Open Source Computer Vision Library

42 lines
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\section{First Section}
Creates header and \textsf{allocates} data
IplImage* cvCreateImage( CvSize size,
int depth,
int channels );
\item[\texttt{size}] Image width and height
\item[\texttt{depth}] Bit depth of image elements. Can be one of:
\item[IPL\_DEPTH\_8U] unsigned 8-bit integers
\item[IPL\_DEPTH\_8S] signed 8-bit integers
\item[IPL\_DEPTH\_16U] unsigned 16-bit integers
\item[IPL\_DEPTH\_16S] signed 16-bit integers
\item[IPL\_DEPTH\_32S] signed 32-bit integers
\item[IPL\_DEPTH\_32F] single precision floating-point numbers
\item[IPL\_DEPTH\_64F] double precision floating-point numbers
\item[\texttt{channels}] Number of channels per element(pixel). Can be 1, 2, 3 or 4. The channels are interleaved, for example the usual data layout of a color image is:
b0 g0 r0 b1 g1 r1 ...
Although in general IPL image format can store non-interleaved images as well and some of OpenCV can process it, this function can create interleaved images only.
The function cvCreateImage creates the header and allocates data as in the method of~\cite{author_conf_year}. This call is a shortened form of
header = cvCreateImageHeader(size,depth,channels);