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Support Vector Machines |
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.. highlight:: cpp |
Originally, support vector machines (SVM) was a technique for building an optimal binary (2-class) classifier. Later the technique was extended to regression and clustering problems. SVM is a partial case of kernel-based methods. It maps feature vectors into a higher-dimensional space using a kernel function and builds an optimal linear discriminating function in this space or an optimal hyper-plane that fits into the training data. In case of SVM, the kernel is not defined explicitly. Instead, a distance between any 2 points in the hyper-space needs to be defined. |
The solution is optimal, which means that the margin between the separating hyper-plane and the nearest feature vectors from both classes (in case of 2-class classifier) is maximal. The feature vectors that are the closest to the hyper-plane are called *support vectors*, which means that the position of other vectors does not affect the hyper-plane (the decision function). |
SVM implementation in OpenCV is based on [LibSVM]_. |
.. [Burges98] C. Burges. *A tutorial on support vector machines for pattern recognition*, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2(2), 1998 (available online at |
.. [LibSVM] C.-C. Chang and C.-J. Lin. *LIBSVM: a library for support vector machines*, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2:27:1--27:27, 2011. ( |
ParamGrid |
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.. ocv:class:: ParamGrid |
The structure represents the logarithmic grid range of statmodel parameters. It is used for optimizing statmodel accuracy by varying model parameters, the accuracy estimate being computed by cross-validation. |
.. ocv:member:: double ParamGrid::minVal |
Minimum value of the statmodel parameter. |
.. ocv:member:: double ParamGrid::maxVal |
Maximum value of the statmodel parameter. |
.. ocv:member:: double ParamGrid::logStep |
Logarithmic step for iterating the statmodel parameter. |
The grid determines the following iteration sequence of the statmodel parameter values: |
.. math:: |
(minVal, minVal*step, minVal*{step}^2, \dots, minVal*{logStep}^n), |
where :math:`n` is the maximal index satisfying |
.. math:: |
\texttt{minVal} * \texttt{logStep} ^n < \texttt{maxVal} |
The grid is logarithmic, so ``logStep`` must always be greater then 1. |
ParamGrid::ParamGrid |
------------------------ |
The constructors. |
.. ocv:function:: ParamGrid::ParamGrid() |
.. ocv:function:: ParamGrid::ParamGrid( double minVal, double maxVal, double logStep ) |
The full constructor initializes corresponding members. The default constructor creates a dummy grid: |
:: |
ParamGrid::ParamGrid() |
{ |
minVal = maxVal = 0; |
logStep = 1; |
} |
SVM::Params |
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.. ocv:class:: SVM::Params |
SVM training parameters. |
The structure must be initialized and passed to the training method of :ocv:class:`SVM`. |
SVM::Params::Params |
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The constructors |
.. ocv:function:: SVM::Params::Params() |
.. ocv:function:: SVM::Params::Params( int svmType, int kernelType, double degree, double gamma, double coef0, double Cvalue, double nu, double p, const Mat& classWeights, TermCriteria termCrit ) |
:param svmType: Type of a SVM formulation. Possible values are: |
* **SVM::C_SVC** C-Support Vector Classification. ``n``-class classification (``n`` :math:`\geq` 2), allows imperfect separation of classes with penalty multiplier ``C`` for outliers. |
* **SVM::NU_SVC** :math:`\nu`-Support Vector Classification. ``n``-class classification with possible imperfect separation. Parameter :math:`\nu` (in the range 0..1, the larger the value, the smoother the decision boundary) is used instead of ``C``. |
* **SVM::ONE_CLASS** Distribution Estimation (One-class SVM). All the training data are from the same class, SVM builds a boundary that separates the class from the rest of the feature space. |
* **SVM::EPS_SVR** :math:`\epsilon`-Support Vector Regression. The distance between feature vectors from the training set and the fitting hyper-plane must be less than ``p``. For outliers the penalty multiplier ``C`` is used. |
* **SVM::NU_SVR** :math:`\nu`-Support Vector Regression. :math:`\nu` is used instead of ``p``. |
See [LibSVM]_ for details. |
:param kernelType: Type of a SVM kernel. Possible values are: |
* **SVM::LINEAR** Linear kernel. No mapping is done, linear discrimination (or regression) is done in the original feature space. It is the fastest option. :math:`K(x_i, x_j) = x_i^T x_j`. |
* **SVM::POLY** Polynomial kernel: :math:`K(x_i, x_j) = (\gamma x_i^T x_j + coef0)^{degree}, \gamma > 0`. |
* **SVM::RBF** Radial basis function (RBF), a good choice in most cases. :math:`K(x_i, x_j) = e^{-\gamma ||x_i - x_j||^2}, \gamma > 0`. |
* **SVM::SIGMOID** Sigmoid kernel: :math:`K(x_i, x_j) = \tanh(\gamma x_i^T x_j + coef0)`. |
* **SVM::CHI2** Exponential Chi2 kernel, similar to the RBF kernel: :math:`K(x_i, x_j) = e^{-\gamma \chi^2(x_i,x_j)}, \chi^2(x_i,x_j) = (x_i-x_j)^2/(x_i+x_j), \gamma > 0`. |
* **SVM::INTER** Histogram intersection kernel. A fast kernel. :math:`K(x_i, x_j) = min(x_i,x_j)`. |
:param degree: Parameter ``degree`` of a kernel function (POLY). |
:param gamma: Parameter :math:`\gamma` of a kernel function (POLY / RBF / SIGMOID / CHI2). |
:param coef0: Parameter ``coef0`` of a kernel function (POLY / SIGMOID). |
:param Cvalue: Parameter ``C`` of a SVM optimization problem (C_SVC / EPS_SVR / NU_SVR). |
:param nu: Parameter :math:`\nu` of a SVM optimization problem (NU_SVC / ONE_CLASS / NU_SVR). |
:param p: Parameter :math:`\epsilon` of a SVM optimization problem (EPS_SVR). |
:param classWeights: Optional weights in the C_SVC problem , assigned to particular classes. They are multiplied by ``C`` so the parameter ``C`` of class ``#i`` becomes ``classWeights(i) * C``. Thus these weights affect the misclassification penalty for different classes. The larger weight, the larger penalty on misclassification of data from the corresponding class. |
:param termCrit: Termination criteria of the iterative SVM training procedure which solves a partial case of constrained quadratic optimization problem. You can specify tolerance and/or the maximum number of iterations. |
The default constructor initialize the structure with following values: |
:: |
SVMParams::SVMParams() : |
svmType(SVM::C_SVC), kernelType(SVM::RBF), degree(0), |
gamma(1), coef0(0), C(1), nu(0), p(0), classWeights(0) |
{ |
termCrit = TermCriteria( TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS, 1000, FLT_EPSILON ); |
} |
A comparison of different kernels on the following 2D test case with four classes. Four C_SVC SVMs have been trained (one against rest) with auto_train. Evaluation on three different kernels (CHI2, INTER, RBF). The color depicts the class with max score. Bright means max-score > 0, dark means max-score < 0. |
.. image:: pics/SVM_Comparison.png |
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.. ocv:class:: SVM : public StatModel |
Support Vector Machines. |
.. note:: |
* (Python) An example of digit recognition using SVM can be found at opencv_source/samples/python2/ |
* (Python) An example of grid search digit recognition using SVM can be found at opencv_source/samples/python2/ |
* (Python) An example of video digit recognition using SVM can be found at opencv_source/samples/python2/ |
SVM::create |
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Creates empty model |
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<SVM> SVM::create(const Params& p=Params(), const Ptr<Kernel>& customKernel=Ptr<Kernel>()) |
:param p: SVM parameters |
:param customKernel: the optional custom kernel to use. It must implement ``SVM::Kernel`` interface. |
Use ``StatModel::train`` to train the model, ``StatModel::train<RTrees>(traindata, params)`` to create and train the model, ``StatModel::load<RTrees>(filename)`` to load the pre-trained model. Since SVM has several parameters, you may want to find the best parameters for your problem. It can be done with ``SVM::trainAuto``. |
SVM::trainAuto |
----------------- |
Trains an SVM with optimal parameters. |
.. ocv:function:: bool SVM::trainAuto( const Ptr<TrainData>& data, int kFold = 10, ParamGrid Cgrid = SVM::getDefaultGrid(SVM::C), ParamGrid gammaGrid = SVM::getDefaultGrid(SVM::GAMMA), ParamGrid pGrid = SVM::getDefaultGrid(SVM::P), ParamGrid nuGrid = SVM::getDefaultGrid(SVM::NU), ParamGrid coeffGrid = SVM::getDefaultGrid(SVM::COEF), ParamGrid degreeGrid = SVM::getDefaultGrid(SVM::DEGREE), bool balanced=false) |
:param data: the training data that can be constructed using ``TrainData::create`` or ``TrainData::loadFromCSV``. |
:param kFold: Cross-validation parameter. The training set is divided into ``kFold`` subsets. One subset is used to test the model, the others form the train set. So, the SVM algorithm is executed ``kFold`` times. |
:param \*Grid: Iteration grid for the corresponding SVM parameter. |
:param balanced: If ``true`` and the problem is 2-class classification then the method creates more balanced cross-validation subsets that is proportions between classes in subsets are close to such proportion in the whole train dataset. |
The method trains the SVM model automatically by choosing the optimal |
parameters ``C``, ``gamma``, ``p``, ``nu``, ``coef0``, ``degree`` from |
``SVM::Params``. Parameters are considered optimal |
when the cross-validation estimate of the test set error |
is minimal. |
If there is no need to optimize a parameter, the corresponding grid step should be set to any value less than or equal to 1. For example, to avoid optimization in ``gamma``, set ``gammaGrid.step = 0``, ``gammaGrid.minVal``, ``gamma_grid.maxVal`` as arbitrary numbers. In this case, the value ``params.gamma`` is taken for ``gamma``. |
And, finally, if the optimization in a parameter is required but |
the corresponding grid is unknown, you may call the function :ocv:func:`SVM::getDefaulltGrid`. To generate a grid, for example, for ``gamma``, call ``SVM::getDefaulltGrid(SVM::GAMMA)``. |
This function works for the classification |
(``params.svmType=SVM::C_SVC`` or ``params.svmType=SVM::NU_SVC``) |
as well as for the regression |
(``params.svmType=SVM::EPS_SVR`` or ``params.svmType=SVM::NU_SVR``). If ``params.svmType=SVM::ONE_CLASS``, no optimization is made and the usual SVM with parameters specified in ``params`` is executed. |
SVM::getDefaulltGrid |
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Generates a grid for SVM parameters. |
.. ocv:function:: ParamGrid SVM::getDefaulltGrid( int param_id ) |
:param param_id: SVM parameters IDs that must be one of the following: |
* **SVM::C** |
* **SVM::GAMMA** |
* **SVM::P** |
* **SVM::NU** |
* **SVM::COEF** |
* **SVM::DEGREE** |
The grid is generated for the parameter with this ID. |
The function generates a grid for the specified parameter of the SVM algorithm. The grid may be passed to the function :ocv:func:`SVM::trainAuto`. |
SVM::getParams |
----------------- |
Returns the current SVM parameters. |
.. ocv:function:: SVM::Params SVM::getParams() const |
This function may be used to get the optimal parameters obtained while automatically training ``SVM::trainAuto``. |
SVM::getSupportVectors |
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Retrieves all the support vectors |
.. ocv:function:: Mat SVM::getSupportVectors() const |
The method returns all the support vector as floating-point matrix, where support vectors are stored as matrix rows. |
SVM::getDecisionFunction |
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Retrieves the decision function |
.. ocv:function:: double SVM::getDecisionFunction(int i, OutputArray alpha, OutputArray svidx) const |
:param i: the index of the decision function. If the problem solved is regression, 1-class or 2-class classification, then there will be just one decision function and the index should always be 0. Otherwise, in the case of N-class classification, there will be N*(N-1)/2 decision functions. |
:param alpha: the optional output vector for weights, corresponding to different support vectors. In the case of linear SVM all the alpha's will be 1's. |
:param svidx: the optional output vector of indices of support vectors within the matrix of support vectors (which can be retrieved by ``SVM::getSupportVectors``). In the case of linear SVM each decision function consists of a single "compressed" support vector. |
The method returns ``rho`` parameter of the decision function, a scalar subtracted from the weighted sum of kernel responses. |
Prediction with SVM |
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StatModel::predict(samples, results, flags) should be used. Pass ``flags=StatModel::RAW_OUTPUT`` to get the raw response from SVM (in the case of regression, 1-class or 2-class classification problem).