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Operations with images {#tutorial_ug_mat} |
====================== |
Input/Output |
------------ |
### Images |
Load an image from a file: |
@code{.cpp} |
Mat img = imread(filename) |
@endcode |
If you read a jpg file, a 3 channel image is created by default. If you need a grayscale image, use: |
@code{.cpp} |
Mat img = imread(filename, 0); |
@endcode |
@note format of the file is determined by its content (first few bytes) Save an image to a file: |
@code{.cpp} |
imwrite(filename, img); |
@endcode |
@note format of the file is determined by its extension. |
@note use imdecode and imencode to read and write image from/to memory rather than a file. |
-------- |
Basic operations with images |
---------------------------- |
### Accessing pixel intensity values |
In order to get pixel intensity value, you have to know the type of an image and the number of |
channels. Here is an example for a single channel grey scale image (type 8UC1) and pixel coordinates |
x and y: |
@code{.cpp} |
Scalar intensity = img.at<uchar>(y, x); |
@endcode |
intensity.val[0] contains a value from 0 to 255. Note the ordering of x and y. Since in OpenCV |
images are represented by the same structure as matrices, we use the same convention for both |
cases - the 0-based row index (or y-coordinate) goes first and the 0-based column index (or |
x-coordinate) follows it. Alternatively, you can use the following notation: |
@code{.cpp} |
Scalar intensity = img.at<uchar>(Point(x, y)); |
@endcode |
Now let us consider a 3 channel image with BGR color ordering (the default format returned by |
imread): |
@code{.cpp} |
Vec3b intensity = img.at<Vec3b>(y, x); |
uchar blue = intensity.val[0]; |
uchar green = intensity.val[1]; |
uchar red = intensity.val[2]; |
@endcode |
You can use the same method for floating-point images (for example, you can get such an image by |
running Sobel on a 3 channel image): |
@code{.cpp} |
Vec3f intensity = img.at<Vec3f>(y, x); |
float blue = intensity.val[0]; |
float green = intensity.val[1]; |
float red = intensity.val[2]; |
@endcode |
The same method can be used to change pixel intensities: |
@code{.cpp} |
img.at<uchar>(y, x) = 128; |
@endcode |
There are functions in OpenCV, especially from calib3d module, such as projectPoints, that take an |
array of 2D or 3D points in the form of Mat. Matrix should contain exactly one column, each row |
corresponds to a point, matrix type should be 32FC2 or 32FC3 correspondingly. Such a matrix can be |
easily constructed from `std::vector`: |
@code{.cpp} |
vector<Point2f> points; |
//... fill the array |
Mat pointsMat = Mat(points); |
@endcode |
One can access a point in this matrix using the same method Mat::at : |
@code{.cpp} |
Point2f point = pointsMat.at<Point2f>(i, 0); |
@endcode |
### Memory management and reference counting |
Mat is a structure that keeps matrix/image characteristics (rows and columns number, data type etc) |
and a pointer to data. So nothing prevents us from having several instances of Mat corresponding to |
the same data. A Mat keeps a reference count that tells if data has to be deallocated when a |
particular instance of Mat is destroyed. Here is an example of creating two matrices without copying |
data: |
@code{.cpp} |
std::vector<Point3f> points; |
// .. fill the array |
Mat pointsMat = Mat(points).reshape(1); |
@endcode |
As a result we get a 32FC1 matrix with 3 columns instead of 32FC3 matrix with 1 column. pointsMat |
uses data from points and will not deallocate the memory when destroyed. In this particular |
instance, however, developer has to make sure that lifetime of points is longer than of pointsMat. |
If we need to copy the data, this is done using, for example, cv::Mat::copyTo or cv::Mat::clone: |
@code{.cpp} |
Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); |
Mat img1 = img.clone(); |
@endcode |
To the contrary with C API where an output image had to be created by developer, an empty output Mat |
can be supplied to each function. Each implementation calls Mat::create for a destination matrix. |
This method allocates data for a matrix if it is empty. If it is not empty and has the correct size |
and type, the method does nothing. If, however, size or type are different from input arguments, the |
data is deallocated (and lost) and a new data is allocated. For example: |
@code{.cpp} |
Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); |
Mat sobelx; |
Sobel(img, sobelx, CV_32F, 1, 0); |
@endcode |
### Primitive operations |
There is a number of convenient operators defined on a matrix. For example, here is how we can make |
a black image from an existing greyscale image \`img\`: |
@code{.cpp} |
img = Scalar(0); |
@endcode |
Selecting a region of interest: |
@code{.cpp} |
Rect r(10, 10, 100, 100); |
Mat smallImg = img(r); |
@endcode |
A convertion from Mat to C API data structures: |
@code{.cpp} |
Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); |
IplImage img1 = img; |
CvMat m = img; |
@endcode |
Note that there is no data copying here. |
Conversion from color to grey scale: |
@code{.cpp} |
Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); // loading a 8UC3 image |
Mat grey; |
cvtColor(img, grey, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
@endcode |
Change image type from 8UC1 to 32FC1: |
@code{.cpp} |
src.convertTo(dst, CV_32F); |
@endcode |
### Visualizing images |
It is very useful to see intermediate results of your algorithm during development process. OpenCV |
provides a convenient way of visualizing images. A 8U image can be shown using: |
@code{.cpp} |
Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); |
namedWindow("image", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); |
imshow("image", img); |
waitKey(); |
@endcode |
A call to waitKey() starts a message passing cycle that waits for a key stroke in the "image" |
window. A 32F image needs to be converted to 8U type. For example: |
@code{.cpp} |
Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); |
Mat grey; |
cvtColor(img, grey, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
Mat sobelx; |
Sobel(grey, sobelx, CV_32F, 1, 0); |
double minVal, maxVal; |
minMaxLoc(sobelx, &minVal, &maxVal); //find minimum and maximum intensities |
Mat draw; |
sobelx.convertTo(draw, CV_8U, 255.0/(maxVal - minVal), -minVal * 255.0/(maxVal - minVal)); |
namedWindow("image", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); |
imshow("image", draw); |
waitKey(); |