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530 lines
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530 lines
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// This file is part of OpenCV project. |
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory |
// of this distribution and at |
#include "frameProcessor.hpp" |
#include "rotationConverters.hpp" |
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
#include <vector> |
#include <string> |
#include <algorithm> |
#include <limits> |
using namespace calib; |
#define VIDEO_TEXT_SIZE 4 |
#define POINT_SIZE 5 |
static cv::SimpleBlobDetector::Params getDetectorParams() |
{ |
cv::SimpleBlobDetector::Params detectorParams; |
detectorParams.thresholdStep = 40; |
detectorParams.minThreshold = 20; |
detectorParams.maxThreshold = 500; |
detectorParams.minRepeatability = 2; |
detectorParams.minDistBetweenBlobs = 5; |
detectorParams.filterByColor = true; |
detectorParams.blobColor = 0; |
detectorParams.filterByArea = true; |
detectorParams.minArea = 5; |
detectorParams.maxArea = 5000; |
detectorParams.filterByCircularity = false; |
detectorParams.minCircularity = 0.8f; |
detectorParams.maxCircularity = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); |
detectorParams.filterByInertia = true; |
detectorParams.minInertiaRatio = 0.1f; |
detectorParams.maxInertiaRatio = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); |
detectorParams.filterByConvexity = true; |
detectorParams.minConvexity = 0.8f; |
detectorParams.maxConvexity = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); |
return detectorParams; |
} |
FrameProcessor::~FrameProcessor() |
{ |
} |
bool CalibProcessor::detectAndParseChessboard(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
bool isTemplateFound = cv::findChessboardCorners(frame, mBoardSize, mCurrentImagePoints, chessBoardFlags); |
if (isTemplateFound) { |
cv::Mat viewGray; |
cv::cvtColor(frame, viewGray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
cv::cornerSubPix(viewGray, mCurrentImagePoints, cv::Size(11,11), |
cv::Size(-1,-1), cv::TermCriteria( cv::TermCriteria::EPS+cv::TermCriteria::COUNT, 30, 0.1 )); |
cv::drawChessboardCorners(frame, mBoardSize, cv::Mat(mCurrentImagePoints), isTemplateFound); |
mTemplateLocations.insert(mTemplateLocations.begin(), mCurrentImagePoints[0]); |
} |
return isTemplateFound; |
} |
bool CalibProcessor::detectAndParseChAruco(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Board> board = mCharucoBoard.staticCast<cv::aruco::Board>(); |
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > corners, rejected; |
std::vector<int> ids; |
cv::aruco::detectMarkers(frame, mArucoDictionary, corners, ids, cv::aruco::DetectorParameters::create(), rejected); |
cv::aruco::refineDetectedMarkers(frame, board, corners, ids, rejected); |
cv::Mat currentCharucoCorners, currentCharucoIds; |
if(ids.size() > 0) |
cv::aruco::interpolateCornersCharuco(corners, ids, frame, mCharucoBoard, currentCharucoCorners, |
currentCharucoIds); |
if(ids.size() > 0) cv::aruco::drawDetectedMarkers(frame, corners); |
if( > 3) { |
float centerX = 0, centerY = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < currentCharucoCorners.size[0]; i++) { |
centerX +=<float>(i, 0); |
centerY +=<float>(i, 1); |
} |
centerX /= currentCharucoCorners.size[0]; |
centerY /= currentCharucoCorners.size[0]; |
mTemplateLocations.insert(mTemplateLocations.begin(), cv::Point2f(centerX, centerY)); |
cv::aruco::drawDetectedCornersCharuco(frame, currentCharucoCorners, currentCharucoIds); |
mCurrentCharucoCorners = currentCharucoCorners; |
mCurrentCharucoIds = currentCharucoIds; |
return true; |
} |
#else |
CV_UNUSED(frame); |
#endif |
return false; |
} |
bool CalibProcessor::detectAndParseACircles(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
bool isTemplateFound = findCirclesGrid(frame, mBoardSize, mCurrentImagePoints, cv::CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID, mBlobDetectorPtr); |
if(isTemplateFound) { |
mTemplateLocations.insert(mTemplateLocations.begin(), mCurrentImagePoints[0]); |
cv::drawChessboardCorners(frame, mBoardSize, cv::Mat(mCurrentImagePoints), isTemplateFound); |
} |
return isTemplateFound; |
} |
bool CalibProcessor::detectAndParseDualACircles(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> blackPointbuf; |
cv::Mat invertedView; |
cv::bitwise_not(frame, invertedView); |
bool isWhiteGridFound = cv::findCirclesGrid(frame, mBoardSize, mCurrentImagePoints, cv::CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID, mBlobDetectorPtr); |
if(!isWhiteGridFound) |
return false; |
bool isBlackGridFound = cv::findCirclesGrid(invertedView, mBoardSize, blackPointbuf, cv::CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID, mBlobDetectorPtr); |
if(!isBlackGridFound) |
{ |
mCurrentImagePoints.clear(); |
return false; |
} |
cv::drawChessboardCorners(frame, mBoardSize, cv::Mat(mCurrentImagePoints), isWhiteGridFound); |
cv::drawChessboardCorners(frame, mBoardSize, cv::Mat(blackPointbuf), isBlackGridFound); |
mCurrentImagePoints.insert(mCurrentImagePoints.end(), blackPointbuf.begin(), blackPointbuf.end()); |
mTemplateLocations.insert(mTemplateLocations.begin(), mCurrentImagePoints[0]); |
return true; |
} |
void CalibProcessor::saveFrameData() |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> objectPoints; |
switch(mBoardType) |
{ |
case Chessboard: |
objectPoints.reserve(mBoardSize.height*mBoardSize.width); |
for( int i = 0; i < mBoardSize.height; ++i ) |
for( int j = 0; j < mBoardSize.width; ++j ) |
objectPoints.push_back(cv::Point3f(j*mSquareSize, i*mSquareSize, 0)); |
mCalibData->imagePoints.push_back(mCurrentImagePoints); |
mCalibData->objectPoints.push_back(objectPoints); |
break; |
case chAruco: |
mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.push_back(mCurrentCharucoCorners); |
mCalibData->allCharucoIds.push_back(mCurrentCharucoIds); |
break; |
case AcirclesGrid: |
objectPoints.reserve(mBoardSize.height*mBoardSize.width); |
for( int i = 0; i < mBoardSize.height; i++ ) |
for( int j = 0; j < mBoardSize.width; j++ ) |
objectPoints.push_back(cv::Point3f((2*j + i % 2)*mSquareSize, i*mSquareSize, 0)); |
mCalibData->imagePoints.push_back(mCurrentImagePoints); |
mCalibData->objectPoints.push_back(objectPoints); |
break; |
case DoubleAcirclesGrid: |
{ |
float gridCenterX = (2*((float)mBoardSize.width - 1) + 1)*mSquareSize + mTemplDist / 2; |
float gridCenterY = (mBoardSize.height - 1)*mSquareSize / 2; |
objectPoints.reserve(2*mBoardSize.height*mBoardSize.width); |
//white part |
for( int i = 0; i < mBoardSize.height; i++ ) |
for( int j = 0; j < mBoardSize.width; j++ ) |
objectPoints.push_back( |
cv::Point3f(-float((2*j + i % 2)*mSquareSize + mTemplDist + |
(2*(mBoardSize.width - 1) + 1)*mSquareSize - gridCenterX), |
-float(i*mSquareSize) - gridCenterY, |
0)); |
//black part |
for( int i = 0; i < mBoardSize.height; i++ ) |
for( int j = 0; j < mBoardSize.width; j++ ) |
objectPoints.push_back(cv::Point3f(-float((2*j + i % 2)*mSquareSize - gridCenterX), |
-float(i*mSquareSize) - gridCenterY, 0)); |
mCalibData->imagePoints.push_back(mCurrentImagePoints); |
mCalibData->objectPoints.push_back(objectPoints); |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
void CalibProcessor::showCaptureMessage(const cv::Mat& frame, const std::string &message) |
{ |
cv::Point textOrigin(100, 100); |
double textSize = VIDEO_TEXT_SIZE * frame.cols / (double) IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH; |
cv::bitwise_not(frame, frame); |
cv::putText(frame, message, textOrigin, 1, textSize, cv::Scalar(0,0,255), 2, cv::LINE_AA); |
cv::imshow(mainWindowName, frame); |
cv::waitKey(300); |
} |
bool CalibProcessor::checkLastFrame() |
{ |
bool isFrameBad = false; |
cv::Mat tmpCamMatrix; |
const double badAngleThresh = 40; |
if(!mCalibData-> { |
tmpCamMatrix = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F); |
|<double>(0,0) = 20000; |
|<double>(1,1) = 20000; |
|<double>(0,2) = mCalibData->imageSize.height/2; |
|<double>(1,2) = mCalibData->imageSize.width/2; |
} |
else |
mCalibData->cameraMatrix.copyTo(tmpCamMatrix); |
if(mBoardType != chAruco) { |
cv::Mat r, t, angles; |
cv::solvePnP(mCalibData->objectPoints.back(), mCurrentImagePoints, tmpCamMatrix, mCalibData->distCoeffs, r, t); |
RodriguesToEuler(r, angles, CALIB_DEGREES); |
if(fabs(<double>(0)) > badAngleThresh || fabs(<double>(1)) > badAngleThresh) { |
mCalibData->objectPoints.pop_back(); |
mCalibData->imagePoints.pop_back(); |
isFrameBad = true; |
} |
} |
else { |
cv::Mat r, t, angles; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> allObjPoints; |
allObjPoints.reserve(; |
for(size_t i = 0; i <; i++) { |
int pointID =<int>((int)i); |
CV_Assert(pointID >= 0 && pointID < (int)mCharucoBoard->chessboardCorners.size()); |
allObjPoints.push_back(mCharucoBoard->chessboardCorners[pointID]); |
} |
cv::solvePnP(allObjPoints, mCurrentCharucoCorners, tmpCamMatrix, mCalibData->distCoeffs, r, t); |
RodriguesToEuler(r, angles, CALIB_DEGREES); |
if(180.0 - fabs(<double>(0)) > badAngleThresh || fabs(<double>(1)) > badAngleThresh) { |
isFrameBad = true; |
mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.pop_back(); |
mCalibData->allCharucoIds.pop_back(); |
} |
#endif |
} |
return isFrameBad; |
} |
CalibProcessor::CalibProcessor(cv::Ptr<calibrationData> data, captureParameters &capParams) : |
mCalibData(data), mBoardType(capParams.board), mBoardSize(capParams.boardSize) |
{ |
mCapuredFrames = 0; |
mNeededFramesNum = capParams.calibrationStep; |
mDelayBetweenCaptures = static_cast<int>(capParams.captureDelay * capParams.fps); |
mMaxTemplateOffset = std::sqrt(static_cast<float>(mCalibData->imageSize.height * mCalibData->imageSize.height) + |
static_cast<float>(mCalibData->imageSize.width * mCalibData->imageSize.width)) / 20.0; |
mSquareSize = capParams.squareSize; |
mTemplDist = capParams.templDst; |
switch(mBoardType) |
{ |
case chAruco: |
mArucoDictionary = cv::aruco::getPredefinedDictionary( |
cv::aruco::PREDEFINED_DICTIONARY_NAME(capParams.charucoDictName)); |
mCharucoBoard = cv::aruco::CharucoBoard::create(mBoardSize.width, mBoardSize.height, capParams.charucoSquareLength, |
capParams.charucoMarkerSize, mArucoDictionary); |
#endif |
break; |
case AcirclesGrid: |
mBlobDetectorPtr = cv::SimpleBlobDetector::create(); |
break; |
case DoubleAcirclesGrid: |
mBlobDetectorPtr = cv::SimpleBlobDetector::create(getDetectorParams()); |
break; |
case Chessboard: |
break; |
} |
} |
cv::Mat CalibProcessor::processFrame(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
cv::Mat frameCopy; |
frame.copyTo(frameCopy); |
bool isTemplateFound = false; |
mCurrentImagePoints.clear(); |
switch(mBoardType) |
{ |
case Chessboard: |
isTemplateFound = detectAndParseChessboard(frameCopy); |
break; |
case chAruco: |
isTemplateFound = detectAndParseChAruco(frameCopy); |
break; |
case AcirclesGrid: |
isTemplateFound = detectAndParseACircles(frameCopy); |
break; |
case DoubleAcirclesGrid: |
isTemplateFound = detectAndParseDualACircles(frameCopy); |
break; |
} |
if(mTemplateLocations.size() > mDelayBetweenCaptures) |
mTemplateLocations.pop_back(); |
if(mTemplateLocations.size() == mDelayBetweenCaptures && isTemplateFound) { |
if(cv::norm(mTemplateLocations.front() - mTemplateLocations.back()) < mMaxTemplateOffset) { |
saveFrameData(); |
bool isFrameBad = checkLastFrame(); |
if (!isFrameBad) { |
std::string displayMessage = cv::format("Frame # %zu captured", std::max(mCalibData->imagePoints.size(), |
mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.size())); |
if(!showOverlayMessage(displayMessage)) |
showCaptureMessage(frame, displayMessage); |
mCapuredFrames++; |
} |
else { |
std::string displayMessage = "Frame rejected"; |
if(!showOverlayMessage(displayMessage)) |
showCaptureMessage(frame, displayMessage); |
} |
mTemplateLocations.clear(); |
mTemplateLocations.reserve(mDelayBetweenCaptures); |
} |
} |
return frameCopy; |
} |
bool CalibProcessor::isProcessed() const |
{ |
if(mCapuredFrames < mNeededFramesNum) |
return false; |
else |
return true; |
} |
void CalibProcessor::resetState() |
{ |
mCapuredFrames = 0; |
mTemplateLocations.clear(); |
} |
CalibProcessor::~CalibProcessor() |
{ |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////// |
void ShowProcessor::drawBoard(cv::Mat &img, cv::InputArray points) |
{ |
cv::Mat tmpView = cv::Mat::zeros(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8UC3); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> templateHull; |
std::vector<cv::Point> poly; |
cv::convexHull(points, templateHull); |
poly.resize(templateHull.size()); |
for(size_t i=0; i<templateHull.size();i++) |
poly[i] = cv::Point((int)(templateHull[i].x*mGridViewScale), (int)(templateHull[i].y*mGridViewScale)); |
cv::fillConvexPoly(tmpView, poly, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), cv::LINE_AA); |
cv::addWeighted(tmpView, .2, img, 1, 0, img); |
} |
void ShowProcessor::drawGridPoints(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
if(mBoardType != chAruco) |
for(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> >::iterator it = mCalibdata->imagePoints.begin(); it != mCalibdata->imagePoints.end(); ++it) |
for(std::vector<cv::Point2f>::iterator pointIt = (*it).begin(); pointIt != (*it).end(); ++pointIt) |
cv::circle(frame, *pointIt, POINT_SIZE, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, cv::LINE_AA); |
else |
for(std::vector<cv::Mat>::iterator it = mCalibdata->allCharucoCorners.begin(); it != mCalibdata->allCharucoCorners.end(); ++it) |
for(int i = 0; i < (*it).size[0]; i++) |
cv::circle(frame, cv::Point((int)(*it).at<float>(i, 0), (int)(*it).at<float>(i, 1)), |
POINT_SIZE, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, cv::LINE_AA); |
} |
ShowProcessor::ShowProcessor(cv::Ptr<calibrationData> data, cv::Ptr<calibController> controller, TemplateType board) : |
mCalibdata(data), mController(controller), mBoardType(board) |
{ |
mNeedUndistort = true; |
mVisMode = Grid; |
mGridViewScale = 0.5; |
mTextSize = VIDEO_TEXT_SIZE; |
} |
cv::Mat ShowProcessor::processFrame(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
if (!mCalibdata->cameraMatrix.empty() && !mCalibdata->distCoeffs.empty()) |
{ |
mTextSize = VIDEO_TEXT_SIZE * (double) frame.cols / IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH; |
cv::Scalar textColor = cv::Scalar(0,0,255); |
cv::Mat frameCopy; |
if (mNeedUndistort && mController->getFramesNumberState()) { |
if(mVisMode == Grid) |
drawGridPoints(frame); |
cv::remap(frame, frameCopy, mCalibdata->undistMap1, mCalibdata->undistMap2, cv::INTER_LINEAR); |
int baseLine = 100; |
cv::Size textSize = cv::getTextSize("Undistorted view", 1, mTextSize, 2, &baseLine); |
cv::Point textOrigin(baseLine, frame.rows - (int)(2.5*textSize.height)); |
cv::putText(frameCopy, "Undistorted view", textOrigin, 1, mTextSize, textColor, 2, cv::LINE_AA); |
} |
else { |
frame.copyTo(frameCopy); |
if(mVisMode == Grid) |
drawGridPoints(frameCopy); |
} |
std::string displayMessage; |
if(mCalibdata-><double>(0) == 0) |
displayMessage = cv::format("F = %d RMS = %.3f", (int)mCalibdata-><double>(0,0), mCalibdata->totalAvgErr); |
else |
displayMessage = cv::format("Fx = %d Fy = %d RMS = %.3f", (int)mCalibdata-><double>(0,0), |
(int)mCalibdata-><double>(1,1), mCalibdata->totalAvgErr); |
if(mController->getRMSState() && mController->getFramesNumberState()) |
displayMessage.append(" OK"); |
int baseLine = 100; |
cv::Size textSize = cv::getTextSize(displayMessage, 1, mTextSize - 1, 2, &baseLine); |
cv::Point textOrigin = cv::Point(baseLine, 2*textSize.height); |
cv::putText(frameCopy, displayMessage, textOrigin, 1, mTextSize - 1, textColor, 2, cv::LINE_AA); |
if(mCalibdata-><double>(0) == 0) |
displayMessage = cv::format("DF = %.2f", mCalibdata-><double>(1)*sigmaMult); |
else |
displayMessage = cv::format("DFx = %.2f DFy = %.2f", mCalibdata-><double>(0)*sigmaMult, |
mCalibdata-><double>(1)*sigmaMult); |
if(mController->getConfidenceIntrervalsState() && mController->getFramesNumberState()) |
displayMessage.append(" OK"); |
cv::putText(frameCopy, displayMessage, cv::Point(baseLine, 4*textSize.height), 1, mTextSize - 1, textColor, 2, cv::LINE_AA); |
if(mController->getCommonCalibrationState()) { |
displayMessage = cv::format("Calibration is done"); |
cv::putText(frameCopy, displayMessage, cv::Point(baseLine, 6*textSize.height), 1, mTextSize - 1, textColor, 2, cv::LINE_AA); |
} |
int calibFlags = mController->getNewFlags(); |
displayMessage = ""; |
if(!(calibFlags & cv::CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO)) |
displayMessage.append(cv::format("AR=%.3f ", mCalibdata-><double>(0,0)/mCalibdata-><double>(1,1))); |
if(calibFlags & cv::CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST) |
displayMessage.append("TD=0 "); |
displayMessage.append(cv::format("K1=%.2f K2=%.2f K3=%.2f", mCalibdata-><double>(0), mCalibdata-><double>(1), |
mCalibdata-><double>(4))); |
cv::putText(frameCopy, displayMessage, cv::Point(baseLine, frameCopy.rows - (int)(1.5*textSize.height)), |
1, mTextSize - 1, textColor, 2, cv::LINE_AA); |
return frameCopy; |
} |
return frame; |
} |
bool ShowProcessor::isProcessed() const |
{ |
return false; |
} |
void ShowProcessor::resetState() |
{ |
} |
void ShowProcessor::setVisualizationMode(visualisationMode mode) |
{ |
mVisMode = mode; |
} |
void ShowProcessor::switchVisualizationMode() |
{ |
if(mVisMode == Grid) { |
mVisMode = Window; |
updateBoardsView(); |
} |
else { |
mVisMode = Grid; |
cv::destroyWindow(gridWindowName); |
} |
} |
void ShowProcessor::clearBoardsView() |
{ |
cv::imshow(gridWindowName, cv::Mat()); |
} |
void ShowProcessor::updateBoardsView() |
{ |
if(mVisMode == Window) { |
cv::Size originSize = mCalibdata->imageSize; |
cv::Mat altGridView = cv::Mat::zeros((int)(originSize.height*mGridViewScale), (int)(originSize.width*mGridViewScale), CV_8UC3); |
if(mBoardType != chAruco) |
for(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> >::iterator it = mCalibdata->imagePoints.begin(); it != mCalibdata->imagePoints.end(); ++it) |
if(mBoardType != DoubleAcirclesGrid) |
drawBoard(altGridView, *it); |
else { |
size_t pointsNum = (*it).size()/2; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points(pointsNum); |
std::copy((*it).begin(), (*it).begin() + pointsNum, points.begin()); |
drawBoard(altGridView, points); |
std::copy((*it).begin() + pointsNum, (*it).begin() + 2*pointsNum, points.begin()); |
drawBoard(altGridView, points); |
} |
else |
for(std::vector<cv::Mat>::iterator it = mCalibdata->allCharucoCorners.begin(); it != mCalibdata->allCharucoCorners.end(); ++it) |
drawBoard(altGridView, *it); |
cv::imshow(gridWindowName, altGridView); |
} |
} |
void ShowProcessor::switchUndistort() |
{ |
mNeedUndistort = !mNeedUndistort; |
} |
void ShowProcessor::setUndistort(bool isEnabled) |
{ |
mNeedUndistort = isEnabled; |
} |
ShowProcessor::~ShowProcessor() |
{ |