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// This file is part of OpenCV project. |
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory |
// of this distribution and at |
#include "test_precomp.hpp" |
namespace opencv_test { namespace { |
//file name, number of audio channels, epsilon, video type, weight, height, number of frame, number of audio samples, fps, psnr Threshold, backend |
typedef std::tuple<std::string, int, double, int, int, int, int, int, int, double, VideoCaptureAPIs> paramCombination; |
//file name, number of audio channels, number of audio samples, epsilon, backend |
typedef std::tuple<std::string, int, int, double, VideoCaptureAPIs> param; |
class AudioBaseTest |
{ |
protected: |
AudioBaseTest(){} |
void getValidAudioData() |
{ |
const double step = 3.14/22050; |
double value = 0; |
validAudioData.resize(expectedNumAudioCh); |
for (int nCh = 0; nCh < expectedNumAudioCh; nCh++) |
{ |
value = 0; |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfSamples; i++) |
{ |
if (i != 0 && i % 44100 == 0) |
value = 0; |
validAudioData[nCh].push_back(sin(value)); |
value += step; |
} |
} |
} |
void checkAudio() |
{ |
getValidAudioData(); |
ASSERT_EQ(expectedNumAudioCh, (int)audioData.size()); |
for (unsigned int nCh = 0; nCh < audioData.size(); nCh++) |
{ |
#ifdef _WIN32 |
if (audioData[nCh].size() == 132924 && numberOfSamples == 131819 && fileName == "test_audio.mp4") |
throw SkipTestException("Detected failure observed on legacy Windows versions. SKIP"); |
#endif |
ASSERT_EQ(numberOfSamples, audioData[nCh].size()) << "nCh=" << nCh; |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfSamples; i++) |
{ |
EXPECT_NEAR(validAudioData[nCh][i], audioData[nCh][i], epsilon) << "sample index=" << i << " nCh=" << nCh; |
} |
} |
} |
protected: |
int expectedNumAudioCh; |
unsigned int numberOfSamples; |
double epsilon; |
VideoCaptureAPIs backend; |
std::string root; |
std::string fileName; |
std::vector<std::vector<double>> validAudioData; |
std::vector<std::vector<double>> audioData; |
std::vector<int> params; |
Mat audioFrame; |
VideoCapture cap; |
}; |
class AudioTestFixture : public AudioBaseTest, public testing::TestWithParam <param> |
{ |
public: |
AudioTestFixture() |
{ |
fileName = get<0>(GetParam()); |
expectedNumAudioCh = get<1>(GetParam()); |
numberOfSamples = get<2>(GetParam()); |
epsilon = get<3>(GetParam()); |
backend = get<4>(GetParam()); |
root = "audio/"; |
params = { CAP_PROP_AUDIO_STREAM, 0, |
} |
void doTest() |
{ |
ASSERT_TRUE( + fileName), backend, params)); |
const int audioBaseIndex = static_cast<int>(cap.get(cv::CAP_PROP_AUDIO_BASE_INDEX)); |
const int numberOfChannels = (int)cap.get(CAP_PROP_AUDIO_TOTAL_CHANNELS); |
ASSERT_EQ(expectedNumAudioCh, numberOfChannels); |
double f = 0; |
audioData.resize(numberOfChannels); |
for (;;) |
{ |
if (cap.grab()) |
{ |
for (int nCh = 0; nCh < numberOfChannels; nCh++) |
{ |
ASSERT_TRUE(cap.retrieve(audioFrame, audioBaseIndex + nCh)); |
ASSERT_EQ(CV_16SC1, audioFrame.type()) << audioData[nCh].size(); |
for (int i = 0; i < audioFrame.cols; i++) |
{ |
f = ((double)<signed short>(0,i)) / (double) 32768; |
audioData[nCh].push_back(f); |
} |
} |
} |
else { break; } |
} |
ASSERT_FALSE(audioData.empty()); |
checkAudio(); |
} |
}; |
const param audioParams[] = |
{ |
#ifdef _WIN32 |
param("test_audio.wav", 1, 132300, 0.0001, cv::CAP_MSMF), |
param("test_mono_audio.mp3", 1, 133104, 0.12, cv::CAP_MSMF), |
param("test_stereo_audio.mp3", 2, 133104, 0.12, cv::CAP_MSMF), |
param("test_audio.mp4", 1, 133104, 0.15, cv::CAP_MSMF), |
#endif |
param("test_audio.wav", 1, 132300, 0.0001, cv::CAP_GSTREAMER), |
param("test_audio.mp4", 1, 132522, 0.15, cv::CAP_GSTREAMER), |
}; |
class Audio : public AudioTestFixture{}; |
TEST_P(Audio, audio) |
{ |
if (!videoio_registry::hasBackend(cv::VideoCaptureAPIs(backend))) |
throw SkipTestException(cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(backend) + " backend was not found"); |
doTest(); |
} |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Audio, testing::ValuesIn(audioParams)); |
class MediaTestFixture : public AudioBaseTest, public testing::TestWithParam <paramCombination> |
{ |
public: |
MediaTestFixture(): |
videoType(get<3>(GetParam())), |
height(get<4>(GetParam())), |
width(get<5>(GetParam())), |
numberOfFrames(get<6>(GetParam())), |
fps(get<8>(GetParam())), |
psnrThreshold(get<9>(GetParam())) |
{ |
fileName = get<0>(GetParam()); |
expectedNumAudioCh = get<1>(GetParam()); |
numberOfSamples = get<7>(GetParam()); |
epsilon = get<2>(GetParam()); |
backend = get<10>(GetParam()); |
root = "audio/"; |
params = { CAP_PROP_AUDIO_STREAM, 0, |
} |
void doTest() |
{ |
ASSERT_TRUE( + fileName), backend, params)); |
const int audioBaseIndex = static_cast<int>(cap.get(cv::CAP_PROP_AUDIO_BASE_INDEX)); |
const int numberOfChannels = (int)cap.get(CAP_PROP_AUDIO_TOTAL_CHANNELS); |
ASSERT_EQ(expectedNumAudioCh, numberOfChannels); |
const int samplePerSecond = (int)cap.get(CAP_PROP_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND); |
ASSERT_EQ(44100, samplePerSecond); |
int samplesPerFrame = (int)(1./fps*samplePerSecond); |
double audio0_timestamp = 0; |
Mat videoFrame; |
Mat img(height, width, videoType); |
audioData.resize(numberOfChannels); |
for (int frame = 0; frame < numberOfFrames; frame++) |
{ |
SCOPED_TRACE(cv::format("frame=%d", frame)); |
ASSERT_TRUE(cap.grab()); |
if (frame == 0) |
{ |
double audio_shift = cap.get(CAP_PROP_AUDIO_SHIFT_NSEC); |
double video0_timestamp = cap.get(CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC) * 1e-3; |
audio0_timestamp = video0_timestamp + audio_shift * 1e-9; |
std::cout << "video0 timestamp: " << video0_timestamp << " audio0 timestamp: " << audio0_timestamp << " (audio shift nanoseconds: " << audio_shift << " , seconds: " << audio_shift * 1e-9 << ")" << std::endl; |
} |
ASSERT_TRUE(cap.retrieve(videoFrame)); |
if (epsilon >= 0) |
{ |
generateFrame(frame, numberOfFrames, img); |
ASSERT_EQ(img.size, videoFrame.size); |
double psnr = cvtest::PSNR(img, videoFrame); |
EXPECT_GE(psnr, psnrThreshold); |
} |
int audioFrameCols = 0; |
for (int nCh = 0; nCh < numberOfChannels; nCh++) |
{ |
ASSERT_TRUE(cap.retrieve(audioFrame, audioBaseIndex+nCh)); |
if (audioFrame.empty()) |
continue; |
ASSERT_EQ(CV_16SC1, audioFrame.type()); |
if (nCh == 0) |
audioFrameCols = audioFrame.cols; |
else |
ASSERT_EQ(audioFrameCols, audioFrame.cols) << "channel "<< nCh; |
for (int i = 0; i < audioFrame.cols; i++) |
{ |
double f =<signed short>(0,i) / 32768.0; |
audioData[nCh].push_back(f); |
} |
} |
if (frame < 5 || frame >= numberOfFrames-5) |
std::cout << "frame=" << frame << ": audioFrameSize=" << audioFrameCols << " videoTimestamp=" << cap.get(CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC) << " ms" << std::endl; |
else if (frame == 6) |
std::cout << "frame..." << std::endl; |
if (audioFrameCols == 0) |
continue; |
if (frame != 0 && frame != numberOfFrames-1) |
{ |
// validate audio position |
cap.get(CAP_PROP_AUDIO_POS) / samplePerSecond + audio0_timestamp, |
cap.get(CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC) * 1e-3, |
(1.0 / fps) * 0.6) |
} |
if (frame != 0 && frame != numberOfFrames-1 && audioData[0].size() != (size_t)numberOfSamples) |
{ |
if (backend == cv::CAP_MSMF) |
{ |
int audioSamplesTolerance = samplesPerFrame / 2; |
// validate audio frame size |
EXPECT_NEAR(audioFrame.cols, samplesPerFrame, audioSamplesTolerance); |
} |
} |
} |
ASSERT_FALSE(cap.grab()); |
ASSERT_FALSE(audioData.empty()); |
std::cout << "Total audio samples=" << audioData[0].size() << std::endl; |
if (epsilon >= 0) |
checkAudio(); |
} |
protected: |
const int videoType; |
const int height; |
const int width; |
const int numberOfFrames; |
const int fps; |
const double psnrThreshold; |
}; |
class Media : public MediaTestFixture{}; |
TEST_P(Media, audio) |
{ |
if (!videoio_registry::hasBackend(cv::VideoCaptureAPIs(backend))) |
throw SkipTestException(cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(backend) + " backend was not found"); |
if (cvtest::skipUnstableTests && backend == CAP_GSTREAMER) |
throw SkipTestException("Unstable GStreamer test"); |
doTest(); |
} |
const paramCombination mediaParams[] = |
{ |
paramCombination("test_audio.mp4", 1, 0.15, CV_8UC3, 240, 320, 90, 132299, 30, 30., cv::CAP_GSTREAMER) |
#ifdef _WIN32 |
, paramCombination("test_audio.mp4", 1, 0.15, CV_8UC3, 240, 320, 90, 131819, 30, 30., cv::CAP_MSMF) |
#if 0 |
// |
, paramCombination("sample_960x400_ocean_with_audio.mp4", 2, -1/*eplsilon*/, CV_8UC3, 400, 960, 1116, 2056588, 30, 30., cv::CAP_MSMF) |
#endif |
#endif // _WIN32 |
}; |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Media, testing::ValuesIn(mediaParams)); |
TEST(AudioOpenCheck, bad_arg_invalid_audio_stream) |
{ |
if (!videoio_registry::hasBackend(cv::VideoCaptureAPIs(cv::CAP_MSMF))) |
throw SkipTestException("CAP_MSMF backend was not found"); |
std::string fileName = "audio/test_audio.wav"; |
std::vector<int> params { |
CAP_PROP_VIDEO_STREAM, -1, // disabled |
}; |
VideoCapture cap; |
|, cv::CAP_MSMF, params); |
ASSERT_FALSE(cap.isOpened()); |
} |
TEST(AudioOpenCheck, bad_arg_invalid_audio_stream_video) |
{ |
if (!videoio_registry::hasBackend(cv::VideoCaptureAPIs(cv::CAP_MSMF))) |
throw SkipTestException("CAP_MSMF backend was not found"); |
std::string fileName = "audio/test_audio.mp4"; |
std::vector<int> params { |
}; |
VideoCapture cap; |
|, cv::CAP_MSMF, params); |
ASSERT_FALSE(cap.isOpened()); |
} |
TEST(AudioOpenCheck, MSMF_bad_arg_invalid_audio_sample_per_second) |
{ |
if (!videoio_registry::hasBackend(cv::VideoCaptureAPIs(cv::CAP_MSMF))) |
throw SkipTestException("CAP_MSMF backend was not found"); |
std::string fileName = "audio/test_audio.mp4"; |
std::vector<int> params { |
CAP_PROP_VIDEO_STREAM, -1, // disabled |
}; |
VideoCapture cap; |
|, cv::CAP_MSMF, params); |
ASSERT_FALSE(cap.isOpened()); |
} |
TEST(AudioOpenCheck, bad_arg_invalid_audio_sample_per_second) |
{ |
std::string fileName = "audio/test_audio.mp4"; |
std::vector<int> params { |
CAP_PROP_VIDEO_STREAM, -1, // disabled |
}; |
VideoCapture cap; |
|, cv::CAP_ANY, params); |
ASSERT_FALSE(cap.isOpened()); |
} |
}} //namespace