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#include "precomp.hpp"
* Image Alignment (ECC algorithm) *
using namespace cv;
static void image_jacobian_homo_ECC(const Mat& src1, const Mat& src2,
const Mat& src3, const Mat& src4,
const Mat& src5, Mat& dst)
CV_Assert(src1.size() == src2.size());
CV_Assert(src1.size() == src3.size());
CV_Assert(src1.size() == src4.size());
CV_Assert( src1.rows == dst.rows);
CV_Assert(dst.cols == (src1.cols*8));
CV_Assert(dst.type() == CV_32FC1);
const float* hptr = src5.ptr<float>(0);
const float h0_ = hptr[0];
const float h1_ = hptr[3];
const float h2_ = hptr[6];
const float h3_ = hptr[1];
const float h4_ = hptr[4];
const float h5_ = hptr[7];
const float h6_ = hptr[2];
const float h7_ = hptr[5];
const int w = src1.cols;
//create denominator for all points as a block
Mat den_ = src3*h2_ + src4*h5_ + 1.0;//check the time of this! otherwise use addWeighted
//create projected points
Mat hatX_ = -src3*h0_ - src4*h3_ - h6_;
divide(hatX_, den_, hatX_);
Mat hatY_ = -src3*h1_ - src4*h4_ - h7_;
divide(hatY_, den_, hatY_);
//instead of dividing each block with den,
//just pre-devide the block of gradients (it's more efficient)
Mat src1Divided_;
Mat src2Divided_;
divide(src1, den_, src1Divided_);
divide(src2, den_, src2Divided_);
//compute Jacobian blocks (8 blocks)
dst.colRange(0, w) = src1Divided_.mul(src3);//1
dst.colRange(w,2*w) = src2Divided_.mul(src3);//2
Mat temp_ = (hatX_.mul(src1Divided_)+hatY_.mul(src2Divided_));
dst.colRange(2*w,3*w) = temp_.mul(src3);//3
dst.colRange(3*w, 4*w) = src1Divided_.mul(src4);//4
dst.colRange(4*w, 5*w) = src2Divided_.mul(src4);//5
dst.colRange(5*w, 6*w) = temp_.mul(src4);//6
src1Divided_.copyTo(dst.colRange(6*w, 7*w));//7
src2Divided_.copyTo(dst.colRange(7*w, 8*w));//8
static void image_jacobian_euclidean_ECC(const Mat& src1, const Mat& src2,
const Mat& src3, const Mat& src4,
const Mat& src5, Mat& dst)
CV_Assert( src1.size()==src2.size());
CV_Assert( src1.size()==src3.size());
CV_Assert( src1.size()==src4.size());
CV_Assert( src1.rows == dst.rows);
CV_Assert(dst.cols == (src1.cols*3));
CV_Assert(dst.type() == CV_32FC1);
const float* hptr = src5.ptr<float>(0);
const float h0 = hptr[0];//cos(theta)
const float h1 = hptr[3];//sin(theta)
const int w = src1.cols;
//create -sin(theta)*X -cos(theta)*Y for all points as a block -> hatX
Mat hatX = -(src3*h1) - (src4*h0);
//create cos(theta)*X -sin(theta)*Y for all points as a block -> hatY
Mat hatY = (src3*h0) - (src4*h1);
//compute Jacobian blocks (3 blocks)
dst.colRange(0, w) = (src1.mul(hatX))+(src2.mul(hatY));//1
src1.copyTo(dst.colRange(w, 2*w));//2
src2.copyTo(dst.colRange(2*w, 3*w));//3
static void image_jacobian_affine_ECC(const Mat& src1, const Mat& src2,
const Mat& src3, const Mat& src4,
Mat& dst)
CV_Assert(src1.size() == src2.size());
CV_Assert(src1.size() == src3.size());
CV_Assert(src1.size() == src4.size());
CV_Assert(src1.rows == dst.rows);
CV_Assert(dst.cols == (6*src1.cols));
CV_Assert(dst.type() == CV_32FC1);
const int w = src1.cols;
//compute Jacobian blocks (6 blocks)
dst.colRange(0,w) = src1.mul(src3);//1
dst.colRange(w,2*w) = src2.mul(src3);//2
dst.colRange(2*w,3*w) = src1.mul(src4);//3
dst.colRange(3*w,4*w) = src2.mul(src4);//4
static void image_jacobian_translation_ECC(const Mat& src1, const Mat& src2, Mat& dst)
CV_Assert( src1.size()==src2.size());
CV_Assert( src1.rows == dst.rows);
CV_Assert(dst.cols == (src1.cols*2));
CV_Assert(dst.type() == CV_32FC1);
const int w = src1.cols;
//compute Jacobian blocks (2 blocks)
src1.copyTo(dst.colRange(0, w));
src2.copyTo(dst.colRange(w, 2*w));
static void project_onto_jacobian_ECC(const Mat& src1, const Mat& src2, Mat& dst)
/* this functions is used for two types of projections. If src1.cols ==src.cols
it does a blockwise multiplication (like in the outer product of vectors)
of the blocks in matrices src1 and src2 and dst
has size (number_of_blcks x number_of_blocks), otherwise dst is a vector of size
(number_of_blocks x 1) since src2 is "multiplied"(dot) with each block of src1.
The number_of_blocks is equal to the number of parameters we are lloking for
(i.e. rtanslation:2, euclidean: 3, affine: 6, homography: 8)
CV_Assert(src1.rows == src2.rows);
CV_Assert((src1.cols % src2.cols) == 0);
int w;
float* dstPtr = dst.ptr<float>(0);
if (src1.cols !=src2.cols){//dst.cols==1
w = src2.cols;
for (int i=0; i<dst.rows; i++){
dstPtr[i] = (float)*w,(i+1)*w));
else {
CV_Assert(dst.cols == dst.rows); //dst is square (and symmetric)
w = src2.cols/dst.cols;
Mat mat;
for (int i=0; i<dst.rows; i++){
mat = Mat(src1.colRange(i*w, (i+1)*w));
dstPtr[i*(dst.rows+1)] = (float) pow(norm(mat),2); //diagonal elements
for (int j=i+1; j<dst.cols; j++){ //j starts from i+1
dstPtr[i*dst.cols+j] = (float)*w, (j+1)*w));
dstPtr[j*dst.cols+i] = dstPtr[i*dst.cols+j]; //due to symmetry
static void update_warping_matrix_ECC (Mat& map_matrix, const Mat& update, const int motionType)
CV_Assert (map_matrix.type() == CV_32FC1);
CV_Assert (update.type() == CV_32FC1);
CV_Assert (motionType == MOTION_TRANSLATION || motionType == MOTION_EUCLIDEAN ||
motionType == MOTION_AFFINE || motionType == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY);
if (motionType == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY)
CV_Assert (map_matrix.rows == 3 && update.rows == 8);
else if (motionType == MOTION_AFFINE)
CV_Assert(map_matrix.rows == 2 && update.rows == 6);
else if (motionType == MOTION_EUCLIDEAN)
CV_Assert (map_matrix.rows == 2 && update.rows == 3);
CV_Assert (map_matrix.rows == 2 && update.rows == 2);
CV_Assert (update.cols == 1);
CV_Assert( map_matrix.isContinuous());
CV_Assert( update.isContinuous() );
float* mapPtr = map_matrix.ptr<float>(0);
const float* updatePtr = update.ptr<float>(0);
if (motionType == MOTION_TRANSLATION){
mapPtr[2] += updatePtr[0];
mapPtr[5] += updatePtr[1];
if (motionType == MOTION_AFFINE) {
mapPtr[0] += updatePtr[0];
mapPtr[3] += updatePtr[1];
mapPtr[1] += updatePtr[2];
mapPtr[4] += updatePtr[3];
mapPtr[2] += updatePtr[4];
mapPtr[5] += updatePtr[5];
if (motionType == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY) {
mapPtr[0] += updatePtr[0];
mapPtr[3] += updatePtr[1];
mapPtr[6] += updatePtr[2];
mapPtr[1] += updatePtr[3];
mapPtr[4] += updatePtr[4];
mapPtr[7] += updatePtr[5];
mapPtr[2] += updatePtr[6];
mapPtr[5] += updatePtr[7];
if (motionType == MOTION_EUCLIDEAN) {
double new_theta = updatePtr[0];
new_theta += asin(mapPtr[3]);
mapPtr[2] += updatePtr[1];
mapPtr[5] += updatePtr[2];
mapPtr[0] = mapPtr[4] = (float) cos(new_theta);
mapPtr[3] = (float) sin(new_theta);
mapPtr[1] = -mapPtr[3];
/** Function that computes enhanced corelation coefficient from Georgios 2008
* See
double cv::computeECC(InputArray templateImage, InputArray inputImage, InputArray inputMask)
if( ! (templateImage.type()==inputImage.type()))
CV_Error( Error::StsUnmatchedFormats, "Both input images must have the same data type" );
Scalar meanTemplate, sdTemplate;
int active_pixels = inputMask.empty() ? templateImage.size().area() : countNonZero(inputMask);
meanStdDev(templateImage, meanTemplate, sdTemplate, inputMask);
Mat templateImage_zeromean = Mat::zeros(templateImage.size(), templateImage.type());
subtract(templateImage, meanTemplate, templateImage_zeromean, inputMask);
double templateImagenorm = std::sqrt(active_pixels*sdTemplate.val[0]*sdTemplate.val[0]);
Scalar meanInput, sdInput;
Mat inputImage_zeromean = Mat::zeros(inputImage.size(), inputImage.type());
meanStdDev(inputImage, meanInput, sdInput, inputMask);
subtract(inputImage, meanInput, inputImage_zeromean, inputMask);
double inputImagenorm = std::sqrt(active_pixels*sdInput.val[0]*sdInput.val[0]);
double cv::findTransformECC(InputArray templateImage,
InputArray inputImage,
InputOutputArray warpMatrix,
int motionType,
TermCriteria criteria,
InputArray inputMask,
int gaussFiltSize)
Mat src = templateImage.getMat();//template image
Mat dst = inputImage.getMat(); //input image (to be warped)
Mat map = warpMatrix.getMat(); //warp (transformation)
// If the user passed an un-initialized warpMatrix, initialize to identity
if(map.empty()) {
int rowCount = 2;
if(motionType == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY)
rowCount = 3;
warpMatrix.create(rowCount, 3, CV_32FC1);
map = warpMatrix.getMat();
map = Mat::eye(rowCount, 3, CV_32F);
if( ! (src.type()==dst.type()))
CV_Error( Error::StsUnmatchedFormats, "Both input images must have the same data type" );
//accept only 1-channel images
if( src.type() != CV_8UC1 && src.type()!= CV_32FC1)
CV_Error( Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "Images must have 8uC1 or 32fC1 type");
if( map.type() != CV_32FC1)
CV_Error( Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "warpMatrix must be single-channel floating-point matrix");
CV_Assert (map.cols == 3);
CV_Assert (map.rows == 2 || map.rows ==3);
CV_Assert (motionType == MOTION_AFFINE || motionType == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY ||
motionType == MOTION_EUCLIDEAN || motionType == MOTION_TRANSLATION);
if (motionType == MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY){
CV_Assert (map.rows ==3);
CV_Assert (criteria.type & TermCriteria::COUNT || criteria.type & TermCriteria::EPS);
const int numberOfIterations = (criteria.type & TermCriteria::COUNT) ? criteria.maxCount : 200;
const double termination_eps = (criteria.type & TermCriteria::EPS) ? criteria.epsilon : -1;
int paramTemp = 6;//default: affine
switch (motionType){
paramTemp = 2;
paramTemp = 3;
paramTemp = 8;
const int numberOfParameters = paramTemp;
const int ws = src.cols;
const int hs = src.rows;
const int wd = dst.cols;
const int hd = dst.rows;
Mat Xcoord = Mat(1, ws, CV_32F);
Mat Ycoord = Mat(hs, 1, CV_32F);
Mat Xgrid = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);
Mat Ygrid = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);
float* XcoPtr = Xcoord.ptr<float>(0);
float* YcoPtr = Ycoord.ptr<float>(0);
int j;
for (j=0; j<ws; j++)
XcoPtr[j] = (float) j;
for (j=0; j<hs; j++)
YcoPtr[j] = (float) j;
repeat(Xcoord, hs, 1, Xgrid);
repeat(Ycoord, 1, ws, Ygrid);
Mat templateZM = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);// to store the (smoothed)zero-mean version of template
Mat templateFloat = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);// to store the (smoothed) template
Mat imageFloat = Mat(hd, wd, CV_32F);// to store the (smoothed) input image
Mat imageWarped = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);// to store the warped zero-mean input image
Mat imageMask = Mat(hs, ws, CV_8U); // to store the final mask
Mat inputMaskMat = inputMask.getMat();
//to use it for mask warping
Mat preMask;
preMask = Mat::ones(hd, wd, CV_8U);
threshold(inputMask, preMask, 0, 1, THRESH_BINARY);
//gaussian filtering is optional
src.convertTo(templateFloat, templateFloat.type());
GaussianBlur(templateFloat, templateFloat, Size(gaussFiltSize, gaussFiltSize), 0, 0);
Mat preMaskFloat;
preMask.convertTo(preMaskFloat, CV_32F);
GaussianBlur(preMaskFloat, preMaskFloat, Size(gaussFiltSize, gaussFiltSize), 0, 0);
// Change threshold.
preMaskFloat *= (0.5/0.95);
// Rounding conversion.
preMaskFloat.convertTo(preMask, preMask.type());
preMask.convertTo(preMaskFloat, preMaskFloat.type());
dst.convertTo(imageFloat, imageFloat.type());
GaussianBlur(imageFloat, imageFloat, Size(gaussFiltSize, gaussFiltSize), 0, 0);
// needed matrices for gradients and warped gradients
Mat gradientX = Mat::zeros(hd, wd, CV_32FC1);
Mat gradientY = Mat::zeros(hd, wd, CV_32FC1);
Mat gradientXWarped = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32FC1);
Mat gradientYWarped = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32FC1);
// calculate first order image derivatives
Matx13f dx(-0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
filter2D(imageFloat, gradientX, -1, dx);
filter2D(imageFloat, gradientY, -1, dx.t());
gradientX = gradientX.mul(preMaskFloat);
gradientY = gradientY.mul(preMaskFloat);
// matrices needed for solving linear equation system for maximizing ECC
Mat jacobian = Mat(hs, ws*numberOfParameters, CV_32F);
Mat hessian = Mat(numberOfParameters, numberOfParameters, CV_32F);
Mat hessianInv = Mat(numberOfParameters, numberOfParameters, CV_32F);
Mat imageProjection = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);
Mat templateProjection = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);
Mat imageProjectionHessian = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);
Mat errorProjection = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);
Mat deltaP = Mat(numberOfParameters, 1, CV_32F);//transformation parameter correction
Mat error = Mat(hs, ws, CV_32F);//error as 2D matrix
const int imageFlags = INTER_LINEAR + WARP_INVERSE_MAP;
const int maskFlags = INTER_NEAREST + WARP_INVERSE_MAP;
// iteratively update map_matrix
double rho = -1;
double last_rho = - termination_eps;
for (int i = 1; (i <= numberOfIterations) && (fabs(rho-last_rho)>= termination_eps); i++)
// warp-back portion of the inputImage and gradients to the coordinate space of the templateImage
if (motionType != MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY)
warpAffine(imageFloat, imageWarped, map, imageWarped.size(), imageFlags);
warpAffine(gradientX, gradientXWarped, map, gradientXWarped.size(), imageFlags);
warpAffine(gradientY, gradientYWarped, map, gradientYWarped.size(), imageFlags);
warpAffine(preMask, imageMask, map, imageMask.size(), maskFlags);
warpPerspective(imageFloat, imageWarped, map, imageWarped.size(), imageFlags);
warpPerspective(gradientX, gradientXWarped, map, gradientXWarped.size(), imageFlags);
warpPerspective(gradientY, gradientYWarped, map, gradientYWarped.size(), imageFlags);
warpPerspective(preMask, imageMask, map, imageMask.size(), maskFlags);
Scalar imgMean, imgStd, tmpMean, tmpStd;
meanStdDev(imageWarped, imgMean, imgStd, imageMask);
meanStdDev(templateFloat, tmpMean, tmpStd, imageMask);
subtract(imageWarped, imgMean, imageWarped, imageMask);//zero-mean input
templateZM = Mat::zeros(templateZM.rows, templateZM.cols, templateZM.type());
subtract(templateFloat, tmpMean, templateZM, imageMask);//zero-mean template
const double tmpNorm = std::sqrt(countNonZero(imageMask)*(tmpStd.val[0])*(tmpStd.val[0]));
const double imgNorm = std::sqrt(countNonZero(imageMask)*(imgStd.val[0])*(imgStd.val[0]));
// calculate jacobian of image wrt parameters
switch (motionType){
image_jacobian_affine_ECC(gradientXWarped, gradientYWarped, Xgrid, Ygrid, jacobian);
image_jacobian_homo_ECC(gradientXWarped, gradientYWarped, Xgrid, Ygrid, map, jacobian);
image_jacobian_translation_ECC(gradientXWarped, gradientYWarped, jacobian);
image_jacobian_euclidean_ECC(gradientXWarped, gradientYWarped, Xgrid, Ygrid, map, jacobian);
// calculate Hessian and its inverse
project_onto_jacobian_ECC(jacobian, jacobian, hessian);
hessianInv = hessian.inv();
const double correlation =;
// calculate enhanced correlation coefficient (ECC)->rho
last_rho = rho;
rho = correlation/(imgNorm*tmpNorm);
if (cvIsNaN(rho)) {
CV_Error(Error::StsNoConv, "NaN encountered.");
// project images into jacobian
project_onto_jacobian_ECC( jacobian, imageWarped, imageProjection);
project_onto_jacobian_ECC(jacobian, templateZM, templateProjection);
// calculate the parameter lambda to account for illumination variation
imageProjectionHessian = hessianInv*imageProjection;
const double lambda_n = (imgNorm*imgNorm) -;
const double lambda_d = correlation -;
if (lambda_d <= 0.0)
rho = -1;
CV_Error(Error::StsNoConv, "The algorithm stopped before its convergence. The correlation is going to be minimized. Images may be uncorrelated or non-overlapped");
const double lambda = (lambda_n/lambda_d);
// estimate the update step delta_p
error = lambda*templateZM - imageWarped;
project_onto_jacobian_ECC(jacobian, error, errorProjection);
deltaP = hessianInv * errorProjection;
// update warping matrix
update_warping_matrix_ECC( map, deltaP, motionType);
// return final correlation coefficient
return rho;
double cv::findTransformECC(InputArray templateImage, InputArray inputImage,
InputOutputArray warpMatrix, int motionType,
TermCriteria criteria,
InputArray inputMask)
// Use default value of 5 for gaussFiltSize to maintain backward compatibility.
return findTransformECC(templateImage, inputImage, warpMatrix, motionType, criteria, inputMask, 5);
/* End of file. */