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HDR imaging |
============= |
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This section describes high dynamic range imaging algorithms namely tonemapping, exposure alignment, camera calibration with multiple exposures and exposure fusion. |
Tonemap |
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.. ocv:class:: Tonemap : public Algorithm |
Base class for tonemapping algorithms - tools that are used to map HDR image to 8-bit range. |
Tonemap::process |
--------------------------- |
Tonemaps image |
.. ocv:function:: void Tonemap::process(InputArray src, OutputArray dst) |
:param src: source image - 32-bit 3-channel Mat |
:param dst: destination image - 32-bit 3-channel Mat with values in [0, 1] range |
createTonemap |
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Creates simple linear mapper with gamma correction |
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<Tonemap> createTonemap(float gamma = 1.0f) |
:param gamma: positive value for gamma correction. Gamma value of 1.0 implies no correction, gamma equal to 2.2f is suitable for most displays. |
Generally gamma > 1 brightens the image and gamma < 1 darkens it. |
TonemapDrago |
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.. ocv:class:: TonemapDrago : public Tonemap |
Adaptive logarithmic mapping is a fast global tonemapping algorithm that scales the image in logarithmic domain. |
Since it's a global operator the same function is applied to all the pixels, it is controlled by the bias parameter. |
Optional saturation enhancement is possible as described in [FL02]_. |
For more information see [DM03]_. |
createTonemapDrago |
--------------------------- |
Creates TonemapDrago object |
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<TonemapDrago> createTonemapDrago(float gamma = 1.0f, float saturation = 1.0f, float bias = 0.85f) |
:param gamma: gamma value for gamma correction. See :ocv:func:`createTonemap` |
:param saturation: positive saturation enhancement value. 1.0 preserves saturation, values greater than 1 increase saturation and values less than 1 decrease it. |
:param bias: value for bias function in [0, 1] range. Values from 0.7 to 0.9 usually give best results, default value is 0.85. |
TonemapDurand |
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.. ocv:class:: TonemapDurand : public Tonemap |
This algorithm decomposes image into two layers: base layer and detail layer using bilateral filter and compresses contrast of the base layer thus preserving all the details. |
This implementation uses regular bilateral filter from opencv. |
Saturation enhancement is possible as in ocv:class:`TonemapDrago`. |
For more information see [DD02]_. |
createTonemapDurand |
--------------------------- |
Creates TonemapDurand object |
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<TonemapDurand> createTonemapDurand(float gamma = 1.0f, float contrast = 4.0f, float saturation = 1.0f, float sigma_space = 2.0f, float sigma_color = 2.0f) |
:param gamma: gamma value for gamma correction. See :ocv:func:`createTonemap` |
:param contrast: resulting contrast on logarithmic scale, i. e. log(max / min), where max and min are maximum and minimum luminance values of the resulting image. |
:param saturation: saturation enhancement value. See :ocv:func:`createTonemapDrago` |
:param sigma_space: bilateral filter sigma in color space |
:param sigma_color: bilateral filter sigma in coordinate space |
TonemapReinhard |
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.. ocv:class:: TonemapReinhard : public Tonemap |
This is a global tonemapping operator that models human visual system. |
Mapping function is controlled by adaptation parameter, that is computed using light adaptation and color adaptation. |
For more information see [RD05]_. |
createTonemapReinhard |
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Creates TonemapReinhard object |
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<TonemapReinhard> createTonemapReinhard(float gamma = 1.0f, float intensity = 0.0f, float light_adapt = 1.0f, float color_adapt = 0.0f) |
:param gamma: gamma value for gamma correction. See :ocv:func:`createTonemap` |
:param intensity: result intensity in [-8, 8] range. Greater intensity produces brighter results. |
:param light_adapt: light adaptation in [0, 1] range. If 1 adaptation is based only on pixel value, if 0 it's global, otherwise it's a weighted mean of this two cases. |
:param color_adapt: chromatic adaptation in [0, 1] range. If 1 channels are treated independently, if 0 adaptation level is the same for each channel. |
TonemapMantiuk |
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.. ocv:class:: TonemapMantiuk : public Tonemap |
This algorithm transforms image to contrast using gradients on all levels of gaussian pyramid, transforms contrast values to HVS response and scales the response. |
After this the image is reconstructed from new contrast values. |
For more information see [MM06]_. |
createTonemapMantiuk |
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Creates TonemapMantiuk object |
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<TonemapMantiuk> createTonemapMantiuk(float gamma = 1.0f, float scale = 0.7f, float saturation = 1.0f) |
:param gamma: gamma value for gamma correction. See :ocv:func:`createTonemap` |
:param scale: contrast scale factor. HVS response is multiplied by this parameter, thus compressing dynamic range. Values from 0.6 to 0.9 produce best results. |
:param saturation: saturation enhancement value. See :ocv:func:`createTonemapDrago` |
AlignExposures |
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.. ocv:class:: AlignExposures : public Algorithm |
The base class for algorithms that align images of the same scene with different exposures |
AlignExposures::process |
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Aligns images |
.. ocv:function:: void AlignExposures::process(InputArrayOfArrays src, std::vector<Mat>& dst, InputArray times, InputArray response) |
:param src: vector of input images |
:param dst: vector of aligned images |
:param times: vector of exposure time values for each image |
:param response: 256x1 matrix with inverse camera response function for each pixel value, it should have the same number of channels as images. |
AlignMTB |
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.. ocv:class:: AlignMTB : public AlignExposures |
This algorithm converts images to median threshold bitmaps (1 for pixels brighter than median luminance and 0 otherwise) and than aligns the resulting bitmaps using bit operations. |
It is invariant to exposure, so exposure values and camera response are not necessary. |
In this implementation new image regions are filled with zeros. |
For more information see [GW03]_. |
AlignMTB::process |
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Short version of process, that doesn't take extra arguments. |
.. ocv:function:: void AlignMTB::process(InputArrayOfArrays src, std::vector<Mat>& dst) |
:param src: vector of input images |
:param dst: vector of aligned images |
AlignMTB::calculateShift |
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Calculates shift between two images, i. e. how to shift the second image to correspond it with the first. |
.. ocv:function:: Point AlignMTB::calculateShift(InputArray img0, InputArray img1) |
:param img0: first image |
:param img1: second image |
AlignMTB::shiftMat |
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Helper function, that shift Mat filling new regions with zeros. |
.. ocv:function:: void AlignMTB::shiftMat(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, const Point shift) |
:param src: input image |
:param dst: result image |
:param shift: shift value |
AlignMTB::computeBitmaps |
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Computes median threshold and exclude bitmaps of given image. |
.. ocv:function:: void AlignMTB::computeBitmaps(InputArray img, OutputArray tb, OutputArray eb) |
:param img: input image |
:param tb: median threshold bitmap |
:param eb: exclude bitmap |
createAlignMTB |
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Creates AlignMTB object |
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<AlignMTB> createAlignMTB(int max_bits = 6, int exclude_range = 4, bool cut = true) |
:param max_bits: logarithm to the base 2 of maximal shift in each dimension. Values of 5 and 6 are usually good enough (31 and 63 pixels shift respectively). |
:param exclude_range: range for exclusion bitmap that is constructed to suppress noise around the median value. |
:param cut: if true cuts images, otherwise fills the new regions with zeros. |
CalibrateCRF |
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.. ocv:class:: CalibrateCRF : public Algorithm |
The base class for camera response calibration algorithms. |
CalibrateCRF::process |
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Recovers inverse camera response. |
.. ocv:function:: void CalibrateCRF::process(InputArrayOfArrays src, OutputArray dst, InputArray times) |
:param src: vector of input images |
:param dst: 256x1 matrix with inverse camera response function |
:param times: vector of exposure time values for each image |
CalibrateDebevec |
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.. ocv:class:: CalibrateDebevec : public CalibrateCRF |
Inverse camera response function is extracted for each brightness value by minimizing an objective function as linear system. |
Objective function is constructed using pixel values on the same position in all images, extra term is added to make the result smoother. |
For more information see [DM97]_. |
createCalibrateDebevec |
--------------------------- |
Creates CalibrateDebevec object |
.. ocv:function:: createCalibrateDebevec(int samples = 70, float lambda = 10.0f, bool random = false) |
:param samples: number of pixel locations to use |
:param lambda: smoothness term weight. Greater values produce smoother results, but can alter the response. |
:param random: if true sample pixel locations are chosen at random, otherwise the form a rectangular grid. |
CalibrateRobertson |
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.. ocv:class:: CalibrateRobertson : public CalibrateCRF |
Inverse camera response function is extracted for each brightness value by minimizing an objective function as linear system. |
This algorithm uses all image pixels. |
For more information see [RB99]_. |
createCalibrateRobertson |
--------------------------- |
Creates CalibrateRobertson object |
.. ocv:function:: createCalibrateRobertson(int max_iter = 30, float threshold = 0.01f) |
:param max_iter: maximal number of Gauss-Seidel solver iterations. |
:param threshold: target difference between results of two successive steps of the minimization. |
MergeExposures |
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.. ocv:class:: MergeExposures : public Algorithm |
The base class algorithms that can merge exposure sequence to a single image. |
MergeExposures::process |
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Merges images. |
.. ocv:function:: void MergeExposures::process(InputArrayOfArrays src, OutputArray dst, InputArray times, InputArray response) |
:param src: vector of input images |
:param dst: result image |
:param times: vector of exposure time values for each image |
:param response: 256x1 matrix with inverse camera response function for each pixel value, it should have the same number of channels as images. |
MergeDebevec |
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.. ocv:class:: MergeDebevec : public MergeExposures |
The resulting HDR image is calculated as weighted average of the exposures considering exposure values and camera response. |
For more information see [DM97]_. |
createMergeDebevec |
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Creates MergeDebevec object |
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<MergeDebevec> createMergeDebevec() |
MergeMertens |
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.. ocv:class:: MergeMertens : public MergeExposures |
Pixels are weighted using contrast, saturation and well-exposedness measures, than images are combined using laplacian pyramids. |
The resulting image weight is constructed as weighted average of contrast, saturation and well-exposedness measures. |
The resulting image doesn't require tonemapping and can be converted to 8-bit image by multiplying by 255, but it's recommended to apply gamma correction and/or linear tonemapping. |
For more information see [MK07]_. |
MergeMertens::process |
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Short version of process, that doesn't take extra arguments. |
.. ocv:function:: void MergeMertens::process(InputArrayOfArrays src, OutputArray dst) |
:param src: vector of input images |
:param dst: result image |
createMergeMertens |
--------------------------- |
Creates MergeMertens object |
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<MergeMertens> createMergeMertens(float contrast_weight = 1.0f, float saturation_weight = 1.0f, float exposure_weight = 0.0f) |
:param contrast_weight: contrast measure weight. See :ocv:class:`MergeMertens`. |
:param saturation_weight: saturation measure weight |
:param exposure_weight: well-exposedness measure weight |
MergeRobertson |
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.. ocv:class:: MergeRobertson : public MergeExposures |
The resulting HDR image is calculated as weighted average of the exposures considering exposure values and camera response. |
For more information see [RB99]_. |
createMergeRobertson |
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Creates MergeRobertson object |
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<MergeRobertson> createMergeRobertson() |
References |
--------------------------- |
.. [DM03] F. Drago, K. Myszkowski, T. Annen, N. Chiba, "Adaptive Logarithmic Mapping For Displaying High Contrast Scenes", Computer Graphics Forum, 2003, 22, 419 - 426. |
.. [FL02] R. Fattal, D. Lischinski, M. Werman, "Gradient Domain High Dynamic Range Compression", Proceedings OF ACM SIGGRAPH, 2002, 249 - 256. |
.. [DD02] F. Durand and Julie Dorsey, "Fast Bilateral Filtering for the Display of High-Dynamic-Range Images", ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2002, 21, 3, 257 - 266. |
.. [RD05] E. Reinhard, K. Devlin, "Dynamic Range Reduction Inspired by Photoreceptor Physiology", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2005, 11, 13 - 24. |
.. [MM06] R. Mantiuk, K. Myszkowski, H.-P. Seidel, "Perceptual Framework for Contrast Processing of High Dynamic Range Images", ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 2006, 3, 3, 286 - 308. |
.. [GW03] G. Ward, "Fast, Robust Image Registration for Compositing High Dynamic Range Photographs from Handheld Exposures", Journal of Graphics Tools, 2003, 8, 17 - 30. |
.. [DM97] P. Debevec, J. Malik, "Recovering High Dynamic Range Radiance Maps from Photographs", Proceedings OF ACM SIGGRAPH, 1997, 369 - 378. |
.. [MK07] T. Mertens, J. Kautz, F. Van Reeth, "Exposure Fusion", Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, 2007, 382 - 390. |
.. [RB99] M. Robertson , S. Borman , R. Stevenson , "Dynamic range improvement through multiple exposures ", Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Image Processing , 1999, 159 - 163.