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Using Creative Senz3D and other Intel RealSense SDK compatible depth sensors {#tutorial_intelperc} |
======================================================================================= |
@prev_tutorial{tutorial_orbbec_astra} |
**Note**: This tutorial is partially obsolete since PerC SDK has been replaced with RealSense SDK |
Depth sensors compatible with Intel® RealSense SDK are supported through VideoCapture |
class. Depth map, RGB image and some other formats of output can be retrieved by using familiar |
interface of VideoCapture. |
In order to use depth sensor with OpenCV you should do the following preliminary steps: |
-# Install Intel RealSense SDK 2.0 (from here <>). |
-# Configure OpenCV with Intel RealSense SDK support by setting WITH_LIBREALSENSE flag in |
CMake. If Intel RealSense SDK is found in install folders OpenCV will be built with |
Intel Realsense SDK library (see a status LIBREALSENSE in CMake log). |
-# Build OpenCV. |
VideoCapture can retrieve the following data: |
-# data given from depth generator: |
- CAP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_MAP - each pixel is a 16-bit integer. The value indicates the |
distance from an object to the camera's XY plane or the Cartesian depth. (CV_16UC1) |
- CAP_INTELPERC_UVDEPTH_MAP - each pixel contains two 32-bit floating point values in |
the range of 0-1, representing the mapping of depth coordinates to the color |
coordinates. (CV_32FC2) |
- CAP_INTELPERC_IR_MAP - each pixel is a 16-bit integer. The value indicates the |
intensity of the reflected laser beam. (CV_16UC1) |
-# data given from RGB image generator: |
- CAP_INTELPERC_IMAGE - color image. (CV_8UC3) |
In order to get depth map from depth sensor use VideoCapture::operator \>\>, e. g. : |
@code{.cpp} |
VideoCapture capture( CAP_REALSENSE ); |
for(;;) |
{ |
Mat depthMap; |
capture >> depthMap; |
if( waitKey( 30 ) >= 0 ) |
break; |
} |
@endcode |
For getting several data maps use VideoCapture::grab and VideoCapture::retrieve, e.g. : |
@code{.cpp} |
VideoCapture capture(CAP_REALSENSE); |
for(;;) |
{ |
Mat depthMap; |
Mat image; |
Mat irImage; |
capture.grab(); |
capture.retrieve( depthMap, CAP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_MAP ); |
capture.retrieve( image, CAP_INTELPERC_IMAGE ); |
capture.retrieve( irImage, CAP_INTELPERC_IR_MAP); |
if( waitKey( 30 ) >= 0 ) |
break; |
} |
@endcode |
For setting and getting some property of sensor\` data generators use VideoCapture::set and |
VideoCapture::get methods respectively, e.g. : |
@code{.cpp} |
VideoCapture capture(CAP_REALSENSE); |
cout << "FPS " << capture.get( CAP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_GENERATOR+CAP_PROP_FPS ) << endl; |
@endcode |
Since two types of sensor's data generators are supported (image generator and depth generator), |
there are two flags that should be used to set/get property of the needed generator: |
- CAP_INTELPERC_IMAGE_GENERATOR -- a flag for access to the image generator properties. |
- CAP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_GENERATOR -- a flag for access to the depth generator properties. This |
flag value is assumed by default if neither of the two possible values of the property is set. |
For more information please refer to the example of usage |
[videocapture_intelperc.cpp]( |
in opencv/samples/cpp folder.