# =================================================================================== # The OpenCV CMake configuration file # # ** File generated automatically, do not modify ** # # Usage from an external project: # In your CMakeLists.txt, add these lines: # # FIND_PACKAGE(OpenCV REQUIRED) # TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MY_TARGET_NAME ${OpenCV_LIBS}) # # Or you can search for specific OpenCV modules: # # FIND_PACKAGE(OpenCV REQUIRED core imgcodecs) # # If the module is found then OPENCV_<MODULE>_FOUND is set to TRUE. # # This file will define the following variables: # - OpenCV_LIBS : The list of libraries to link against. # - OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS : The OpenCV include directories. # - OpenCV_COMPUTE_CAPABILITIES : The version of compute capability # - OpenCV_VERSION : The version of this OpenCV build: "@OPENCV_VERSION_PLAIN@" # - OpenCV_VERSION_MAJOR : Major version part of OpenCV_VERSION: "@OPENCV_VERSION_MAJOR@" # - OpenCV_VERSION_MINOR : Minor version part of OpenCV_VERSION: "@OPENCV_VERSION_MINOR@" # - OpenCV_VERSION_PATCH : Patch version part of OpenCV_VERSION: "@OPENCV_VERSION_PATCH@" # - OpenCV_VERSION_STATUS : Development status of this build: "@OPENCV_VERSION_STATUS@" # # Advanced variables: # - OpenCV_SHARED # # =================================================================================== # # Windows pack specific options: # - OpenCV_STATIC # - OpenCV_CUDA if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 2.6) get_property(OpenCV_LANGUAGES GLOBAL PROPERTY ENABLED_LANGUAGES) if(NOT ";${OpenCV_LANGUAGES};" MATCHES ";CXX;") enable_language(CXX) endif() endif() if(NOT DEFINED OpenCV_STATIC) # look for global setting if(NOT DEFINED BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OR BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) set(OpenCV_STATIC OFF) else() set(OpenCV_STATIC ON) endif() endif() if(NOT DEFINED OpenCV_CUDA) # if user' app uses CUDA, then it probably wants CUDA-enabled OpenCV binaries if(CUDA_FOUND) set(OpenCV_CUDA ON) endif() endif() function(check_one_config RES) set(${RES} "" PARENT_SCOPE) if(NOT OpenCV_RUNTIME OR NOT OpenCV_ARCH) return() endif() set(candidates) if(OpenCV_STATIC) list(APPEND candidates "${OpenCV_ARCH}/${OpenCV_RUNTIME}/staticlib") endif() if(OpenCV_CUDA) list(APPEND candidates "gpu/${OpenCV_ARCH}/${OpenCV_RUNTIME}/lib") endif() if(OpenCV_CUDA AND OpenCV_STATIC) list(APPEND candidates "gpu/${OpenCV_ARCH}/${OpenCV_RUNTIME}/staticlib") endif() list(APPEND candidates "${OpenCV_ARCH}/${OpenCV_RUNTIME}/lib") foreach(c ${candidates}) set(p "${OpenCV_CONFIG_PATH}/${c}") if(EXISTS "${p}/OpenCVConfig.cmake") set(${RES} "${p}" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() endforeach() endfunction() get_filename_component(OpenCV_CONFIG_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" DIRECTORY) if(DEFINED OpenCV_ARCH AND DEFINED OpenCV_RUNTIME) # custom overridden values elseif(MSVC) if(CMAKE_CL_64) set(OpenCV_ARCH x64) elseif((CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "ARM") OR ("${arch_hint}" STREQUAL "ARM") OR (CMAKE_VS_EFFECTIVE_PLATFORMS MATCHES "ARM|arm")) # see Modules/CmakeGenericSystem.cmake set(OpenCV_ARCH ARM) else() set(OpenCV_ARCH x86) endif() if(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1400) set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc8) elseif(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1500) set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc9) elseif(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1600) set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc10) elseif(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1700) set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc11) elseif(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1800) set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc12) elseif(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1900) set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc14) elseif(MSVC_VERSION MATCHES "^191[0-9]$") set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc15) check_one_config(has_VS2017) if(NOT has_VS2017) set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc14) # selecting previous compatible runtime version endif() elseif(MSVC_VERSION MATCHES "^192[0-9]$") set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc16) check_one_config(has_VS2019) if(NOT has_VS2019) set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc15) # selecting previous compatible runtime version check_one_config(has_VS2017) if(NOT has_VS2017) set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc14) # selecting previous compatible runtime version endif() endif() endif() elseif(MINGW) set(OpenCV_RUNTIME mingw) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpmachine OUTPUT_VARIABLE OPENCV_GCC_TARGET_MACHINE OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(OPENCV_GCC_TARGET_MACHINE MATCHES "amd64|x86_64|AMD64") set(MINGW64 1) set(OpenCV_ARCH x64) else() set(OpenCV_ARCH x86) endif() endif() check_one_config(OpenCV_LIB_PATH) if(NOT OpenCV_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "OpenCV ARCH: ${OpenCV_ARCH}") message(STATUS "OpenCV RUNTIME: ${OpenCV_RUNTIME}") message(STATUS "OpenCV STATIC: ${OpenCV_STATIC}") endif() if(OpenCV_LIB_PATH AND EXISTS "${OpenCV_LIB_PATH}/OpenCVConfig.cmake") include("${OpenCV_LIB_PATH}/OpenCVConfig.cmake") if(NOT OpenCV_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found OpenCV ${OpenCV_VERSION} in ${OpenCV_LIB_PATH}") if(NOT OpenCV_LIB_PATH MATCHES "/staticlib") get_filename_component(_OpenCV_LIB_PATH "${OpenCV_LIB_PATH}/../bin" ABSOLUTE) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${_OpenCV_LIB_PATH}" _OpenCV_LIB_PATH) message(STATUS "You might need to add ${_OpenCV_LIB_PATH} to your PATH to be able to run your applications.") if(OpenCV_LIB_PATH MATCHES "/gpu/") string(REPLACE "\\gpu" "" _OpenCV_LIB_PATH2 "${_OpenCV_LIB_PATH}") message(STATUS "GPU support is enabled so you might also need ${_OpenCV_LIB_PATH2} in your PATH (it must go after the ${_OpenCV_LIB_PATH}).") endif() endif() endif() else() if(NOT OpenCV_FIND_QUIETLY) message(WARNING "Found OpenCV Windows Pack but it has no binaries compatible with your configuration. You should manually point CMake variable OpenCV_DIR to your build of OpenCV library." ) endif() set(OpenCV_FOUND FALSE) endif()