Open Source Computer Vision Library
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83 lines
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#include <iostream>
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/gpu/gpu.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::gpu;
static void help()
cout << "\nThis program demonstrates using SURF_GPU features detector, descriptor extractor and BruteForceMatcher_GPU" << endl;
cout << "\nUsage:\n\tmatcher_simple_gpu --left <image1> --right <image2>" << endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 5)
return -1;
GpuMat img1, img2;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
if (string(argv[i]) == "--left")
img1.upload(imread(argv[++i], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE));
else if (string(argv[i]) == "--right")
img2.upload(imread(argv[++i], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE));
else if (string(argv[i]) == "--help")
return -1;
SURF_GPU surf;
// detecting keypoints & computing descriptors
GpuMat keypoints1GPU, keypoints2GPU;
GpuMat descriptors1GPU, descriptors2GPU;
surf(img1, GpuMat(), keypoints1GPU, descriptors1GPU);
surf(img2, GpuMat(), keypoints2GPU, descriptors2GPU);
cout << "FOUND " << keypoints1GPU.cols << " keypoints on first image" << endl;
cout << "FOUND " << keypoints2GPU.cols << " keypoints on second image" << endl;
// matching descriptors
BFMatcher_GPU matcher(NORM_L2);
GpuMat trainIdx, distance;
matcher.matchSingle(descriptors1GPU, descriptors2GPU, trainIdx, distance);
// downloading results
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints1, keypoints2;
vector<float> descriptors1, descriptors2;
vector<DMatch> matches;
surf.downloadKeypoints(keypoints1GPU, keypoints1);
surf.downloadKeypoints(keypoints2GPU, keypoints2);
surf.downloadDescriptors(descriptors1GPU, descriptors1);
surf.downloadDescriptors(descriptors2GPU, descriptors2);
BFMatcher_GPU::matchDownload(trainIdx, distance, matches);
// drawing the results
Mat img_matches;
drawMatches(Mat(img1), keypoints1, Mat(img2), keypoints2, matches, img_matches);
namedWindow("matches", 0);
imshow("matches", img_matches);
return 0;