Open Source Computer Vision Library
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272 lines
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272 lines
7.7 KiB
appdoc = """ |
This is generator of CLapack subset. |
The usage: |
1. Make sure you have the special version of f2c installed. |
Grab it from |
2. Download fresh version of Lapack from |
| |
You may choose some specific version or the latest snapshot. |
3. If necessary, edit "roots" and "banlist" variables in this script, specify the needed and unneeded functions |
4. From within a working directory run |
$ python3 <opencv_root>/3rdparty/clapack/ <lapack_root> |
or |
$ F2C=<path_to_custom_f2c> python3 <opencv_root>/3rdparty/clapack/ <lapack_root> |
it will generate "new_clapack" directory with "include" and "src" subdirectories. |
5. erase opencv/3rdparty/clapack/src and replace it with new_clapack/src. |
6. copy new_clapack/include/lapack.h to opencv/3rdparty/clapack/include. |
7. optionally, edit opencv/3rdparty/clapack/CMakeLists.txt and update CLAPACK_VERSION as needed. |
This is it. Now build it and enjoy. |
""" |
import glob, re, os, shutil, subprocess, sys |
roots = ["cgemm_", "dgemm_", "sgemm_", "zgemm_", |
"dgeev_", "dgesdd_", |
#"dsyevr_", |
#"dgesv_", "dgetrf_", "dposv_", "dpotrf_", "dgels_", "dgeqrf_", |
#"sgesv_", "sgetrf_", "sposv_", "spotrf_", "sgels_", "sgeqrf_" |
] |
banlist = ["slamch_", "slamc3_", "dlamch_", "dlamc3_", "lsame_", "xerbla_"] |
if len(sys.argv) < 2: |
print(appdoc) |
sys.exit(0) |
lapack_root = sys.argv[1] |
dst_path = "." |
def error(msg): |
print ("error: " + msg) |
sys.exit(0) |
def file2fun(fname): |
return (os.path.basename(fname)[:-2]).upper() |
def print_graph(m): |
for (k, neighbors) in sorted(m.items()): |
print (k + " : " + ", ".join(sorted(list(neighbors)))) |
blas_path = os.path.join(lapack_root, "BLAS/SRC") |
lapack_path = os.path.join(lapack_root, "SRC") |
roots = [f[:-1].upper() for f in roots] |
banlist = [f[:-1].upper() for f in banlist] |
def fun2file(func): |
filename = func.lower() + ".f" |
blas_loc = blas_path + "/" + filename |
lapack_loc = lapack_path + "/" + filename |
if os.path.exists(blas_loc): |
return blas_loc |
elif os.path.exists(lapack_loc): |
return lapack_loc |
else: |
error("neither %s nor %s exist" % (blas_loc, lapack_loc)) |
all_files = glob.glob(blas_path + "/*.f") + glob.glob(lapack_path + "/*.f") |
all_funcs = [file2fun(fname) for fname in all_files] |
all_funcs_set = set(all_funcs).difference(set(banlist)) |
all_funcs = sorted(list(all_funcs_set)) |
func_deps = {} |
#print all_funcs |
words_regexp = re.compile(r'\w+') |
def scan_deps(func): |
global func_deps |
if func in func_deps: |
return |
func_deps[func] = set([]) # to avoid possibly infinite recursion |
f = open(fun2file(func), 'rt') |
deps = [] |
external_mode = False |
for l in f.readlines(): |
if l.startswith('*'): |
continue |
l = l.strip().upper() |
if l.startswith('EXTERNAL '): |
external_mode = True |
elif l.startswith('$') and external_mode: |
pass |
else: |
external_mode = False |
if not external_mode: |
continue |
for w in words_regexp.findall(l): |
if w in all_funcs_set: |
deps.append(w) |
f.close() |
# remove func from its dependencies |
deps = set(deps).difference(set([func])) |
func_deps[func] = deps |
for d in deps: |
scan_deps(d) |
for r in roots: |
scan_deps(r) |
selected_funcs = sorted(func_deps.keys()) |
print ("total files before amalgamation: %d" % len(selected_funcs)) |
inv_deps = {} |
for func in selected_funcs: |
inv_deps[func] = set([]) |
for (func, deps) in func_deps.items(): |
for d in deps: |
inv_deps[d] = inv_deps[d].union(set([func])) |
#print_graph(inv_deps) |
func_home = {} |
for func in selected_funcs: |
func_home[func] = func |
def get_home0(func, func0): |
used_by = inv_deps[func] |
if len(used_by) == 1: |
p = list(used_by)[0] |
if p != func and p != func0: |
return get_home0(p, func0) |
return func |
return func |
# try to merge some files |
for func in selected_funcs: |
func_home[func] = get_home0(func, func) |
# try to merge some files even more |
for iters in range(100): |
homes_changed = False |
for (func, used_by) in inv_deps.items(): |
p0 = func_home[func] |
n = len(used_by) |
if n == 1: |
p = list(used_by)[0] |
p1 = func_home[p] |
if p1 != p0: |
func_home[func] = p1 |
homes_changed = True |
continue |
elif n > 1: |
phomes = set([]) |
for p in used_by: |
phomes.add(func_home[p]) |
if len(phomes) == 1: |
p1 = list(phomes)[0] |
if p1 != p0: |
func_home[func] = p1 |
homes_changed = True |
if not homes_changed: |
break |
res_files = {} |
for (func, h) in func_home.items(): |
elems = res_files.get(h, set([])) |
elems.add(func) |
res_files[h] = elems |
print ("total files after amalgamation: %d" % len(res_files)) |
#print_graph(res_files) |
outdir = os.path.join(dst_path, "new_clapack") |
outdir_src = os.path.join(outdir, "src") |
outdir_inc = os.path.join(outdir, "include") |
shutil.rmtree(outdir, ignore_errors=True) |
try: |
os.makedirs(outdir_src) |
except os.error: |
pass |
try: |
os.makedirs(outdir_inc) |
except os.error: |
pass |
f2c_appname = os.getenv("F2C", default="f2c") |
print ("f2c used: %s" % f2c_appname) |
f2c_getver_cmd = f2c_appname + " -v" |
verstr = subprocess.check_output(f2c_getver_cmd.split(' ')).decode("utf-8") |
if "for_lapack" not in verstr: |
error("invalid version of f2c\n" + appdoc) |
f2c_flags = "-ctypes -localconst -no-proto" |
f2c_cmd0 = f2c_appname + " " + f2c_flags |
f2c_cmd1 = f2c_appname + " -hdr none " + f2c_flags |
lapack_protos = {} |
extract_fn_regexp = re.compile(r'.+?(\w+)\s*\(') |
def extract_proto(func, csrc): |
global lapack_protos |
cname = func.lower() + "_" |
cfname = func.lower() + ".c" |
regexp_str = r'\n(?:/\* Subroutine \*/\s*)?\w+\s+\w+\s*\((?:.|\n)+?\)[\s\n]*\{' |
proto_regexp = re.compile(regexp_str) |
ps = proto_regexp.findall(csrc) |
for p in ps: |
n = p.find("*/") |
if n < 0: |
n = 0 |
else: |
n += 2 |
p = p[n:-1].strip() + ";" |
fns = extract_fn_regexp.findall(p) |
if len(fns) != 1: |
error("prototype of function (%s) when analyzing %s cannot be parsed" % (p, cfname)) |
fn = fns[0] |
if fn not in lapack_protos: |
p = re.sub(r'\bcomplex\b', 'lapack_complex', p) |
p = re.sub(r'\bdoublecomplex\b', 'lapack_doublecomplex', p) |
lapack_protos[fn] = p |
for (filename, funcs) in sorted(res_files.items()): |
out = "" |
f2c_cmd = f2c_cmd0 |
for func in sorted(list(funcs)): |
ffilename = fun2file(func) |
print ("running " + f2c_cmd + " on " + ffilename + " ...") |
ffile = open(ffilename, 'rt') |
delta_out = subprocess.check_output(f2c_cmd.split(' '), stdin=ffile).decode("utf-8") |
# remove trailing whitespaces |
delta_out = '\n'.join([l.rstrip() for l in delta_out.split('\n')]) |
extract_proto(func, delta_out) |
out += delta_out |
ffile.close() |
f2c_cmd = f2c_cmd1 |
outname = os.path.join(outdir_src, filename.lower() + ".c") |
outfile = open(outname, 'wt') |
outfile.write(out) |
outfile.close() |
proto_hdr = """// this is auto-generated header for Lapack subset |
#ifndef __CLAPACK_H__ |
#define __CLAPACK_H__ |
#include "cblas.h" |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
%s |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
#endif |
""" % "\n\n".join([p for (n, p) in sorted(lapack_protos.items())]) |
proto_hdr_fname = os.path.join(outdir_inc, "lapack.h") |
f = open(proto_hdr_fname, 'wt') |
f.write(proto_hdr) |