// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. // // Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation #ifndef OPENCV_GAPI_RENDER_TESTS_HPP #define OPENCV_GAPI_RENDER_TESTS_HPP #include "gapi_tests_common.hpp" namespace opencv_test { template struct RenderParams : public Params { using common_params_t = std::tuple; using specific_params_t = std::tuple; using params_t = std::tuple; static constexpr const size_t common_params_size = std::tuple_size::value; static constexpr const size_t specific_params_size = std::tuple_size::value; template static const typename std::tuple_element::type& getCommon(const params_t& t) { static_assert(I < common_params_size, "Index out of range"); return std::get(t); } template static const typename std::tuple_element::type& getSpecific(const params_t& t) { static_assert(specific_params_size > 0, "Impossible to call this function: no specific parameters specified"); static_assert(I < specific_params_size, "Index out of range"); return std::get(t); } }; template struct RenderTestBase : public TestWithParam::params_t> { using AllParams = RenderParams; // Get common (pre-defined) parameter value by index template inline auto getCommonParam() const -> decltype(AllParams::template getCommon(this->GetParam())) { return AllParams::template getCommon(this->GetParam()); } // Get specific (user-defined) parameter value by index template inline auto getSpecificParam() const -> decltype(AllParams::template getSpecific(this->GetParam())) { return AllParams::template getSpecific(this->GetParam()); } cv::Size sz_ = getCommonParam<0>(); }; template class RenderBGRTestBase : public RenderTestBase { protected: void Init(const cv::Size& sz) { MatType type = CV_8UC3; ref_mat.create(sz, type); gapi_mat.create(sz, type); cv::randu(ref_mat, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(255)); ref_mat.copyTo(gapi_mat); } cv::Mat gapi_mat, ref_mat; }; template class RenderNV12TestBase : public RenderTestBase { protected: void Init(const cv::Size& sz) { auto create_rand_mats = [](const cv::Size& size, MatType type, cv::Mat& ref_mat, cv::Mat& gapi_mat) { ref_mat.create(size, type); cv::randu(ref_mat, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(255)); ref_mat.copyTo(gapi_mat); }; create_rand_mats(sz, CV_8UC1, y_ref_mat , y_gapi_mat); create_rand_mats(sz / 2, CV_8UC2, uv_ref_mat , uv_gapi_mat); } cv::Mat y_ref_mat, uv_ref_mat, y_gapi_mat, uv_gapi_mat; }; cv::Scalar cvtBGRToYUVC(const cv::Scalar& bgr); void drawMosaicRef(const cv::Mat& mat, const cv::Rect &rect, int cellSz); void blendImageRef(cv::Mat& mat, const cv::Point& org, const cv::Mat& img, const cv::Mat& alpha); #define GAPI_RENDER_TEST_FIXTURE_NV12(Fixture, API, Number, ...) \ struct Fixture : public RenderNV12TestBase API { \ __WRAP_VAARGS(DEFINE_SPECIFIC_PARAMS_##Number(__VA_ARGS__)) \ Fixture() { \ Init(sz_); \ }; \ }; #define GAPI_RENDER_TEST_FIXTURE_BGR(Fixture, API, Number, ...) \ struct Fixture : public RenderBGRTestBase API { \ __WRAP_VAARGS(DEFINE_SPECIFIC_PARAMS_##Number(__VA_ARGS__)) \ Fixture() { \ Init(sz_); \ }; \ }; #define GET_VA_ARGS(...) __VA_ARGS__ #define GAPI_RENDER_TEST_FIXTURES(Fixture, API, Number, ...) \ GAPI_RENDER_TEST_FIXTURE_BGR(RenderBGR##Fixture, GET_VA_ARGS(API), Number, __VA_ARGS__) \ GAPI_RENDER_TEST_FIXTURE_NV12(RenderNV12##Fixture, GET_VA_ARGS(API), Number, __VA_ARGS__) \ using Points = std::vector; } // opencv_test #endif //OPENCV_GAPI_RENDER_TESTS_HPP