%typemap(javaimports) image_pool " /** image_pool is used for keeping track of a pool of native images. It stores images as cv::Mat's and references them by an index. It allows one to get a pointer to an underlying mat, and handles memory deletion.*/" %javamethodmodifiers image_pool::getImage" /** gets a pointer to a stored image, by an index. If the index is new, returns a null pointer * @param idx the index in the pool that is associated with a cv::Mat * @return the pointer to a cv::Mat, null pointer if the given idx is novel */ public"; %javamethodmodifiers image_pool::deleteImage" /** deletes the image from the pool * @param idx the index in the pool that is associated with a cv::Mat */ public"; %javamethodmodifiers addYUVtoPool" /** adds a yuv * @param idx the index in the pool that is associated with a cv::Mat */ public"; %include "various.i" %apply (char* BYTE) { (char *data)}; //byte[] to char* %native (addYUVtoPool) void addYUVtoPool(image_pool* pool, char* data,int idx, int width, int height, bool grey); %feature("director") image_pool; class image_pool { public: image_pool(); ~image_pool(); Ptr getImage(int i); void addImage(int i, Ptr< Mat> mat); };