const isNodeJs = (typeof window) === 'undefined'? true : false; |
if (isNodeJs) { |
var Benchmark = require('benchmark'); |
var cv = require('../../opencv'); |
var HelpFunc = require('../perf_helpfunc'); |
var Base = require('../base'); |
} else { |
var paramsElement = document.getElementById('params'); |
var runButton = document.getElementById('runButton'); |
var logElement = document.getElementById('log'); |
} |
cv.onRuntimeInitialized = () => { |
console.log('opencv.js loaded'); |
if (isNodeJs) { |
global.cv = cv; |
global.combine = HelpFunc.combine; |
global.cvtStr2cvSize = HelpFunc.cvtStr2cvSize; |
global.cvSize = Base.cvSize; |
} else { |
runButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); |
runButton.setAttribute('class', 'btn btn-primary'); |
runButton.innerHTML = 'Run'; |
} |
let totalCaseNum, currentCaseId; |
const typicalMatSizes = [cvSize.szVGA, cvSize.sz720p, cvSize.sz1080p, cvSize.szODD]; |
const matTypes = ['CV_8UC1', 'CV_16SC1', 'CV_32FC1', 'CV_64FC1']; |
const combiSizeMatTypeThreshType = combine(typicalMatSizes, matTypes, threshTypes); |
const combiSizeOnly = combine(typicalMatSizes, ['CV_8UC1'], ['THRESH_BINARY|THRESH_OTSU']); |
function addSizeMatTypeThreshTypeCase(suite, combination) { |
totalCaseNum += combination.length; |
for (let i = 0; i < combination.length; ++i) { |
let matSize = combination[i][0]; |
let matType = combination[i][1]; |
let threshType = combination[i][2]; |
suite.add('threshold', function() { |
cv.threshold(src, dst, threshold, thresholdMax, threshType); |
}, { |
'setup': function() { |
let matSize = this.params.matSize; |
let matType = cv[this.params.matType]; |
let threshType = cv[this.params.threshType]; |
let threshold = 127.0; |
let thresholdMax = 210.0; |
let src = new cv.Mat(matSize, matType); |
let dst = new cv.Mat(matSize, matType); |
let srcView = src.data; |
srcView[0] = 0; |
srcView[1] = 100; |
srcView[2] = 200; |
}, |
'teardown': function() { |
src.delete(); |
dst.delete(); |
} |
}); |
// set init params |
let index = suite.length - 1; |
suite[index].params = { |
matSize: matSize, |
matType: matType, |
threshType: threshType |
}; |
} |
} |
function addSizeOnlyCase(suite, combination) { |
totalCaseNum += combination.length; |
for (let i = 0; i < combination.length; ++i) { |
let matSize = combination[i][0]; |
suite.add('threshold', function() { |
cv.threshold(src, dst, threshold, thresholdMax, cv.THRESH_BINARY|cv.THRESH_OTSU); |
}, { |
'setup': function() { |
let matSize = this.params.matSize; |
let threshold = 127.0; |
let thresholdMax = 210.0; |
let src = new cv.Mat(matSize, cv.CV_8UC1); |
let dst = new cv.Mat(matSize, cv.CV_8UC1); |
let srcView = src.data; |
srcView[0] = 0; |
srcView[1] = 100; |
srcView[2] = 200; |
}, |
'teardown': function() { |
src.delete(); |
dst.delete(); |
} |
}); |
// set init params |
let index = suite.length - 1; |
suite[index].params = { |
matSize: matSize, |
matType: 'CV_8UC1', |
}; |
} |
} |
function decodeParams2Case(suite, params, isSizeOnly) { |
let sizeString = params.match(/[0-9]+x[0-9]+/g).toString(); |
let sizes = sizeString.match(/[0-9]+/g); |
let size1Str = sizes.slice(0, 2).toString(); |
let matSize = cvtStr2cvSize(size1Str); |
let matType, threshType; |
if (isSizeOnly) { |
matType = 'CV_8UC1'; |
} else { |
matType = (params.match(/CV\_[0-9]+[A-z][A-z][0-9]/) || []).toString(); |
threshType = (params.match(/THRESH\_[A-z]+\_?[A-z]*/) || []).toString(); |
} |
// check if the params match and add case |
for (let i = 0; i < combinations.length; ++i) { |
let combination = combinations[i]; |
for (let j = 0; j < combination.length; ++j) { |
if (matSize === combination[j][0] && matType === combination[j][1] && threshType === combination[j][2]) { |
thresholdFunc[i](suite, [combination[j]]); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
function log(message) { |
console.log(message);1 |
if (!isNodeJs) { |
logElement.innerHTML += `\n${'\t'.repeat(1) + message}`; |
} |
} |
function setBenchmarkSuite(suite) { |
suite |
// add listeners |
.on('cycle', function(event) { |
++currentCaseId; |
let params = event.target.params; |
let matSize = params.matSize; |
let matType = params.matType; |
let threshType = params.threshType; |
log(`=== ${event.target.name} ${currentCaseId} ===`); |
log(`params: (${parseInt(matSize.width)}x${parseInt(matSize.height)},`+ |
`${matType},${threshType})`); |
log('elapsed time:' +String(event.target.times.elapsed*1000)+' ms'); |
log('mean time:' +String(event.target.stats.mean*1000)+' ms'); |
log('stddev time:' +String(event.target.stats.deviation*1000)+' ms'); |
log(String(event.target)); |
}) |
.on('error', function(event) { log(`test case ${event.target.name} failed`); }) |
.on('complete', function(event) { |
log(`\n ###################################`) |
log(`Finished testing ${event.currentTarget.length} cases \n`); |
if (!isNodeJs) { |
runButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); |
runButton.setAttribute('class', 'btn btn-primary'); |
runButton.innerHTML = 'Run'; |
} |
}); |
} |
function genBenchmarkCase(paramsContent) { |
let suite = new Benchmark.Suite; |
totalCaseNum = 0; |
currentCaseId = 0; |
if (/\([0-9]+x[0-9]+,[\ ]*\w+,[\ ]*\w+\)/g.test(paramsContent.toString())) { |
let params = paramsContent.toString().match(/\([0-9]+x[0-9]+,[\ ]*\w+,[\ ]*\w+\)/g)[0]; |
let isSizeOnly = 0; |
decodeParams2Case(suite, params, isSizeOnly); |
} else if (/[\ ]*[0-9]+x[0-9]+[\ ]*/g.test(paramsContent.toString())) { |
let params = paramsContent.toString().match(/[\ ]*[0-9]+x[0-9]+[\ ]*/g)[0]; |
let isSizeOnly = 1; |
decodeParams2Case(suite, params, isSizeOnly); |
} |
else { |
log("no filter or getting invalid params, run all the cases"); |
addSizeMatTypeThreshTypeCase(suite, combiSizeMatTypeThreshType); |
addSizeOnlyCase(suite, combiSizeOnly); |
} |
setBenchmarkSuite(suite); |
log(`Running ${totalCaseNum} tests from Threshold`); |
suite.run({ 'async': true }); // run the benchmark |
} |
// init |
let thresholdFunc = [addSizeMatTypeThreshTypeCase, addSizeOnlyCase]; |
let combinations = [combiSizeMatTypeThreshType, combiSizeOnly]; |
// set test filter params |
if (isNodeJs) { |
const args = process.argv.slice(2); |
let paramsContent = ''; |
if (/--test_param_filter=\([0-9]+x[0-9]+,[\ ]*\w+,[\ ]*\w+\)/g.test(args.toString())) { |
paramsContent = args.toString().match(/\([0-9]+x[0-9]+,[\ ]*\w+,[\ ]*\w+\)/g)[0]; |
} else if (/--test_param_filter=[\ ]*[0-9]+x[0-9]+[\ ]*/g.test(args.toString())) { |
paramsContent = args.toString().match(/[\ ]*[0-9]+x[0-9]+[\ ]*/g)[0]; |
} |
genBenchmarkCase(paramsContent); |
} else { |
runButton.onclick = function() { |
let paramsContent = paramsElement.value; |
genBenchmarkCase(paramsContent); |
if (totalCaseNum !== 0) { |
runButton.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); |
runButton.setAttribute('class', 'btn btn-primary disabled'); |
runButton.innerHTML = "Running"; |
} |
} |
} |
}; |