Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "perf_precomp.hpp"
namespace opencv_test { namespace {
using namespace cv;
/** Reprojects screen point to camera space given z coord. */
struct Reprojector
Reprojector() {}
inline Reprojector(Matx33f intr)
fxinv = 1.f / intr(0, 0), fyinv = 1.f / intr(1, 1);
cx = intr(0, 2), cy = intr(1, 2);
template<typename T>
inline cv::Point3_<T> operator()(cv::Point3_<T> p) const
T x = p.z * (p.x - cx) * fxinv;
T y = p.z * (p.y - cy) * fyinv;
return cv::Point3_<T>(x, y, p.z);
float fxinv, fyinv, cx, cy;
template<class Scene>
struct RenderInvoker : ParallelLoopBody
RenderInvoker(Mat_<float>& _frame, Affine3f _pose,
Reprojector _reproj, float _depthFactor, bool _onlySemisphere)
: ParallelLoopBody(),
{ }
virtual void operator ()(const cv::Range& r) const
for (int y = r.start; y < r.end; y++)
float* frameRow = frame[y];
for (int x = 0; x < frame.cols; x++)
float pix = 0;
Point3f orig = pose.translation();
// direction through pixel
Point3f screenVec = reproj(Point3f((float)x, (float)y, 1.f));
float xyt = 1.f / (screenVec.x * screenVec.x +
screenVec.y * screenVec.y + 1.f);
Point3f dir = normalize(Vec3f(pose.rotation() * screenVec));
// screen space axis
dir.y = -dir.y;
const float maxDepth = 20.f;
const float maxSteps = 256;
float t = 0.f;
for (int step = 0; step < maxSteps && t < maxDepth; step++)
Point3f p = orig + dir * t;
float d = Scene::map(p, onlySemisphere);
if (d < 0.000001f)
float depth = std::sqrt(t * t * xyt);
pix = depth * depthFactor;
t += d;
frameRow[x] = pix;
Mat_<float>& frame;
Affine3f pose;
Reprojector reproj;
float depthFactor;
bool onlySemisphere;
template<class Scene>
struct RenderColorInvoker : ParallelLoopBody
RenderColorInvoker(Mat_<Vec3f>& _frame, Affine3f _pose,
Reprojector _reproj,
float _depthFactor, bool _onlySemisphere) : ParallelLoopBody(),
{ }
virtual void operator ()(const cv::Range& r) const
for (int y = r.start; y < r.end; y++)
Vec3f* frameRow = frame[y];
for (int x = 0; x < frame.cols; x++)
Vec3f pix = 0;
Point3f orig = pose.translation();
// direction through pixel
Point3f screenVec = reproj(Point3f((float)x, (float)y, 1.f));
Point3f dir = normalize(Vec3f(pose.rotation() * screenVec));
// screen space axis
dir.y = -dir.y;
const float maxDepth = 20.f;
const float maxSteps = 256;
float t = 0.f;
for (int step = 0; step < maxSteps && t < maxDepth; step++)
Point3f p = orig + dir * t;
float d = Scene::map(p, onlySemisphere);
if (d < 0.000001f)
float m = 0.25f;
float p0 = float(abs(fmod(p.x, m)) > m / 2.f);
float p1 = float(abs(fmod(p.y, m)) > m / 2.f);
float p2 = float(abs(fmod(p.z, m)) > m / 2.f);
pix[0] = p0 + p1;
pix[1] = p1 + p2;
pix[2] = p0 + p2;
pix *= 128.f;
t += d;
frameRow[x] = pix;
Mat_<Vec3f>& frame;
Affine3f pose;
Reprojector reproj;
float depthFactor;
bool onlySemisphere;
struct Scene
virtual ~Scene() {}
static Ptr<Scene> create(Size sz, Matx33f _intr, float _depthFactor, bool onlySemisphere);
virtual Mat depth(Affine3f pose) = 0;
virtual Mat rgb(Affine3f pose) = 0;
virtual std::vector<Affine3f> getPoses() = 0;
struct SemisphereScene : Scene
const int framesPerCycle = 72;
const float nCycles = 0.25f;
const Affine3f startPose = Affine3f(Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), Vec3f(1.5f, 0.3f, -2.1f));
Size frameSize;
Matx33f intr;
float depthFactor;
bool onlySemisphere;
SemisphereScene(Size sz, Matx33f _intr, float _depthFactor, bool _onlySemisphere) :
frameSize(sz), intr(_intr), depthFactor(_depthFactor), onlySemisphere(_onlySemisphere)
{ }
static float map(Point3f p, bool onlySemisphere)
float plane = p.y + 0.5f;
Point3f spherePose = p - Point3f(-0.0f, 0.3f, 1.1f);
float sphereRadius = 0.5f;
float sphere = (float)cv::norm(spherePose) - sphereRadius;
float sphereMinusBox = sphere;
float subSphereRadius = 0.05f;
Point3f subSpherePose = p - Point3f(0.3f, -0.1f, -0.3f);
float subSphere = (float)cv::norm(subSpherePose) - subSphereRadius;
float res;
if (!onlySemisphere)
res = min({ sphereMinusBox, subSphere, plane });
res = sphereMinusBox;
return res;
Mat depth(Affine3f pose) override
Mat_<float> frame(frameSize);
Reprojector reproj(intr);
Range range(0, frame.rows);
parallel_for_(range, RenderInvoker<SemisphereScene>(frame, pose, reproj, depthFactor, onlySemisphere));
return std::move(frame);
Mat rgb(Affine3f pose) override
Mat_<Vec3f> frame(frameSize);
Reprojector reproj(intr);
Range range(0, frame.rows);
parallel_for_(range, RenderColorInvoker<SemisphereScene>(frame, pose, reproj, depthFactor, onlySemisphere));
return std::move(frame);
std::vector<Affine3f> getPoses() override
std::vector<Affine3f> poses;
for (int i = 0; i < framesPerCycle * nCycles; i++)
float angle = (float)(CV_2PI * i / framesPerCycle);
Affine3f pose;
pose = pose.rotate(startPose.rotation());
pose = pose.rotate(Vec3f(0.f, -0.5f, 0.f) * angle);
pose = pose.translate(Vec3f(startPose.translation()[0] * sin(angle),
startPose.translation()[2] * cos(angle)));
return poses;
Ptr<Scene> Scene::create(Size sz, Matx33f _intr, float _depthFactor, bool _onlySemisphere)
return makePtr<SemisphereScene>(sz, _intr, _depthFactor, _onlySemisphere);
// this is a temporary solution
// ----------------------------
typedef cv::Vec4f ptype;
typedef cv::Mat_< ptype > Points;
typedef cv::Mat_< ptype > Colors;
typedef Points Normals;
typedef Size2i Size;
template<int p>
inline float specPow(float x)
if (p % 2 == 0)
float v = specPow<p / 2>(x);
return v * v;
float v = specPow<(p - 1) / 2>(x);
return v * v * x;
inline float specPow<0>(float /*x*/)
return 1.f;
inline float specPow<1>(float x)
return x;
inline cv::Vec3f fromPtype(const ptype& x)
return cv::Vec3f(x[0], x[1], x[2]);
inline Point3f normalize(const Vec3f& v)
double nv = sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]);
return v * (nv ? 1. / nv : 0.);
void renderPointsNormals(InputArray _points, InputArray _normals, OutputArray image, Affine3f lightPose)
Size sz = _points.size();
image.create(sz, CV_8UC4);
Points points = _points.getMat();
Normals normals = _normals.getMat();
Mat_<Vec4b> img = image.getMat();
Mat goods;
finiteMask(points, goods);
Range range(0, sz.height);
const int nstripes = -1;
parallel_for_(range, [&](const Range&)
for (int y = range.start; y < range.end; y++)
Vec4b* imgRow = img[y];
const ptype* ptsRow = points[y];
const ptype* nrmRow = normals[y];
const uchar* goodRow = goods.ptr<uchar>(y);
for (int x = 0; x < sz.width; x++)
Point3f p = fromPtype(ptsRow[x]);
Point3f n = fromPtype(nrmRow[x]);
Vec4b color;
if ( !goodRow[x] )
color = Vec4b(0, 32, 0, 0);
const float Ka = 0.3f; //ambient coeff
const float Kd = 0.5f; //diffuse coeff
const float Ks = 0.2f; //specular coeff
const int sp = 20; //specular power
const float Ax = 1.f; //ambient color, can be RGB
const float Dx = 1.f; //diffuse color, can be RGB
const float Sx = 1.f; //specular color, can be RGB
const float Lx = 1.f; //light color
Point3f l = normalize(lightPose.translation() - Vec3f(p));
Point3f v = normalize(-Vec3f(p));
Point3f r = normalize(Vec3f(2.f * n * - l));
uchar ix = (uchar)((Ax * Ka * Dx + Lx * Kd * Dx * max(0.f, +
Lx * Ks * Sx * specPow<sp>(max(0.f, * 255.f);
color = Vec4b(ix, ix, ix, 0);
imgRow[x] = color;
}, nstripes);
void renderPointsNormalsColors(InputArray _points, InputArray, InputArray _colors, OutputArray image, Affine3f)
Size sz = _points.size();
image.create(sz, CV_8UC4);
Points points = _points.getMat();
Colors colors = _colors.getMat();
Mat goods, goodp, goodc;
finiteMask(points, goodp);
finiteMask(colors, goodc);
goods = goodp & goodc;
Mat_<Vec4b> img = image.getMat();
Range range(0, sz.height);
const int nstripes = -1;
parallel_for_(range, [&](const Range&)
for (int y = range.start; y < range.end; y++)
Vec4b* imgRow = img[y];
const ptype* clrRow = colors[y];
const uchar* goodRow = goods.ptr<uchar>(y);
for (int x = 0; x < sz.width; x++)
Point3f c = fromPtype(clrRow[x]);
Vec4b color;
if ( !goodRow[x] )
color = Vec4b(0, 32, 0, 0);
color = Vec4b((uchar)c.x, (uchar)c.y, (uchar)c.z, (uchar)0);
imgRow[x] = color;
}, nstripes);
// ----------------------------
void displayImage(Mat depth, Mat points, Mat normals, float depthFactor, Vec3f lightPose)
Mat image;
imshow("depth", depth * (1.f / depthFactor / 4.f));
renderPointsNormals(points, normals, image, lightPose);
imshow("render", image);
void displayColorImage(Mat depth, Mat rgb, Mat points, Mat normals, Mat colors, float depthFactor, Vec3f lightPose)
Mat image;
imshow("depth", depth * (1.f / depthFactor / 4.f));
imshow("rgb", rgb * (1.f / 255.f));
renderPointsNormalsColors(points, normals, colors, image, lightPose);
imshow("render", image);
static const bool display = false;
enum PlatformType
CPU = 0, GPU = 1
CV_ENUM(PlatformTypeEnum, PlatformType::CPU, PlatformType::GPU);
enum Sequence
ALL = 0, FIRST = 1
CV_ENUM(SequenceEnum, Sequence::ALL, Sequence::FIRST);
enum class VolumeTestSrcType
MAT = 0,
// used to store current OpenCL status (on/off) and revert it after test is done
// works even after exceptions thrown in test body
struct OpenCLStatusRevert
originalOpenCLStatus = cv::ocl::useOpenCL();
void off()
bool originalOpenCLStatus;
void off() { }
// CV_ENUM does not support enum class types, so let's implement the class explicitly
struct VolumeTypeEnum
static const std::array<VolumeType, 3> vals;
static const std::array<std::string, 3> svals;
VolumeTypeEnum(VolumeType v = VolumeType::TSDF) : val(v) {}
operator VolumeType() const { return val; }
void PrintTo(std::ostream *os) const
int v = int(val);
if (v >= 0 && v < 3)
*os << svals[v];
*os << "UNKNOWN";
static ::testing::internal::ParamGenerator<VolumeTypeEnum> all()
return ::testing::Values(VolumeTypeEnum(vals[0]), VolumeTypeEnum(vals[1]), VolumeTypeEnum(vals[2]));
VolumeType val;
const std::array<VolumeType, 3> VolumeTypeEnum::vals{VolumeType::TSDF, VolumeType::HashTSDF, VolumeType::ColorTSDF};
const std::array<std::string, 3> VolumeTypeEnum::svals{std::string("TSDF"), std::string("HashTSDF"), std::string("ColorTSDF")};
static inline void PrintTo(const VolumeTypeEnum &t, std::ostream *os) { t.PrintTo(os); }
struct VolumeTestSrcTypeEnum
static const std::array<VolumeTestSrcType, 2> vals;
static const std::array<std::string, 2> svals;
VolumeTestSrcTypeEnum(VolumeTestSrcType v = VolumeTestSrcType::MAT) : val(v) {}
operator VolumeTestSrcType() const { return val; }
void PrintTo(std::ostream *os) const
int v = int(val);
if (v >= 0 && v < 3)
*os << svals[v];
*os << "UNKNOWN";
static ::testing::internal::ParamGenerator<VolumeTestSrcTypeEnum> all()
return ::testing::Values(VolumeTestSrcTypeEnum(vals[0]), VolumeTestSrcTypeEnum(vals[1]));
VolumeTestSrcType val;
const std::array<VolumeTestSrcType, 2> VolumeTestSrcTypeEnum::vals{VolumeTestSrcType::MAT, VolumeTestSrcType::ODOMETRY_FRAME};
const std::array<std::string, 2> VolumeTestSrcTypeEnum::svals{std::string("UMat"), std::string("OdometryFrame")};
static inline void PrintTo(const VolumeTestSrcTypeEnum &t, std::ostream *os) { t.PrintTo(os); }
typedef std::tuple<PlatformTypeEnum, VolumeTypeEnum> PlatformVolumeType;
class VolumePerfFixture : public perf::TestBaseWithParam<std::tuple<PlatformVolumeType, VolumeTestSrcTypeEnum, SequenceEnum>>
void SetUp() override
auto p = GetParam();
gpu = (std::get<0>(std::get<0>(p)) == PlatformType::GPU);
volumeType = std::get<1>(std::get<0>(p));
testSrcType = std::get<1>(p);
repeat1st = (std::get<2>(p) == Sequence::FIRST);
if (!gpu);
VolumeSettings vs(volumeType);
volume = makePtr<Volume>(volumeType, vs);
frameSize = Size(vs.getRaycastWidth(), vs.getRaycastHeight());
Matx33f intrIntegrate;
bool onlySemisphere = false;
depthFactor = vs.getDepthFactor();
scene = Scene::create(frameSize, intrIntegrate, depthFactor, onlySemisphere);
poses = scene->getPoses();
bool gpu;
VolumeType volumeType;
VolumeTestSrcType testSrcType;
bool repeat1st;
OpenCLStatusRevert oclStatus;
Ptr<Volume> volume;
Size frameSize;
Matx33f intrRaycast;
Ptr<Scene> scene;
std::vector<Affine3f> poses;
float depthFactor;
PERF_TEST_P_(VolumePerfFixture, integrate)
for (size_t i = 0; i < (repeat1st ? 1 : poses.size()); i++)
Matx44f pose = poses[i].matrix;
Mat depth = scene->depth(pose);
Mat rgb = scene->rgb(pose);
UMat urgb, udepth;
OdometryFrame odf(udepth, urgb);
bool done = false;
while (repeat1st ? next() : !done)
if (testSrcType == VolumeTestSrcType::MAT)
if (volumeType == VolumeType::ColorTSDF)
volume->integrate(udepth, urgb, pose);
volume->integrate(udepth, pose);
else if (testSrcType == VolumeTestSrcType::ODOMETRY_FRAME)
volume->integrate(odf, pose);
// perf check makes sense only for identical states
if (repeat1st)
done = true;
PERF_TEST_P_(VolumePerfFixture, raycast)
for (size_t i = 0; i < (repeat1st ? 1 : poses.size()); i++)
Matx44f pose = poses[i].matrix;
Mat depth = scene->depth(pose);
Mat rgb = scene->rgb(pose);
UMat urgb, udepth;
OdometryFrame odf(udepth, urgb);
if (testSrcType == VolumeTestSrcType::MAT)
if (volumeType == VolumeType::ColorTSDF)
volume->integrate(udepth, urgb, pose);
volume->integrate(udepth, pose);
else if (testSrcType == VolumeTestSrcType::ODOMETRY_FRAME)
volume->integrate(odf, pose);
UMat upoints, unormals, ucolors;
bool done = false;
while (repeat1st ? next() : !done)
if (volumeType == VolumeType::ColorTSDF)
volume->raycast(pose, frameSize.height, frameSize.width, intrRaycast, upoints, unormals, ucolors);
volume->raycast(pose, frameSize.height, frameSize.width, intrRaycast, upoints, unormals);
done = true;
if (display)
Mat points, normals, colors;
points = upoints.getMat(ACCESS_READ);
normals = unormals.getMat(ACCESS_READ);
colors = ucolors.getMat(ACCESS_READ);
Vec3f lightPose = Vec3f::all(0.f);
if (volumeType == VolumeType::ColorTSDF)
displayColorImage(depth, rgb, points, normals, colors, depthFactor, lightPose);
displayImage(depth, points, normals, depthFactor, lightPose);
//TODO: fix it when ColorTSDF gets GPU version
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Volume, VolumePerfFixture, /*::testing::Combine(PlatformTypeEnum::all(), VolumeTypeEnum::all())*/
::testing::Values(PlatformVolumeType {PlatformType::CPU, VolumeType::TSDF},
PlatformVolumeType {PlatformType::CPU, VolumeType::HashTSDF},
PlatformVolumeType {PlatformType::CPU, VolumeType::ColorTSDF},
PlatformVolumeType {PlatformType::GPU, VolumeType::TSDF},
PlatformVolumeType {PlatformType::GPU, VolumeType::HashTSDF}),
VolumeTestSrcTypeEnum::all(), SequenceEnum::all()));
}} // namespace