Point2f> imagePoints; |
namedWindow("Test", 1); |
// visualize the cloud |
for( size_t i = 0; i < nimages; i++ ) |
{ |
img = imread(format("%s/frame%04d.jpg",, (int)i), 1); |
projectPoints(Mat(model.points), Rs[i], ts[i], cameraMatrix, Mat(), imagePoints); |
for( int k = 0; k < (int)imagePoints.size(); k++ ) |
circle(img, imagePoints[k], 2, Scalar(0,255,0), -1, CV_AA, 0); |
imshow("Test", img); |
int c = waitKey(); |
if( c == 'q' || c == 'Q' ) |
break; |
} |
} |
int main(int argc, char** argv) |
{ |
const char* intrinsicsFilename = 0; |
const char* modelName = 0; |
const char* detectorName = "SURF"; |
const char* descriptorExtractorName = "SURF"; |
vector<Point3f> modelBox; |
vector<string> imageList; |
vector<Rect> roiList; |
vector<Vec6f> poseList; |
if(argc < 3) |
{ |
help(); |
return -1; |
} |
for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) |
{ |
if( strcmp(argv[i], "-i") == 0 ) |
intrinsicsFilename = argv[++i]; |
else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-m") == 0 ) |
modelName = argv[++i]; |
else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0 ) |
detectorName = argv[++i]; |
else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-de") == 0 ) |
descriptorExtractorName = argv[++i]; |
else |
{ |
help(); |
printf("Incorrect option\n"); |
return -1; |
} |
} |
if( !intrinsicsFilename || !modelName ) |
{ |
printf("Some of the required parameters are missing\n"); |
help(); |
return -1; |
} |
triangulatePoint_test(); |
Mat cameraMatrix, distCoeffs; |
Size calibratedImageSize; |
readCameraMatrix(intrinsicsFilename, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, calibratedImageSize); |
Ptr<FeatureDetector> detector = FeatureDetector::create(detectorName); |
Ptr<DescriptorExtractor> descriptorExtractor = DescriptorExtractor::create(descriptorExtractorName); |
string modelIndexFilename = format("%s_segm/frame_index.yml", modelName); |
if(!readModelViews( modelIndexFilename, modelBox, imageList, roiList, poseList)) |
{ |
printf("Can not read the model. Check the parameters and the working directory\n"); |
help(); |
return -1; |
} |
PointModel model; |
| = modelName; |
build3dmodel( detector, descriptorExtractor, modelBox, |
imageList, roiList, poseList, cameraMatrix, model ); |
string outputModelName = format("%s_model.yml.gz", modelName); |
printf("\nDone! Now saving the model ...\n"); |
writeModel(outputModelName, modelName, model); |
return 0; |