#include "opencv2/video/tracking.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include #include using namespace cv; using namespace std; static void help() { // print a welcome message, and the OpenCV version printf("This is a demo of SimpleFlow optical flow algorithm,\n" "Using OpenCV version %s\n\n", CV_VERSION); printf("Usage: simpleflow_demo frame1 frame2 output_flow" "\nApplication will write estimated flow " "\nbetween 'frame1' and 'frame2' in binary format" "\ninto file 'output_flow'" "\nThen one can use code from http://vision.middlebury.edu/flow/data/" "\nto convert flow in binary file to image\n"); } // binary file format for flow data specified here: // http://vision.middlebury.edu/flow/data/ static void writeOpticalFlowToFile(const Mat& u, const Mat& v, FILE* file) { int cols = u.cols; int rows = u.rows; fprintf(file, "PIEH"); if (fwrite(&cols, sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1 || fwrite(&rows, sizeof(int), 1, file) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "writeOpticalFlowToFile : problem writing header\n"); exit(1); } for (int i= 0; i < u.rows; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < u.cols; ++j) { float uPoint = u.at(i, j); float vPoint = v.at(i, j); if (fwrite(&uPoint, sizeof(float), 1, file) != 1 || fwrite(&vPoint, sizeof(float), 1, file) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "writeOpticalFlowToFile : problem writing data\n"); exit(1); } } } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { help(); if (argc < 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong number of command line arguments : %d (expected %d)\n", argc, 4); exit(1); } Mat frame1 = imread(argv[1]); Mat frame2 = imread(argv[2]); if (frame1.empty() || frame2.empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "simpleflow_demo : Images cannot be read\n"); exit(1); } if (frame1.rows != frame2.rows && frame1.cols != frame2.cols) { fprintf(stderr, "simpleflow_demo : Images should be of equal sizes\n"); exit(1); } if (frame1.type() != 16 || frame2.type() != 16) { fprintf(stderr, "simpleflow_demo : Images should be of equal type CV_8UC3\n"); exit(1); } printf("simpleflow_demo : Read two images of size [rows = %d, cols = %d]\n", frame1.rows, frame1.cols); Mat flowX, flowY; calcOpticalFlowSF(frame1, frame2, flowX, flowY, 3, 2, 4, 4.1, 25.5, 18, 55.0, 25.5, 0.35, 18, 55.0, 25.5, 10); FILE* file = fopen(argv[3], "wb"); if (file == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "simpleflow_demo : Unable to open file '%s' for writing\n", argv[3]); exit(1); } printf("simpleflow_demo : Writing to file\n"); writeOpticalFlowToFile(flowX, flowY, file); fclose(file); return 0; }