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363 lines
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363 lines
10 KiB
#include "perf_precomp.hpp" |
using namespace std; |
using namespace testing; |
struct KeypointIdxCompare |
{ |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>* keypoints; |
explicit KeypointIdxCompare(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>* _keypoints) : keypoints(_keypoints) {} |
bool operator ()(size_t i1, size_t i2) const |
{ |
cv::KeyPoint kp1 = (*keypoints)[i1]; |
cv::KeyPoint kp2 = (*keypoints)[i2]; |
if ( != |
return <; |
if ( != |
return <; |
if (kp1.response != kp2.response) |
return kp1.response < kp2.response; |
return kp1.octave < kp2.octave; |
} |
}; |
static void sortKeyPoints(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints, cv::InputOutputArray _descriptors = cv::noArray()) |
{ |
std::vector<size_t> indexies(keypoints.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < indexies.size(); ++i) |
indexies[i] = i; |
std::sort(indexies.begin(), indexies.end(), KeypointIdxCompare(&keypoints)); |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> new_keypoints; |
cv::Mat new_descriptors; |
new_keypoints.resize(keypoints.size()); |
cv::Mat descriptors; |
if (_descriptors.needed()) |
{ |
descriptors = _descriptors.getMat(); |
new_descriptors.create(descriptors.size(), descriptors.type()); |
} |
for (size_t i = 0; i < indexies.size(); ++i) |
{ |
size_t new_idx = indexies[i]; |
new_keypoints[i] = keypoints[new_idx]; |
if (!new_descriptors.empty()) |
descriptors.row((int) new_idx).copyTo(new_descriptors.row((int) i)); |
} |
keypoints.swap(new_keypoints); |
if (_descriptors.needed()) |
new_descriptors.copyTo(_descriptors); |
} |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// SURF |
DEF_PARAM_TEST_1(Image, string); |
PERF_TEST_P(Image, Features2D_SURF, |
Values<string>("gpu/perf/aloe.png")) |
{ |
declare.time(50.0); |
const cv::Mat img = readImage(GetParam(), cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); |
ASSERT_FALSE(img.empty()); |
if (PERF_RUN_GPU()) |
{ |
cv::gpu::SURF_GPU d_surf; |
const cv::gpu::GpuMat d_img(img); |
cv::gpu::GpuMat d_keypoints, d_descriptors; |
TEST_CYCLE() d_surf(d_img, cv::gpu::GpuMat(), d_keypoints, d_descriptors); |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> gpu_keypoints; |
d_surf.downloadKeypoints(d_keypoints, gpu_keypoints); |
cv::Mat gpu_descriptors(d_descriptors); |
sortKeyPoints(gpu_keypoints, gpu_descriptors); |
SANITY_CHECK_KEYPOINTS(gpu_keypoints); |
SANITY_CHECK(gpu_descriptors, 1e-3); |
} |
else |
{ |
cv::SURF surf; |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> cpu_keypoints; |
cv::Mat cpu_descriptors; |
TEST_CYCLE() surf(img, cv::noArray(), cpu_keypoints, cpu_descriptors); |
SANITY_CHECK_KEYPOINTS(cpu_keypoints); |
SANITY_CHECK(cpu_descriptors); |
} |
} |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// FAST |
DEF_PARAM_TEST(Image_Threshold_NonMaxSupression, string, int, bool); |
PERF_TEST_P(Image_Threshold_NonMaxSupression, Features2D_FAST, |
Combine(Values<string>("gpu/perf/aloe.png"), |
Values(20), |
Bool())) |
{ |
const cv::Mat img = readImage(GET_PARAM(0), cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); |
ASSERT_FALSE(img.empty()); |
const int threshold = GET_PARAM(1); |
const bool nonMaxSuppersion = GET_PARAM(2); |
if (PERF_RUN_GPU()) |
{ |
cv::gpu::FAST_GPU d_fast(threshold, nonMaxSuppersion, 0.5); |
const cv::gpu::GpuMat d_img(img); |
cv::gpu::GpuMat d_keypoints; |
TEST_CYCLE() d_fast(d_img, cv::gpu::GpuMat(), d_keypoints); |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> gpu_keypoints; |
d_fast.downloadKeypoints(d_keypoints, gpu_keypoints); |
sortKeyPoints(gpu_keypoints); |
SANITY_CHECK_KEYPOINTS(gpu_keypoints); |
} |
else |
{ |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> cpu_keypoints; |
TEST_CYCLE() cv::FAST(img, cpu_keypoints, threshold, nonMaxSuppersion); |
SANITY_CHECK_KEYPOINTS(cpu_keypoints); |
} |
} |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// ORB |
DEF_PARAM_TEST(Image_NFeatures, string, int); |
PERF_TEST_P(Image_NFeatures, Features2D_ORB, |
Combine(Values<string>("gpu/perf/aloe.png"), |
Values(4000))) |
{ |
const cv::Mat img = readImage(GET_PARAM(0), cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); |
ASSERT_FALSE(img.empty()); |
const int nFeatures = GET_PARAM(1); |
if (PERF_RUN_GPU()) |
{ |
cv::gpu::ORB_GPU d_orb(nFeatures); |
const cv::gpu::GpuMat d_img(img); |
cv::gpu::GpuMat d_keypoints, d_descriptors; |
TEST_CYCLE() d_orb(d_img, cv::gpu::GpuMat(), d_keypoints, d_descriptors); |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> gpu_keypoints; |
d_orb.downloadKeyPoints(d_keypoints, gpu_keypoints); |
cv::Mat gpu_descriptors(d_descriptors); |
gpu_keypoints.resize(10); |
gpu_descriptors = gpu_descriptors.rowRange(0, 10); |
sortKeyPoints(gpu_keypoints, gpu_descriptors); |
SANITY_CHECK_KEYPOINTS(gpu_keypoints); |
SANITY_CHECK(gpu_descriptors); |
} |
else |
{ |
cv::ORB orb(nFeatures); |
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> cpu_keypoints; |
cv::Mat cpu_descriptors; |
TEST_CYCLE() orb(img, cv::noArray(), cpu_keypoints, cpu_descriptors); |
SANITY_CHECK_KEYPOINTS(cpu_keypoints); |
SANITY_CHECK(cpu_descriptors); |
} |
} |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// BFMatch |
DEF_PARAM_TEST(DescSize_Norm, int, NormType); |
PERF_TEST_P(DescSize_Norm, Features2D_BFMatch, |
Combine(Values(64, 128, 256), |
Values(NormType(cv::NORM_L1), NormType(cv::NORM_L2), NormType(cv::NORM_HAMMING)))) |
{ |
declare.time(20.0); |
const int desc_size = GET_PARAM(0); |
const int normType = GET_PARAM(1); |
const int type = normType == cv::NORM_HAMMING ? CV_8U : CV_32F; |
cv::Mat query(3000, desc_size, type); |
cv::Mat train(3000, desc_size, type); |
if (PERF_RUN_GPU()) |
{ |
cv::gpu::BFMatcher_GPU d_matcher(normType); |
const cv::gpu::GpuMat d_query(query); |
const cv::gpu::GpuMat d_train(train); |
cv::gpu::GpuMat d_trainIdx, d_distance; |
TEST_CYCLE() d_matcher.matchSingle(d_query, d_train, d_trainIdx, d_distance); |
std::vector<cv::DMatch> gpu_matches; |
d_matcher.matchDownload(d_trainIdx, d_distance, gpu_matches); |
SANITY_CHECK_MATCHES(gpu_matches); |
} |
else |
{ |
cv::BFMatcher matcher(normType); |
std::vector<cv::DMatch> cpu_matches; |
TEST_CYCLE() matcher.match(query, train, cpu_matches); |
SANITY_CHECK_MATCHES(cpu_matches); |
} |
} |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// BFKnnMatch |
static void toOneRowMatches(const std::vector< std::vector<cv::DMatch> >& src, std::vector<cv::DMatch>& dst) |
{ |
dst.clear(); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); ++i) |
for (size_t j = 0; j < src[i].size(); ++j) |
dst.push_back(src[i][j]); |
} |
DEF_PARAM_TEST(DescSize_K_Norm, int, int, NormType); |
PERF_TEST_P(DescSize_K_Norm, Features2D_BFKnnMatch, |
Combine(Values(64, 128, 256), |
Values(2, 3), |
Values(NormType(cv::NORM_L1), NormType(cv::NORM_L2)))) |
{ |
declare.time(30.0); |
const int desc_size = GET_PARAM(0); |
const int k = GET_PARAM(1); |
const int normType = GET_PARAM(2); |
const int type = normType == cv::NORM_HAMMING ? CV_8U : CV_32F; |
cv::Mat query(3000, desc_size, type); |
cv::Mat train(3000, desc_size, type); |
if (PERF_RUN_GPU()) |
{ |
cv::gpu::BFMatcher_GPU d_matcher(normType); |
const cv::gpu::GpuMat d_query(query); |
const cv::gpu::GpuMat d_train(train); |
cv::gpu::GpuMat d_trainIdx, d_distance, d_allDist; |
TEST_CYCLE() d_matcher.knnMatchSingle(d_query, d_train, d_trainIdx, d_distance, d_allDist, k); |
std::vector< std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matchesTbl; |
d_matcher.knnMatchDownload(d_trainIdx, d_distance, matchesTbl); |
std::vector<cv::DMatch> gpu_matches; |
toOneRowMatches(matchesTbl, gpu_matches); |
SANITY_CHECK_MATCHES(gpu_matches); |
} |
else |
{ |
cv::BFMatcher matcher(normType); |
std::vector< std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matchesTbl; |
TEST_CYCLE() matcher.knnMatch(query, train, matchesTbl, k); |
std::vector<cv::DMatch> cpu_matches; |
toOneRowMatches(matchesTbl, cpu_matches); |
SANITY_CHECK_MATCHES(cpu_matches); |
} |
} |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// BFRadiusMatch |
PERF_TEST_P(DescSize_Norm, Features2D_BFRadiusMatch, |
Combine(Values(64, 128, 256), |
Values(NormType(cv::NORM_L1), NormType(cv::NORM_L2)))) |
{ |
declare.time(30.0); |
const int desc_size = GET_PARAM(0); |
const int normType = GET_PARAM(1); |
const int type = normType == cv::NORM_HAMMING ? CV_8U : CV_32F; |
const float maxDistance = 10000; |
cv::Mat query(3000, desc_size, type); |
cv::Mat train(3000, desc_size, type); |
if (PERF_RUN_GPU()) |
{ |
cv::gpu::BFMatcher_GPU d_matcher(normType); |
const cv::gpu::GpuMat d_query(query); |
const cv::gpu::GpuMat d_train(train); |
cv::gpu::GpuMat d_trainIdx, d_nMatches, d_distance; |
TEST_CYCLE() d_matcher.radiusMatchSingle(d_query, d_train, d_trainIdx, d_distance, d_nMatches, maxDistance); |
std::vector< std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matchesTbl; |
d_matcher.radiusMatchDownload(d_trainIdx, d_distance, d_nMatches, matchesTbl); |
std::vector<cv::DMatch> gpu_matches; |
toOneRowMatches(matchesTbl, gpu_matches); |
SANITY_CHECK_MATCHES(gpu_matches); |
} |
else |
{ |
cv::BFMatcher matcher(normType); |
std::vector< std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matchesTbl; |
TEST_CYCLE() matcher.radiusMatch(query, train, matchesTbl, maxDistance); |
std::vector<cv::DMatch> cpu_matches; |
toOneRowMatches(matchesTbl, cpu_matches); |
SANITY_CHECK_MATCHES(cpu_matches); |
} |