# # The script to detect Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) # installation/package # # By default, ICV version will be used. # To use standalone IPP update cmake command line: # cmake ... -DIPPROOT= ... # # Note: Backward compatibility is broken, IPPROOT environment path is ignored # # # On return this will define: # # HAVE_IPP - True if Intel IPP found # HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY - True if Intel IPP ICV version is available # IPP_ROOT_DIR - root of IPP installation # IPP_INCLUDE_DIRS - IPP include folder # IPP_LIBRARIES - IPP libraries that are used by OpenCV # IPP_VERSION_STR - string with the newest detected IPP version # IPP_VERSION_MAJOR - numbers of IPP version (MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD) # IPP_VERSION_MINOR # IPP_VERSION_BUILD # # Created: 30 Dec 2010 by Vladimir Dudnik (vladimir.dudnik@intel.com) # unset(HAVE_IPP CACHE) unset(HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY) unset(IPP_ROOT_DIR) unset(IPP_INCLUDE_DIRS) unset(IPP_LIBRARIES) unset(IPP_VERSION_STR) unset(IPP_VERSION_MAJOR) unset(IPP_VERSION_MINOR) unset(IPP_VERSION_BUILD) if (X86 AND UNIX AND NOT APPLE AND NOT ANDROID AND BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) message(STATUS "On 32-bit Linux IPP can not currently be used with dynamic libs because of linker errors. Set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF") return() endif() set(IPP_X64 0) if(CMAKE_CXX_SIZEOF_DATA_PTR EQUAL 8) set(IPP_X64 1) endif() if(CMAKE_CL_64) set(IPP_X64 1) endif() # This function detects IPP version by analyzing .h file macro(ipp_get_version VERSION_FILE) unset(_VERSION_STR) unset(_MAJOR) unset(_MINOR) unset(_BUILD) # read IPP version info from file file(STRINGS ${VERSION_FILE} STR1 REGEX "IPP_VERSION_MAJOR") file(STRINGS ${VERSION_FILE} STR2 REGEX "IPP_VERSION_MINOR") file(STRINGS ${VERSION_FILE} STR3 REGEX "IPP_VERSION_BUILD") if("${STR3}" STREQUAL "") file(STRINGS ${VERSION_FILE} STR3 REGEX "IPP_VERSION_UPDATE") endif() file(STRINGS ${VERSION_FILE} STR4 REGEX "IPP_VERSION_STR") # extract info and assign to variables string(REGEX MATCHALL "[0-9]+" _MAJOR ${STR1}) string(REGEX MATCHALL "[0-9]+" _MINOR ${STR2}) string(REGEX MATCHALL "[0-9]+" _BUILD ${STR3}) string(REGEX MATCHALL "[0-9]+[.]+[0-9]+[^\"]+|[0-9]+[.]+[0-9]+" _VERSION_STR ${STR4}) # export info to parent scope set(IPP_VERSION_STR ${_VERSION_STR}) set(IPP_VERSION_MAJOR ${_MAJOR}) set(IPP_VERSION_MINOR ${_MINOR}) set(IPP_VERSION_BUILD ${_BUILD}) endmacro() macro(_ipp_not_supported) message(STATUS ${ARGN}) unset(HAVE_IPP) unset(HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY) unset(IPP_VERSION_STR) return() endmacro() # This macro uses IPP_ROOT_DIR variable # TODO Cleanup code after ICV package stabilization macro(ipp_detect_version) set(IPP_INCLUDE_DIRS ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/include) set(__msg) if(EXISTS ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/include/ippicv_redefs.h) set(__msg " (ICV version)") set(HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY 1) elseif(EXISTS ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/include/ipp.h) # nothing else() _ipp_not_supported("Can't resolve IPP directory: ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}") endif() ipp_get_version(${IPP_INCLUDE_DIRS}/ippversion.h) ocv_assert(IPP_VERSION_STR VERSION_GREATER "1.0") message(STATUS "found IPP${__msg}: ${_MAJOR}.${_MINOR}.${_BUILD} [${IPP_VERSION_STR}]") message(STATUS "at: ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}") if(${IPP_VERSION_STR} VERSION_LESS "7.0") _ipp_not_supported("IPP ${IPP_VERSION_STR} is not supported") endif() set(HAVE_IPP 1) macro(_ipp_set_library_dir DIR) if(NOT EXISTS ${DIR}) _ipp_not_supported("IPP library directory not found") endif() set(IPP_LIBRARY_DIR ${DIR}) endmacro() if(APPLE) _ipp_set_library_dir(${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/lib) elseif(IPP_X64) _ipp_set_library_dir(${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/lib/intel64) else() _ipp_set_library_dir(${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/lib/ia32) endif() macro(_ipp_add_library name) # dynamic linking is only supported for standalone version of IPP if (BUILD_WITH_DYNAMIC_IPP AND NOT HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY) set(IPP_LIB_PREFIX ${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX}) set(IPP_LIB_SUFFIX ${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}) else () set(IPP_LIB_PREFIX ${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}) set(IPP_LIB_SUFFIX ${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}) endif () if (EXISTS ${IPP_LIBRARY_DIR}/${IPP_LIB_PREFIX}${IPP_PREFIX}${name}${IPP_SUFFIX}${IPP_LIB_SUFFIX}) if (BUILD_WITH_DYNAMIC_IPP AND NOT HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY) # When using dynamic libraries from standalone IPP it is your responsibility to install those on the target system list(APPEND IPP_LIBRARIES ${IPP_LIBRARY_DIR}/${IPP_LIB_PREFIX}${IPP_PREFIX}${name}${IPP_SUFFIX}${IPP_LIB_SUFFIX}) else () add_library(ipp${name} STATIC IMPORTED) set_target_properties(ipp${name} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES "" IMPORTED_LOCATION ${IPP_LIBRARY_DIR}/${IPP_LIB_PREFIX}${IPP_PREFIX}${name}${IPP_SUFFIX}${IPP_LIB_SUFFIX} ) list(APPEND IPP_LIBRARIES ipp${name}) if (NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # CMake doesn't support "install(TARGETS ${IPP_PREFIX}${name} " command with imported targets install(FILES ${IPP_LIBRARY_DIR}/${IPP_LIB_PREFIX}${IPP_PREFIX}${name}${IPP_SUFFIX}${IPP_LIB_SUFFIX} DESTINATION ${OPENCV_3P_LIB_INSTALL_PATH} COMPONENT dev) string(TOUPPER ${name} uname) set(IPP${uname}_INSTALL_PATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${OPENCV_3P_LIB_INSTALL_PATH}/${IPP_LIB_PREFIX}${IPP_PREFIX}${name}${IPP_SUFFIX}${IPP_LIB_SUFFIX}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) set(IPP${uname}_LOCATION_PATH "${IPP_LIBRARY_DIR}/${IPP_LIB_PREFIX}${IPP_PREFIX}${name}${IPP_SUFFIX}${IPP_LIB_SUFFIX}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) endif() endif() else() message(STATUS "Can't find IPP library: ${name} at ${IPP_LIBRARY_DIR}/${IPP_LIB_PREFIX}${IPP_PREFIX}${name}${IPP_SUFFIX}${IPP_LIB_SUFFIX}") endif() endmacro() set(IPP_PREFIX "ipp") if(${IPP_VERSION_STR} VERSION_LESS "8.0") if (BUILD_WITH_DYNAMIC_IPP AND NOT HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY) set(IPP_SUFFIX "") # dynamic not threaded libs suffix IPP 7.x else () set(IPP_SUFFIX "_l") # static not threaded libs suffix IPP 7.x endif () else () if(WIN32) if (BUILD_WITH_DYNAMIC_IPP AND NOT HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY) set(IPP_SUFFIX "") # dynamic not threaded libs suffix IPP 8.x for Windows else () set(IPP_SUFFIX "mt") # static not threaded libs suffix IPP 8.x for Windows endif () else() set(IPP_SUFFIX "") # static not threaded libs suffix IPP 8.x for Linux/OS X endif() endif() if(HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY) _ipp_add_library(icv) else() _ipp_add_library(m) _ipp_add_library(cv) _ipp_add_library(i) _ipp_add_library(cc) _ipp_add_library(s) _ipp_add_library(vm) _ipp_add_library(core) if(UNIX AND IPP_VERSION_MAJOR LESS 2017) get_filename_component(INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/../lib REALPATH) if(NOT EXISTS ${INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR}) get_filename_component(INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/../compiler/lib REALPATH) endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR}) _ipp_not_supported("IPP configuration error: can't find Intel compiler library dir ${INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR}") endif() if(NOT APPLE) if(IPP_X64) if(NOT EXISTS ${INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR}/intel64) message(SEND_ERROR "Intel compiler EM64T libraries not found") endif() set(INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR ${INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR}/intel64) else() if(NOT EXISTS ${INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR}/ia32) message(SEND_ERROR "Intel compiler IA32 libraries not found") endif() set(INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR ${INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR}/ia32) endif() endif() macro(_ipp_add_compiler_library name) if (EXISTS ${INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR}/${IPP_LIB_PREFIX}${name}${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}) list(APPEND IPP_LIBRARIES ${INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR}/${IPP_LIB_PREFIX}${name}${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}) else() message(STATUS "Can't find compiler library: ${name} at ${INTEL_COMPILER_LIBRARY_DIR}/${IPP_LIB_PREFIX}${name}${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") endif() endmacro() _ipp_add_compiler_library(irc) _ipp_add_compiler_library(imf) _ipp_add_compiler_library(svml) endif() endif() #message(STATUS "IPP libs: ${IPP_LIBRARIES}") endmacro() # OPENCV_IPP_PATH is an environment variable for internal usage only, do not use it if(DEFINED ENV{OPENCV_IPP_PATH} AND NOT DEFINED IPPROOT) set(IPPROOT "$ENV{OPENCV_IPP_PATH}") endif() if(NOT DEFINED IPPROOT) if(IOS AND NOT x86_64) # 2016/10: There is an issue with MacOS binary .a file. # It is fat multiarch library, and can't be "merged" multiple times. # So try to ignore i386 version return() endif() include("${OpenCV_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdparty/ippicv/downloader.cmake") if(DEFINED OPENCV_ICV_PATH) set(IPPROOT "${OPENCV_ICV_PATH}") else() return() endif() endif() file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${IPPROOT}" __IPPROOT) if(EXISTS "${__IPPROOT}/include/ippversion.h") set(IPP_ROOT_DIR ${__IPPROOT}) ipp_detect_version() endif() if(WIN32 AND MINGW AND NOT IPP_VERSION_MAJOR LESS 7) # Since IPP built with Microsoft compiler and /GS option # ====================================================== # From Windows SDK 7.1 # (usually in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\lib"), # to avoid undefined reference to __security_cookie and _chkstk: set(MSV_RUNTMCHK "RunTmChk") set(IPP_LIBRARIES ${IPP_LIBRARIES} ${MSV_RUNTMCHK}${IPP_LIB_SUFFIX}) # To avoid undefined reference to _alldiv and _chkstk # =================================================== # NB: it may require a recompilation of w32api (after having modified # the file ntdll.def) to export the required functions # See http://code.opencv.org/issues/1906 for additional details set(MSV_NTDLL "ntdll") set(IPP_LIBRARIES ${IPP_LIBRARIES} ${MSV_NTDLL}${IPP_LIB_SUFFIX}) endif()