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.. _Gradient Boosted Trees: |
Gradient Boosted Trees |
====================== |
.. highlight:: cpp |
Gradient Boosted Trees (GBT) is a generalized boosting algorithm introduced by |
Jerome Friedman: . |
In contrast to the AdaBoost.M1 algorithm, GBT can deal with both multiclass |
classification and regression problems. Moreover, it can use any |
differential loss function, some popular ones are implemented. |
Decision trees (:ocv:class:`CvDTree`) usage as base learners allows to process ordered |
and categorical variables. |
.. _Training GBT: |
Training the GBT model |
---------------------- |
Gradient Boosted Trees model represents an ensemble of single regression trees |
built in a greedy fashion. Training procedure is an iterative process |
similar to the numerical optimization via the gradient descent method. Summary loss |
on the training set depends only on the current model predictions for the |
training samples, in other words |
:math:`\sum^N_{i=1}L(y_i, F(x_i)) \equiv \mathcal{L}(F(x_1), F(x_2), ... , F(x_N)) |
\equiv \mathcal{L}(F)`. And the :math:`\mathcal{L}(F)` |
gradient can be computed as follows: |
.. math:: |
grad(\mathcal{L}(F)) = \left( \dfrac{\partial{L(y_1, F(x_1))}}{\partial{F(x_1)}}, |
\dfrac{\partial{L(y_2, F(x_2))}}{\partial{F(x_2)}}, ... , |
\dfrac{\partial{L(y_N, F(x_N))}}{\partial{F(x_N)}} \right) . |
At every training step, a single regression tree is built to predict an |
antigradient vector components. Step length is computed corresponding to the |
loss function and separately for every region determined by the tree leaf. It |
can be eliminated by changing values of the leaves directly. |
See below the main scheme of the training process: |
#. |
Find the best constant model. |
#. |
For :math:`i` in :math:`[1,M]`: |
#. |
Compute the antigradient. |
#. |
Grow a regression tree to predict antigradient components. |
#. |
Change values in the tree leaves. |
#. |
Add the tree to the model. |
The following loss functions are implemented for regression problems: |
* |
Squared loss (``CvGBTrees::SQUARED_LOSS``): |
:math:`L(y,f(x))=\dfrac{1}{2}(y-f(x))^2` |
* |
Absolute loss (``CvGBTrees::ABSOLUTE_LOSS``): |
:math:`L(y,f(x))=|y-f(x)|` |
* |
Huber loss (``CvGBTrees::HUBER_LOSS``): |
:math:`L(y,f(x)) = \left\{ \begin{array}{lr} |
\delta\cdot\left(|y-f(x)|-\dfrac{\delta}{2}\right) & : |y-f(x)|>\delta\\ |
\dfrac{1}{2}\cdot(y-f(x))^2 & : |y-f(x)|\leq\delta \end{array} \right.`, |
where :math:`\delta` is the :math:`\alpha`-quantile estimation of the |
:math:`|y-f(x)|`. In the current implementation :math:`\alpha=0.2`. |
The following loss functions are implemented for classification problems: |
* |
Deviance or cross-entropy loss (``CvGBTrees::DEVIANCE_LOSS``): |
:math:`K` functions are built, one function for each output class, and |
:math:`L(y,f_1(x),...,f_K(x)) = -\sum^K_{k=0}1(y=k)\ln{p_k(x)}`, |
where :math:`p_k(x)=\dfrac{\exp{f_k(x)}}{\sum^K_{i=1}\exp{f_i(x)}}` |
is the estimation of the probability of :math:`y=k`. |
As a result, you get the following model: |
.. math:: f(x) = f_0 + \nu\cdot\sum^M_{i=1}T_i(x) , |
where :math:`f_0` is the initial guess (the best constant model) and :math:`\nu` |
is a regularization parameter from the interval :math:`(0,1]`, further called |
*shrinkage*. |
.. _Predicting with GBT: |
Predicting with the GBT Model |
----------------------------- |
To get the GBT model prediction, you need to compute the sum of responses of |
all the trees in the ensemble. For regression problems, it is the answer. |
For classification problems, the result is :math:`\arg\max_{i=1..K}(f_i(x))`. |
.. highlight:: cpp |
CvGBTreesParams |
--------------- |
.. ocv:struct:: CvGBTreesParams : public CvDTreeParams |
GBT training parameters. |
The structure contains parameters for each single decision tree in the ensemble, |
as well as the whole model characteristics. The structure is derived from |
:ocv:class:`CvDTreeParams` but not all of the decision tree parameters are supported: |
cross-validation, pruning, and class priorities are not used. |
CvGBTreesParams::CvGBTreesParams |
-------------------------------- |
.. ocv:function:: CvGBTreesParams::CvGBTreesParams() |
.. ocv:function:: CvGBTreesParams::CvGBTreesParams( int loss_function_type, int weak_count, float shrinkage, float subsample_portion, int max_depth, bool use_surrogates ) |
:param loss_function_type: Type of the loss function used for training |
(see :ref:`Training GBT`). It must be one of the |
following types: ``CvGBTrees::SQUARED_LOSS``, ``CvGBTrees::ABSOLUTE_LOSS``, |
``CvGBTrees::HUBER_LOSS``, ``CvGBTrees::DEVIANCE_LOSS``. The first three |
types are used for regression problems, and the last one for |
classification. |
:param weak_count: Count of boosting algorithm iterations. ``weak_count*K`` is the total |
count of trees in the GBT model, where ``K`` is the output classes count |
(equal to one in case of a regression). |
:param shrinkage: Regularization parameter (see :ref:`Training GBT`). |
:param subsample_portion: Portion of the whole training set used for each algorithm iteration. |
Subset is generated randomly. For more information see |
| |
:param max_depth: Maximal depth of each decision tree in the ensemble (see :ocv:class:`CvDTree`). |
:param use_surrogates: If ``true``, surrogate splits are built (see :ocv:class:`CvDTree`). |
By default the following constructor is used: |
.. code-block:: cpp |
CvGBTreesParams(CvGBTrees::SQUARED_LOSS, 200, 0.8f, 0.01f, 3, false) |
: CvDTreeParams( 3, 10, 0, false, 10, 0, false, false, 0 ) |
CvGBTrees |
--------- |
.. ocv:class:: CvGBTrees : public CvStatModel |
The class implements the Gradient boosted tree model as described in the beginning of this section. |
CvGBTrees::CvGBTrees |
-------------------- |
Default and training constructors. |
.. ocv:function:: CvGBTrees::CvGBTrees() |
.. ocv:function:: CvGBTrees::CvGBTrees( const Mat& trainData, int tflag, const Mat& responses, const Mat& varIdx=Mat(), const Mat& sampleIdx=Mat(), const Mat& varType=Mat(), const Mat& missingDataMask=Mat(), CvGBTreesParams params=CvGBTreesParams() ) |
.. ocv:function:: CvGBTrees::CvGBTrees( const CvMat* trainData, int tflag, const CvMat* responses, const CvMat* varIdx=0, const CvMat* sampleIdx=0, const CvMat* varType=0, const CvMat* missingDataMask=0, CvGBTreesParams params=CvGBTreesParams() ) |
.. ocv:pyfunction:: cv2.GBTrees([trainData, tflag, responses[, varIdx[, sampleIdx[, varType[, missingDataMask[, params]]]]]]) -> <GBTrees object> |
The constructors follow conventions of :ocv:func:`CvStatModel::CvStatModel`. See :ocv:func:`CvStatModel::train` for parameters descriptions. |
CvGBTrees::train |
---------------- |
Trains a Gradient boosted tree model. |
.. ocv:function:: bool CvGBTrees::train(const Mat& trainData, int tflag, const Mat& responses, const Mat& varIdx=Mat(), const Mat& sampleIdx=Mat(), const Mat& varType=Mat(), const Mat& missingDataMask=Mat(), CvGBTreesParams params=CvGBTreesParams(), bool update=false) |
.. ocv:function:: bool CvGBTrees::train( const CvMat* trainData, int tflag, const CvMat* responses, const CvMat* varIdx=0, const CvMat* sampleIdx=0, const CvMat* varType=0, const CvMat* missingDataMask=0, CvGBTreesParams params=CvGBTreesParams(), bool update=false ) |
.. ocv:function:: bool CvGBTrees::train(CvMLData* data, CvGBTreesParams params=CvGBTreesParams(), bool update=false) |
.. ocv:pyfunction:: cv2.GBTrees.train(trainData, tflag, responses[, varIdx[, sampleIdx[, varType[, missingDataMask[, params[, update]]]]]]) -> retval |
The first train method follows the common template (see :ocv:func:`CvStatModel::train`). |
Both ``tflag`` values (``CV_ROW_SAMPLE``, ``CV_COL_SAMPLE``) are supported. |
``trainData`` must be of the ``CV_32F`` type. ``responses`` must be a matrix of type |
``CV_32S`` or ``CV_32F``. In both cases it is converted into the ``CV_32F`` |
matrix inside the training procedure. ``varIdx`` and ``sampleIdx`` must be a |
list of indices (``CV_32S``) or a mask (``CV_8U`` or ``CV_8S``). ``update`` is |
a dummy parameter. |
The second form of :ocv:func:`CvGBTrees::train` function uses :ocv:class:`CvMLData` as a |
data set container. ``update`` is still a dummy parameter. |
All parameters specific to the GBT model are passed into the training function |
as a :ocv:class:`CvGBTreesParams` structure. |
CvGBTrees::predict |
------------------ |
Predicts a response for an input sample. |
.. ocv:function:: float CvGBTrees::predict(const Mat& sample, const Mat& missing=Mat(), const Range& slice = Range::all(), int k=-1) const |
.. ocv:function:: float CvGBTrees::predict( const CvMat* sample, const CvMat* missing=0, CvMat* weakResponses=0, CvSlice slice = CV_WHOLE_SEQ, int k=-1 ) const |
.. ocv:pyfunction:: cv2.GBTrees.predict(sample[, missing[, slice[, k]]]) -> retval |
:param sample: Input feature vector that has the same format as every training set |
element. If not all the variables were actually used during training, |
``sample`` contains forged values at the appropriate places. |
:param missing: Missing values mask, which is a dimensional matrix of the same size as |
``sample`` having the ``CV_8U`` type. ``1`` corresponds to the missing value |
in the same position in the ``sample`` vector. If there are no missing values |
in the feature vector, an empty matrix can be passed instead of the missing mask. |
:param weakResponses: Matrix used to obtain predictions of all the trees. |
The matrix has :math:`K` rows, |
where :math:`K` is the count of output classes (1 for the regression case). |
The matrix has as many columns as the ``slice`` length. |
:param slice: Parameter defining the part of the ensemble used for prediction. |
If ``slice = Range::all()``, all trees are used. Use this parameter to |
get predictions of the GBT models with different ensemble sizes learning |
only one model. |
:param k: Number of tree ensembles built in case of the classification problem |
(see :ref:`Training GBT`). Use this |
parameter to change the output to sum of the trees' predictions in the |
``k``-th ensemble only. To get the total GBT model prediction, ``k`` value |
must be -1. For regression problems, ``k`` is also equal to -1. |
The method predicts the response corresponding to the given sample |
(see :ref:`Predicting with GBT`). |
The result is either the class label or the estimated function value. The |
:ocv:func:`CvGBTrees::predict` method enables using the parallel version of the GBT model |
prediction if the OpenCV is built with the TBB library. In this case, predictions |
of single trees are computed in a parallel fashion. |
CvGBTrees::clear |
---------------- |
Clears the model. |
.. ocv:function:: void CvGBTrees::clear() |
.. ocv:pyfunction:: cv2.GBTrees.clear() -> None |
The function deletes the data set information and all the weak models and sets all internal |
variables to the initial state. The function is called in :ocv:func:`CvGBTrees::train` and in the |
destructor. |
CvGBTrees::calc_error |
--------------------- |
Calculates a training or testing error. |
.. ocv:function:: float CvGBTrees::calc_error( CvMLData* _data, int type, std::vector<float> *resp = 0 ) |
:param _data: Data set. |
:param type: Parameter defining the error that should be computed: train (``CV_TRAIN_ERROR``) or test |
(``CV_TEST_ERROR``). |
:param resp: If non-zero, a vector of predictions on the corresponding data set is |
returned. |
If the :ocv:class:`CvMLData` data is used to store the data set, :ocv:func:`CvGBTrees::calc_error` can be |
used to get a training/testing error easily and (optionally) all predictions |
on the training/testing set. If the Intel* TBB* library is used, the error is computed in a |
parallel way, namely, predictions for different samples are computed at the same time. |
In case of a regression problem, a mean squared error is returned. For |
classifications, the result is a misclassification error in percent.