// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html #include "test_precomp.hpp" namespace opencv_test { namespace { TEST(Imgcodecs_Image, read_write_bmp) { const size_t IMAGE_COUNT = 10; const double thresDbell = 32; for (size_t i = 0; i < IMAGE_COUNT; ++i) { stringstream s; s << i; const string digit = s.str(); const string src_name = TS::ptr()->get_data_path() + "../python/images/QCIF_0" + digit + ".bmp"; const string dst_name = cv::tempfile((digit + ".bmp").c_str()); Mat image = imread(src_name); ASSERT_FALSE(image.empty()); resize(image, image, Size(968, 757), 0.0, 0.0, INTER_CUBIC); imwrite(dst_name, image); Mat loaded = imread(dst_name); ASSERT_FALSE(loaded.empty()); double psnr = cvtest::PSNR(loaded, image); EXPECT_GT(psnr, thresDbell); vector from_file; FILE *f = fopen(dst_name.c_str(), "rb"); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); long len = ftell(f); from_file.resize((size_t)len); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); from_file.resize(fread(&from_file[0], 1, from_file.size(), f)); fclose(f); vector buf; imencode(".bmp", image, buf); ASSERT_EQ(buf, from_file); Mat buf_loaded = imdecode(Mat(buf), 1); ASSERT_FALSE(buf_loaded.empty()); psnr = cvtest::PSNR(buf_loaded, image); EXPECT_GT(psnr, thresDbell); EXPECT_EQ(0, remove(dst_name.c_str())); } } //================================================================================================== typedef string Ext; typedef testing::TestWithParam Imgcodecs_Image; TEST_P(Imgcodecs_Image, read_write) { const string ext = this->GetParam(); const string full_name = cv::tempfile(ext.c_str()); const string _name = TS::ptr()->get_data_path() + "../cv/shared/baboon.png"; const double thresDbell = 32; Mat image = imread(_name); image.convertTo(image, CV_8UC3); ASSERT_FALSE(image.empty()); imwrite(full_name, image); Mat loaded = imread(full_name); ASSERT_FALSE(loaded.empty()); double psnr = cvtest::PSNR(loaded, image); EXPECT_GT(psnr, thresDbell); vector from_file; FILE *f = fopen(full_name.c_str(), "rb"); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); long len = ftell(f); from_file.resize((size_t)len); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); from_file.resize(fread(&from_file[0], 1, from_file.size(), f)); fclose(f); vector buf; imencode("." + ext, image, buf); ASSERT_EQ(buf, from_file); Mat buf_loaded = imdecode(Mat(buf), 1); ASSERT_FALSE(buf_loaded.empty()); psnr = cvtest::PSNR(buf_loaded, image); EXPECT_GT(psnr, thresDbell); EXPECT_EQ(0, remove(full_name.c_str())); } const string exts[] = { #ifdef HAVE_PNG "png", #endif #ifdef HAVE_TIFF "tiff", #endif #ifdef HAVE_JPEG "jpg", #endif #ifdef HAVE_JASPER "jp2", #endif #if 0 /*defined HAVE_OPENEXR && !defined __APPLE__*/ "exr", #endif "bmp", #ifdef HAVE_IMGCODEC_PXM "ppm", #endif #ifdef HAVE_IMGCODEC_SUNRASTER "ras", #endif }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(imgcodecs, Imgcodecs_Image, testing::ValuesIn(exts)); TEST(Imgcodecs_Image, regression_9376) { String path = findDataFile("readwrite/regression_9376.bmp"); Mat m = imread(path); ASSERT_FALSE(m.empty()); EXPECT_EQ(32, m.cols); EXPECT_EQ(32, m.rows); } //================================================================================================== TEST(Imgcodecs_Image, write_umat) { const string src_name = TS::ptr()->get_data_path() + "../python/images/baboon.bmp"; const string dst_name = cv::tempfile(".bmp"); Mat image1 = imread(src_name); ASSERT_FALSE(image1.empty()); UMat image1_umat = image1.getUMat(ACCESS_RW); imwrite(dst_name, image1_umat); Mat image2 = imread(dst_name); ASSERT_FALSE(image2.empty()); EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(cvtest::MatComparator(0, 0), image1, image2); EXPECT_EQ(0, remove(dst_name.c_str())); } }} // namespace